Wasserman-Schults Implies the Tea Party to Blame for Gifford Shooting

You did good lakhota. These cons don't have a leg to stand on with their defense of teaparty hate speech.

Nite all. I'm tired of your bullshit so I'm going to beddie bye. :D

I take it that I am correct, and that you support Democratic 'target rhetoric', while denouncing Republican 'target rhetoric'.

You are a hypocritical bitch of the highest order.
Thank you. I know they don't...
No We have been showing you the truth of the matter for several posts. YOU elect to remain stuck on stupid. YOU have that right.

Thank you. So do you...
Indeed. The AD was a cheapshot across the bow...now granted...could have been worded better...but a cheapshot nonetheless that YOU use to indict ALL responsible gun owners in an effort to tag them.

Cheap. It's what you are.

By Adrian Chen

Giffords' Tea Party opponent in the 2010 election, Jesse Kelly, went even further with the violent rhetoric. Kelly's campaign held an event called "Get on Target for Victory in November." Description: "Help remove Gabrielle Giffords from office. Shoot a fully automatic M16 with Jesse Kelly."

More: Shot Congresswoman Was In Sarah Palin's 'Crosshairs'

This literally makes me sick on my stomach.

You did good lakhota. These cons don't have a leg to stand on with their defense of teaparty hate speech.

Quote them.
Sooo, are you cons saying Jared Lee Loughner was blind and deaf and had no idea about all the hateful/violent Tea Party activity prior to him killing 6 and wounding 14?
Thank you. I know they don't...
No We have been showing you the truth of the matter for several posts. YOU elect to remain stuck on stupid. YOU have that right.

Thank you. So do you...

s0n...........not for nothing, but just happened to take a gandor up at your post count. Close to 6,000 in just 6 months:eek::eek:

s0n..........16 hours a day on the internet = not cool. And apparently, a news report released just today ( On DRUDGE right now) indicates scientists have identified a pronounced level of fuckedupedness associated with OCD internet freaks.

Best check it out.................you're well on the road to epic fAiL and the fact that you're a k00k lefty makes things even more unsetteling.

Addicted! Scientists show how internet dependency alters the human brain - Science - News - The Independent

Just trying to help s0n...........
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You did good lakhota. These cons don't have a leg to stand on with their defense of teaparty hate speech.

Thank you. I know they don't...
No We have been showing you the truth of the matter for several posts. YOU elect to remain stuck on stupid. YOU have that right.

It's absolutely stunning. I've put up a link that is just one of hundreds that Jared was a left wing pot head and they will still blather on that it's the tea party.

And that Jared had a hate on for Gabby since 2007. Consequently all I can conclude is that the liberal posters are as idiotic as Debbie Wasserman Schulz.

And that's about as whacked out as you can get. That woman needs shock therapy.
Sooo, are you cons saying Jared Lee Loughner was blind and deaf and had no idea about all the hateful/violent Tea Party activity prior to him killing 6 and wounding 14?

Wow. You're really going there.
Sooo, are you cons saying Jared Lee Loughner was blind and deaf and had no idea about all the hateful/violent Tea Party activity prior to him killing 6 and wounding 14?

Nope.... just saying the TP had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, ZIP, ZERO.... NADDA to do with the shooting dumbass!
Sooo, are you cons saying Jared Lee Loughner was blind and deaf and had no idea about all the hateful/violent Tea Party activity prior to him killing 6 and wounding 14?

no, i'm gonna stick with the *he's a schizoid, loner psychopath who killed a bunch of people for reasons apparent only to him* bit.

it has the added advantage of being the truth :thup:

keep swinging, corky

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