Washington (state) Police: "We have armored vehicles for Constitutionalists"

Dumbass tough guy is a dickhead..............and a fag.

Thems just words..............

The mofu's are terrified of the tens of millions of gun owners. Witness Connecticut........early this year issued a law mandating any and all "assault rifles" be turned in immediately or "they will be taken from you by force if necessary".

How many of the suspected 300,000 weapons have been turned in = zero.:2up:

How many of these weapons have been taken from their owners by police force = zero!!!!:boobies::boobies::rofl::rofl::rock:
Dumbass tough guy is a dickhead..............and a fag.

Thems just words..............

The mofu's are terrified of the tens of millions of gun owners. Witness Connecticut........early this year issued a law mandating any and all "assault rifles" be turned in immediately or "they will be taken from you by force if necessary".

How many of the suspected 300,000 weapons have been turned in = zero.:2up:

How many of these weapons have been taken from their owners by police force = zero!!!!:boobies::boobies::rofl::rofl::rock:

GREAT point. And the majority of boots in ground cops are pro 2nd amendment. A few politically correct brass say dumb shit.

But they know the real cops on the road...99% wilk side with gun owners.
I don't want anyone's guns taken away...but I pray for the day the hate militias start their revolution and come up against the militarized police.

What is funny...you hypocrites think militarization of police and hefty handed police tactics are okay if used against people of a darker hue. That is why I can't wait for you to finally start your war...it will alleviate America of all of the hate and terroristic threats.
Dumbass tough guy is a dickhead..............and a fag.

Thems just words..............

The mofu's are terrified of the tens of millions of gun owners. Witness Connecticut........early this year issued a law mandating any and all "assault rifles" be turned in immediately or "they will be taken from you by force if necessary".

How many of the suspected 300,000 weapons have been turned in = zero.:2up:

How many of these weapons have been taken from their owners by police force = zero!!!!:boobies::boobies::rofl::rofl::rock:

GREAT point. And the majority of boots in ground cops are pro 2nd amendment. A few politically correct brass say dumb shit.

But they know the real cops on the road...99% wilk side with gun owners.
If that is true...why don't you start your revolution today? Darkie Obama is trying to take our guns away...go get him...NOW!!! The cops will be on YOUR side. Right??
Dumbass tough guy is a dickhead..............and a fag.

Thems just words..............

The mofu's are terrified of the tens of millions of gun owners. Witness Connecticut........early this year issued a law mandating any and all "assault rifles" be turned in immediately or "they will be taken from you by force if necessary".

How many of the suspected 300,000 weapons have been turned in = zero.:2up:

How many of these weapons have been taken from their owners by police force = zero!!!!:boobies::boobies::rofl::rofl::rock:

GREAT point. And the majority of boots in ground cops are pro 2nd amendment. A few politically correct brass say dumb shit.

But they know the real cops on the road...99% wilk side with gun owners.
If that is true...why don't you start your revolution today? Darkie Obama is trying to take our guns away...go get him...NOW!!! The cops will be on YOUR side. Right??

Most gun owners dont want a "war" and neither do cops.

They just wanna be left alone and to only pay a small reasonable tax for core government functions. And most cops agree. Especially line level road cops.

If militias rolled into DC...they'd have to activate the guard or military because whatever event sparked those types to take such drastic action...the cops would probably agree its wrong.
Dumbass tough guy is a dickhead..............and a fag.

Thems just words..............

The mofu's are terrified of the tens of millions of gun owners. Witness Connecticut........early this year issued a law mandating any and all "assault rifles" be turned in immediately or "they will be taken from you by force if necessary".

How many of the suspected 300,000 weapons have been turned in = zero.:2up:

How many of these weapons have been taken from their owners by police force = zero!!!!:boobies::boobies::rofl::rofl::rock:

GREAT point. And the majority of boots in ground cops are pro 2nd amendment. A few politically correct brass say dumb shit.

But they know the real cops on the road...99% wilk side with gun owners.
If that is true...why don't you start your revolution today? Darkie Obama is trying to take our guns away...go get him...NOW!!! The cops will be on YOUR side. Right??

I gotta ask....you dont find it disturbing that a police officer is out to get people who want to follow the Constitution? The one he swore an oath to uphold?

That should worry anyone.
Dumbass tough guy is a dickhead..............and a fag.

Thems just words..............

The mofu's are terrified of the tens of millions of gun owners. Witness Connecticut........early this year issued a law mandating any and all "assault rifles" be turned in immediately or "they will be taken from you by force if necessary".

How many of the suspected 300,000 weapons have been turned in = zero.:2up:

How many of these weapons have been taken from their owners by police force = zero!!!!:boobies::boobies::rofl::rofl::rock:

GREAT point. And the majority of boots in ground cops are pro 2nd amendment. A few politically correct brass say dumb shit.

But they know the real cops on the road...99% wilk side with gun owners.
If that is true...why don't you start your revolution today? Darkie Obama is trying to take our guns away...go get him...NOW!!! The cops will be on YOUR side. Right??

Most gun owners dont want a "war" and neither do cops.

They just wanna be left alone and to only pay a small reasonable tax for core government functions. And most cops agree. Especially line level road cops.

If militias rolled into DC...they'd have to activate the guard or military because whatever event sparked those types to take such drastic action...the cops would probably agree its wrong.
Like I said...if you are so certain LEO is gonna support you, DO SOMETHING! Take advantage of that free pass or shut up with the terroristic threats.
Dumbass tough guy is a dickhead..............and a fag.

Thems just words..............

The mofu's are terrified of the tens of millions of gun owners. Witness Connecticut........early this year issued a law mandating any and all "assault rifles" be turned in immediately or "they will be taken from you by force if necessary".

How many of the suspected 300,000 weapons have been turned in = zero.:2up:

How many of these weapons have been taken from their owners by police force = zero!!!!:boobies::boobies::rofl::rofl::rock:

GREAT point. And the majority of boots in ground cops are pro 2nd amendment. A few politically correct brass say dumb shit.

But they know the real cops on the road...99% wilk side with gun owners.
If that is true...why don't you start your revolution today? Darkie Obama is trying to take our guns away...go get him...NOW!!! The cops will be on YOUR side. Right??

Most gun owners dont want a "war" and neither do cops.

They just wanna be left alone and to only pay a small reasonable tax for core government functions. And most cops agree. Especially line level road cops.

If militias rolled into DC...they'd have to activate the guard or military because whatever event sparked those types to take such drastic action...the cops would probably agree its wrong.
Like I said...if you are so certain LEO is gonna support you, DO SOMETHING! Take advantage of that free pass or shut up with the terroristic threats.

Hey dumbass...im part of the LE side. I have no desire to take up arms against anyone except someone who may try to break into my home.

And if any government. ..like Connecticut. ... says to round up guns, they'll find extremely few cops will be willing to carry it out. A few may. Most will tell their brass to fuck off. Unlike military. ..cops can do that without being jailed.
Dumbass tough guy is a dickhead..............and a fag.

Thems just words..............

The mofu's are terrified of the tens of millions of gun owners. Witness Connecticut........early this year issued a law mandating any and all "assault rifles" be turned in immediately or "they will be taken from you by force if necessary".

How many of the suspected 300,000 weapons have been turned in = zero.:2up:

How many of these weapons have been taken from their owners by police force = zero!!!!:boobies::boobies::rofl::rofl::rock:

GREAT point. And the majority of boots in ground cops are pro 2nd amendment. A few politically correct brass say dumb shit.

But they know the real cops on the road...99% wilk side with gun owners.
If that is true...why don't you start your revolution today? Darkie Obama is trying to take our guns away...go get him...NOW!!! The cops will be on YOUR side. Right??

Most gun owners dont want a "war" and neither do cops.

They just wanna be left alone and to only pay a small reasonable tax for core government functions. And most cops agree. Especially line level road cops.

If militias rolled into DC...they'd have to activate the guard or military because whatever event sparked those types to take such drastic action...the cops would probably agree its wrong.
Like I said...if you are so certain LEO is gonna support you, DO SOMETHING! Take advantage of that free pass or shut up with the terroristic threats.

Hey dumbass...im part of the LE side. I have no desire to take up arms against anyone except someone who may try to break into my home.

And if any government. ..like Connecticut. ... says to round up guns, they'll find extremely few cops will be willing to carry it out. A few may. Most will tell their brass to fuck off. Unlike military. ..cops can do that without being jailed.
We agree..yet you people cotinually talk about starting a war and the cops being on your side. They AREN'T going to be on your side. Extremists KILL cops...white and black. As for enforcing that law...I am glad they won't..but as to the war chants...PLEASE QUIT TALKING AND MOVE TOAWRDS ACTION... I am sick of hearing about it and I am sick of the guise - 2A supporters threatening war over 2A rights when it is really in opposition to a negro President.
If there is armed violence against the Government by the far right or far left, 99.9% of LEO will side the government as well as the American citizens.
[QUOTE="Nutz, post: 10340865, member: 47651] If you think the LEO"s support you.[/quote]

One does not aggressively and wildly open fire upon an established government, even a moderate tyranny. The Declaration of Independence itself tells us that. The line highlighted in RED is the one most constitutionalists cite, but they rarely cite the line highlighted in BLUE; however most constitutionalists do know of it and abide by it (if they didn't abide by the blue line, there would be a shootout everyday with the feds):

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government,

I am drawing attention to the 'SHOULD NOT' of the blue line.

Unless the federal government (or local government in Athens, Tennessee) is openly MURDERING people to suppress their unalienable rights (violently enforced suspenison/abolition of the Constitution), the People SHOULD NOT use the Second Amendment to remedy the problem.

This doesn't mean that they can't, or they wouldn't be justified, in using the Second Amendment at this very instant to remove Obama the Usurper and all the Neocons (Obama is a Neocon Wall Street pig) and Marxists that has hijacked our government. It's just very unlikely they would sufficient popular support if they the national and state capitols, to overthrow mild and moderate tyrannies.

It's unfortunate that the People are indeed more DISPOSED to suffer until the situation is SO BAD (train of a-BUSH-es and obamasurpations) that they willingly support the Patriots saving their country from the government.

It's not that the People are unaware or ignorant of the scheme being pulled by the Democrats and Republicans, they are aware, and they are sick of your shit. Please go talk to random people on the street and get their opinions on the current political situation. You're not fooling them, certainly not in this Age of Information.

When you zealously make posts supporting the establishment most people/readers roll their eyes. That doesn't mean they think like me or that they are libertarian. Many of them are honest progressives, or honest religious conservative families. But they don't see Despotcrats or Repugnantcans as representing them in any way what-so-ever.

The good news: By observing the rapid decline of the United States, which has been caused by radical policies that are repugnant to the Constitution, the Long Train of Abuses and Usurpations will soon become intolerable.

I've always said, my very first target when SHTF is to capture the Utah Data Center (NSA ultra-fusion center) and reveal the name of all paid propagandists on the internet. If you're in the United States, I'll hang you. If you're outside the United States, I'll issue Letter of Marque and Resprisal and put bounties paid in gold on your head.
If there is armed violence against the Government by the far right or far left, 99.9% of LEO will side the government as well as the American citizens.
We are not worried about a rising of citizens against the Government and you know it. We are worried the Government will rise against us. And if it happens that way the military and the cops shatter.
[QUOTE="Nutz, post: 10340865, member: 47651] If you think the LEO"s support you.

One does not aggressively and wildly open fire upon an established government, even a moderate tyranny. The Declaration of Independence itself tells us that. The line highlighted in RED is the one most constitutionalists cite, but they rarely cite the line highlighted in BLUE; however most constitutionalists do know of it and abide by it (if they didn't abide by the blue line, there would be a shootout everyday with the feds):

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government,

I am drawing attention to the 'SHOULD NOT' of the blue line.

Unless the federal government (or local government in Athens, Tennessee) is openly MURDERING people to suppress their unalienable rights (violently enforced suspenison/abolition of the Constitution), the People SHOULD NOT use the Second Amendment to remedy the problem.

This doesn't mean that they can't, or they wouldn't be justified, in using the Second Amendment at this very instant to remove Obama the Usurper and all the Neocons (Obama is a Neocon Wall Street pig) and Marxists that has hijacked our government. It's just very unlikely they would sufficient popular support if they the national and state capitols, to overthrow mild and moderate tyrannies.

It's unfortunate that the People are indeed more DISPOSED to suffer until the situation is SO BAD (train of a-BUSH-es and obamasurpations) that they willingly support the Patriots saving their country from the government.

It's not that the People are unaware or ignorant of the scheme being pulled by the Democrats and Republicans, they are aware, and they are sick of your shit. Please go talk to random people on the street and get their opinions on the current political situation. You're not fooling them, certainly not in this Age of Information.

When you zealously make posts supporting the establishment most people/readers roll their eyes. That doesn't mean they think like me or that they are libertarian. Many of them are honest progressives, or honest religious conservative families. But they don't see Despotcrats or Repugnantcans as representing them in any way what-so-ever.

The good news: By observing the rapid decline of the United States, which has been caused by radical policies that are repugnant to the Constitution, the Long Train of Abuses and Usurpations will soon become intolerable.

I've always said, my very first target when SHTF is to capture the Utah Data Center (NSA ultra-fusion center) and reveal the name of all paid propagandists on the internet. If you're in the United States, I'll hang you. If you're outside the United States, I'll issue Letter of Marque and Resprisal and put bounties paid in gold on your head.
Are you an actor rehearsing a role....this shit is too funny. You need the love of Jesus in your life.
If there is armed violence against the Government by the far right or far left, 99.9% of LEO will side the government as well as the American citizens.
We are not worried about a rising of citizens against the Government and you know it. We are worried the Government will rise against us. And if it happens that way the military and the cops shatter.
I doubt it. Men are sheeple and a paycheck trumps principle in many people's life. LEO and the military will not bend over because a few nutters who run around in the woods demand them to do so.
We agree..yet you people cotinually talk about starting a war and the cops being on your side. They AREN'T going to be on your side. Extremists KILL cops...white and black. As for enforcing that law...I am glad they won't..but as to the war chants...PLEASE QUIT TALKING AND MOVE TOAWRDS ACTION... I am sick of hearing about it and I am sick of the guise - 2A supporters threatening war over 2A rights when it is really in opposition to a negro President.
You're the only one babbling about revolution and obama's color. Stop drinking out of the toilet.
If there is armed violence against the Government by the far right or far left, 99.9% of LEO will side the government as well as the American citizens.
We are not worried about a rising of citizens against the Government and you know it. We are worried the Government will rise against us. And if it happens that way the military and the cops shatter.


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