Watch Every Time Obama Told Americans Who He Thinks We Are

Rather than a little, African coward!..Oh, that looks SO VIOLENT... The Moocher doesn't think so...she's the one with the BALLS!

I just still can not believe you people put him in as President. even seven years later, I'm still sick every time I see or hear from him

Brilliant retort.
You are without a doubt one sad sefl loathing individual.
How any American can accept Obama's conduct is a mystery.
This bastard goes in front of the G-20 and that stupid climate change ( tax US business) summit and literally takes no prisoners while trashing the United States.

It's pretty entertaining to watch you people with ODS suffer. I wonder how you're going to cope once Hillary is elected?

I'm watching the G-20 summit now, and think Obama did a fine job. :)

If I gave a flying phuck what this disaster says I'd be care but I don't. I used to think he was just clueless but I'm more convinced more than ever he's mental

Which is why you haven't posted in this thread, right?

Stop being an annoying ass.You're not clever, you're not're a left loon. A notch above a cockroach

You are prime example of HUMAN cockroach.
If I gave a flying phuck what this disaster says I'd be care but I don't. I used to think he was just clueless but I'm more convinced more than ever he's mental

Which is why you haven't posted in this thread, right?

Stop being an annoying ass.You're not clever, you're not're a left loon. A notch above a cockroach

You are prime example of HUMAN cockroach.
Cockroach feces to be exact.
I just still can not believe you people put him in as President. even seven years later, I'm still sick every time I see or hear from him

46 times Obama lectured Americans on our character.

Fresh off a holiday in which Americans are especially grateful for who we are and the many ways we have been blessed, David Rutz at the Washington Free Beacon presents a short video clip capturing 46 times that President Obama lectured us about our character.

This is the leader, remember, who doesn't believe that American exceptionalism is any more exceptional than the British or Greek variety.

"That's not who we are," is Obama's mantra when confronted with any opposition to his notion of, not what the American character really is, but what he and his radical cohorts want to make it: unexceptional.

No President in American history has done more to make America less than what she is, to divide and conquer this nation, to bring the great American experiment to the brink of a sad failure, than Barack Obama.

Going into the final year before the 2016 election, let's show Obama and the radical left that, in his words, we're better than that - and that he is not who we are.

all of it here:
Watch Every Time Obama Told Americans Who He Thinks We Are

So you know who sign your welfare check?
Obama should run for third term....then you have total of 12 years crying inside your trailer home. You better pray Democrat will win the next election. Because if republican win they will cut your welfare benefits.
The Democrats ceased being an American political party some time ago.
Not true. Your POTUS is a democrat.

My point is made again. Thank you.
Your point was never made. You thought democrats were not an american political party. How could you be that stupid?

Their agenda is not American in origin, but rather is a Communist/fascist hybrid of various failed policies they pulled off the ash heap. They are nearly diametrically opposed to foundational American thought and philosophy.
Even if all that babble were true that still doesnt explain how you confused nationality with ideology.

I didn't. You simply fail to make the simplest of connections.

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