Wasserman-Schults Implies the Tea Party to Blame for Gifford Shooting


Tea Party, Palin, Angle and Loughner's Second Amendment Remedy - National Democrat | Examiner.com

VIDEO: The Extreme, Violent Rhetoric Of GOP Lawmakers | ThinkProgress

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, caught in Sarah Palin's crosshairs, shot in Arizona - National Democrat | Examiner.com

The Infidel just negged me for the above post. Gee, that didn't take long...

Conservative said:
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whiney little bitch


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Conservative just negged me for the above post. Another free speech hater - except when it's their free speech...

Rat in the Hat said:
Hi, you have received -588 reputation points from Rat in the Hat.
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Negged for being a little baby about rep. Go ahead and neg me back, it won\'t hurt my points. :D

Rat in the Hat

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Rat in the Hat just negged me for the above post. Another free speech hater - except when it's their free speech...
Wasserman Schultz is a dear friend of Gabby. After watching what she has been through and hearing the same old shit from the teaparty, I can understand her frustration. I can see how she would come to the conclusion that the gun toting teaparty was at least partially to blame for that senseless shooting.

well, yeah, she's a fucking dope

I don't think so. With tensions high in a divided nation, the teaparty continues to exploit it with target rhetoric, hate speech and even encouragement to all, even psychopaths, to put a loaded gun in your pocket and carry it anywhere.

so, you don't approve of 'target' talk?

and how did you feel about this?

or this???

or this???


OR, is it just that you don't approve of it when Republicans do it?
The Infidel just negged me for the above post. Gee, that didn't take long...

Conservative just negged me for the above post. Another free speech hater - except when it's their free speech...

Rat in the Hat said:
Hi, you have received -588 reputation points from Rat in the Hat.
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Negged for being a little baby about rep. Go ahead and neg me back, it won\'t hurt my points. :D

Rat in the Hat

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Rat in the Hat just negged me for the above post. Another free speech hater - except when it's their free speech...
Son? YOU are decrying thier speech...? Really?

C'mon man!

Happens to me alot. DEAL with it.
well, yeah, she's a fucking dope

I don't think so. With tensions high in a divided nation, the teaparty continues to exploit it with target rhetoric, hate speech and even encouragement to all, even psychopaths, to put a loaded gun in your pocket and carry it anywhere.

so, you don't approve of 'target' talk?

and how did you feel about this?

or this???

or this???


OR, is it just that you don't approve of it when Republicans do it?
I had forgotten this. REP

My such hypocrisy from some. But some live on one way streets.
well, yeah, she's a fucking dope

I don't think so. With tensions high in a divided nation, the teaparty continues to exploit it with target rhetoric, hate speech and even encouragement to all, even psychopaths, to put a loaded gun in your pocket and carry it anywhere.

so, you don't approve of 'target' talk?

and how did you feel about this?

or this???

or this???


OR, is it just that you don't approve of it when Republicans do it?

that's different

those are clearly archery targets
Archery targets are hardly the same as crosshairs - and no one was crying "don't retreat, instead - RELOAD" when they were using them; nor was anyone crying Second Amendment remedies when they were using them; nor were they walking around with firearms and threatening signs when they were using them.
Last edited:
The Infidel just negged me for the above post. Gee, that didn't take long...

Conservative just negged me for the above post. Another free speech hater - except when it's their free speech...

Rat in the Hat said:
Hi, you have received -588 reputation points from Rat in the Hat.
Reputation was given for this post.

Negged for being a little baby about rep. Go ahead and neg me back, it won\'t hurt my points. :D

Rat in the Hat

Note: This is an automated message.

Rat in the Hat just negged me for the above post. Another free speech hater - except when it's their free speech...

I don't think so. With tensions high in a divided nation, the teaparty continues to exploit it with target rhetoric, hate speech and even encouragement to all, even psychopaths, to put a loaded gun in your pocket and carry it anywhere.

so, you don't approve of 'target' talk?

and how did you feel about this?

or this???

or this???


OR, is it just that you don't approve of it when Republicans do it?

that's different

those are clearly archery targets

I wasn't aware the weapon mattered. Go figure.
Archery targets are hardly the same as crosshairs - and no one was crying "don't retreat, instead - RELOAD" when they were using them; nor was anyone crying Second Amendment remedies when they were using them.

that's just fucking sad
Jared was described by a classmate as a left wing pothead. He had nothing to do with the tea party or Palin.

Wasserman Schulz is a nutjob.
well, yeah, she's a fucking dope

I don't think so. With tensions high in a divided nation, the teaparty continues to exploit it with target rhetoric, hate speech and even encouragement to all, even psychopaths, to put a loaded gun in your pocket and carry it anywhere.

so, you don't approve of 'target' talk?

and how did you feel about this?

or this???

or this???


OR, is it just that you don't approve of it when Republicans do it?

Does that guy tell his constituency to feel free to buy a gun without registering and carry it around in his pocket, loaded? :lol:

Crazy people find the least bit of encouragement to be a validation of their violent urges.
Rush/Fox/Savage/Tea Party- the amount of hate and misinformation is scarey...

I assure you the Vast Majority of hate and Rage and Misinformation is coming from the Far left.
While they scream and dream of 'level playing fields'...But living in a universe of lies is thier idea of 'level'.

I have never found anything as satisfying as leveling things with a D-10.
Rock Ripper blade on the rear is handy as well.
Classmate Describes Shooter as 'Left-Wing Pothead'

Monday, 10 Jan 2011 11:33 AM

By Rick Pedraza

A classmate of Jared Lee Loughner, charged in the Arizona rampage that severely injured Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, killed six, and a dozen others outside a Tucson, Ariz., mall on Saturday, described the 22-year-old as a pot-smoking, political radical she met in high school who always was a bit of an outcast, the Phoenix New Times reports.

Jared Loughner, Gabrielle Giffords, Tucson, Ariz.,“As I knew him, he was left wing,” Caitie Parker tweeted after hearing of the violent attack that targeted and hospitalized Arizona Democrat Giffords in critical condition with a severe head wound. “He was a pot head, quite liberal and oddly obsessed with the 2012 prophecy.”

Parker wrote that she hadn't seen Loughner since 2007, when she and Loughner were in a sign language class together at Mountain View High School in Tucson.

Loughner once met Giffords at a political event in 2007, asked the congresswoman a question, said Parker, adding that he told her later that Giffords’ response “was stupid and unintelligent.” Loughner’s own Internet postings make bizarre references to the “illiterate” constituency in Arizona's 8th Congressional District, and his last message on his MySpace page simply read, “Goodbye friends.”

Now just because Jared might be a left wing pot head as his classmate described, I'm not going to turn around and say all left wing pot heads are homicidal maniacs.

This is the difference between a good conservative and an insane head of the DNC. Sheesh.

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