Washington Post: Trump attacks protections for immigrants from ‘shithole’ countries like Haiti

I think we'll survive if Haiti isn't our ally.

Furthermore, Dick Durbin is the only one who was in the room who claims he said that, and he's a notorious liar.

Incorrect. Only 2 republicans denied hearing it but never said Durbin lied. Graham talked to Trump after he made that despicable racist slur.
ASide from Trump, there were only 3 people in the Room, Durbin and two Republicans. Durbin is the only one who claims Trump used the "shithole" word.

You can defend Trump every pubic hair you have left. Trump is a despicable human being.
He's an angel compared to Hillary. It looks like the whole sorry Obama administration will soon be doing the perp walk for trying to overthrow a lawfully elected government.

Compared between these 2 Hillary is better and honest than Trump.
Hillary never been charged or indicted of any wrong doings.
Lousy crooked Trump cannot even show his tax returns, cheated, sued many times and paid millions for fraud.

That is what John Gotti said until he died in the poky
ASide from Trump, there were only 3 people in the Room, Durbin and two Republicans. Durbin is the only one who claims Trump used the "shithole" word.
There were at least 4 and Durban was not the only one to say that TRump said something inappropriate

Senator Durbin, who was in the room with Trump, says president said ‘racist’ things - The Boston Globe

But Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina), whom Durbin said had voiced objection to Trump’s comments during the meeting, issued a statement that did not dispute the remarks.

‘‘Following comments by the President, I said my piece directly to him yesterday. The President and all those attending the meeting know what I said and how I feel,’’ he said, adding: ‘‘I've always believed that America is an idea, not defined by its people but by its ideals.’’
Lindsey Graham didn't confirm or deny, which is the same as a denial. Graham hates Trump. He's also a big amnesty supporter.
Poor Donnie everyone is out to get him. Never his fault.

The MSM fake media is out to get him. They have made that as plain as anyone can make it. This whole phoney sanctimonious uproar over the supposed "shit hole" comment is all the proof needed. It was totally manufactured by Dick Durbin who wanted to derail the DACA negotiations from the start. The Dims never had any intention of negotiating an agreement.

Who do you assholes think you're fooling?
Denying the shithole comment?

And you call other people duped.

You've been fooled by an oversized ignorant con man named Donald Trump.

The racist and corrupt Democratic Party wants to change our wonderful country into a "shithole"
Are you saying that most Americans and the world are lying when we tell you he is not fit to be a bus driver let alone a president.

It must grind your gears to see the economy take off,the stock market setting records day after day all brought about by someone you despise.
I love it!!!!
Oh...ya might want to have someone hide the razor blades and prescription painkillers.

There was no other GOP candidate that wouldn't have done the same on regulations dumbass. And if you're going to take credit for the rise in the stock market, you can also take credit for the crash that ALWAYS follows.

That will happen when fund managers start to look at price to earnings ratio's and when the Fed starts dramatically raising interest rates to slow the economy down. Irrational exuberance always plays a part in the stock market crashes.


Republicans are left with two options:
1. Remove Trump and his Russian cohorts from office asap or
2. Burn the entire party down in 2018--2020 & beyond.

If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi it's not hard to imagine what Democrats will do with TREASON, OBSTRUCTION AND LIES when they take over in 2018. You'll also get a great education into what that Emoluments clause in the Consititution is all about, which is another reason for impeachment, if Democrats don't want to go along with the current setup.
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump

Complete bullshit.
Every single Republican that ran was a fuken RINO and we would just have more of the same.

"RINO" is a bullshit term with no legitimacy.


Because elected officials work for their constituency. The voters who gave them the job. They''re not there to work for a fucking political party.
I think you live on that alternate planet Obama spoke of.

Then by all means disprove my point. Go ahead, be my jest.
I think we'll survive if Haiti isn't our ally.

Furthermore, Dick Durbin is the only one who was in the room who claims he said that, and he's a notorious liar.

Incorrect. Only 2 republicans denied hearing it but never said Durbin lied. Graham talked to Trump after he made that despicable racist slur.
ASide from Trump, there were only 3 people in the Room, Durbin and two Republicans. Durbin is the only one who claims Trump used the "shithole" word.
There were at least 4 and Durban was not the only one to say that TRump said something inappropriate

Senator Durbin, who was in the room with Trump, says president said ‘racist’ things - The Boston Globe

But Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina), whom Durbin said had voiced objection to Trump’s comments during the meeting, issued a statement that did not dispute the remarks.

‘‘Following comments by the President, I said my piece directly to him yesterday. The President and all those attending the meeting know what I said and how I feel,’’ he said, adding: ‘‘I've always believed that America is an idea, not defined by its people but by its ideals.’’
Lindsey Graham didn't confirm or deny, which is the same as a denial. Graham hates Trump. He's also a big amnesty supporter.
Poor Donnie everyone is out to get him. Never his fault.

A lot of those are self inflicted wounds.
It’s funny how you and your buddies here try to make a justification Trump’s disgusting behavior.

How about Paul Ryan’s comments? Very unfortunate and unhelpful.

Paul Ryan Says Trump's 'Shithole' Comment Was 'Unhelpful'
I think we'll survive if Haiti isn't our ally.

Furthermore, Dick Durbin is the only one who was in the room who claims he said that, and he's a notorious liar.

Incorrect. Only 2 republicans denied hearing it but never said Durbin lied. Graham talked to Trump after he made that despicable racist slur.
ASide from Trump, there were only 3 people in the Room, Durbin and two Republicans. Durbin is the only one who claims Trump used the "shithole" word.

You can defend Trump every pubic hair you have left. Trump is a despicable human being.
He's an angel compared to Hillary. It looks like the whole sorry Obama administration will soon be doing the perp walk for trying to overthrow a lawfully elected government.

Compared between these 2 Hillary is better and honest than Trump.
Hillary never been charged or indicted of any wrong doings.
Lousy crooked Trump cannot even show his tax returns, cheated, sued many times and paid millions for fraud.

What a load of horseshit. Hillary wasn't indicted only because the FBI under Obama/Comey was so corrupt. That reality is coming to light, and she along with several others may soon be doing the perp walk.

Show tax returns isn't required by our election laws, claims of being cheated are nothing more than that, claims. If they were cheated, then why aren't they in court? Suing people and getting sued is as common as dirt in the construction industry. It's a normal part of doing business. Trump settled a lawsuit out of court. The plaintiffs can claim whatever they like, bug fraud is a criminal complaint, not a tort.

Idiots like you can spout these lies over and over in a few seconds, and it takes considerably longer to bat them all down. That's how your strategy works: just keep flinging the shit until people get tired of exposing it for what it is.
Incorrect. Only 2 republicans denied hearing it but never said Durbin lied. Graham talked to Trump after he made that despicable racist slur.
ASide from Trump, there were only 3 people in the Room, Durbin and two Republicans. Durbin is the only one who claims Trump used the "shithole" word.
There were at least 4 and Durban was not the only one to say that TRump said something inappropriate

Senator Durbin, who was in the room with Trump, says president said ‘racist’ things - The Boston Globe

But Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina), whom Durbin said had voiced objection to Trump’s comments during the meeting, issued a statement that did not dispute the remarks.

‘‘Following comments by the President, I said my piece directly to him yesterday. The President and all those attending the meeting know what I said and how I feel,’’ he said, adding: ‘‘I've always believed that America is an idea, not defined by its people but by its ideals.’’
Lindsey Graham didn't confirm or deny, which is the same as a denial. Graham hates Trump. He's also a big amnesty supporter.
Poor Donnie everyone is out to get him. Never his fault.

A lot of those are self inflicted wounds.
It’s funny how you and your buddies here try to make a justification Trump’s disgusting behavior.

How about Paul Ryan’s comments? Very unfortunate and unhelpful.

Paul Ryan Says Trump's 'Shithole' Comment Was 'Unhelpful'

The only problem with your horseshit claims is that they simply aren't true. Lying Dick Durbin is the only one who claims Trump said those words.
The difference is that when a president of country says it, he sends a message of hate and insensitivity. We loose allies and we make new enemies that way....with the Orange is by the day. China is taking over slowly, I bet their boats are sailing to Haiti as we Speak.

Do you think they'll steal billions from em like hillary did?
What's your evidence?

Are you saying all those Haitians are lying?
Are you saying that most Americans and the world are lying when we tell you he is not fit to be a bus driver let alone a president.

ROFL! Nevertheless, he beat the smartest woman in the world.

What a bunch of pathetic dumbasses.

You don’t want to know if we tell you how Trump won the presidency. You are a good example of that.
Trump is a big liar and total hypocrite and you still adore him.

Look what is going? Never ending discombobulation all over, total disgrace and embarrassing for Americans around the globe.
He is becoming the most hated POTUS.
Incorrect. Only 2 republicans denied hearing it but never said Durbin lied. Graham talked to Trump after he made that despicable racist slur.
ASide from Trump, there were only 3 people in the Room, Durbin and two Republicans. Durbin is the only one who claims Trump used the "shithole" word.

You can defend Trump every pubic hair you have left. Trump is a despicable human being.
He's an angel compared to Hillary. It looks like the whole sorry Obama administration will soon be doing the perp walk for trying to overthrow a lawfully elected government.
Dude Hillary is not the president is she?
America has to review its voting method....for a 20 some percent of lunatics to put a mental old fart in charge of the US is embarrssing.
Unless if you are a coco yourself , I dont know how can you tolerate Trump and his everyday circus.

Hillary is the one you wanted to be president, so it's enlightening to compare Trump to her whenever dumbasses like you are attacking him.

Like MAJORITY of Americans voted for Hillary.

I can tell you this. Hillary could have been better than Trump. Far better. Trump proved himself unfit, disgrace and disgusting.
View attachment 171147

Who really knows, Haiti might be a Tropical Paradise
Before the earthquake, some called it that.



Then there are the recovery photo's. After the earthquake and on to recovery:


How Haiti becomes the poorest country in the western hemisphere

Before the 80s, Haiti was a thriving export of sugar, cacao, coffee, and many other raw materials. She was self-sustaining. Haitians had livestock such as pigs and chickens. Haiti produced enough rice in those days to sustain herself.

The country was fine until the government was forced by the US to take a few loans from the World Bank and the IMF in the 80s. Almost immediately the country was gone through a spiral of rapid economic decline that no one has ever seen before. Today Haiti is the poorest country in the western hemisphere.


That's what Republicans want to do here to the poor and the middle class. We will know by the end of the year how well it's working.

Hati is a shit hole by which all other shit holes are judged. No need to wait for the Donald to say it, just ask a Guy from Hati. He will flat tell you it’s a shit hole.

We always thought that the office of US president is the most and highest respected and dignified office in this country.
Since when a POTUS making that kind of despicable comments acceptable?
What happened to the American decency?

You are saying that we are represented by a shithole garbage president.

I can tell you this. That is NOT acceptable to DECENT Americans.
ASide from Trump, there were only 3 people in the Room, Durbin and two Republicans. Durbin is the only one who claims Trump used the "shithole" word.
There were at least 4 and Durban was not the only one to say that TRump said something inappropriate

Senator Durbin, who was in the room with Trump, says president said ‘racist’ things - The Boston Globe

But Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina), whom Durbin said had voiced objection to Trump’s comments during the meeting, issued a statement that did not dispute the remarks.

‘‘Following comments by the President, I said my piece directly to him yesterday. The President and all those attending the meeting know what I said and how I feel,’’ he said, adding: ‘‘I've always believed that America is an idea, not defined by its people but by its ideals.’’
Lindsey Graham didn't confirm or deny, which is the same as a denial. Graham hates Trump. He's also a big amnesty supporter.
Poor Donnie everyone is out to get him. Never his fault.

A lot of those are self inflicted wounds.
It’s funny how you and your buddies here try to make a justification Trump’s disgusting behavior.

How about Paul Ryan’s comments? Very unfortunate and unhelpful.

Paul Ryan Says Trump's 'Shithole' Comment Was 'Unhelpful'

The only problem with your horseshit claims is that they simply aren't true. Lying Dick Durbin is the only one who claims Trump said those words.

Deny deny deny. I understand truth hurts.
Trump has said and tweeted a lot of lies. Guarantee you 100% he said those words.

Are you saying that Paul Ryan a Trump lapdog was lying?
I think we'll survive if Haiti isn't our ally.

Furthermore, Dick Durbin is the only one who was in the room who claims he said that, and he's a notorious liar.

Incorrect. Only 2 republicans denied hearing it but never said Durbin lied. Graham talked to Trump after he made that despicable racist slur.
ASide from Trump, there were only 3 people in the Room, Durbin and two Republicans. Durbin is the only one who claims Trump used the "shithole" word.

You can defend Trump every pubic hair you have left. Trump is a despicable human being.
He's an angel compared to Hillary. It looks like the whole sorry Obama administration will soon be doing the perp walk for trying to overthrow a lawfully elected government.

Compared between these 2 Hillary is better and honest than Trump.
Hillary never been charged or indicted of any wrong doings.
Lousy crooked Trump cannot even show his tax returns, cheated, sued many times and paid millions for fraud.

Hillary has also never been cleared or exonerated of her well known wrong doings. Those with negative information about her tend to die alot.
It must grind your gears to see the economy take off,the stock market setting records day after day all brought about by someone you despise.
I love it!!!!
Oh...ya might want to have someone hide the razor blades and prescription painkillers.

There was no other GOP candidate that wouldn't have done the same on regulations dumbass. And if you're going to take credit for the rise in the stock market, you can also take credit for the crash that ALWAYS follows.

That will happen when fund managers start to look at price to earnings ratio's and when the Fed starts dramatically raising interest rates to slow the economy down. Irrational exuberance always plays a part in the stock market crashes.


Republicans are left with two options:
1. Remove Trump and his Russian cohorts from office asap or
2. Burn the entire party down in 2018--2020 & beyond.

If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi it's not hard to imagine what Democrats will do with TREASON, OBSTRUCTION AND LIES when they take over in 2018. You'll also get a great education into what that Emoluments clause in the Consititution is all about, which is another reason for impeachment, if Democrats don't want to go along with the current setup.
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump

Complete bullshit.
Every single Republican that ran was a fuken RINO and we would just have more of the same.

"RINO" is a bullshit term with no legitimacy.


Because elected officials work for their constituency. The voters who gave them the job. They''re not there to work for a fucking political party.
I think you live on that alternate planet Obama spoke of.

Then by all means disprove my point. Go ahead, be my jest.
Democrats are a prime example of the fact that you're wrong.
They don't work for their constituency.
How can you be working for your constituency when you're constantly taxing the begeezess out of them?
How can you be working for them when you are pumping hundreds of thousands of poor people into your cities and states causing poverty, homelessness, and unemployment?
How can you be working for them if their needs come second to every person you convince to come here because their countries are in terrible shape?
There was no other GOP candidate that wouldn't have done the same on regulations dumbass. And if you're going to take credit for the rise in the stock market, you can also take credit for the crash that ALWAYS follows.

That will happen when fund managers start to look at price to earnings ratio's and when the Fed starts dramatically raising interest rates to slow the economy down. Irrational exuberance always plays a part in the stock market crashes.


Republicans are left with two options:
1. Remove Trump and his Russian cohorts from office asap or
2. Burn the entire party down in 2018--2020 & beyond.

If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi it's not hard to imagine what Democrats will do with TREASON, OBSTRUCTION AND LIES when they take over in 2018. You'll also get a great education into what that Emoluments clause in the Consititution is all about, which is another reason for impeachment, if Democrats don't want to go along with the current setup.
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump

Complete bullshit.
Every single Republican that ran was a fuken RINO and we would just have more of the same.

"RINO" is a bullshit term with no legitimacy.


Because elected officials work for their constituency. The voters who gave them the job. They''re not there to work for a fucking political party.
I think you live on that alternate planet Obama spoke of.

Then by all means disprove my point. Go ahead, be my jest.
Democrats are a prime example of the fact that you're wrong.
They don't work for their constituency.
How can you be working for your constituency when you're constantly taxing the begeezess out of them?
How can you be working for them when you are pumping hundreds of thousands of poor people into your cities and states causing poverty, homelessness, and unemployment?
How can you be working for them if their needs come second to every person you convince to come here because their countries are in terrible shape?

Nobody claimed you couldn't post several bogus generalization fallacies in a row. But that ain't the question.

**WHO** elects a Congresscritter? Answer: the voters of that district or state. **WHAT** is then his or her job? Answer: to represent the interests of those constituents in Congress. Not to represent a fucking political party.

WHEN have you ever seen a candy running for office not on the basis of "vote for me because I'll do X about jobs, or do Y about infrastructure" but rather "because I'm a Democrat/Republican"?

If you're actually going to sit on this board and suggest they work for political parties then **WHO** does Bernie Sanders work for? **WHO** does Angus King work for? The "independent party"??

Complete bullshit.
Every single Republican that ran was a fuken RINO and we would just have more of the same.

"RINO" is a bullshit term with no legitimacy.


Because elected officials work for their constituency. The voters who gave them the job. They''re not there to work for a fucking political party.
I think you live on that alternate planet Obama spoke of.

Then by all means disprove my point. Go ahead, be my jest.
Democrats are a prime example of the fact that you're wrong.
They don't work for their constituency.
How can you be working for your constituency when you're constantly taxing the begeezess out of them?
How can you be working for them when you are pumping hundreds of thousands of poor people into your cities and states causing poverty, homelessness, and unemployment?
How can you be working for them if their needs come second to every person you convince to come here because their countries are in terrible shape?

Nobody claimed you couldn't post several bogus generalization fallacies in a row. But that ain't the question.

**WHO** elects a Congresscritter? Answer: the voters of that district or state. **WHAT** is then his or her job? Answer: to represent the interests of those constituents in Congress. Not to represent a fucking political party.

WHEN have you ever seen a candy running for office not on the basis of "vote for me because I'll do X about jobs, or do Y about infrastructure" but rather "because I'm a Democrat/Republican"?

If you're actually going to sit on this board and suggest they work for political parties then **WHO** does Bernie Sanders work for? **WHO** does Angus King work for? The "independent party"??

Bernie is a communist.
He's not a Democrat.
The Democrat and Liberal Elite need to show us that the Nations Trump called shit holes are not shit holes. They should go to these countries for at least a 7 day vacation on their own; not state-sponsored. Then, get back to US on how the countries are not shit holes.

Further, since the Democrat Elite want more Haitians, Somalians, and Salvadorans in the US, perhaps the Clinton Foundation and other similar organizations can build housing for these masses in Democrat Elite enclaves near Boston, NEw York, Philadelhphia, DC, Austin, Chicago, Detroit, Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles.
The Democrat and Liberal Elite need to show us that the Nations Trump called shit holes are not shit holes. They should go to these countries for at least a 7 day vacation on their own; not state-sponsored. Then, get back to US on how the countries are not shit holes.

Uhhhhhhhhhhh nnnnnnnno, doesn't work that way. Nobody "needs" to go out and prove the negative. Rather the asserter needs to go prove the positive. Absent that he hasn't made a point.

On this planet this is pretty basic stuff.
When and why has it become only about serving non-citizens' interests. Our Politicians are supposed to be serving American Citizens' interests. Folks better wake up to the imminent threat to our nation, the Globalists pose. They don't care about America or its Citizens.
So Trump goes beyond calling people 'deplorables'. And Trump supporters are fine with calling 'others' deplorables.

As we knew from the beginning, hypocrisy at it's worst.
It was Hillary Who Call Trump Supporter deplorables one of the reasons she lost the election
The deplorables were deplorable due to their ACTIONS you fucking idiot.

You people are dumber than shit.
Hillary did call Trump Supporter déplorables and they were not

Actually, she called the Trump supporters that were racists & bigots deplorables.

Are you saying they aren't deplorable?
I say that Hillary is a bitch and that democracy exists in the US and that Americans vote for as they wish

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