Watch this... Hey libs, do you have any examples of successful socialist countries? List them.

I already said, I do wish to go back in time to a period when we had less LOOTING, and more ECONOMIC GROWTH.
Driven by child labour. Your idea of paradise.
He's another Reaganist Reagan type idiot who believes things were great in the Gilded Age. Actually we had a depression from 1873 to 1896, terrible living conditions everywhere for the great majority, and hobos and tramps all over the place...
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Huh, is there any explanation why the countries with higher density of caucasions are far more successful than countries that are not?

Poor libs...
Socialism (collective action and sustenance) is good for some things.

Socialism really sucks for some other things.

Socialism's biggest obstacle is that wee bothersome phrase: "Consent of the governed" .

Q. Why is the "consent of the governed" bothersome?

A. Because the word Socialism has been used for decades as a pejorative, used by ideologues to equate any form of it to the "evil empire" and banana republics, and for the people who fail to understand that we have for centuries been a mixed economy, i.e. having a private sector and a public sector in providing services. The former a for-profit enterprise, and the latter a non profit accountable to the voter
That's a very pretty explanation.

Trouble is, it does not address the 'consent of the governed' issue in its intended context; namely, being governed in a given manner with the consent of The People.

I seriously doubt that - once unmasked - Joe Stalin or Mao or any of their satellites and laptops, like the North Koreans or Khmer Rouge, ruled with the consent of the governed.

Socialism has one of two ways of maintaining power.

1. Blood

2. Entitlements

So far, only (2) has been tried here, on a limited basis.

Eagerly sought and perpetuated by both the perpetually needy and the perpetually lazy.

With the Dems, it's "hook 'em early, hook 'em hard, make 'em dependent, and make 'em vote"

Akin to what the Corporate Whore Pubs do with their Big Business campaign funders.
For the billionth time, socialism is always democratic... If it's not Democratic, it's communist.
Not according to economists.
I already said, I do wish to go back in time to a period when we had less LOOTING, and more ECONOMIC GROWTH.
Driven by child labour. Your idea of paradise.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app
Well, I would think the bottom line for "success" would be the happiness of its citizens, so let's see what this survey says: Visit the Top 10 Happiest Countries in the World
  1. Denmark
  2. Switzerland
  3. Iceland
  4. Norway
  5. Finland
  6. Canada
  7. The Netherlands
  8. New Zealand
  9. Australia
  10. Sweden
And since it appears that "socialism" is whatever government spending exceeds military, I guess those would qualify as "socialist".

So I guess we need to specify definitions.
Happiness can't be measured, so your list is bullshit.

You ask people if they are happy. The country that has the highest percentage of people saying yes, that is the happiest country.
Prove that's a legitimate way to measure it.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app
I already said, I do wish to go back in time to a period when we had less LOOTING, and more ECONOMIC GROWTH.
Driven by child labour. Your idea of paradise.
He's another Reaganist Reagan type idiot who believes things were great in the Gilded Age. Actually we had a depression from 1873 to 1896, terrible living conditions everywhere for the great majority, and hobos and tramps all over the place...
Antifa existed back then?
What is socialism?

Where is the line between socialism and free market capitalism?

Social justice and a good safety net for the unfortunate... See healthcare for all...
Healthcare is a Privilege not a right, forcing people into socialized medicine is evil...
That was the GOP plan so no wonder it's a little crappy... Still better than the mess we have without it... Still the best thing that ever happened for poor workers since the 60s, and was the beginning of a solution to ridiculous costs of the GOP scam system we have without it... Obama never believed in the Mandate anyway that was added by the Congress...
The mandate was absolutely unconstitutional
I'll go with the Supreme Court over dupes thank you...

The mandate is no more, and what’s left of it is no longer enforced. Dip shit
Huh, is there any explanation why the countries with higher density of caucasions are far more successful than countries that are not?

Poor libs...
NZ has a lesser density of 'caucasians' than the US.
Socialism (collective action and sustenance) is good for some things.

Socialism really sucks for some other things.

Socialism's biggest obstacle is that wee bothersome phrase: "Consent of the governed" .

Q. Why is the "consent of the governed" bothersome?

A. Because the word Socialism has been used for decades as a pejorative, used by ideologues to equate any form of it to the "evil empire" and banana republics, and for the people who fail to understand that we have for centuries been a mixed economy, i.e. having a private sector and a public sector in providing services. The former a for-profit enterprise, and the latter a non profit accountable to the voter
That's a very pretty explanation.

Trouble is, it does not address the 'consent of the governed' issue in its intended context; namely, being governed in a given manner with the consent of The People.

I seriously doubt that - once unmasked - Joe Stalin or Mao or any of their satellites and laptops, like the North Koreans or Khmer Rouge, ruled with the consent of the governed.

Socialism has one of two ways of maintaining power.

1. Blood

2. Entitlements

So far, only (2) has been tried here, on a limited basis.

Eagerly sought and perpetuated by both the perpetually needy and the perpetually lazy.

With the Dems, it's "hook 'em early, hook 'em hard, make 'em dependent, and make 'em vote"

Akin to what the Corporate Whore Pubs do with their Big Business campaign funders.
For the billionth time, socialism is always democratic... If it's not Democratic, it's communist.
When is the last time there were any reports of any lib visiting Haiti for the pleasure?

Why the Dominican Republic so much more successful than Haiti?

They share the same island.

Lol...poor libs
Huh, is there any explanation why the countries with higher density of caucasions are far more successful than countries that are not?

Poor libs...

Like Japan?
Only a fucking moron thinks the Japan is in good financial condition....

“Forget Greece, Japan is the world's real economic time bomb. The eyes of the financial world are on the high drama playing out in Greece right now, and for good reason. ... The slowly unfolding fiscal crisis in Japan might not have the same entertainment value as the action in Athens.”
Go ahead, we are interested in hearing these wonderful successes.

Please, list the countries.
Would you say the UK is successful? You did have this to say about them: Socialist medicine: Little British girl denied surgery due to 'budget cuts,' so I assume you consider Britain to be socialist.
Yeah, they are pretty white too. Not as white as Sweden or Norway, that is for sure.

Huh, I wonder why they are not as successful.

I am sure someone will get my point, at some point.

As it is, it seems there is something common among all of those successful "socialist countries."

Ain't I a stinker?
The british girl denied surgery, if in USA would likely be denied coverage due to pre-existing condition.
But today, NHS is delaying care for obese patients and smoking patients because of the higher risk of surgery isnt cost effective in many cases.
But there is a real evaluation of NHS from american perspective.
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So Rustic, care to actually get into a debate with me about National Socialism so I can chop off another one of your meme posting fingers?
I can make you look like an idiot while I'm sleeping.
Capitalism was strictly forbidden in Nazi(socialist) Germany.... lol

You're going to have to back that statement up with some facts.
You do realize that, don't you?
Anyone else want to try spewing their Orwellian revisionist history of the Third Reich?
I'll take on all comers.
You MORONS couldn't debate a cold french fry...bring it, bitches.

Na, They acted much more like left-wing socialists...
They performed genocide on Jews and Christians, and forced everyone into a collective.

That's called white supremacy and it wasn't a collective, it was a ghetto.
Collectives are economic enterprises, like farms. The only place capitalism was forbidden was IN the ghettos.
And no, Christians were NEVER forced into ghettos under the Third Reich.

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