Washington Post: Trump attacks protections for immigrants from ‘shithole’ countries like Haiti

a small country wiped off the planet by a huge quake ...

POS RW's have the mentality of earthworms - not to insult earthworms.
Haiti has been an abject disaster for years. It's an ongoing tragedy. It's a shithole.

Had a friend of yours called it a shithole, you wouldn't have been offended or outraged in the least.

Had a friend of yours called Appalachia a shithole, you wouldn't have been offended or outraged in the least.

Again I have to ask: Is this all just a game? Are we EVER supposed to take partisans seriously?
The difference is that when a president of country says it, he sends a message of hate and insensitivity. We loose allies and we make new enemies that way....with the Orange is by the day. China is taking over slowly, I bet their boats are sailing to Haiti as we Speak.

I think we'll survive if Haiti isn't our ally.

Furthermore, Dick Durbin is the only one who was in the room who claims he said that, and he's a notorious liar.

Incorrect. Only 2 republicans denied hearing it but never said Durbin lied. Graham talked to Trump after he made that despicable racist slur.
ASide from Trump, there were only 3 people in the Room, Durbin and two Republicans. Durbin is the only one who claims Trump used the "shithole" word.
There were at least 4 and Durban was not the only one to say that TRump said something inappropriate

Senator Durbin, who was in the room with Trump, says president said ‘racist’ things - The Boston Globe

But Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina), whom Durbin said had voiced objection to Trump’s comments during the meeting, issued a statement that did not dispute the remarks.

‘‘Following comments by the President, I said my piece directly to him yesterday. The President and all those attending the meeting know what I said and how I feel,’’ he said, adding: ‘‘I've always believed that America is an idea, not defined by its people but by its ideals.’’
Who denies that Haiti is a shit-hole.

It got its Independence about the same time America as did.

One is the greatest country in the history of the world. The other is the shit-hole of the Western Hemisphere, possibly of the whole world.

Lots of differences between the USA and Haiti---but one of the main ones is...as soon as Haiti got its Independence, first thing they did was KILL all the White People.

Let them continue to govern themselves...and live there with such as they come up with.

Another uneducated C grabber fan.
Haiti beat Napoleon, if they hadn't we couldn't have had the Louisiana purchase.
I guess you also don't know that Haitians here have 45% college Ed?
Your college Ed btw mr white boy?
Haiti has been an abject disaster for years. It's an ongoing tragedy. It's a shithole.

Had a friend of yours called it a shithole, you wouldn't have been offended or outraged in the least.

Had a friend of yours called Appalachia a shithole, you wouldn't have been offended or outraged in the least.

Again I have to ask: Is this all just a game? Are we EVER supposed to take partisans seriously?
The difference is that when a president of country says it, he sends a message of hate and insensitivity. We loose allies and we make new enemies that way....with the Orange is by the day. China is taking over slowly, I bet their boats are sailing to Haiti as we Speak.

I think we'll survive if Haiti isn't our ally.

Furthermore, Dick Durbin is the only one who was in the room who claims he said that, and he's a notorious liar.

Incorrect. Only 2 republicans denied hearing it but never said Durbin lied. Graham talked to Trump after he made that despicable racist slur.
ASide from Trump, there were only 3 people in the Room, Durbin and two Republicans. Durbin is the only one who claims Trump used the "shithole" word.
There were at least 4 and Durban was not the only one to say that TRump said something inappropriate

Senator Durbin, who was in the room with Trump, says president said ‘racist’ things - The Boston Globe

But Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina), whom Durbin said had voiced objection to Trump’s comments during the meeting, issued a statement that did not dispute the remarks.

‘‘Following comments by the President, I said my piece directly to him yesterday. The President and all those attending the meeting know what I said and how I feel,’’ he said, adding: ‘‘I've always believed that America is an idea, not defined by its people but by its ideals.’’

Hey, his uneducated white boy agree with his racist quotes.
Makes them feel more like men
The fake outrage over calling a spade a spade is getting unreal.
Wow, You racist fucks are soooooo cute when you think you are fooling anyone with your "call a spade a spade"

Do you really think no one knows you are talking about black people?

Are you really that fucking stupid?

If you are going to post a racial slur, be man enough to say it.
Friend of mine, Immigrant from India, owns a small business, partner in a real estate business, running for public office as a Republican, and believes in capitalism. All Democrats want to bring is a dependent victim class to vote Democrat for more handouts.

The fabian socialists want people that want to be ruled. That is what they have always wanted. They would trade every single non-leftist (with highly coveted skills) for a bunch of non-skilled, uneducated illegals. They want people that would be easy to rule while they sit on their little thrones and micro-manage. It pisses them off that their leftard clown posse utopia has been shelved for the time being.

Racism runs deep on the right.

You want to see uneducated people? Look at Trump voters.
Has anyone checked the requirements to move to another country from the USA to there? No? Canada and NZ both say you have to have a steady income that amounts to a certain amount...and you have to have a skill set/trade. So my question is..why is the USA supposed to take in the dregs of a shithole country and not have the same requirements???

I agree with you. I'm from NZ and live in Australia and we have criteria. A points system. ie, if you are a certain age, speak English and have a trade you get more points. The more points you have the easier it is to immigrate.
I doubt it...................However there is plenty of evidence that Haiti is a shithole for sure




Corpses rotting in the streets and no one cares, why? Well because it's a shithole
Haiti has been an abject disaster for years. It's an ongoing tragedy. It's a shithole.

Had a friend of yours called it a shithole, you wouldn't have been offended or outraged in the least.

Had a friend of yours called Appalachia a shithole, you wouldn't have been offended or outraged in the least.

Again I have to ask: Is this all just a game? Are we EVER supposed to take partisans seriously?
The difference is that when a president of country says it, he sends a message of hate and insensitivity. We loose allies and we make new enemies that way....with the Orange is by the day. China is taking over slowly, I bet their boats are sailing to Haiti as we Speak.

I think we'll survive if Haiti isn't our ally.

Furthermore, Dick Durbin is the only one who was in the room who claims he said that, and he's a notorious liar.

Incorrect. Only 2 republicans denied hearing it but never said Durbin lied. Graham talked to Trump after he made that despicable racist slur.
ASide from Trump, there were only 3 people in the Room, Durbin and two Republicans. Durbin is the only one who claims Trump used the "shithole" word.
There were at least 4 and Durban was not the only one to say that TRump said something inappropriate

Senator Durbin, who was in the room with Trump, says president said ‘racist’ things - The Boston Globe

But Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina), whom Durbin said had voiced objection to Trump’s comments during the meeting, issued a statement that did not dispute the remarks.

‘‘Following comments by the President, I said my piece directly to him yesterday. The President and all those attending the meeting know what I said and how I feel,’’ he said, adding: ‘‘I've always believed that America is an idea, not defined by its people but by its ideals.’’
Lindsey Graham didn't confirm or deny, which is the same as a denial. Graham hates Trump. He's also a big amnesty supporter.
The fake outrage over calling a spade a spade is getting unreal.
Wow, You racist fucks are soooooo cute when you think you are fooling anyone with your "call a spade a spade"

Do you really think no one knows you are talking about black people?

Are you really that fucking stupid?

If you are going to post a racial slur, be man enough to say it.
He's talking about Haiti being a shithole, moron.

Do you think you're fooling anyone with your incessant accusations of racism? You can't defend Dim immigration policies, so pulling out the race card is all you got. Dims simply cannot justify their stance to the voters. There is no reason for the US to take in all the refuse from third world countries.
Certain parts of Haiti are pretty, if you don't mind catching teh AIDS...

Is Haiti a Shithole?

Some areas are nice....many others have extreme poverty
Haiti went through a devastating earthquake and has never had a strong economy

They have an excuse

How does the wealthiest nation on earth excuse Appalachia, Detroit, Louisiana, Camden?
Haiti's literacy rate of about 61% (64.3% for males and 57.3% for females) is below the 90% average literacy rate for Latin American and Caribbean countries. The country faces shortages in educational supplies and qualified teachers.
Is Haiti a Shithole?

Some areas are nice....many others have extreme poverty
Haiti went through a devastating earthquake and has never had a strong economy

They have an excuse

How does the wealthiest nation on earth excuse Appalachia, Detroit, Louisiana, Camden?

Democrats. That's our excuse for American shitholes.

Port Au Prince is the only major city in the world that doesn't have a sewer system. It's literally a "shit hole."
Not even close, rDerp. I guarantee them crackers have septic and running water. Comparison fail for you.

Meanwhile Dem's in their filthy polluted cities spill hundreds of millions of gallons of raw untreated sewage into public waterways. Total crickets from environmental groups on this, shocker.
Those are whites in RED states. Please. Try to be honest for once in your life. There have been a couple of long, in depth articles about these poor folks recently.

If you want to learn the truth about these problems always remember Google is your friend.

You posted pictures of 8 people who may have a septic system. I'm talking hundreds of millions of gallons of Dem sewage spilled input public waterways so polluting the water swimming had to be banned. Good job on the environment Dem's /SARCASM
surely you've heard of Flint Michigan and how the Republican governor and his emergency managers poisoned the water there.

Lib please YOU PEOPLE controlled Michigan for decades. :eusa_hand:
I'm not a lib and I've never been in Michigan.you don't know me. Besides the issue is a Republican Governor usurped the power of duly elected officials in Flint and placed an Emergency manager in charge. Inadvertantly thr damn foolswithed the warter source and ended up poisoning the warer supply. Thousands of kids were exposed to lead in their drinking water because of the damn Republican konservatives.
Who denies that Haiti is a shit-hole.

It got its Independence about the same time America as did.

One is the greatest country in the history of the world. The other is the shit-hole of the Western Hemisphere, possibly of the whole world.

Lots of differences between the USA and Haiti---but one of the main ones is...as soon as Haiti got its Independence, first thing they did was KILL all the White People.

Let them continue to govern themselves...and live there with such as they come up with.

Another uneducated C grabber fan.
Haiti beat Napoleon, if they hadn't we couldn't have had the Louisiana purchase.
I guess you also don't know that Haitians here have 45% college Ed?
Your college Ed btw mr white boy?
Haiti's literacy rate of about 61% (64.3% for males and 57.3% for females) is below the 90% average literacy rate for Latin American and Caribbean countries. The country faces shortages in educational supplies and qualified teachers.

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