Watch Ted Cruz take apart Sierra Club President on Climate Change...Good Stuff!

She's been bought off by the rich you moron:slap:.."That's what you don't seem to get".

I know you keep claiming that...

but then why are the Rich spending so much money trying to stop her, then?

I don't see Hillary kissing the Koch Brothers or Sheldon Adelson's ring like the Republicans are doing.

You know, the sick spectacle where old Sheldon got the Republicans to pledge their undying love for Zionism and brick and mortar Casinos...

Foreign nationals love the Clinton's. They funnel money through their foundation for personal gain..Corrupt to the core sickley boy
You're a shill. Whether the Koch's pay people to study AGW validity or not, there are plenty of scientists who have no connection to the Koch's who shoot down your AGW cattle drive. Plus, you provide a link from Greenpeace? Get a grip.

Can ou actually dispute the fact that the Koch brothers (guys who make a fortune selling fossil fuels) are the ones funding the quacks and cranks who deny Global Warming? Of course not.

Backwards. It's academia and gov scientists who are paid off by grants and other gov-related money. Most challengers of AGW have no affiliation with political groups. Most of those who promote AGW have money/politics at stake.
The science is in deep dispute but isn't promoted as such by the AGW propagandists.

The science isn't in dispute at all.

The dispute is between those who know we need to do something, and those who benefit from what we are doing, and know they won't be around to suffer the consequences. .

Can you deny the government is funding the frauds and con artists who push the global warming swindle?

They so-called "science" is almost entirely fraud. The "scientists" refuse to even show us their data. Temperatures have been flat for the last 18 years and ice sheets are growing.
Okay so you provided a link that says that only SOME of his money goes to medicine.

The rest goes to boring stuff rich people care about, but the rest of us don't.

So you don't care about public television? That's good to know. I'm sure you'll be happy to assist in getting it defunded.
Foreign nationals love the Clinton's. They funnel money through their foundation for personal gain..Corrupt to the core sickley boy

You mean the Foundation that spends millions of dollars not on "rich people stuff", but bringing medicine and clean water to poor people around the world?

You just moved the goalposts again, Jew-roids. Your argument was the Hillary was a friend of the rich, but then you tap danced around the fact the rich are spending a lot of money trying to beat her.
Can you deny the government is funding the frauds and con artists who push the global warming swindle?

They so-called "science" is almost entirely fraud. The "scientists" refuse to even show us their data. Temperatures have been flat for the last 18 years and ice sheets are growing.

Guy, you probably can't explain the science, much less understand it.
Ted Cruz Chairs Committee on the impact of Obama's new EPA regulations and takes apart the president of the Sierra Club...This is why I support Cruz for President:cool:

Here is a reply letter back to Cruz from the president of the Sierra Club

"This week, you held a hearing on the clean air and clean water safeguards that protect millions of American families. I testified because I wanted to talk about how these safeguards are especially critical for people of color and low-income communities, who are disproportionately affected by pollution and climate disruption ."

Don't we all drink the same water and breath the same air, why is a study needed for this..ummmm

Just because this clown doesn't have a clue about his job, doesn't mean that we do not have global warming.

Weather satellites do not measure temperature instead but measure radiances in various wavelength bands. Since 1978 microwave sounding units (MSUs) on National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administrationpolar orbiting satellites have measured the intensity of upwelling microwave radiation from atmospheric oxygen, which is related to the temperature of broad vertical layers of the atmosphere. Measurements of infrared radiation pertaining to sea surface temperature have been collected since 1967

Satellite datasets show that over the past four decades the troposphere has warmed and the stratosphere has cooled. Both of these trends are consistent with the influence of increasing atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases.
Just to confirm here: Did his letter really say "I testified because I wanted to talk about how these safeguards are especially critical for people of color and low-income communities, who are disproportionately affected by pollution and climate disruption ."?

He really went there?
You need to consult more than the propaganda that left media spoon feeds you...

Hump day hilarity: WUWT's new policy on hate mail - your hate mail will be published

Another KOCH-sucker heard from. Yawn.

So why not be honest, God himself could tell you, "Global Warming is real, stop fucking up my planet", and you'd doubt him.
You're a phony.

Wow, you know, when my two year old grand-niece gets a question she can't answer, she tries to change the subject.

It's cute when she does it.

You, not so much.

Hey, guy, here's the thing. It's not like you've presented any evidence AGW isn't true. It's just that YOU DON'T WANT IT TO BE TRUE.

I mean I get why the Koch Brothers do what they do. They make a shitload of money from not doing things.

Why people like you do, I don't get, other than you just don't like the government telling you what kind of car to drive or light bulb to use.
Foreign nationals love the Clinton's. They funnel money through their foundation for personal gain..Corrupt to the core sickley boy

You mean the Foundation that spends millions of dollars not on "rich people stuff", but bringing medicine and clean water to poor people around the world?

You just moved the goalposts again, Jew-roids. Your argument was the Hillary was a friend of the rich, but then you tap danced around the fact the rich are spending a lot of money trying to beat her.
80% of any money they raised from their fake foundation (slush fund) was spent on themselves and hiring Clinton allies. Clinton has plenty of rich people backing her sickly boy. Where you been? :dunno:

Clinton's super PAC fundraising irks progressives -
You need to consult more than the propaganda that left media spoon feeds you...

Hump day hilarity: WUWT's new policy on hate mail - your hate mail will be published

Another KOCH-sucker heard from. Yawn.

So why not be honest, God himself could tell you, "Global Warming is real, stop fucking up my planet", and you'd doubt him.
You're a phony.

Wow, you know, when my two year old grand-niece gets a question she can't answer, she tries to change the subject.

It's cute when she does it.

You, not so much.

Hey, guy, here's the thing. It's not like you've presented any evidence AGW isn't true. It's just that YOU DON'T WANT IT TO BE TRUE.

I mean I get why the Koch Brothers do what they do. They make a shitload of money from not doing things.

Why people like you do, I don't get, other than you just don't like the government telling you what kind of car to drive or light bulb to use.
Obama fake, global warming crap, cost Americans jobs, raise utility bills and hurts the middle class generally. Al gore got very rich from pushing this fraud. You seem to like rich liberals :eusa_wall:
Foreign nationals love the Clinton's. They funnel money through their foundation for personal gain..Corrupt to the core sickley boy

You mean the Foundation that spends millions of dollars not on "rich people stuff", but bringing medicine and clean water to poor people around the world?

You just moved the goalposts again, Jew-roids. Your argument was the Hillary was a friend of the rich, but then you tap danced around the fact the rich are spending a lot of money trying to beat her.

You mean the Foundation that spends millions of dollars not on "rich people stuff",

The Clinton family’s mega-charity took in more than $140 million in grants and pledges in 2013 but spent just $9 million on direct aid.

The group spent the bulk of its windfall on administration, travel, and salaries and bonuses, with the fattest payouts going to family friends.

On its 2013 tax forms, the most recent available, the foundation claimed it spent $30 million on payroll and employee benefits; $8.7 million in rent and office expenses; $9.2 million on “conferences, conventions and meetings”; $8 million on fundraising; and nearly $8.5 million on travel. None of the Clintons is on the payroll, but they do enjoy first-class flights paid for by the foundation.

You need to consult more than the propaganda that left media spoon feeds you...

Hump day hilarity: WUWT's new policy on hate mail - your hate mail will be published

Another KOCH-sucker heard from. Yawn.

So why not be honest, God himself could tell you, "Global Warming is real, stop fucking up my planet", and you'd doubt him.
You're a phony.

Wow, you know, when my two year old grand-niece gets a question she can't answer, she tries to change the subject.

It's cute when she does it.

You, not so much.

Hey, guy, here's the thing. It's not like you've presented any evidence AGW isn't true. It's just that YOU DON'T WANT IT TO BE TRUE.

I mean I get why the Koch Brothers do what they do. They make a shitload of money from not doing things.

Why people like you do, I don't get, other than you just don't like the government telling you what kind of car to drive or light bulb to use.

They make a shitload of money from not doing things.

They do lots of things, create products and jobs, and as a bonus, stop liberal idiocy from getting out of control.
80% of any money they raised from their fake foundation (slush fund) was spent on themselves and hiring Clinton allies. Clinton has plenty of rich people backing her sickly boy. Where you been?

Some rich people are smart enough to realize that if we don't address things like wealth inequality and climate change, the kind of civilization that allows rich people to exist won't last.

You get that, right. That when people get fed up enough with the bullshit, they often take it out on the rich. You know, France, 1787, Russia 1917, China 1949, Iran 1979.

Rich people are a sign of ciivlization, but if they abuse it, it doesn't last.

(You probably took that special history class that told you all how special you were.)
The Clinton family’s mega-charity took in more than $140 million in grants and pledges in 2013 but spent just $9 million on direct aid.

Misleading statement.

Where Does Clinton Foundation Money Go?

We looked at the consolidated financial statements (see page 4) and calculated that in 2013, 88.3 percent of spending was designated as going toward program services — $196.6 million out of $222.6 million in reported expenses.

We can’t vouch for the effectiveness of the programming expenses listed in the report, but it is clear that the claim that the Clinton Foundation only steers 6 percent of its donations to charity is wrong, and amounts to a misunderstanding of how public charities work.
Ted Cruz Chairs Committee on the impact of Obama's new EPA regulations and takes apart the president of the Sierra Club...This is why I support Cruz for President:cool:

is it time yet?
Ted Cruz Chairs Committee on the impact of Obama's new EPA regulations and takes apart the president of the Sierra Club...This is why I support Cruz for President:cool:

is it time yet?

The architects of doom. Progs...You can make anything safe if you pay enough. Or near safe. But if it cost ten times more for energy or to live in a dwelling or food or anything else while earning the same as now, total destruction of civilization will occur except for those who can afford it.

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