Wasserman-Schults Implies the Tea Party to Blame for Gifford Shooting

Yeah..because the OWS advocated carrying guns to political rallies and "Reloading Not Retreating"...

And the Tea Party..not so much.


Young, jealous, doped out, mad at the world nut job, that's straight up OWS material........

Ah..it was the gun thing and shooting up a democratic political rally that had me fooled.

Thanks for setting the record straight. :doubt:

Glad that you find ruining people's lives all for partisanship sake is so damned humourous...especially tagging it upon those that had nothing to do with it.

You out yourself in great form.
Here is part of the quote from Debbie Was-a-man Schultz:

"I hesitate to place blame, but I have noticed it take a very precipitous turn towards edginess and lack of civility with the growth of the Tea Party movement."

She hesitates to place blame, but then one second later she does. Wow, must be ADD or something like that. Debbie should be thankful I was not a reporter there to question here. I would said, "Debbie, here is what one of Jared Loughner's classmates, Catie Parker had to say about Jared:

One user on Twitter, Caitie Parker, wrote she went to high school, college and was in a band with the gunman.

Parker wrote of Loughner, “As I knew him he was left wing, quite liberal and oddly obsessed with the 2012 prophecy.”

Many classmates also mentioned how Loughner became enraged any time he saw George W. Bush on TV.

Now, Debbie, hold on...I have more before you reply, I have some writings from Jared Laughner:

From his MySpace page:

“If there’s no flag in the Constitution, then the flag in the film is unknown. There’s no flag in the Constitution. Therefore, the flag in the film is unknown. Burn every new and old flag that you see. Burn your flag!”

From a Youtube rant:

"No, I won't trust in God"

One of the many books Loughner read was The Communist Manifesto

And also Debbie, you are aware that Jared went to Mountain View High School, which is part of Bill Ayers Small Schools Workshop.

Now, Debbie, I am not sure how you can try and link the TEA Party to Loughner, considering TEA Partiers do not burn the U.S. flag, nor advocate it, TEA Partiers believe in God, a classmate described Loughner as anything BUT TEA Party...and Bill Ayers is the polar opposite of the TEA Party.

Tea Party, Palin, Angle and Loughner's Second Amendment Remedy - National Democrat | Examiner.com

VIDEO: The Extreme, Violent Rhetoric Of GOP Lawmakers | ThinkProgress

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, caught in Sarah Palin's crosshairs, shot in Arizona - National Democrat | Examiner.com

The Infidel said:
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The Infidel

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The Infidel just negged me for the above post. Gee, that didn't take long...

Do you ever not bitch on the open forum when someone negs you?
You sound so petty when you do it over and over. Put on your big girl panties and take it like a woman.
Does this sound like a right wing tea party person? Methinks not.

Drug and alcohol use

Zach Osler, a high school classmate of Loughner's, and his closest friend, indicated that Loughner's life began to unravel after his high school girlfriend broke up with him, and he then began to abuse alcohol and drugs, specifically Salvia divinorum (a natural hallucinogen illegal in many states).[13]

Another longtime friend, Kylie Smith, added that he had used cannabis (marijuana), psychedelic mushrooms, and LSD around that same time.[14] Loughner quit using marijuana (as well as alcohol and tobacco) in late 2008 and has not used it since, according to one of his longtime friends.[15]

The U.S. Army confirmed that Loughner had been rejected as "unqualified" for service in 2008.[16][17][18] According to military sources, Loughner admitted to marijuana use on numerous occasions during the application process.[6]

Sure..they would fit in good with these guys..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3ysuG2O0zw]Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia Trailer - YouTube[/ame]

I can't view it Sallow. It would take me two weeks to load it with this old box.

Look, for some bizarro reason he had it in for Gabby since 2007.

Strange dude for true. It's disgusting that when there is absolutely no evidence that this is linked to Palin or the tea party, the whacko lefties keep trying to blame both.

This is strange the way he hated her for no reason except he was psycho koo koo bye bye.

Loughner kept Giffords' form letter, which thanked him for attending the 2007 event, in the same box as an envelope which was scrawled with phrases like "die bitch" and "assassination plans have been made".)[

The Infidel said:
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The Infidel

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The Infidel just negged me for the above post. Gee, that didn't take long...

Well I don't neg rep people (but I do neg rep tham back for shuts and giggles! As if anyone cares anyway) BUT dude, seriously, you're using the National Democrat and moveon.org as impartial sources for claiming only the ConservaRepubs are bad??? You might as well use FOX, Worldnewsdaily, drudge etc... for impartial stories about LibDems...

He doesn't know anything else...well maybe Mother Jones.
I see Sarah is still skulking about in the thread.. What's the matter sweetie? Trying to figure out how to answer my question without looking like a colossal hypocrite?
Yeah..because the OWS advocated carrying guns to political rallies and "Reloading Not Retreating"...

And the Tea Party..not so much.


Wasn't it in Oakland that a OWS member was busted with a stick of dynamite?

Mercury News reported:
A clash between police and protesters Saturday night ended with six protesters arrested, windows broken in a Starbucks coffee shop and a handful of police cars and Occupy Oakland organizers promising more action opposed to police violence…

Protesters were arrested on suspicion of assault on a police officer, resisting arrest and possession of explosives. Police said one person had a device that was the equivalent of a quarter stick of dynamite — not an M-80 firecracker, Watson said, but a six-inch-long explosive.

“I’d never seen anything like it before,” she said. “That’s not something that’ll blow your thumb off; that’s something that could easily kill you or take a body part off.”
Occupy Oakland Members Caught With Homemade Bomb | Politicons

Look at that, I guess there was. I'm sure it was all just a big mistake and his pet goat placed it in his napsack without any knowledge. :D

An M-80? Really?

And got anything that isn't from a blog?

Like a local newspaper..that says the guy was convicted..

little early for a conviction-they'll probably do something silly and have a trial

Protesters were arrested on suspicion of assault on a police officer, resisting arrest and possession of explosives. Police said one person had a device that was the equivalent of a quarter stick of dynamite -- not an M-80 firecracker, Watson said, but a 6-inch-long explosive.
"I'd never seen anything like it before," she said. "That's not something that'll blow your thumb off; that's something that could easily kill you or take a body part off."

I see Sarah is still skulking about in the thread.. What's the matter sweetie? Trying to figure out how to answer my question without looking like a colossal hypocrite?
She said she was going to bed. Maybe the power button is hard to find.
Wasn't it in Oakland that a OWS member was busted with a stick of dynamite?

Mercury News reported:
A clash between police and protesters Saturday night ended with six protesters arrested, windows broken in a Starbucks coffee shop and a handful of police cars and Occupy Oakland organizers promising more action opposed to police violence…

Protesters were arrested on suspicion of assault on a police officer, resisting arrest and possession of explosives. Police said one person had a device that was the equivalent of a quarter stick of dynamite — not an M-80 firecracker, Watson said, but a six-inch-long explosive.

“I’d never seen anything like it before,” she said. “That’s not something that’ll blow your thumb off; that’s something that could easily kill you or take a body part off.”
Occupy Oakland Members Caught With Homemade Bomb | Politicons

Look at that, I guess there was. I'm sure it was all just a big mistake and his pet goat placed it in his napsack without any knowledge. :D

An M-80? Really?

And got anything that isn't from a blog?

Like a local newspaper..that says the guy was convicted..

little early for a conviction-they'll probably do something silly and have a trial

Protesters were arrested on suspicion of assault on a police officer, resisting arrest and possession of explosives. Police said one person had a device that was the equivalent of a quarter stick of dynamite -- not an M-80 firecracker, Watson said, but a 6-inch-long explosive.
"I'd never seen anything like it before," she said. "That's not something that'll blow your thumb off; that's something that could easily kill you or take a body part off."

Oakland police arrest six Occupy protesters in Saturday night march - San Jose Mercury News

It'd be cool if they had something a little more concrete in the report..you know..like a name? Or something?

Like this..

According to statements read at his arraignment in Brooklyn today, Gurmeet Singh, 40, initially told cops that he "never" had sex in the back of his taxi, but then told them that "sometimes I pick up women, call girls, off the street and have sex with them."

Read more: Cabbie accused of rape says he had 'no idea' how his DNA got on woman - NYPOST.com

Check it out..they even got his picture and stuff.
Loughner definitely fits in more with the OWS crowd than the Tea Party crowd, whether moonbats admit it or not........

Yeah..because the OWS advocated carrying guns to political rallies and "Reloading Not Retreating"...

And the Tea Party..not so much.


well, carrying a gun is a RIGHT in this country
as for reloading not retreating...Really...give us all a break..
Last edited:
Alot of lies come out of Debbies ugly pie-hole. (check out Lie #8)

Debbie Wasserman Schultz: Top 10 Outrageous Quotes - HUMAN EVENTS

Michele Whackmann flat out lies and is really, really stupid. Wasserman is just good ol' obnoxious and only fairly stupid. As far as your link - none of the 10 things it claims are lies, are actually lies at all.
1. Hyperbole and actually some accuracy to it.
2. Stupid but just an opinion.
3. Opinion, no lies.
4. Opinion, no lies. If it is, it's one the GOP uses 10x more than the Dems.
5. Opinion, no lies.
6. Opinion, no lies. Actually, opinion that is backed by 90%+ of scientists (however, I remain unsure).
7. Opinion, no lies.
8. Not even an opinion, just an anecdote. No lies.
9. Opinion, no lies.
10. Opinion, no lies.

So like I said, I can't stand her. But she is nowhere near the bs artist that Whackmann is. As an Independent, I have the luxury of being objectively disgusted by both.
Loughner definitely fits in more with the OWS crowd than the Tea Party crowd, whether moonbats admit it or not........

Yeah..because the OWS advocated carrying guns to political rallies and "Reloading Not Retreating"...

And the Tea Party..not so much.


well, carrying a gun is a RIGHT in this country, shitting on police cars, raping people in camps, having to bring in BULLDOZERS to clear out the trash of other people property they were Occupying...
as for reloading not retreating...Really...give us all a break..

Who was doing all that?

In any case..you're probably good with shooting democrats. You don't like em much anyways.
An M-80? Really?

And got anything that isn't from a blog?

Like a local newspaper..that says the guy was convicted..

little early for a conviction-they'll probably do something silly and have a trial

Protesters were arrested on suspicion of assault on a police officer, resisting arrest and possession of explosives. Police said one person had a device that was the equivalent of a quarter stick of dynamite -- not an M-80 firecracker, Watson said, but a 6-inch-long explosive.
"I'd never seen anything like it before," she said. "That's not something that'll blow your thumb off; that's something that could easily kill you or take a body part off."

Oakland police arrest six Occupy protesters in Saturday night march - San Jose Mercury News

It'd be cool if they had something a little more concrete in the report..you know..like a name? Or something?

Like this..

According to statements read at his arraignment in Brooklyn today, Gurmeet Singh, 40, initially told cops that he "never" had sex in the back of his taxi, but then told them that "sometimes I pick up women, call girls, off the street and have sex with them."

Read more: Cabbie accused of rape says he had 'no idea' how his DNA got on woman - NYPOST.com

Check it out..they even got his picture and stuff.

I'm guessing you missed my post on this... scroll back a bit... post 216
Alot of lies come out of Debbies ugly pie-hole. (check out Lie #8)

Debbie Wasserman Schultz: Top 10 Outrageous Quotes - HUMAN EVENTS

Michele Whackmann flat out lies and is really, really stupid. Wasserman is just good ol' obnoxious and only fairly stupid. As far as your link - none of the 10 things it claims are lies, are actually lies at all.
1. Hyperbole and actually some accuracy to it.
2. Stupid but just an opinion.
3. Opinion, no lies.
4. Opinion, no lies. If it is, it's one the GOP uses 10x more than the Dems.
5. Opinion, no lies.
6. Opinion, no lies. Actually, opinion that is backed by 90%+ of scientists (however, I remain unsure).
7. Opinion, no lies.
8. Not even an opinion, just an anecdote. No lies.
9. Opinion, no lies.
10. Opinion, no lies.

So like I said, I can't stand her. But she is nowhere near the bs artist that Whackmann is. As an Independent, I have the luxury of being objectively disgusted by both.

Giffords wrong too?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7046bo92a4]Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords Talks Palin Cross Hairs - YouTube[/ame]

Got any fun names for her?
Wanna call her a liar as well?
Yeah..because the OWS advocated carrying guns to political rallies and "Reloading Not Retreating"...

And the Tea Party..not so much.


well, carrying a gun is a RIGHT in this country, shitting on police cars, raping people in camps, having to bring in BULLDOZERS to clear out the trash of other people property they were Occupying...
as for reloading not retreating...Really...give us all a break..

Who was doing all that?

In any case..you're probably good with shooting democrats. You don't like em much anyways.

wrong. but I would bet you lefties wouldn't be so upset if it had been a Repulican..you would probably say they were doing the country a favor.

see, two can play the same game dear...try to be reasonable some...K
Wasn't it in Oakland that a OWS member was busted with a stick of dynamite?

Mercury News reported:
A clash between police and protesters Saturday night ended with six protesters arrested, windows broken in a Starbucks coffee shop and a handful of police cars and Occupy Oakland organizers promising more action opposed to police violence…

Protesters were arrested on suspicion of assault on a police officer, resisting arrest and possession of explosives. Police said one person had a device that was the equivalent of a quarter stick of dynamite — not an M-80 firecracker, Watson said, but a six-inch-long explosive.

“I’d never seen anything like it before,” she said. “That’s not something that’ll blow your thumb off; that’s something that could easily kill you or take a body part off.”
Occupy Oakland Members Caught With Homemade Bomb | Politicons

Look at that, I guess there was. I'm sure it was all just a big mistake and his pet goat placed it in his napsack without any knowledge. :D

An M-80? Really?

And got anything that isn't from a blog?

Like a local newspaper..that says the guy was convicted..


Explosives Found, 6 Arrests At Occupy Protest In Oakland « CBS San Francisco
Watson said the six arrests were for assaulting officers,
possession of explosives, resisting or delaying officers and vandalism. The explosive recovered was a quarter-stick of dynamite, Watson said.

Okay..I can't find it.

What's the name of the guy carrying the explosives?
well, carrying a gun is a RIGHT in this country, shitting on police cars, raping people in camps, having to bring in BULLDOZERS to clear out the trash of other people property they were Occupying...
as for reloading not retreating...Really...give us all a break..

Who was doing all that?

In any case..you're probably good with shooting democrats. You don't like em much anyways.

wrong. but I would bet you lefties wouldn't be so upset if it had been a Repulican..you would probably say they were doing the country a favor.

see, two can play the same game dear...try to be reasonable some...K

And you'd be wrong.

Remember when that thug Chavez criticized Bush?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eX1lBOxoJeU]Rangel Responds to Chavez - YouTube[/ame]
An M-80? Really?

And got anything that isn't from a blog?

Like a local newspaper..that says the guy was convicted..


Explosives Found, 6 Arrests At Occupy Protest In Oakland « CBS San Francisco
Watson said the six arrests were for assaulting officers,
possession of explosives, resisting or delaying officers and vandalism. The explosive recovered was a quarter-stick of dynamite, Watson said.

Okay..I can't find it.

What's the name of the guy carrying the explosives?

wait... because the local news did not report his name, it did not happen? You really want to go with that??
Alot of lies come out of Debbies ugly pie-hole. (check out Lie #8)

Debbie Wasserman Schultz: Top 10 Outrageous Quotes - HUMAN EVENTS

Michele Whackmann flat out lies and is really, really stupid. Wasserman is just good ol' obnoxious and only fairly stupid. As far as your link - none of the 10 things it claims are lies, are actually lies at all.
1. Hyperbole and actually some accuracy to it.
2. Stupid but just an opinion.
3. Opinion, no lies.
4. Opinion, no lies. If it is, it's one the GOP uses 10x more than the Dems.
5. Opinion, no lies.
6. Opinion, no lies. Actually, opinion that is backed by 90%+ of scientists (however, I remain unsure).
7. Opinion, no lies.
8. Not even an opinion, just an anecdote. No lies.
9. Opinion, no lies.
10. Opinion, no lies.

So like I said, I can't stand her. But she is nowhere near the bs artist that Whackmann is. As an Independent, I have the luxury of being objectively disgusted by both.

Giffords wrong too?

Got any fun names for her?
Wanna call her a liar as well?

You display the tactic used by most heavy partisans. If I disagree with anything said by anyone on your side, I must hate them all. I get this bs from ConservaRepubs too.

So congrats! You've just proven you're no different than the Conservatives who claim I'm a "Liberal Obamabot" because I think Bachmann is an idiot. You're just like them! :eusa_clap:

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