Wasn't Mr. Peanuts the worst president in US history

khomeni was a fascist?
Mullahs established a totalitarian regime that you are not even allowed to criticize in that country. Still today. Just like its proxy in Gaza.
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No reason to exonerate him from being negligently at the fascist Ayatollahs rise.

Since 1979: The long bloody trail of crimes of the mullahs: In their totalitarian regime, massacres, mass torture (not just 1988) for so many years. And then the bloodshed in Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Israel-Palestine, and more.

The cowards in Tehran released the hostages as soon as wonderful and principled R. Reagan was elected.

We've had at least a few Presidents much worse than Carter. Carter was incompetent and in way above his head; but at least he was honest and well-intentioned; very much unlike any Democrap who has since held that office.
khomeni was a fascist? how do you figure? or are you one of those idiots who calls everybody you don't like names?

jimmy carter, on the other hand, was a decent president and a great american. how could you figure otherwise?
Carter was a miserable president and a horrible person. From what I’ve heard, his crews in the Navy hated him.
It was Carter who negotiated their release. RayGun was caught selling missiles to Iran and diverting the profits to illegally fund his terrorist buddies in Nicaragua. RayGun was also funding and supplying Saddam Hussein in Iraq during the Iran/Iraq war. He took Iraq off the nations who sponsored terrorism and put them on the most favored trading partner list. That allowed for the sale of high tech from US companies as well as European Companies. How else do you think we knew he had a WMD program in the 80's? Ronnie sold it to him. He was the granddaddy of the Pseudo Conservatives. While Carter pushed for energy independence as well and decriminalization of Marijuana. RayGun wanted to tear down the Solar Panel Carter installed at the White House.
The Mullahs laughed at Carter. They kept the hostages to humiliate him. They let the hostages go because Reagan had made it clear he was going to take effective action.
An ISIS Terrorist cell operating out of Kabul killed hundreds of people including 13 US soldiers with a suicide bomber. Why did Trump reduce our troop strengths from near 13,000 to 2,500 without the Taliban adhering to the Conditions of that withdrawal, which included cracking down on terrorist cells. Granted it is very hard to stop a suicide bomber so we'll never know if they could have stopped it, but the condition was ignored and most all the troops were evacuated before Biden became president.
The Taliban was following the agreement. Not a single American had been killed and terror attacks had stopped. Then Biden came in and threw everything away, changed the withdrawal date and changed it from a phased evacuation with the troops leaving last to a panicked rout with the troops leaving first and the civilians being left to the non-existent mercies of the Taliban.
I wouldn't buy him a beer, but, I would vote for him in the general election.

I vote for the policies, and you vote for the emotions. Got it. :rolleyes-41:
I vote for grown-ups who know right from wrong and don`t use racial hatred to get elected.
No reason to exonerate him from being negligently at the fascist Ayatollahs rise.

Since 1979: The long bloody trail of crimes of the mullahs: In their totalitarian regime, massacres, mass torture (not just 1988) for so many years. And then the bloodshed in Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Israel-Palestine, and more.

The cowards in Tehran released the hostages as soon as wonderful and principled R. Reagan was elected.

Carter had bad intelligence on Iran. Our Intelligence was completely blindsided when the student protests were taken over by the Ayatollah. Everyone of them were to close to the elites around the Shah to see it coming.

The Shah was pretty much a stooge. He settled for 13 % of oil revenue instead of 50% like every other oil company was paying.
Only to you stupid Moon Bats that hated the border being closed, tax reductions, energy independence, bringing jobs back to America, stronger military and low unemployment.

Face it Moon Bat. What you really hated was the fact that Trump did a million times better job than Queer Barry. You hated Trump for making America great again because you want America to be a Socialist shithole.

Trump bragged and lied a lot. Obviously he was good at that.
The Mullahs laughed at Carter. They kept the hostages to humiliate him. They let the hostages go because Reagan had made it clear he was going to take effective action.

Carter negotiated their release. You don't know anything about Iran or the Shah or the student protests.
No reason to exonerate him from being negligently at the fascist Ayatollahs rise.

Since 1979: The long bloody trail of crimes of the mullahs: In their totalitarian regime, massacres, mass torture (not just 1988) for so many years. And then the bloodshed in Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Israel-Palestine, and more.

The cowards in Tehran released the hostages as soon as wonderful and principled R. Reagan was elected.
Jimmy Carter was a much better man than he was a president

Since he is a Christian I’m surprised that God-denying libs can stand him at all
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Jimmy Carter was a much better man than he was a president

Since he is a Christian I’m surprised that God-denying libs can stand him at all

What are you talking about? Democrats love Jimmy Carter. You're just ignorant about the situation in Iran.
What are you talking about? Democrats love Jimmy Carter. You're just ignorant about the situation in Iran.

Jimmy Carter is a political fool who created or at least facilitated the horrible muslim dictatorship in iran

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