WATCH: Team Trump Exposes Democrat 'Incitement' in Hard-Hitting Video


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2018
Pj Media

WATCH: Team Trump Exposes Democrat 'Incitement' in Hard-Hitting Video


On Friday, lawyers for former President Donald Trump presented a few hard-hitting videos contrasting Trump’s calls for peace and law and order with Democrats encouraging harassment and coddling Black Lives Matter and antifa rioters over the last summer.

“To claim that the president in any way wished, desired, or encouraged lawless or violent behavior is a preposterous and monstrous lie,” Michael Van Der Veen, one of Trump’s lawyers, argued.

Van Der Veen presented a video contrasting Trump’s law-and-order remarks and remarks from Joe Biden, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.), and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.). Pelosi had said, “I just don’t even know why there aren’t uprisings all over the country. Maybe there will be.” Waters had notoriously encouraged supporters to harass Trump administration staff in public places. Biden had said that if he was in high school, he would “beat the hell out of” Trump.



This is damaging to the democrats who were saying similar and far worse to people than Trump did.

No evidence was provided that Trump planned the riot, the FBI reported that the riot was planned since November, Trump was never involved. Political rhetoric is a common feature in political speech, a 1st amendment right.

Hypocrisy is what the Democrats run on in their irrational attacks on Trump who has been out of office 3 weeks now.
WATCH: Team Trump Exposes Democrat 'Incitement' in Hard-Hitting Video

Tommy, I'd sum up Trump's legal defense as an "A." The only thing keeping it from an A+ is that they skirted the issue of all the solid reasons and grounds for Trump indeed firmly believing the election HAD been stolen from him! And for sitting there letting the House to continue to lie. Otherwise, they destroyed the House's case in the first 5 minutes.

The coup de grâce was as I was leaving to come to the computer just now they had the black lady Plaskett answering a question and she had her second Freudian slip! This time she completed her statement of lies then finished saying: "And so Mr. President and Senate, that is why we feel President Trump's ACQUITTAL is mandatory!"

Then after an awkward moment of several seconds of silence, she caught her faux pas and corrected to saying she meant 'confirmed.' :21:

Gotta get back to watch more of the democratic gag reel.

Crybabies in school got nothing on these crying demofks. Never in life have I seen a supposed winner act like they lost. That says it all, and shows they know they didn’t
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Pj Media

WATCH: Team Trump Exposes Democrat 'Incitement' in Hard-Hitting Video


On Friday, lawyers for former President Donald Trump presented a few hard-hitting videos contrasting Trump’s calls for peace and law and order with Democrats encouraging harassment and coddling Black Lives Matter and antifa rioters over the last summer.

“To claim that the president in any way wished, desired, or encouraged lawless or violent behavior is a preposterous and monstrous lie,” Michael Van Der Veen, one of Trump’s lawyers, argued.

Van Der Veen presented a video contrasting Trump’s law-and-order remarks and remarks from Joe Biden, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.), and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.). Pelosi had said, “I just don’t even know why there aren’t uprisings all over the country. Maybe there will be.” Waters had notoriously encouraged supporters to harass Trump administration staff in public places. Biden had said that if he was in high school, he would “beat the hell out of” Trump.



This is damaging to the democrats who were saying similar and far worse to people than Trump did.

No evidence was provided that Trump planned the riot, the FBI reported that the riot was planned since November, Trump was never involved. Political rhetoric is a common feature in political speech, a 1st amendment right.

Hypocrisy is what the Democrats run on in their irrational attacks on Trump who has been out of office 3 weeks now.
The Dems clearly are doing this on a schedule.
They would have dreamed up a reason to impeach him again....even if that false-flag operation hadn't happened on Jan 6th.
The truth is.....I think they have actually broken laws by creating this riot so they could blame an innocent man.
I still believe that everything they've done the last 4 years was a build-up to the election.
They are so dishonest that they cannot be trusted to do the people's work.....and Biden is doing his part in paying back everyone that made this all possible. He's just a rubber stamp president with no will of his own.
Pj Media

WATCH: Team Trump Exposes Democrat 'Incitement' in Hard-Hitting Video


On Friday, lawyers for former President Donald Trump presented a few hard-hitting videos contrasting Trump’s calls for peace and law and order with Democrats encouraging harassment and coddling Black Lives Matter and antifa rioters over the last summer.

“To claim that the president in any way wished, desired, or encouraged lawless or violent behavior is a preposterous and monstrous lie,” Michael Van Der Veen, one of Trump’s lawyers, argued.

Van Der Veen presented a video contrasting Trump’s law-and-order remarks and remarks from Joe Biden, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.), and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.). Pelosi had said, “I just don’t even know why there aren’t uprisings all over the country. Maybe there will be.” Waters had notoriously encouraged supporters to harass Trump administration staff in public places. Biden had said that if he was in high school, he would “beat the hell out of” Trump.



This is damaging to the democrats who were saying similar and far worse to people than Trump did.

No evidence was provided that Trump planned the riot, the FBI reported that the riot was planned since November, Trump was never involved. Political rhetoric is a common feature in political speech, a 1st amendment right.

Hypocrisy is what the Democrats run on in their irrational attacks on Trump who has been out of office 3 weeks now.

Dig it. Trump is for truth, justice, and the American Way!!!
He's much faster than a Democrat broken down locomotive.
Trump's lawyers didn't do anything. Republicans already said they were going to vote to protect trump before the hearings were even scheduled. His lawyers could have sung Christmas carrols for a couple of hours for the same outcome. The precident will be set that presidents can do any unethical thing, and I mean anything in the last month of their presidency, and there isn't anything anyone can do about it.
Trump's lawyers didn't do anything. Republicans already said they were going to vote to protect trump before the hearings were even scheduled. His lawyers could have sung Christmas carrols for a couple of hours for the same outcome. The precident will be set that presidents can do any unethical thing, and I mean anything in the last month of their presidency, and there isn't anything anyone can do about it.

You didn't address anything from the article, which you probably ignored..

Only partisan bigots behave that way.
So...anyone see all those violent mobs whipped up by those selectively picked out of context "violent" quotes? Is there a pattern of grooming a mob to violence?

Let us know.

Until then, it's another pathetic attempt at false equivalency.
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At best whattaboutism shows hypocrisy, not lack of guilt. Two wrongs don't actually cancel. They add. But when pathetic attempts to distract everyone are all you've ever got..

Wasn't Rand Paul caught sleeping in session on the 6th?

The buck stops where? The victim in chief's clothing?
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You people are morons.

You completely ducked post one article in all three posts. which means you have nothing to contradict the article with.

No democrat in this thread has made any points against the article.

The post one article remains UNCHALLENGED.
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Meanwhile to dig deeper in just how awful the Impeachment team was,

Pj Media

5 Must-Watch Moments From Team Trump's Impeachment Defense


1. Impeachment managers torpedo their own credibility
Trump defense lawyer David Schoen laid out multiple examples of how the House Democrats who prosecuted the impeachment case twisted evidence and selectively edited footage of Trump’s January 6 speech. Schoen exposed the Democrats’ shoddily constructed recreation of a Trump tweet screenshot.

Perhaps most damningly, however, he revealed that Democrats had selectively edited parts of Trump’s speech. He played the full footage on one side of the screen and House managers’ misleading edits on the other.

The House managers played footage of Trump’s speech saying, “We’re gonna go down… to the Capitol,” but they cut the footage where the president said the crowd “will soon be marching over to the Capitol Building to peacefully and patriotically make their voices heard.”

Schoen cited the Supreme Court case Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969), explaining that the standard for incitement involves “whether the speech was intended to provoke imminent lawless action and was it likely to do so.”

“‘Go to the Capitol and cheer on some members of Congress but not others.’ They know it doesn’t meet the standard for incitement, so they edited it down,” Schoen argued.



I implore you to stop being a partisan bigot and run with the evidence instead...
So...anyone see all those violent mobs whipped up by those selectively picked out of context "violent" quotes? Is there a pattern of grooming a mob to violence?

Let us know.

Until then, it's another pathetic attempt at false equivalency.

You missed the point of the article badly, or did you even read it?
Trumps legal team exposed democrats in their own hypocrisy. The looks on the faces of the democrats as each one was exposed doing the exact same behavior that they said was impeachable in Trumps behavior was priceless. The manufacture of evidence and then intentionally omitting evidence and context that exonerates a defendant is grounds for criminal charges and disbarment. Had Chief Justice John Roberts been presiding he would have thrown out this sham for this breach of prosecutorial misconduct and done it WITH PREDJUDICE so that it could never be brought as an action again.

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