Watch heads explode! Women WI gov. candidate breastfeeds in political ad

I am sorry. Why would a breastfeeding woman make my head explode?
When I first pulled up this title, I wasn't sure what to expect. Some LaLeche proponent maybe? But listen to this young mom who is a Wisconsin gubernatorial candidate. She's smart, sincere, informed, passionate and her kid just happened to need to be fed. Natural and 'organic'.

(Hell, if I were her ad agency, I'd follow this up with another ad about women being able to DO 2 THINGS AT A TIME. If they handle this right and with some humor, it could help her!)

Wisconsin gubernatorial candidate breastfeeds in campaign ad
BY AVERY ANAPOL - 03/08/18 07:46 AM EST 64

A Democratic Wisconsin gubernatorial candidate released a campaign ad this week that shows her breastfeeding her 4-month-old baby.

In the ad, titled “Our Girls,” Kelda Roys speaks about her work on a bill to ban the chemical BPA from baby bottles when she was a state representative.

During the ad, Roys’s husband hands her their child, whom she breastfeeds and holds while continuing to speak about her political experience. The ad also features her older daughter.

Roys told HuffPost that the breastfeeding shot was not originally intended to be included in th

“Anybody who’s ever had a baby can tell you that they are unpredictable,” she said. “I just did what I have been trained by her to do, which is to immediately grab her and feed her, and I just sort of didn’t think about it.”

She said that she has had “tremendous support” in response to the ad, including from Republican women.
But she added that she has also received negative feedback from “some haters and internet trolls.”...

Wisconsin gubernatorial candidate breastfeeds in campaign ad
Can you imagine Bruce Jenner breastfeeding on a tv commercial?
Because he was born a male, no and its because a natural born male will most likely have no ability to produce any milk.

God bless you always!!!

I am calling MS (milkshake) on this one. It was a planned gimmick to get free advertising.
EveryONE does--for different reasons. But I wonder if TRUMP and the men like him actually realize they have a function besides 'play things'.

I'm pretty sure they do.
Then they wouldn't encourage or 'demand' women to fill them up with silicone implants. Remember Trump said, "women can't be a 10 without a big chest" --he might have even said tits. Anyway, his daughter got that message. She wasn't born with those.

In 2011, Trump was testifying in a lawsuit when lawyer Elizabeth Beck asked for a break from the proceedings so she could pump breast milk for her 3-month-old daughter. "He got up, his face got red, he shook his finger at me and he screamed, 'You're disgusting, you're disgusting,' and he ran out of there," Beck told CNN. The New York Times reports that Trump's lawyer does not dispute that he made this comment.
Yet another man afraid of Mother Nature, yet wanting to play with female breasts. What assholes. Female mammals of all species feed their young with breast milk. Duh.
Her opponent should make this photo a center piece of the campaign. Photoshop her dressed as hooker Pretty Woman.

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