Wasserman-Schults Implies the Tea Party to Blame for Gifford Shooting

I saw this video on the news this morning and thought it was recorded last year, but instead it was recorded yesterday.

This woman is still repeating a totally debunked urban myth like it has some validity. This is the Chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee tasked with re-electing Democrats.

Seems to me we have a wannabe truther running the DNC.

Media Matters tried to claim she didn't say that the Tea Party had anything to do with Gabriel Gifford's shooting, but it's clear that she tried to insinuate that they had something to do with the angry atmosphere that she claims existed back then.

Like it doesn't exist today......

I wonder what kind of public discourse the OWS protests have caused?

I still can't believe she is saying the Tea Party made civil discourse worse than Occupy Wall Street crowd did.

I think the DNC would be better served if they didn't have a compulsive liar for a chairwoman.


Debbie Wasserman Schultz Did Not Blame The Tea Party For Giffords Shooting | Media Matters for America
» DNC Chair: Tea Party to Blame for Giffords Shooting Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

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It's become clear to me that some people will believe any lie. Some will even know it is a lie and swear up and down that it's okay to claim it's the truth. Both sides have been guilty of this recently.

Is there any wonder why the government is so screwed up???

Folks, we deserve the government that we asked for. If you think that winning overrules your sense of right and wrong then your government will be corrupt.
It's become clear to me that some people will believe any lie. Some will even know it is a lie and swear up and down that it's okay to claim it's the truth. Both sides have been guilty of this recently.

Is there any wonder why the government is so screwed up???

Folks, we deserve the government that we asked for. If you think that winning overrules your sense of right and wrong then your government will be corrupt.

It is clear to me that partisan hacks on both sides value their party over their country. And this Debbie Wasserman-Schultz bitch is an idiot.... I hope that's not 'hate speech'. :lol:
It's become clear to me that some people will believe any lie. Some will even know it is a lie and swear up and down that it's okay to claim it's the truth. Both sides have been guilty of this recently.

Is there any wonder why the government is so screwed up???

Folks, we deserve the government that we asked for. If you think that winning overrules your sense of right and wrong then your government will be corrupt.

It is clear to me that partisan hacks on both sides value their party over their country. And this Debbie Wasserman-Schultz bitch is an idiot.... I hope that's not 'hate speech'. :lol:

no, it's free speech.
It's become clear to me that some people will believe any lie. Some will even know it is a lie and swear up and down that it's okay to claim it's the truth. Both sides have been guilty of this recently.

Is there any wonder why the government is so screwed up???

Folks, we deserve the government that we asked for. If you think that winning overrules your sense of right and wrong then your government will be corrupt.

It is clear to me that partisan hacks on both sides value their party over their country. And this Debbie Wasserman-Schultz bitch is an idiot.... I hope that's not 'hate speech'. :lol:

It's only hate speech because it's about a Democrat. If it's about a Repug it's just common knowledge.

Tea Party, Palin, Angle and Loughner's Second Amendment Remedy - National Democrat | Examiner.com

VIDEO: The Extreme, Violent Rhetoric Of GOP Lawmakers | ThinkProgress

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, caught in Sarah Palin's crosshairs, shot in Arizona - National Democrat | Examiner.com

The Infidel just negged me for the above post. Gee, that didn't take long...

Oddball said:
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have another, you weak-assed titty baby


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Oddball just negged me for the above post. Another hater of free speech - except when it's his...

It's always nice to be recognized by the village idiot...

too easy
She's the jewish version of Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson Lee and Nancy Pelosi, anyone that takes any of these loons seriously might be a loon themselves.......

Oddball said:
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have another, you weak-assed titty baby


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Oddball just negged me for the above post. Another hater of free speech - except when it's his...

It's always nice to be recognized by the village idiot...

And you're the village faggot for whining about it.......:thup:
Re: The original post - Debbie Wasserman Schultz did say "The discourse in America, the discourse in Congress in particular . . . has really changed, I'll tell you. I hesitate to place blame, but I have noticed it take a very precipitous turn towards edginess and lack of civility with the growth of the Tea Party movement." She may have hesitated to say it but she said it.
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Oddball said:
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have another, you weak-assed titty baby


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Oddball just negged me for the above post. Another hater of free speech - except when it's his...

It's always nice to be recognized by the village idiot...
It's become clear to me that some people will believe any lie. Some will even know it is a lie and swear up and down that it's okay to claim it's the truth. Both sides have been guilty of this recently.

It is a human characteristic to accept and promote a lie that supports your inclination. SAD but true

Oddball said:
Hi, you have received -721 reputation points from Oddball.
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have another, you weak-assed titty baby


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Oddball just negged me for the above post. Another hater of free speech - except when it's his...

It's always nice to be recognized by the village idiot...

Re: The original post - Debbie Wasserman Schultz did say "The discourse in America, the discourse in Congress in particular . . . has really changed, I'll tell you. I hesitate to place blame, but I have noticed it take a very precipitous turn towards edginess and lack of civility with the growth of the Tea Party movement." She may have hesitated to say it but she said it.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Debbie has selective hearing skills. :D The woman is in dire need of serious shock therapy.

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This was a best seller promoting peace, harmony and hands across the aisle ya think?

I listened to Debbie the other night. She's the chair person of the National Democratic Party. She's supposed to be a party hack. And she does a wonderful job. I keep looking to see if someone is using her like a sock puppet and if you can see an arm sticking up her butt. But no, there's no arm and I think that she might actually believe the horse dookey that she spews, no matter how ridiculous she sounds.

I've seen the sign that has been posted here that says "We came unarmed (this time)." When I first saw it, I had to laugh. I mean really, it is kind of funny. If you'd stop being so completely stupid and stop your faux outrage over the Tea Party, then you'd think it was funny too.

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