Wasserman-Schults Implies the Tea Party to Blame for Gifford Shooting

You did good lakhota. These cons don't have a leg to stand on with their defense of teaparty hate speech.

Just out of curiosity, do you plan on answering what is a simple question, even for one with your limited attention span?

Do you disapprove of ALL 'target rhetoric', or just that which emanates from Republicans? You seem to be avoiding that question.
Sarah is no stranger to partisan hackery. It's obvious. (Even though WE give her a headache but yet she still populates the boards)

Go figure.
Sooo, are you cons saying Jared Lee Loughner was blind and deaf and had no idea about all the hateful/violent Tea Party activity prior to him killing 6 and wounding 14?

no, i'm gonna stick with the *he's a schizoid, loner psychopath who killed a bunch of people for reasons apparent only to him* bit.

it has the added advantage of being the truth :thup:

keep swinging, corky

del, is an IQ test required to become a mod?
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Nite all. I'm tired of your bullshit so I'm going to beddie bye. :D

I can still see you little green light.. liar.

Sooo, are you cons saying Jared Lee Loughner was blind and deaf and had no idea about all the hateful/violent Tea Party activity prior to him killing 6 and wounding 14?

are you saying obama llama ding dong sat in that church for 20 long years and never heard what jeramiah bullfrog was preaching??? what a turd knocker you izzz.

and by the way,, there was no hateful violent Tea Party activity.. asswipe. NONE..
Sooo, are you cons saying Jared Lee Loughner was blind and deaf and had no idea about all the hateful/violent Tea Party activity prior to him killing 6 and wounding 14?

prove that without what you call hateful/violent Tea Party activity he would not have killed 6 and wounded 14.
Sooo, are you cons saying Jared Lee Loughner was blind and deaf and had no idea about all the hateful/violent Tea Party activity prior to him killing 6 and wounding 14?

are you saying obama llama ding dong sat in that church for 20 long years and never heard what jeramiah bullfrog was preaching??? what a turd knocker you izzz.

and by the way,, there was no hateful violent Tea Party activity.. asswipe. NONE..

hypocrites... gotta love them.
Sooo, are you cons saying Jared Lee Loughner was blind and deaf and had no idea about all the hateful/violent Tea Party activity prior to him killing 6 and wounding 14?

Loughner's best friend, Zach Osler, said, "He did not watch TV; he disliked the news; he didn't listen to political radio; he didn't take sides; he wasn't on the Left; he wasn't on the Right." Osler also noted that conspiracy theories had a profound effect on Loughner

Jared Lee Loughner - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sooo, are you cons saying Jared Lee Loughner was blind and deaf and had no idea about all the hateful/violent Tea Party activity prior to him killing 6 and wounding 14?

no, i'm gonna stick with the *he's a schizoid, loner psychopath who killed a bunch of people for reasons apparent only to him* bit.

it has the added advantage of being the truth :thup:

keep swinging, corky

del, is an IQ test required to become a mod?
Forget it son. YOU don't qualify.

DEL is head and shoulders above anything you apparently aspire to if your posts are a guage.
Sooo, are you cons saying Jared Lee Loughner was blind and deaf and had no idea about all the hateful/violent Tea Party activity prior to him killing 6 and wounding 14?

no, i'm gonna stick with the *he's a schizoid, loner psychopath who killed a bunch of people for reasons apparent only to him* bit.

it has the added advantage of being the truth :thup:

keep swinging, corky

del, is an IQ test required to become a mod?

yes, i had to outscore you by a minimum of 5 points.

fortunately, i had no problem exceeding that requirement.

to be honest, neither would a boston fern in reasonably good health.

why do you ask?
no, i'm gonna stick with the *he's a schizoid, loner psychopath who killed a bunch of people for reasons apparent only to him* bit.

it has the added advantage of being the truth :thup:

keep swinging, corky

del, is an IQ test required to become a mod?

yes, i had to outscore you by a minimum of 5 points.

fortunately, i had no problem exceeding that requirement.

to be honest, neither would a boston fern in reasonably good health.

why do you ask?

you only scored a 5?

Thank you. I know they don't...
No We have been showing you the truth of the matter for several posts. YOU elect to remain stuck on stupid. YOU have that right.

It's absolutely stunning. I've put up a link that is just one of hundreds that Jared was a left wing pot head and they will still blather on that it's the tea party.

And that Jared had a hate on for Gabby since 2007. Consequently all I can conclude is that the liberal posters are as idiotic as Debbie Wasserman Schulz.

And that's about as whacked out as you can get. That woman needs shock therapy.
I saw it. Doesn't matter to some...you're dead on.
Sooo, are you cons saying Jared Lee Loughner was blind and deaf and had no idea about all the hateful/violent Tea Party activity prior to him killing 6 and wounding 14?

Loughner's best friend, Zach Osler, said, "He did not watch TV; he disliked the news; he didn't listen to political radio; he didn't take sides; he wasn't on the Left; he wasn't on the Right." Osler also noted that conspiracy theories had a profound effect on Loughner

Jared Lee Loughner - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


why throw facts from eye witnesses into the mix? You know how that upsets poor Shitting Bull.
Does this sound like a right wing tea party person? Methinks not.

Drug and alcohol use

Zach Osler, a high school classmate of Loughner's, and his closest friend, indicated that Loughner's life began to unravel after his high school girlfriend broke up with him, and he then began to abuse alcohol and drugs, specifically Salvia divinorum (a natural hallucinogen illegal in many states).[13]

Another longtime friend, Kylie Smith, added that he had used cannabis (marijuana), psychedelic mushrooms, and LSD around that same time.[14] Loughner quit using marijuana (as well as alcohol and tobacco) in late 2008 and has not used it since, according to one of his longtime friends.[15]

The U.S. Army confirmed that Loughner had been rejected as "unqualified" for service in 2008.[16][17][18] According to military sources, Loughner admitted to marijuana use on numerous occasions during the application process.[6]

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