Watch Fauci play politics and lie over and over about whether or not he recommended shuttting down the country

No thanks. I had nice jobs in the private sector and entertainment. Thank you for your military service.
If such service actually occurred. I think about 75% of lib loons here claim military service which does not match neither their conduct nor general American percentages.
And it's a hefty price tag for a virus that kills roughly 1% of those who contract it.
6% of all positives became severe or worse requiring hospitalization and of that 6%, 10% or 0.6% total did die.Not 0.6% of the population but rather 0.6% of those who got it; most elderly and with multiple life threatening conditions
On the total, less than 2 people per state per day died died solely from Covid during an 18 month span
If such service actually occurred. I think about 75% of lib loons here claim military service which does not match neither their conduct nor general American percentages.
It was no lie. 9 years in the Navy, 5 on USS Nicholas FFG 47, 3 at SIMA Norfolk and 1 going to gas turbine A and C school.

By not matching general conduct...does that mean not agree with you?

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