Watch Fauci play politics and lie over and over about whether or not he recommended shuttting down the country

Fauci admitted to lying about not needing to wear a mask initially, and said he lied in order to save masks for medical staff.

Apparently lying is Ok so long as it is for a good cause

Luckily, the Left has a never-ending number of good causes
make that 'good' causes. Good, for them.
When you get paid half a billion dollars a year of taxpayer funds for your expert opinion, you damn right you share responsibility. Try being an executive in a corporation in the real world and see how far you get by ignoring responsibility. This is the problem with life-long bureaucrats like Fauci.
An executive in corporate America who ignores responsibility gets a golden parachute and a farewell party, setting them up for life. That is a poor analogy.

Oh well. We do agree that fauci shares responsibility but my contention is the buck stops with the president. Voters elected the president, not fauci. He is ultimately responsible for his decisions.
An executive in corporate America who ignores responsibility gets a golden parachute and a farewell party, setting them up for life. That is a poor analogy.

Oh well. We do agree that fauci shares responsibility but my contention is the buck stops with the president. Voters elected the president, not fauci. He is ultimately responsible for his decisions.
Wrong. An executive that screws up gets fired. You've obviously never worked in the private sector. Fauci is responsible for his advice. He gets paid more than the President for his advice. Fauci is an incompetent overpriced bureaucrat. His advice cost Americans trillions with the shutdown.
Talks like a career government drone.

I am a career government person since I served 9 years in active duty and 2 years in the reserves before using the skills I learned to get me a nice job with a county government.

Perhaps if you had my qualifications you too, could have a nice county blue collar job.
Wrong. An executive that screws up gets fired. You've obviously never worked in the private sector. Fauci is responsible for his advice. He gets paid more than the President for his advice. Fauci is an incompetent overpriced bureaucrat. His advice cost Americans trillions with the shutdown.
I have worked in the private sector. I worked for GE for 2 years. Is that private enough for you?

Can you prove that the shutdown cost trillions, taking into consideration opportunity cost, or are you just regurgitating headlines?
I am a career government person since I served 9 years in active duty and 2 years in the reserves before using the skills I learned to get me a nice job with a county government.

Perhaps if you had my qualifications you too, could have a nice county blue collar job.
No thanks. I had nice jobs in the private sector and entertainment. Thank you for your military service.
I have worked in the private sector. I worked for GE for 2 years. Is that private enough for you?

Can you prove that the shutdown cost trillions, taking into consideration opportunity cost, or are you just regurgitating headlines?
Yes. How much was the cost of the payments to citizens and the cost economically by shutting down businesses?
In a couple of days, the CDC will vote to add COVID-19 vaccines to the list of required childhood vaccinations. If you are against this, see this thread and take action. Helpful links provided in the thread....


Dr. Anthony Fauci to Teachers’ Union: ‘You’ll Be Part of the Experiment’​

He's a liar, and while he is very skillful at choosing his words carefully, the teachers used his words to deny our children the right to an effective education...

"You can't do it if it's not safe."

This is a story about how "LONG COVID" may affect the economy. It doesn't say anything about what the cost of the shutdowns were...and certainly doesn't include opportunity cost.

I suspect you know this but I want to give you the benefit of the doubt.
This is a story about how "LONG COVID" may affect the economy. It doesn't say anything about what the cost of the shutdowns were...and certainly doesn't include opportunity cost.

I suspect you know this but I want to give you the benefit of the doubt.
It's included. It's actually probably much worse.
This is a story about how "LONG COVID" may affect the economy. It doesn't say anything about what the cost of the shutdowns were...and certainly doesn't include opportunity cost.

I suspect you know this but I want to give you the benefit of the doubt.

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