Watch 2 Canadians Discover That The US Is Now A Police State


Gold Member
Apr 17, 2011

Wow, this is crazy.. they were just trying to go shopping
Border guard was an ass no doubt. But the canuck is a dumb ass.
No different then being an ass at the airport. You dont do it....period. And I dont say that out of any sense of rah,rah patriotism. I say it because it aint worth all the BS you can expect when you act like a dumb ass.
Canadians do not have a right to cross the border into the U.S. to go shopping, or anything else.

These are the procedures for a non-citizen to enter the U.S. as a guest.

If this asshole doesn't want to be question, he and his wife should shop in Canada.
Border guard was an ass no doubt. But the canuck is a dumb ass.
No different then being an ass at the airport. You dont do it....period. And I dont say that out of any sense of rah,rah patriotism. I say it because it aint worth all the BS you can expect when you act like a dumb ass.

I didn't think the border guard was being an ass.

The Canadian felt he was entitled to cross the border without being questioned.

It all went wrong when the Canadian got irate with his "What does it matter!"

All he had to say was, "nowhere specific, we are just going window shopping."

Instead, he started raising his voice and it all went down hill from there.
Border guard was an ass no doubt. But the canuck is a dumb ass.
No different then being an ass at the airport. You dont do it....period. And I dont say that out of any sense of rah,rah patriotism. I say it because it aint worth all the BS you can expect when you act like a dumb ass.

I didn't think the border guard was being an ass.

The Canadian felt he was entitled to cross the border without being questioned.

It all went wrong when the Canadian got irate with his "What does it matter!"

All he had to say was, "nowhere specific, we are just going window shopping."

Instead, he started raising his voice and it all went down hill from there.

Had to listen to it again. But yeah you're right,he didnt get pissy until the cunuck started mouthing off.
And I thought about my personal experience when entering other countries.
Pretty much the same questions were asked of me. What is the purpose of your visit,where are you staying,how long will you be here?
Border guard was an ass no doubt. But the canuck is a dumb ass.
No different then being an ass at the airport. You dont do it....period. And I dont say that out of any sense of rah,rah patriotism. I say it because it aint worth all the BS you can expect when you act like a dumb ass.

I didn't think the border guard was being an ass.

The Canadian felt he was entitled to cross the border without being questioned.

It all went wrong when the Canadian got irate with his "What does it matter!"

All he had to say was, "nowhere specific, we are just going window shopping."

Instead, he started raising his voice and it all went down hill from there.

Oh bullshit.

Come off it, the guy even specified the name of the mall and the customs agent kept at it with "which stores". When he said he didn't know, which is a perfectly reasonable answer, they confiscated his keys.

That's utter horseshit. I've never had to go into that level of detail entering Canada, ever. It's complete rubbish. This had nothing to do with national security and everything to do with ego.

I'm sure if the customs guy was aware he was being recorded he would have thought twice before being a fucking dick.
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What the hell are those Canadians up to?

If Canadians want to come into the US unmolested they can fly to El Paso or Reynosa and bring a dangerous, uninsured semi across with less hassle.
Border guard was an ass no doubt. But the canuck is a dumb ass.
No different then being an ass at the airport. You dont do it....period. And I dont say that out of any sense of rah,rah patriotism. I say it because it aint worth all the BS you can expect when you act like a dumb ass.

I didn't think the border guard was being an ass.

The Canadian felt he was entitled to cross the border without being questioned.

It all went wrong when the Canadian got irate with his "What does it matter!"

All he had to say was, "nowhere specific, we are just going window shopping."

Instead, he started raising his voice and it all went down hill from there.

Oh bullshit.

Come off it, the guy even specified the name of the mall and the customs agent kept at it with "which stores". When he said he didn't know, which is a perfectly reasonable answer, they confiscated his keys.

That's utter horseshit. I've never had to go into that level of detail entering Canada, ever. It's complete rubbish. This had nothing to do with national security and everything to do with ego.

I'm sure if the customs guy was aware he was being recorded he would have thought twice before being a fucking dick.

That is how the borer patrol uncover a prepared cover story.

They ask more detailed questions.

Getting irate instead of answering is a sure way to get a more detailed interview.

It has nothing to do with ego.
Border guard was an ass no doubt. But the canuck is a dumb ass.
No different then being an ass at the airport. You dont do it....period. And I dont say that out of any sense of rah,rah patriotism. I say it because it aint worth all the BS you can expect when you act like a dumb ass.

I didn't think the border guard was being an ass.

The Canadian felt he was entitled to cross the border without being questioned.

It all went wrong when the Canadian got irate with his "What does it matter!"

All he had to say was, "nowhere specific, we are just going window shopping."

Instead, he started raising his voice and it all went down hill from there.

Oh bullshit.

Come off it, the guy even specified the name of the mall and the customs agent kept at it with "which stores". When he said he didn't know, which is a perfectly reasonable answer, they confiscated his keys.

That's utter horseshit. I've never had to go into that level of detail entering Canada, ever. It's complete rubbish. This had nothing to do with national security and everything to do with ego.

I'm sure if the customs guy was aware he was being recorded he would have thought twice before being a fucking dick.

I went to canada last year(had to escort my mother she's getting a little forgetful)
And canadian border security singled me out. Took me to a back room and questioned the shit out of me. Asked if I planned to go back to Texas,and a bunch of other weird shit.
So yes it does happen when entering canada. The difference? I wasnt an ass and I was free to go after answering their questions.
What did Maclean's have to say about this incident?
If you want to hear what happens when you bring a little attitude to your U.S. border crossing, check out this audio recording [links to youtube video in OP] which purports to be (and sure sounds like) a confrontation between a Canadian couple heading for outlet shopping in Niagara Falls, New York and a series of U.S. border officials.

No Fooling: U.S. Border Crossing Can Be A Hassle - Travel -
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Having gone across the Canada/US border like a gazillion times, I've had more hassle from Canadian Customs than American.
Having gone across the Canada/US border like a gazillion times, I've had more hassle from Canadian Customs than American.

I have too, prolly because I'm a US citizen. But it never ever approached this level of assholicity. "Which stores in the mall", my ass. That's when it became obvious harassment.
I've been pulled aside and interviewed about whether I was coming in to make money (with the musical instruments I was carrying, and which I always carried). I told them I was going to Nova Scotia for the unique music -- they actually managed to feign ignorance about their own culture with a straight face when I asked them if they were not familiar with Cape Breton music. But they never jumped the shark to the blatant harassment exhibited here.

I'll be there in a few days. I expect they will ask as usual the purpose of my trip; I'll reply that I'm going to Montréal to do some record shopping. If they then ask me which shops I'm going to, I'll fall down. Then I'll post it here. Won't happen.
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Meanwhile while this poor canuck is being interviewed several thousand illegals from all over the world just snuck across the southern border.
I had a very similar incident with a Canadian border guard a few years ago.
Yeah border security is kinda heightened now... The border patrol kinda takes that stuff seriously these days.

Politely answer the gentlemens' questions, or turn around and go back to Canada. :thup:
The border patrol agent told the guy he catches three terrorists a day.

What a bloviating dick.

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