Wasn't Anyone In That Nightclub Armed? Not One With A Gun?

There had to be well over a hundred people in that club. Not one individual with a gun? Even if the possibility was narrow there is a chance that someone with a .38 could have taken this guy out.

I am prepared to be very pissed off at the first nitwit to come out for more gun control as a means of preventing these shootings. We may rest assured this is just one in a progression of internal terror attacks we have to look forward to -- and the way to deal with the threat is more armed, trained citizens.

Alcohol and guns don't mix. Only one if any might be security that is armed, but in a night club, I rather he not have more than a taser. Even security with guns in a crowed club is highly dangerous.
There had to be well over a hundred people in that club. Not one individual with a gun? Even if the possibility was narrow there is a chance that someone with a .38 could have taken this guy out.

I am prepared to be very pissed off at the first nitwit to come out for more gun control as a means of preventing these shootings. We may rest assured this is just one in a progression of internal terror attacks we have to look forward to -- and the way to deal with the threat is more armed, trained citizens.
It's the clear difference between a terrorist hitting a mall in Tel Aviv and a terrorist hitting a night club in Orlando. Israel only had 4 causalities and America had 50. Israeli's are armed and prepared because they understand it's not a question of if ,it's a question of when. American's create gun free zones, safe spaces and have a leader who flat out refuses to admit there's a problem much less prepare for it. If one guy had a gun and was a decent shot he could have killed this moron before he took out half the club. It takes too long to wait for the police to arrive and save your ass in an active shooter situation as the unfortunate people who hid in the bathroom of the club found out.

Israeli Malls probably have tight security. A night club anywhere in the US isn't going to have that tight security, it's not practical.
Why not? When I went to my daughters graduation they checked my bags. My kids schools do the same. They could at least have armed bouncers and employee's in nightclubs. Some security is better than none. But it's not even that really. It's our lack of preparation and our refusal as a society to admit we have a problem with radicalized Islam. We are at war with radicalized Islam because they are at war with us. We need to have our leaders tell the public this, not blame guns as an easy out. These nut jobs aren't going to go away. We need to prepare. We need to know what to do in an active shooter situation. When you enter a building you need to find out where to go and where not to go. You need to know how best to protect yourself. We all need to know how to defend ourselves in this situation because it's going to happen to again. The fact still remains one person with a gun could have stopped this in it's tracks.The president would have you think guns are the enemy. Gun's aren't the enemy,nut jobs are.

Well, they might check bags and things, for things like, you know, GUNS..... I didn't say they didn't have security. Just they don't have security to necessarily deal with a third world country invading.

Every nightclub I've been to there was security, we're not talking about some fat dude making sure you're not taking in your own drinks, or a knife. We're talking about dealing with a guy intent on shooting everyone up. Imagine the costs if all nightclubs had to deal with that kind of security.
I agree the cost would be high but that extra cost could be passed on to the customers in the cover charge. Sounds like there were at least 150 people in that club. An extra $2.00 could cover the added cost of a armed security guard. They could even call it security charge. The only other solution is to let customers carry concealed or have regular employee's carry concealed. Personally I'd rather have staff carry concealed. Alcohol and guns don't mix well.
I'm talking about body armor. If someone just opens up, how long is it going to take you to get your gun? How long is it going to take for that bullet to go down the barrel and fly through the air and hit you?

Think about it.
Think about this:

You may rest assured that during that shooting incident there must have been numerous occasions when someone was close enough to that shooter, as the shooter was aiming away or changing magazines, to drop one right behind his ear. It's just too bad that none of these hypothetical individuals didn't have a gun in his pocket, or on his ankle, or wherever.

I'm thinking Mike.
I go to ball room dancing about once a week or other dancing clubs mixed with different age levels.
Dancing with a gun in my ankle, waist or under my arm........ is extremely difficult. Or I can say on the table........ Can you hold my 38 while I go dancing? Is that real?
In a shooting like this are you going to stand there let say 5 or 10 feet waiting for this thug to run out of ammo then tackle him?
There had to be well over a hundred people in that club. Not one individual with a gun? Even if the possibility was narrow there is a chance that someone with a .38 could have taken this guy out.

I am prepared to be very pissed off at the first nitwit to come out for more gun control as a means of preventing these shootings. We may rest assured this is just one in a progression of internal terror attacks we have to look forward to -- and the way to deal with the threat is more armed, trained citizens.
It's the clear difference between a terrorist hitting a mall in Tel Aviv and a terrorist hitting a night club in Orlando. Israel only had 4 causalities and America had 50. Israeli's are armed and prepared because they understand it's not a question of if ,it's a question of when. American's create gun free zones, safe spaces and have a leader who flat out refuses to admit there's a problem much less prepare for it. If one guy had a gun and was a decent shot he could have killed this moron before he took out half the club. It takes too long to wait for the police to arrive and save your ass in an active shooter situation as the unfortunate people who hid in the bathroom of the club found out.

Israeli Malls probably have tight security. A night club anywhere in the US isn't going to have that tight security, it's not practical.
Why not? When I went to my daughters graduation they checked my bags. My kids schools do the same. They could at least have armed bouncers and employee's in nightclubs. Some security is better than none. But it's not even that really. It's our lack of preparation and our refusal as a society to admit we have a problem with radicalized Islam. We are at war with radicalized Islam because they are at war with us. We need to have our leaders tell the public this, not blame guns as an easy out. These nut jobs aren't going to go away. We need to prepare. We need to know what to do in an active shooter situation. When you enter a building you need to find out where to go and where not to go. You need to know how best to protect yourself. We all need to know how to defend ourselves in this situation because it's going to happen to again. The fact still remains one person with a gun could have stopped this in it's tracks.The president would have you think guns are the enemy. Gun's aren't the enemy,nut jobs are.
Or if it so gunfree zone, 20 people throwing bottles at him and ten others storming him. Still quite a few casualties but less casualties.
Or a chair or two. Doesn't sound like anyone tried anything but running. 100+ people he can't kill them all.
There had to be well over a hundred people in that club. Not one individual with a gun? Even if the possibility was narrow there is a chance that someone with a .38 could have taken this guy out.

I am prepared to be very pissed off at the first nitwit to come out for more gun control as a means of preventing these shootings. We may rest assured this is just one in a progression of internal terror attacks we have to look forward to -- and the way to deal with the threat is more armed, trained citizens.
It's the clear difference between a terrorist hitting a mall in Tel Aviv and a terrorist hitting a night club in Orlando. Israel only had 4 causalities and America had 50. Israeli's are armed and prepared because they understand it's not a question of if ,it's a question of when. American's create gun free zones, safe spaces and have a leader who flat out refuses to admit there's a problem much less prepare for it. If one guy had a gun and was a decent shot he could have killed this moron before he took out half the club. It takes too long to wait for the police to arrive and save your ass in an active shooter situation as the unfortunate people who hid in the bathroom of the club found out.

Israeli Malls probably have tight security. A night club anywhere in the US isn't going to have that tight security, it's not practical.
Why not? When I went to my daughters graduation they checked my bags. My kids schools do the same. They could at least have armed bouncers and employee's in nightclubs. Some security is better than none. But it's not even that really. It's our lack of preparation and our refusal as a society to admit we have a problem with radicalized Islam. We are at war with radicalized Islam because they are at war with us. We need to have our leaders tell the public this, not blame guns as an easy out. These nut jobs aren't going to go away. We need to prepare. We need to know what to do in an active shooter situation. When you enter a building you need to find out where to go and where not to go. You need to know how best to protect yourself. We all need to know how to defend ourselves in this situation because it's going to happen to again. The fact still remains one person with a gun could have stopped this in it's tracks.The president would have you think guns are the enemy. Gun's aren't the enemy,nut jobs are.

Well, they might check bags and things, for things like, you know, GUNS..... I didn't say they didn't have security. Just they don't have security to necessarily deal with a third world country invading.

Every nightclub I've been to there was security, we're not talking about some fat dude making sure you're not taking in your own drinks, or a knife. We're talking about dealing with a guy intent on shooting everyone up. Imagine the costs if all nightclubs had to deal with that kind of security.

This guy shot his way into the club...did they check his bag for guns?
No but an armed person at the beginning of the club could have taken him out. It's the same thing that happened at Sandy Hook. Lanza shot himself in. The difference seems to be that two women tried to stop Lanza with their hands and objects and it seems nobody tried to stop the Orlando shooter.
There had to be well over a hundred people in that club. Not one individual with a gun? Even if the possibility was narrow there is a chance that someone with a .38 could have taken this guy out.

I am prepared to be very pissed off at the first nitwit to come out for more gun control as a means of preventing these shootings. We may rest assured this is just one in a progression of internal terror attacks we have to look forward to -- and the way to deal with the threat is more armed, trained citizens.
It's the clear difference between a terrorist hitting a mall in Tel Aviv and a terrorist hitting a night club in Orlando. Israel only had 4 causalities and America had 50. Israeli's are armed and prepared because they understand it's not a question of if ,it's a question of when. American's create gun free zones, safe spaces and have a leader who flat out refuses to admit there's a problem much less prepare for it. If one guy had a gun and was a decent shot he could have killed this moron before he took out half the club. It takes too long to wait for the police to arrive and save your ass in an active shooter situation as the unfortunate people who hid in the bathroom of the club found out.

Israeli Malls probably have tight security. A night club anywhere in the US isn't going to have that tight security, it's not practical.
Why not? When I went to my daughters graduation they checked my bags. My kids schools do the same. They could at least have armed bouncers and employee's in nightclubs. Some security is better than none. But it's not even that really. It's our lack of preparation and our refusal as a society to admit we have a problem with radicalized Islam. We are at war with radicalized Islam because they are at war with us. We need to have our leaders tell the public this, not blame guns as an easy out. These nut jobs aren't going to go away. We need to prepare. We need to know what to do in an active shooter situation. When you enter a building you need to find out where to go and where not to go. You need to know how best to protect yourself. We all need to know how to defend ourselves in this situation because it's going to happen to again. The fact still remains one person with a gun could have stopped this in it's tracks.The president would have you think guns are the enemy. Gun's aren't the enemy,nut jobs are.
Or if it so gunfree zone, 20 people throwing bottles at him and ten others storming him. Still quite a few casualties but less casualties.

This was a dance club....many were drunk or high....and had no idea what was happening when it first started..then the rush to exits and away from the shooter bottle necked people in doorways........in the dark and the loud music......

Rushing anyone would be illogical.....
Their were bouncers and employees who weren't drunk that could have tried to rush him. There also must have been some fairly sober people in there that could have done the same.
t's the clear difference between a terrorist hitting a mall in Tel Aviv and a terrorist hitting a night club in Orlando. Israel only had 4 causalities and America had 50. Israeli's are armed and prepared because they understand it's not a question of if ,it's a question of when

Bring back the draft. Like Israel has. Make EVERYONE serve at least two years. Then arm all of us. Just like Israel does its people.

When will you be serving? Never.
I can't serve 4F, but I would have if I could have I would have. Now if they'd wave me in I would do my duty. Being prepared doesn't mean you have to be drafted in the military. It could be a training camp tacked on to high school or a long term program learned as part of the school curriculum. Adults could also have crisis training through jobs and other programs. It's worked well with CPR and first aid+ training in the work place. Red cross used to and probably still does teach first aid classes. Many of the people who attended these after hours training workshops did so at their employer's request. It wouldn't be the first time in American history that something along the lines of Civil defense was used to school the public.
It's the clear difference between a terrorist hitting a mall in Tel Aviv and a terrorist hitting a night club in Orlando. Israel only had 4 causalities and America had 50. Israeli's are armed and prepared because they understand it's not a question of if ,it's a question of when. American's create gun free zones, safe spaces and have a leader who flat out refuses to admit there's a problem much less prepare for it. If one guy had a gun and was a decent shot he could have killed this moron before he took out half the club. It takes too long to wait for the police to arrive and save your ass in an active shooter situation as the unfortunate people who hid in the bathroom of the club found out.

Israeli Malls probably have tight security. A night club anywhere in the US isn't going to have that tight security, it's not practical.
Why not? When I went to my daughters graduation they checked my bags. My kids schools do the same. They could at least have armed bouncers and employee's in nightclubs. Some security is better than none. But it's not even that really. It's our lack of preparation and our refusal as a society to admit we have a problem with radicalized Islam. We are at war with radicalized Islam because they are at war with us. We need to have our leaders tell the public this, not blame guns as an easy out. These nut jobs aren't going to go away. We need to prepare. We need to know what to do in an active shooter situation. When you enter a building you need to find out where to go and where not to go. You need to know how best to protect yourself. We all need to know how to defend ourselves in this situation because it's going to happen to again. The fact still remains one person with a gun could have stopped this in it's tracks.The president would have you think guns are the enemy. Gun's aren't the enemy,nut jobs are.
Or if it so gunfree zone, 20 people throwing bottles at him and ten others storming him. Still quite a few casualties but less casualties.

Yeah right. Tough keyboard warrior. First shot you hear............ Most or all people duck and try to save their own life. You don't stand up there looking for a beer bottle or chair then charge at the shooter. Unless you are a dummy.
Projecting much? Since you are a yellow belly chickenshit you think everybody is one. Keyboard warrior... huh?
Funny thing is you have no idea who the fuck I am, what did I do what I did not do in my life. If I am/were military or not, if I am/were law enforcement or not. Shut the fuck up you whiny little bitch.

You are right I don't know you but ask me if I care. And I can see you are really a tough key board warrior.
In a situation like this....... There is a time to be tough and smart.
In a situation like this ................ It's NOT the right time to be tough and stupid.

Let's change the scenario.............. If a shooter is in front or next to me about 5 feet away...... seeing him pulling a hand gun or just carrying a long rifle. I can guarantee you....... I will tackle him and god knows what I will do next.
Uh...guy, apparently you have some comprehension issues. Those incidents what 2aguy cited for you were potential mass shootings prevented by CCW holders. What a fucking imbecile you are and you don't even try to hide it. Now, that's a real idiot being unaware of his stupidity. Go take your gun control and shove it up your ass. You live in Chicago, your fucking gun control over there works real well. Ah.....I forgot that you live in an affluent neighborhood where you are well protected....Moron.

Except they weren't "mass shooter" incidents. A mass shooter incidents is when someone show up with a lotof guns and a lot of ammo, ready to shoot a lot of people.

These were cases where one individual was shooting someone for some beef, and were shot themselves. Or in the case of the doctor, shooting people who failed to treat their illness properly.

Oh, we haven't had gun control in Chicago since 2010 and the McDonald Decision. And not suprisingly, the homicide rate has skyrocketed.
Alcohol and guns don't mix. Only one if any might be security that is armed, but in a night club, I rather he not have more than a taser. Even security with guns in a crowed club is highly dangerous.
Pissed off Muslims with AR-15s are kinda dangerous, too, wouldn't you say? And we are now subject to more incidents of like the latest mass shooting, so wouldn't you also say it's time to start being prepared?
I'm thinking Mike.
I go to ball room dancing about once a week or other dancing clubs mixed with different age levels.
Dancing with a gun in my ankle, waist or under my arm........ is extremely difficult. Or I can say on the table........ Can you hold my 38 while I go dancing? Is that real?
In a shooting like this are you going to stand there let say 5 or 10 feet waiting for this thug to run out of ammo then tackle him?
There are guns available which can fit in a pocket. These are opportunistic weapons that are effective at close range. But the opportunity increases by the number of people who have them.

And these times call for the inconvenience of carrying a gun.
i just want to know where were the bouncers at the door when a guy with a rifle came in.
There had to be well over a hundred people in that club. Not one individual with a gun? Even if the possibility was narrow there is a chance that someone with a .38 could have taken this guy out.

I am prepared to be very pissed off at the first nitwit to come out for more gun control as a means of preventing these shootings. We may rest assured this is just one in a progression of internal terror attacks we have to look forward to -- and the way to deal with the threat is more armed, trained citizens.

Due to gun control it is against the law to have a gun in a bar. There were no lawbreakers in the bar that night I guess.
America was a very different place when those restrictive laws were enacted. There presently is unquestionable need to relax those gun laws. Because, whether or not government chooses to admit it, their thoughtless and impetuous actions in the Middle East have imposed a condition of war on the American People and it is now quite obvious we have a need to defend ourselves against a lot of pissed off and crazy Muslims. And the methods these suicidal internal terrorists are quite proficient at are clearly beyond the ability of our armed forces or civilian police to defend us against.

The American People have a pressing need to defend themselves and the sooner we stop denying this the better it will be for us.
I don't want to pass any laws...to take your guns away, I just wish we could keep the thousands of guns out of criminal hands.... I wish it wasn't so easy for criminal thugs to get these guns...and wish we could reduce guns getting in to their hands....not your hands.
And I wish I were twenty-five again.
I don't think it is illegal to carry a gun in a bar it is however illegal to carry a gun while under the influence.
If you live in a place where there are bars near police station I suggest you check one out at around 12:15AM when the 4-12 shift gets off. I think you'll be surprised to find a whole lot of armed men (and women?) downing a lot of beer and booze.

I'm not saying that arming a lot more citizens and loosening the laws against drinking while armed won't result in some level of increased shootings. But I can assure you it won't be nearly as much as you might think. And the number of those incidents can be substantially reduced by imposing a training requirement to qualify for a CCW permit.
I guess I have lived a charmed life for 50 years? Been lucky?

I have never needed a gun to protect myself, I've never even felt I needed a gun to protect myself, I've never even been scared or frightened by anyone, and wished for a gun....

Does everyone live in scary bad neighborhoods and this is where this need for a gun comes from?

I suppose I should count my blessings.....
Don't depend on the character of your neighborhood to exclude you from risk. This is a new day and we are faced with a very different kind of threat.
There had to be well over a hundred people in that club. Not one individual with a gun? Even if the possibility was narrow there is a chance that someone with a .38 could have taken this guy out.

I am prepared to be very pissed off at the first nitwit to come out for more gun control as a means of preventing these shootings. We may rest assured this is just one in a progression of internal terror attacks we have to look forward to -- and the way to deal with the threat is more armed, trained citizens.
You do know that cars was invented and that John Wayne was a movie actor, yes?
They'd never be as trained, or as current. That kind of training fades over time. Even if you ex-military, unless you train regularly in urban warfare, those skills disappear.
I don't think anyone is suggesting that CCW training should involve urban warfare. Just some common sense and some specialized awareness that I can assure you a lot of existing CCW holders do not have.

If you wish to carry a gun in today's crowded society there are some things you need to be aware of. Training is the way to make sure you are aware. Nothing complicated or elaborate.

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