Wasserman-Schults Implies the Tea Party to Blame for Gifford Shooting


Tea Party, Palin, Angle and Loughner's Second Amendment Remedy - National Democrat | Examiner.com

VIDEO: The Extreme, Violent Rhetoric Of GOP Lawmakers | ThinkProgress

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, caught in Sarah Palin's crosshairs, shot in Arizona - National Democrat | Examiner.com

The Infidel just negged me for the above post. Gee, that didn't take long...

Two Thumbs said:
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well when you\'re full of shit, since no violence has come from the TP, only the PP, that\'s what you get. crybaby

Two Thumbs

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Two Thumbs just negged me for the above post. Another free speech hater - except when it's their free speech...

not that it matters, but there's no free speech here. the concept doesn't apply, and even if it did

ah, fuck it

stop whining
Wasserman Schultz is a dear friend of Gabby. After watching what she has been through and hearing the same old shit from the teaparty, I can understand her frustration. I can see how she would come to the conclusion that the gun toting teaparty was at least partially to blame for that senseless shooting.
So why did she and a good portion of the left try to pawn this action off toward the TEA Party who had ZERO to do with it?

Why the lie?

Pawn it off? They were encouraging their membership to carry guns everywhere, to arm themselves. Too bad the wrong person decided to take them up on their rhetoric.
Carrying (which IS the right of every citizen per the Second Amendment) versus thier responsible USE are very different things.

Are YOU afraid of the instrument or the users?
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is such a whackjob. So a group of people who don't like taxes and big government are to blame for the madman who shot Gifford.
Seriously, I can't stand that woman. She's as stupid as Michele Bachmann (well, almost).

Wasserman Schultz is a dear friend of Gabby. After watching what she has been through and hearing the same old shit from the teaparty, I can understand her frustration. I can see how she would come to the conclusion that the gun toting teaparty was at least partially to blame for that senseless shooting.

well, yeah, she's a fucking dope
Wasserman Schultz is a dear friend of Gabby. After watching what she has been through and hearing the same old shit from the teaparty, I can understand her frustration. I can see how she would come to the conclusion that the gun toting teaparty was at least partially to blame for that senseless shooting.
So why did she and a good portion of the left try to pawn this action off toward the TEA Party who had ZERO to do with it?

Why the lie?

Pawn it off? They were encouraging their membership to carry guns everywhere, to arm themselves. Too bad the wrong person decided to take them up on their rhetoric.

and I quote...
A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed
Wasserman Schultz is a dear friend of Gabby. After watching what she has been through and hearing the same old shit from the teaparty, I can understand her frustration. I can see how she would come to the conclusion that the gun toting teaparty was at least partially to blame for that senseless shooting.
So why did she and a good portion of the left try to pawn this action off toward the TEA Party who had ZERO to do with it?

Why the lie?

Pawn it off? They were encouraging their membership to carry guns everywhere, to arm themselves. Too bad the wrong person decided to take them up on their rhetoric.

too bad it's been fairly well documented that the nutbar had no more clue of what the teaparty was than he knew about string theory, but, hell, run with it. :lol:
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is such a whackjob. So a group of people who don't like taxes and big government are to blame for the madman who shot Gifford.
Seriously, I can't stand that woman. She's as stupid as Michele Bachmann (well, almost).

Wasserman Schultz is a dear friend of Gabby. After watching what she has been through and hearing the same old shit from the teaparty, I can understand her frustration. I can see how she would come to the conclusion that the gun toting teaparty was at least partially to blame for that senseless shooting.

well, yeah, she's a fucking dope

I don't think so. With tensions high in a divided nation, the teaparty continues to exploit it with target rhetoric, hate speech and even encouragement to all, even psychopaths, to put a loaded gun in your pocket and carry it anywhere.
So why did she and a good portion of the left try to pawn this action off toward the TEA Party who had ZERO to do with it?

Why the lie?

Pawn it off? They were encouraging their membership to carry guns everywhere, to arm themselves. Too bad the wrong person decided to take them up on their rhetoric.

too bad it's been fairly well documented that the nutbar had no more clue of what the teaparty was than he knew about string theory, but, hell, run with it. :lol:

So why did she and a good portion of the left try to pawn this action off toward the TEA Party who had ZERO to do with it?

Why the lie?

Pawn it off? They were encouraging their membership to carry guns everywhere, to arm themselves. Too bad the wrong person decided to take them up on their rhetoric.
Carrying (which IS the right of every citizen per the Second Amendment) versus thier responsible USE are very different things.

Are YOU afraid of the instrument or the users?

I know this is a hard thing for you to accept, Tommy..but Loughner shot about 13 people and killed 6. This happened in seconds. He was well trained in the use of the firearm he had.

That would not have been possible if he wasn't armed.
Wasserman Schultz Mentions AZ Shooting, Says Rise Of Tea Party Has Led To "Lack Of Civility" | RealClearPolitics
"We need to make sure that we tone things down, particularly in light of the Tucson tragedy from a year ago, where my very good friend, Gabby Giffords -- who is doing really well, by the way, -- [was shot]," Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the Democratic National Committee chair, said in New Hampshire on Wednesday. "The discourse in America, the discourse in Congress in particular . . . has really changed, I'll tell you. I hesitate to place blame, but I have noticed it take a very precipitous turn towards edginess and lack of civility with the growth of the Tea Party movement."

She hesitates to place blame ....

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
So why did she and a good portion of the left try to pawn this action off toward the TEA Party who had ZERO to do with it?

Why the lie?

Pawn it off? They were encouraging their membership to carry guns everywhere, to arm themselves. Too bad the wrong person decided to take them up on their rhetoric.

too bad it's been fairly well documented that the nutbar had no more clue of what the teaparty was than he knew about string theory, but, hell, run with it. :lol:
There it is. Del w/truth.

The guy was just a nutjob that thought Ms. Giffords he didn't like.

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