Watch looters in California pick a 7-11 clean in minutes

I suppose it happens in other states from time to time, but there's a big reason it happens here in California.

In 2014, the Democraps pushed a ballot proposition that they claimed would improve law enforcement, by increasing the focus on major crimes. Too many stupid Californians took the bait, and voted for Proposition 47; which really had the effect of effectively decriminalizing crimes deemed to fall below some threshold; mostly petty thefts and vandalisms. Now, in California, you can commit such crimes free of any risk of adverse consequences. I think the limit is $950. Any single crime causing that much loss or less is effectively unprosecutable. This, of course, includes shoplifting. You can go into any store, take up to $950 worth of merchandise, and walk out without paying for any of it, and nobody can do anything to stop you.

These gangs have figured out that they can do this more efficiently en-masse. A whole bunch of them storm into a store at once, grab what they can (no individual taking more than $950 worth) and storm out again.

And of course, if the store is a small one, like this 7-11, then they can pick the store completely clean this way. They've probably put that store out of business, permanently, and put several honest people out of jobs.

Okay, not that you are capable of a rational discussion.

The problem was that your state locked up all these people for stealing slices of pizza and tube socks under the Three Strikes Laws, often with life sentences if it was a third offense.

Then you didn't actually bother to build more jail cells to lock them up in, to the point where your prisons were at 200% capacity and even the right wing SCOTUS had to mandate you bring it down to 137% capacity.

The real problem is that if you have a property loss less than $950.00, does it really make sense to spend $106,000 a year to lock that person up? Now, we are just talking PROPERTY damage here, not murder, rape, assault or any violent offense.

If we aren't going to fix the underlying causes of crime - poverty, unemployment, racism, addiction, mental illness, gun proliferation - then we shouldn't really bitch that loudly about it.
And blacks wonder why business stay out of their communities!

Ignorant savages may wonder that. Intelligent people (of ANY skin color) understand the situation.

Despite your ONE SIZE FITS ALL mentality, all black people are not the same....just as all white people are not like you.
The real problem is that if you have a property loss less than $950.00, does it really make sense to spend $106,000 a year to lock that person up?
Is this how you Libtard idiots justify letting the shitheads get away with stealing? Let the goddamn Blacks and Browns get away with stealing any fucking thing they want, right Moon Bat?

You Moon Bats don't know any more about Ethics than you know about Biology, History, Economics, Climate Science or the Constitution.
Is this how you Libtard idiots justify letting the shitheads get away with stealing? Let the goddamn Blacks and Browns get away with stealing any fucking thing they want, right Moon Bat?

Well, no, the ideal thing would be to get them all access that we white people take for granted.

But we aren't going to do that... we are just going to bitch about crime until the prisons can't hold anymore people...
Okay, not that you are capable of a rational discussion.

The problem was that your state locked up all these people for stealing slices of pizza and tube socks under the Three Strikes Laws, often with life sentences if it was a third offense.

Then you didn't actually bother to build more jail cells to lock them up in, to the point where your prisons were at 200% capacity and even the right wing SCOTUS had to mandate you bring it down to 137% capacity.

The real problem is that if you have a property loss less than $950.00, does it really make sense to spend $106,000 a year to lock that person up? Now, we are just talking PROPERTY damage here, not murder, rape, assault or any violent offense.

If we aren't going to fix the underlying causes of crime - poverty, unemployment, racism, addiction, mental illness, gun proliferation - then we shouldn't really bitch that loudly about it.

I see your reasoning but there is a flaw.....
When you don't properly punish ANY crime, then you condone it.
So you end up with citiles like we have today where tens of thousands have little or no respect for the law, they just commit whatever crimes the law let's them get away with.

What we need is laws that properly address the problem.
Public whippings would be a good start. Most Islamic countries do this and theft is not the problem it is in the West.

Then increase the penalty with each time the same person commits a crime.
Steal from someone....and there is indisputable proof....lose part of a finger on the offending hand. (AND...lose access to state and federal assistance)
Continue that process if the behavior continues until the hand is gone if necessary.

Assault someone, lose a hand AND get beaten by their family (in public).
Rape someone....lose a hand, get beaten publicly...and then castration.
This process frees up the jails, relieves taxpayers of the burden and cannot be easily worked around or forgotten by the perp.
Liberal judges and DA's are deliberately undermining the system and wreaking havoc on the innocent.

Lest you think blacks would suffer them the contrary.....the crime rate would plummet exponentially overnight.
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I see your reasoning but there is a flaw.....
When you don't properly punish ANY crime, then you condone it.
So you end up with citiles like we have today where tens of thousands have little or no respect for the law, they just commit whatever crimes the law let's them get away with.

By that logic, we should execute jaywalkers.

What we need is laws that properly address the problem.

Public whippings would be a good start. Most Islamic countries do this and theft is not the problem it is in the West.

Yeah, here's the problem with that... when you have THIS as part of your history,


you really don't get to talk about whippings.

The problem with this is that people of color will end up getting whipped or maimed, while white people with good lawyers will get off with lesser punishments.

Don't believe me.

Tayna McDowell got five years in prison for lying about her address to get her son in a less dangerous school.
Felicity Huffman spent 11 days in a Club Fed for a massive scheme to get her daughter into UC.

Thousands of young men are sent to prison every year for drug offenses, but Rush Limbaugh never spent a day in jail for his Oxycotin abuse.
Well, no, the ideal thing would be to get them all access that we white people take for granted.

But we aren't going to do that... we are just going to bitch about crime until the prisons can't hold anymore people...

You Libtard turds are all Communists at heart. You hate the idea of private ownership and that is why you see nothing wrong with these goddamn Negroes, Hispanics and sorry ass Moon Bats looting. Pathetic.
South Florida is run by the Democrat filth, you moron.

Here in Polk County Sheriff Judd said that he would use necessary force to protect property and the States Attorney said he would fully prosecute the shitheads.

Is that Panama City Beach? I took a resort there out of receivership. Pretty backwards place with lots of transients.
Okay, let's look at that.

What kind of food is being sold at the 7-11? Not healthy food, but junk food.
Who runs the 7-11? Not people from the neighborhood, but usually immigrants from India or Korea, who show contempt for the neighborhoods they serve.

So you and I can sit there, as a couple of white people, and tsk, tsk the whole thing, knowing we aren't going to go to bed hungry tonight, knowing that we will have a job to go to tomorrow, and knowing we will have a safe place to sleep tonight.

They show contempt because the various criminals in the neighborhood rob them blind....

And yes.......the fact that immigrants open these stores and by the next generation their kids are Doctors and Lawyers can be pretty dispiriting...but it is the policies of the democrat party that those people in the neighborhood vote for that keep them in crime and poverty....and they keep voting for those same democrats decade after decade....

And, moron......when they loot a 7/11? Then the people who own the place don't reopen it, they take it somewhere else....making it even harder to feed the children in that neighborhood........but never fear, the democrat party minions will be there telling those for us, and you will get a tiny amount of government cash....just enough to keep you hooked, and in crime and poverty for every generation going forward....
They show contempt because the various criminals in the neighborhood rob them blind....

And yes.......the fact that immigrants open these stores and by the next generation their kids are Doctors and Lawyers can be pretty dispiriting...but it is the policies of the democrat party that those people in the neighborhood vote for that keep them in crime and poverty....and they keep voting for those same democrats decade after decade....

And, moron......when they loot a 7/11? Then the people who own the place don't reopen it, they take it somewhere else....making it even harder to feed the children in that neighborhood........but never fear, the democrat party minions will be there telling those for us, and you will get a tiny amount of government cash....just enough to keep you hooked, and in crime and poverty for every generation going forward....

I think they call it a food desert. Can't blame the companies for leaving. Even Aldi has shut down some dangerous locations.
You Libtard turds are all Communists at heart. You hate the idea of private ownership and that is why you see nothing wrong with these goddamn Negroes, Hispanics and sorry ass Moon Bats looting. Pathetic.

I'm fine with private ownership.
I'm less fine with 1% of the population owning 43% of the wealth, while the bottom 40% of the population has less than 1% of the wealth.

They show contempt because the various criminals in the neighborhood rob them blind....

And yes.......the fact that immigrants open these stores and by the next generation their kids are Doctors and Lawyers can be pretty dispiriting...but it is the policies of the democrat party that those people in the neighborhood vote for that keep them in crime and poverty....and they keep voting for those same democrats decade after decade....

Yup, because they see how badly Republicans fuck things up...

And, moron......when they loot a 7/11? Then the people who own the place don't reopen it, they take it somewhere else....making it even harder to feed the children in that neighborhood........but never fear, the democrat party minions will be there telling those for us, and you will get a tiny amount of government cash....just enough to keep you hooked, and in crime and poverty for every generation going forward....

Except most people on assistance are only on it for a short time... but you leave that part out.

We spend far more on Middle Class Entitlements than we do on poverty relief.
I'm fine with private ownership.
I'm less fine with 1% of the population owning 43% of the wealth, while the bottom 40% of the population has less than 1% of the wealth.

Yup, because they see how badly Republicans fuck things up...

Except most people on assistance are only on it for a short time... but you leave that part out.

We spend far more on Middle Class Entitlements than we do on poverty relief.

When all the wealth is concentrated in one percent of the population you are Venezuela.
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Ignorant savages may wonder that. Intelligent people (of ANY skin color) understand the situation.

Despite your ONE SIZE FITS ALL mentality, all black people are not the same....just as all white people are not like you.
And yet this is an overwhelming black thing while they are only 10% of the population
Here is the Wikipedia link on it. . . Telling the good sheep of the world, it is just a "conspiracy theory."

What it really is;

And the official CIA link on it. Full debriefing. The references/index on this, to this, are amazing, mind blowing.

View attachment 684645
That sure is interesting
Okay, let's look at that.

What kind of food is being sold at the 7-11? Not healthy food, but junk food.
Who runs the 7-11? Not people from the neighborhood, but usually immigrants from India or Korea, who show contempt for the neighborhoods they serve.

So you and I can sit there, as a couple of white people, and tsk, tsk the whole thing, knowing we aren't going to go to bed hungry tonight, knowing that we will have a job to go to tomorrow, and knowing we will have a safe place to sleep tonight.
Oh come on, this isn’t Jean Valjean stealing a loaf of bread to feed his starving family. This is a group of punks stealing snacks, cigarettes, etc because they want them and don’t want to pay.

Lack of easy access to grocery stores and unsafe neighborhoods aren’t an excuse. These people aren’t stealing food to feed their families.
Oh come on, this isn’t Jean Valjean stealing a loaf of bread to feed his starving family. This is a group of punks stealing snacks, cigarettes, etc because they want them and don’t want to pay.

Lack of easy access to grocery stores and unsafe neighborhoods aren’t an excuse. These people aren’t stealing food to feed their families.

No, they are probably stealing food because this store wore out its welcome in the community, but this is neither here nor there.

Frankly, I'm not seeing anywhere that details how this got started or why.

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