Wasserman-Schults Implies the Tea Party to Blame for Gifford Shooting

I don't think so. With tensions high in a divided nation, the teaparty continues to exploit it with target rhetoric, hate speech and even encouragement to all, even psychopaths, to put a loaded gun in your pocket and carry it anywhere.

so, you don't approve of 'target' talk?

and how did you feel about this?

or this???

or this???


OR, is it just that you don't approve of it when Republicans do it?

Does that guy tell his constituency to feel free to buy a gun without registering and carry it around in his pocket, loaded? :lol:

Crazy people find the least bit of encouragement to be a validation of their violent urges.
What part of protecting yourself don't you get exactly? Responsibility...?
Does that guy tell his constituency to feel free to buy a gun without registering and carry it around in his pocket, loaded? :lol:

Crazy people find the least bit of encouragement to be a validation of their violent urges.

I was unaware any Tea Party candidates or leaders told members to buy a gun without registering it and carry it around. You have a link to someone of authority in the Tea Party giving such instructions?

Also, you completely avoided my question... Are you against ALL 'target rhetoric', or just that which comes from Republicans?
I don't think so. With tensions high in a divided nation, the teaparty continues to exploit it with target rhetoric, hate speech and even encouragement to all, even psychopaths, to put a loaded gun in your pocket and carry it anywhere.

so, you don't approve of 'target' talk?

and how did you feel about this?

or this???

or this???


OR, is it just that you don't approve of it when Republicans do it?

that's different

those are clearly archery targets

:lmao: :lmao:

By Adrian Chen

Giffords' Tea Party opponent in the 2010 election, Jesse Kelly, went even further with the violent rhetoric. Kelly's campaign held an event called "Get on Target for Victory in November." Description: "Help remove Gabrielle Giffords from office. Shoot a fully automatic M16 with Jesse Kelly."

More: Shot Congresswoman Was In Sarah Palin's 'Crosshairs'

This literally makes me sick on my stomach.
I assure you the Vast Majority of hate and Rage and Misinformation is coming from the Far left.
While they scream and dream of 'level playing fields'...But living in a universe of lies is thier idea of 'level'.

I have never found anything as satisfying as leveling things with a D-10.
Rock Ripper blade on the rear is handy as well.
I'll pose the same to you? What do you fear? The weapon or the user?

By Adrian Chen

Giffords' Tea Party opponent in the 2010 election, Jesse Kelly, went even further with the violent rhetoric. Kelly's campaign held an event called "Get on Target for Victory in November." Description: "Help remove Gabrielle Giffords from office. Shoot a fully automatic M16 with Jesse Kelly."

More: Shot Congresswoman Was In Sarah Palin's 'Crosshairs'

This literally makes me sick on my stomach.

Her name should not have been included in the advertisement for that event. It should have read...

"Get on Target for Victory in November." Description: "Help put Jesse Kelly in office. Come shoot a fully automatic M16 with Jesse Kelly."

By Adrian Chen

Giffords' Tea Party opponent in the 2010 election, Jesse Kelly, went even further with the violent rhetoric. Kelly's campaign held an event called "Get on Target for Victory in November." Description: "Help remove Gabrielle Giffords from office. Shoot a fully automatic M16 with Jesse Kelly."

More: Shot Congresswoman Was In Sarah Palin's 'Crosshairs'

This literally makes me sick on my stomach.

Gee, does this make you sick too?


May 11, 2011 (Washington, DC) – The Democratic team of marksmen outdueled their Republican counterparts yesterday at the Congressional Shoot-Out held at the Prince George’s County Trap and Skeet Center in Glenn Dale, Maryland.

CSC Co-Chair and team captain Rep. Mike Ross of Arkansas accepted the trophy on behalf of team Democrat, made up of members of the CSC including: Sen. Joe Manchin, CSC Vice-Chair Rep. Heath Shuler, Rep. Collin Peterson, Rep. Bennie Thompson, former CSC Co-Chair Rep. Mike Thompson, Rep. Tim Walz.

It looks like Democrats are better at using firearms than Republicans are.

Go figure.

By Adrian Chen

Giffords' Tea Party opponent in the 2010 election, Jesse Kelly, went even further with the violent rhetoric. Kelly's campaign held an event called "Get on Target for Victory in November." Description: "Help remove Gabrielle Giffords from office. Shoot a fully automatic M16 with Jesse Kelly."

More: Shot Congresswoman Was In Sarah Palin's 'Crosshairs'

This literally makes me sick on my stomach.

Gee, does this make you sick too?


May 11, 2011 (Washington, DC) – The Democratic team of marksmen outdueled their Republican counterparts yesterday at the Congressional Shoot-Out held at the Prince George’s County Trap and Skeet Center in Glenn Dale, Maryland.

CSC Co-Chair and team captain Rep. Mike Ross of Arkansas accepted the trophy on behalf of team Democrat, made up of members of the CSC including: Sen. Joe Manchin, CSC Vice-Chair Rep. Heath Shuler, Rep. Collin Peterson, Rep. Bennie Thompson, former CSC Co-Chair Rep. Mike Thompson, Rep. Tim Walz.

It looks like Democrats are better at using firearms than Republicans are.

Go figure.

How many people were killed and wounded?

By Adrian Chen

Giffords' Tea Party opponent in the 2010 election, Jesse Kelly, went even further with the violent rhetoric. Kelly's campaign held an event called "Get on Target for Victory in November." Description: "Help remove Gabrielle Giffords from office. Shoot a fully automatic M16 with Jesse Kelly."

More: Shot Congresswoman Was In Sarah Palin's 'Crosshairs'

This literally makes me sick on my stomach.

Oh this type of bullshit makes me want to bazooka barf.

Jared had a hard on against Gabby since 2007. He has been described as a left wing pot head.

It's complete and utter garbage this argument that it's the tea party or Palin.

And you are shovelling shit like crazy.

By Adrian Chen

Giffords' Tea Party opponent in the 2010 election, Jesse Kelly, went even further with the violent rhetoric. Kelly's campaign held an event called "Get on Target for Victory in November." Description: "Help remove Gabrielle Giffords from office. Shoot a fully automatic M16 with Jesse Kelly."

More: Shot Congresswoman Was In Sarah Palin's 'Crosshairs'

This literally makes me sick on my stomach.

Her name should not have been included in the advertisement for that event. It should have read...

"Get on Target for Victory in November." Description: "Help put Jesse Kelly in office. Come shoot a fully automatic M16 with Jesse Kelly."

I have a hat that I wear proudly that reads:


By Adrian Chen

Giffords' Tea Party opponent in the 2010 election, Jesse Kelly, went even further with the violent rhetoric. Kelly's campaign held an event called "Get on Target for Victory in November." Description: "Help remove Gabrielle Giffords from office. Shoot a fully automatic M16 with Jesse Kelly."

More: Shot Congresswoman Was In Sarah Palin's 'Crosshairs'

This literally makes me sick on my stomach.

You did good lakhota. These cons don't have a leg to stand on with their defense of teaparty hate speech.
More: Shot Congresswoman Was In Sarah Palin's 'Crosshairs'

This literally makes me sick on my stomach.

Gee, does this make you sick too?

Team Democrat Defends "Top Gun" Title at Congressional Shoot-Out | congressional sportsmen's foundation

CSC Co-Chair and team captain Rep. Mike Ross of Arkansas accepted the trophy on behalf of team Democrat, made up of members of the CSC including: Sen. Joe Manchin, CSC Vice-Chair Rep. Heath Shuler, Rep. Collin Peterson, Rep. Bennie Thompson, former CSC Co-Chair Rep. Mike Thompson, Rep. Tim Walz.

It looks like Democrats are better at using firearms than Republicans are.

Go figure.

How many people were killed and wounded?

How many people were killed or wounded at the event on 6/12/10??

By Adrian Chen

Giffords' Tea Party opponent in the 2010 election, Jesse Kelly, went even further with the violent rhetoric. Kelly's campaign held an event called "Get on Target for Victory in November." Description: "Help remove Gabrielle Giffords from office. Shoot a fully automatic M16 with Jesse Kelly."

More: Shot Congresswoman Was In Sarah Palin's 'Crosshairs'

This literally makes me sick on my stomach.

You did good lakhota. These cons don't have a leg to stand on with their defense of teaparty hate speech.

Thank you. I know they don't...
Does anyone disagree that their has been a decrease in the level of civility in our political environment?

Indeed, that's what you get when you elect the most divisive president in history.......
Who told us that it would cease with his Presidency...and has been doing everything in his training and power to foment it.

The O is a liar. So many took him at his word...and still do. Blame, Minimize, Deny, Obfuscate. Mindlessly at that.

You Obama zombies may press to activate.​

You did good lakhota. These cons don't have a leg to stand on with their defense of teaparty hate speech.

Just out of curiosity, do you plan on answering what is a simple question, even for one with your limited attention span?

Do you disapprove of ALL 'target rhetoric', or just that which emanates from Republicans? You seem to be avoiding that question.
yea well diane sawyer seems to think the TP is responsible to so hey, whats new.

and all you leftys getting all high and mighty ala 'hate speech', take your heads out of the sand, or I'll bring a gun to this knife fight :rolleyes:

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