WATCH: CNN obtains footage of Trump palling around with Russian figures at the center of Don Jr.s e

Another part of the tangled web is the Russian lawyer. She got into the country because Lynch granted her entry so she could represent her Russian client Prevezon holdings., who was facing $230 million in tax fraud charges by none other than US attorney Preet Bharara. Remember the one that Trump fired.

It looks like the Russian lawyer did pretty good for her Russian client Prevezon holdings, or the new US attorney Trump put in place was doing the Russians a favor, because instead of facing $230 million in fines, they settled the case for $6 million.

You can read about it at

DOJ Settled Massive Russian Fraud Case Involving Lawyer Who Met With Trump Jr.

Veselnitskaya ... was working on the civil forfeiture case that Sessions would eventually shutter.

In May, the Justice Department settled the case for $6 million instead of $230 million and did not demand any admission of wrongdoing. According to the lawmakers’ letter to Sessions, Veslnitskaya was surprised by how generous the settlement was, telling one Russian news outlet the penalty appeared like “an apology from the government.”
You didn't read your own link.

Did you see who wrote the email??????

you moron did you read all the blanket denials by Trump only for the Truth to slap you in the face like some cheap person bleeding from somewhere ?
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
With all of its phony unnamed sources & highly slanted & even fraudulent reporting, #Fake News is DISTORTING DEMOCRACY in our country!

7:15 AM - 16 Jul 2017
20 times Team Trump denied any connections to Russia -

WATCH: CNN obtains footage of Trump palling around with Russian figures at the center of Don Jr.s e
Source: CNN
espite Donald Trump’s repeated assurances that he knows “nothing about Russia,” new video obtained by CNN shows the president hanging out with the very people at the center of Donald Trump Jr.’s controversial email correspondence.

In the video—recoreded in Las Vegas in 2013—Trump can be seen with Emin and Aras Agalarov, the Russians who allegedly asked manager Rod Goldstone to set up a meeting between a Russian lawyer and Turmp Jr.

“We all think alike,” Emin Agalarov says in the video.

“These are the most powerful people in Russia, these are the richest people in Russia,” Trump later adds.

Read more: WATCH: CNN obtains footage of Trump palling around with Russian figures at the center of Don Jr.’s emails

So now that we know there has been a coup ...

Add this to rigged voting machines, voter suppression and a complicit GOP ... just what the HELL are we going to do?

Be careful running down rabbit holes. See, reboots are not all you find in rabbit holes.

Wanna see some pics of barry and hillary palling around with some russians?

Fucked up MORON.....We are NOT talking "SOME Russians".....We are talking about the SAME Russians that were bribing Donnie-baby.

Gee you are DUMB.......

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