Watch this video and then consider Kim Davis....

Player Page : Do Muslims believe sharia law supersedes the Constitution? : CenturyLink

I am a Christian and, while I understand her faith and her stance, we have to also consider whether she is putting her faith and responsibility as a government official above the US Constitution AND I she is, is she correct

What is different from what she did with a Muslim that says Sharia law is above the US Constitution? FOX never went there, as long as I watched the video. What do you think?

To answer the first question if a Muslim believes that sharia law supercedes the Constitution and intends to hold to sharia and not the Constitution he committed perjury when he took the oath to be naturalized as a US Citizen and vowed to uphold the Constitution of the United States. This nation was not founded on Islam nor was it dedicated to Allah. This nation was founded by Puritans who worshiped Jesus Christ and believed on the Word of God as it is written in the King James Bible - our founding fathers - many were graduates of Seminaries - were God fearing men, George Washington dedicated America to God - the God of the Bible - not the Baal god of Islam. Were our founding fathers here to witness what is going on they would be appalled to say the very least.

As to Kim Davis. She is upholding the law of the land which in times past complimented the Commandments of God and there was no conflict until a majority of perverse Judges ruled the legalize same sex marriage (same with the murder of the unborn - it is still illegal in the eyes of God - an utterly wicked) - which they had no right to do - it was unconstitutional. She is upholding the law as it has always been and she is holding fast to her faith in God and Honoring His Word which comes first and I do not believe any of our founding fathers would have disagreed with her on that point.
Why the first amendment then? Why start out the very first amendment with a protection against kim davis?

Kim Davis was elected to uphold the law and she did uphold the Law. Kentucky Law is marriage is between a man and a woman. Even if it were the laws were changed that was not the law of the land when she was elected into office. Her job cannot force her to deny her own faith.
Player Page : Do Muslims believe sharia law supersedes the Constitution? : CenturyLink

I am a Christian and, while I understand her faith and her stance, we have to also consider whether she is putting her faith and responsibility as a government official above the US Constitution AND I she is, is she correct

What is different from what she did with a Muslim that says Sharia law is above the US Constitution? FOX never went there, as long as I watched the video. What do you think?

I am reminded of what Jesus said....Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's.

God's law trumps human law
Really? Whose interpretation of God's Law is correct? The Amish interpretation? The Orthodox Jewish interpretation? The Sunni Muslim interpretation? The Baptist interpretation? The Methodist interpretation?

When you say something as patently stupid as God's law trumps human law, you reveal a deeper lack of intellect than you may wish to.

The authorized King James Bible is the Word of God and the final authority.
Really? tell that to the Amish, the Orthodox Jews, the Sunni Muslims, the Taoists, the Hindus, Shiite Muslims and every other faith on this planet. Oh, don't forget to tell that to those who defend the constitution of the United states.

Here's a news flash: we live in a secular nation the constitution, not the King James Bible.

While the Bible is a compendium of beautiful poetry, unbridled spirituality, parable, full of sex violence and war, it is not a book of laws applicable to the United States of America.

I am wearing a shirt made of both cotton fibers and polyester fibers. According to the King James Bible, I'm breaking the law. If you look out back in the vegetable garden, you will find tomatoes and peppers growing side by side. I'm breaking God's law. Today for lunch, I'll have a cheeseburger. That too is breaking God's law.

And here is a news flash for you. The Supreme Court had no right to redefine marriage in order to change the laws of this land and make same sex marriage legal. What they did was illegal.
Player Page : Do Muslims believe sharia law supersedes the Constitution? : CenturyLink

I am a Christian and, while I understand her faith and her stance, we have to also consider whether she is putting her faith and responsibility as a government official above the US Constitution AND I she is, is she correct

What is different from what she did with a Muslim that says Sharia law is above the US Constitution? FOX never went there, as long as I watched the video. What do you think?

To answer the first question if a Muslim believes that sharia law supercedes the Constitution and intends to hold to sharia and not the Constitution he committed perjury when he took the oath to be naturalized as a US Citizen and vowed to uphold the Constitution of the United States. This nation was not founded on Islam nor was it dedicated to Allah. This nation was founded by Puritans who worshiped Jesus Christ and believed on the Word of God as it is written in the King James Bible - our founding fathers - many were graduates of Seminaries - were God fearing men, George Washington dedicated America to God - the God of the Bible - not the Baal god of Islam. Were our founding fathers here to witness what is going on they would be appalled to say the very least.

As to Kim Davis. She is upholding the law of the land which in times past complimented the Commandments of God and there was no conflict until a majority of perverse Judges ruled the legalize same sex marriage (same with the murder of the unborn - it is still illegal in the eyes of God - an utterly wicked) - which they had no right to do - it was unconstitutional. She is upholding the law as it has always been and she is holding fast to her faith in God and Honoring His Word which comes first and I do not believe any of our founding fathers would have disagreed with her on that point.
Why the first amendment then? Why start out the very first amendment with a protection against kim davis?

Kim Davis was elected to uphold the law and she did uphold the Law. Kentucky Law is marriage is between a man and a woman. Even if it were the laws were changed that was not the law of the land when she was elected into office. Her job cannot force her to deny her own faith.
She imposed her narrow faith on others who she was elected to serve.
This is why I can respect the Amish. They dress the part and live apart and completely within their radical views. They don't meddle in lining up court battles. They don't impose evangelical law on the rest of us.

No one imposed evangelical law on anyone. One person stood up against their persecutors and said, No. You are not going to force me to sin against God. That is what this thing has come down to and it is wrong. Which is why Kim Davis is out of jail. It was wrong from the beginning and they know it.
I am reminded of what Jesus said....Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's.

God's law trumps human law
Really? Whose interpretation of God's Law is correct? The Amish interpretation? The Orthodox Jewish interpretation? The Sunni Muslim interpretation? The Baptist interpretation? The Methodist interpretation?

When you say something as patently stupid as God's law trumps human law, you reveal a deeper lack of intellect than you may wish to.

The authorized King James Bible is the Word of God and the final authority.
Really? tell that to the Amish, the Orthodox Jews, the Sunni Muslims, the Taoists, the Hindus, Shiite Muslims and every other faith on this planet. Oh, don't forget to tell that to those who defend the constitution of the United states.

Here's a news flash: we live in a secular nation the constitution, not the King James Bible.

While the Bible is a compendium of beautiful poetry, unbridled spirituality, parable, full of sex violence and war, it is not a book of laws applicable to the United States of America.

I am wearing a shirt made of both cotton fibers and polyester fibers. According to the King James Bible, I'm breaking the law. If you look out back in the vegetable garden, you will find tomatoes and peppers growing side by side. I'm breaking God's law. Today for lunch, I'll have a cheeseburger. That too is breaking God's law.

And here is a news flash for you. The Supreme Court had no right to redefine marriage in order to change the laws of this land and make same sex marriage legal. What they did was illegal.
What they did was ensure a contract made in one state would be recognized as valid in all states. The Supreme Court validated the constitutional clause of full faith and credit. They also asserted the rights of all American citizens to have access to our system of jurispru
Player Page : Do Muslims believe sharia law supersedes the Constitution? : CenturyLink

I am a Christian and, while I understand her faith and her stance, we have to also consider whether she is putting her faith and responsibility as a government official above the US Constitution AND I she is, is she correct

What is different from what she did with a Muslim that says Sharia law is above the US Constitution? FOX never went there, as long as I watched the video. What do you think?

To answer the first question if a Muslim believes that sharia law supercedes the Constitution and intends to hold to sharia and not the Constitution he committed perjury when he took the oath to be naturalized as a US Citizen and vowed to uphold the Constitution of the United States. This nation was not founded on Islam nor was it dedicated to Allah. This nation was founded by Puritans who worshiped Jesus Christ and believed on the Word of God as it is written in the King James Bible - our founding fathers - many were graduates of Seminaries - were God fearing men, George Washington dedicated America to God - the God of the Bible - not the Baal god of Islam. Were our founding fathers here to witness what is going on they would be appalled to say the very least.

As to Kim Davis. She is upholding the law of the land which in times past complimented the Commandments of God and there was no conflict until a majority of perverse Judges ruled the legalize same sex marriage (same with the murder of the unborn - it is still illegal in the eyes of God - an utterly wicked) - which they had no right to do - it was unconstitutional. She is upholding the law as it has always been and she is holding fast to her faith in God and Honoring His Word which comes first and I do not believe any of our founding fathers would have disagreed with her on that point.
Why the first amendment then? Why start out the very first amendment with a protection against kim davis?

Kim Davis was elected to uphold the law and she did uphold the Law. Kentucky Law is marriage is between a man and a woman. Even if it were the laws were changed that was not the law of the land when she was elected into office. Her job cannot force her to deny her own faith.
She imposed her narrow faith on others who she was elected to serve.

The wide road leads to hell, Nosmo King. Where would you go if you died in your sleep tonight? Heaven or hell? The answer depends upon whether or not you have received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior according to Romans 10:9,10 and whether you are on the narrow path obeying Him as it is written in Matthew 7:12,13,14. Is Jesus Christ Lord over your life or are you on your way to hell today?

It is written:

Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.

Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:

Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
Matthew 7:12,13,14
God's law trumps human law
Really? Whose interpretation of God's Law is correct? The Amish interpretation? The Orthodox Jewish interpretation? The Sunni Muslim interpretation? The Baptist interpretation? The Methodist interpretation?

When you say something as patently stupid as God's law trumps human law, you reveal a deeper lack of intellect than you may wish to.

The authorized King James Bible is the Word of God and the final authority.
Really? tell that to the Amish, the Orthodox Jews, the Sunni Muslims, the Taoists, the Hindus, Shiite Muslims and every other faith on this planet. Oh, don't forget to tell that to those who defend the constitution of the United states.

Here's a news flash: we live in a secular nation the constitution, not the King James Bible.

While the Bible is a compendium of beautiful poetry, unbridled spirituality, parable, full of sex violence and war, it is not a book of laws applicable to the United States of America.

I am wearing a shirt made of both cotton fibers and polyester fibers. According to the King James Bible, I'm breaking the law. If you look out back in the vegetable garden, you will find tomatoes and peppers growing side by side. I'm breaking God's law. Today for lunch, I'll have a cheeseburger. That too is breaking God's law.

And here is a news flash for you. The Supreme Court had no right to redefine marriage in order to change the laws of this land and make same sex marriage legal. What they did was illegal.
What they did was ensure a contract made in one state would be recognized as valid in all states. The Supreme Court validated the constitutional clause of full faith and credit. They also asserted the rights of all American citizens to have access to our system of jurispru

Yes, and my point is that the Supreme Court didn't have the authority to do what they did. It was illegal.
Really? Whose interpretation of God's Law is correct? The Amish interpretation? The Orthodox Jewish interpretation? The Sunni Muslim interpretation? The Baptist interpretation? The Methodist interpretation?

When you say something as patently stupid as God's law trumps human law, you reveal a deeper lack of intellect than you may wish to.

The authorized King James Bible is the Word of God and the final authority.
Really? tell that to the Amish, the Orthodox Jews, the Sunni Muslims, the Taoists, the Hindus, Shiite Muslims and every other faith on this planet. Oh, don't forget to tell that to those who defend the constitution of the United states.

Here's a news flash: we live in a secular nation the constitution, not the King James Bible.

While the Bible is a compendium of beautiful poetry, unbridled spirituality, parable, full of sex violence and war, it is not a book of laws applicable to the United States of America.

I am wearing a shirt made of both cotton fibers and polyester fibers. According to the King James Bible, I'm breaking the law. If you look out back in the vegetable garden, you will find tomatoes and peppers growing side by side. I'm breaking God's law. Today for lunch, I'll have a cheeseburger. That too is breaking God's law.

And here is a news flash for you. The Supreme Court had no right to redefine marriage in order to change the laws of this land and make same sex marriage legal. What they did was illegal.
What they did was ensure a contract made in one state would be recognized as valid in all states. The Supreme Court validated the constitutional clause of full faith and credit. They also asserted the rights of all American citizens to have access to our system of jurispru

Yes, and my point is that the Supreme Court didn't have the authority to do what they did. It was illegal.
By what authority do you speak? It's THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!
Player Page : Do Muslims believe sharia law supersedes the Constitution? : CenturyLink

I am a Christian and, while I understand her faith and her stance, we have to also consider whether she is putting her faith and responsibility as a government official above the US Constitution AND I she is, is she correct

What is different from what she did with a Muslim that says Sharia law is above the US Constitution? FOX never went there, as long as I watched the video. What do you think?

To answer the first question if a Muslim believes that sharia law supercedes the Constitution and intends to hold to sharia and not the Constitution he committed perjury when he took the oath to be naturalized as a US Citizen and vowed to uphold the Constitution of the United States. This nation was not founded on Islam nor was it dedicated to Allah. This nation was founded by Puritans who worshiped Jesus Christ and believed on the Word of God as it is written in the King James Bible - our founding fathers - many were graduates of Seminaries - were God fearing men, George Washington dedicated America to God - the God of the Bible - not the Baal god of Islam. Were our founding fathers here to witness what is going on they would be appalled to say the very least.

As to Kim Davis. She is upholding the law of the land which in times past complimented the Commandments of God and there was no conflict until a majority of perverse Judges ruled the legalize same sex marriage (same with the murder of the unborn - it is still illegal in the eyes of God - an utterly wicked) - which they had no right to do - it was unconstitutional. She is upholding the law as it has always been and she is holding fast to her faith in God and Honoring His Word which comes first and I do not believe any of our founding fathers would have disagreed with her on that point.
Why the first amendment then? Why start out the very first amendment with a protection against kim davis?

Kim Davis was elected to uphold the law and she did uphold the Law. Kentucky Law is marriage is between a man and a woman. Even if it were the laws were changed that was not the law of the land when she was elected into office. Her job cannot force her to deny her own faith.
She imposed her narrow faith on others who she was elected to serve.

The wide road leads to hell, Nosmo King. Where would you go if you died in your sleep tonight? Heaven or hell? The answer depends upon whether or not you have received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior according to Romans 10:9,10 and whether you are on the narrow path obeying Him as it is written in Matthew 7:12,13,14. Is Jesus Christ Lord over your life or are you on your way to hell today?

It is written:

Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.

Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:

Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
Matthew 7:12,13,14
I do not fear Hell, nor do I embrace the notion of heaven. My conscious is clear and pure and not manipulated by dogma.
Player Page : Do Muslims believe sharia law supersedes the Constitution? : CenturyLink

I am a Christian and, while I understand her faith and her stance, we have to also consider whether she is putting her faith and responsibility as a government official above the US Constitution AND I she is, is she correct

What is different from what she did with a Muslim that says Sharia law is above the US Constitution? FOX never went there, as long as I watched the video. What do you think?

To answer the first question if a Muslim believes that sharia law supercedes the Constitution and intends to hold to sharia and not the Constitution he committed perjury when he took the oath to be naturalized as a US Citizen and vowed to uphold the Constitution of the United States. This nation was not founded on Islam nor was it dedicated to Allah. This nation was founded by Puritans who worshiped Jesus Christ and believed on the Word of God as it is written in the King James Bible - our founding fathers - many were graduates of Seminaries - were God fearing men, George Washington dedicated America to God - the God of the Bible - not the Baal god of Islam. Were our founding fathers here to witness what is going on they would be appalled to say the very least.

As to Kim Davis. She is upholding the law of the land which in times past complimented the Commandments of God and there was no conflict until a majority of perverse Judges ruled the legalize same sex marriage (same with the murder of the unborn - it is still illegal in the eyes of God - an utterly wicked) - which they had no right to do - it was unconstitutional. She is upholding the law as it has always been and she is holding fast to her faith in God and Honoring His Word which comes first and I do not believe any of our founding fathers would have disagreed with her on that point.
Why the first amendment then? Why start out the very first amendment with a protection against kim davis?

Kim Davis was elected to uphold the law and she did uphold the Law. Kentucky Law is marriage is between a man and a woman. Even if it were the laws were changed that was not the law of the land when she was elected into office. Her job cannot force her to deny her own faith.
You made an interesting point about the founders. If the founders would support kim davis' position in your view, how do you explain that the very first restriction they wrote for people like her, is that they have to operate government free from any faith.
This is why I can respect the Amish. They dress the part and live apart and completely within their radical views. They don't meddle in lining up court battles. They don't impose evangelical law on the rest of us.

No one imposed evangelical law on anyone. One person stood up against their persecutors and said, No. You are not going to force me to sin against God. That is what this thing has come down to and it is wrong. Which is why Kim Davis is out of jail. It was wrong from the beginning and they know it.
I think conscientious objection is only used in military matters and because of the draft and mass-murder job description.
Player Page : Do Muslims believe sharia law supersedes the Constitution? : CenturyLink

I am a Christian and, while I understand her faith and her stance, we have to also consider whether she is putting her faith and responsibility as a government official above the US Constitution AND I she is, is she correct

What is different from what she did with a Muslim that says Sharia law is above the US Constitution? FOX never went there, as long as I watched the video. What do you think?

To answer the first question if a Muslim believes that sharia law supercedes the Constitution and intends to hold to sharia and not the Constitution he committed perjury when he took the oath to be naturalized as a US Citizen and vowed to uphold the Constitution of the United States. This nation was not founded on Islam nor was it dedicated to Allah. This nation was founded by Puritans who worshiped Jesus Christ and believed on the Word of God as it is written in the King James Bible - our founding fathers - many were graduates of Seminaries - were God fearing men, George Washington dedicated America to God - the God of the Bible - not the Baal god of Islam. Were our founding fathers here to witness what is going on they would be appalled to say the very least.

As to Kim Davis. She is upholding the law of the land which in times past complimented the Commandments of God and there was no conflict until a majority of perverse Judges ruled the legalize same sex marriage (same with the murder of the unborn - it is still illegal in the eyes of God - an utterly wicked) - which they had no right to do - it was unconstitutional. She is upholding the law as it has always been and she is holding fast to her faith in God and Honoring His Word which comes first and I do not believe any of our founding fathers would have disagreed with her on that point.
Why the first amendment then? Why start out the very first amendment with a protection against kim davis?

Kim Davis was elected to uphold the law and she did uphold the Law. Kentucky Law is marriage is between a man and a woman. Even if it were the laws were changed that was not the law of the land when she was elected into office. Her job cannot force her to deny her own faith.
You made an interesting point about the founders. If the founders would support kim davis' position in your view, how do you explain that the very first restriction they wrote for people like her, is that they have to operate government free from any faith.

Your interpretation is what is faulty. The purpose was to keep government out of the church. Not the other way around.
This is why I can respect the Amish. They dress the part and live apart and completely within their radical views. They don't meddle in lining up court battles. They don't impose evangelical law on the rest of us.

No one imposed evangelical law on anyone. One person stood up against their persecutors and said, No. You are not going to force me to sin against God. That is what this thing has come down to and it is wrong. Which is why Kim Davis is out of jail. It was wrong from the beginning and they know it.
I think conscientious objection is only used in military matters and because of the draft and mass-murder job description.

Your problem is that you do not understand the Constitution as it was written.
To answer the first question if a Muslim believes that sharia law supercedes the Constitution and intends to hold to sharia and not the Constitution he committed perjury when he took the oath to be naturalized as a US Citizen and vowed to uphold the Constitution of the United States. This nation was not founded on Islam nor was it dedicated to Allah. This nation was founded by Puritans who worshiped Jesus Christ and believed on the Word of God as it is written in the King James Bible - our founding fathers - many were graduates of Seminaries - were God fearing men, George Washington dedicated America to God - the God of the Bible - not the Baal god of Islam. Were our founding fathers here to witness what is going on they would be appalled to say the very least.

As to Kim Davis. She is upholding the law of the land which in times past complimented the Commandments of God and there was no conflict until a majority of perverse Judges ruled the legalize same sex marriage (same with the murder of the unborn - it is still illegal in the eyes of God - an utterly wicked) - which they had no right to do - it was unconstitutional. She is upholding the law as it has always been and she is holding fast to her faith in God and Honoring His Word which comes first and I do not believe any of our founding fathers would have disagreed with her on that point.
Why the first amendment then? Why start out the very first amendment with a protection against kim davis?

Kim Davis was elected to uphold the law and she did uphold the Law. Kentucky Law is marriage is between a man and a woman. Even if it were the laws were changed that was not the law of the land when she was elected into office. Her job cannot force her to deny her own faith.
She imposed her narrow faith on others who she was elected to serve.

The wide road leads to hell, Nosmo King. Where would you go if you died in your sleep tonight? Heaven or hell? The answer depends upon whether or not you have received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior according to Romans 10:9,10 and whether you are on the narrow path obeying Him as it is written in Matthew 7:12,13,14. Is Jesus Christ Lord over your life or are you on your way to hell today?

It is written:

Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.

Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:

Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
Matthew 7:12,13,14
I do not fear Hell, nor do I embrace the notion of heaven. My conscious is clear and pure and not manipulated by dogma.

Your conscience is clear and pure? Have you ever told a lie? Ever taken a pencil or a pen from work and failed to return it? Ever looked at a woman with lust in your heart? Ever taken God's name in vain? If you have? The Word of God says you are a liar, a thief, an adulterer and a blasphemer of God and without repentance and receiving the pardon of Christ according to Romans 10:9,10 you'll be in hell the moment you die. Something to think about.
Player Page : Do Muslims believe sharia law supersedes the Constitution? : CenturyLink

I am a Christian and, while I understand her faith and her stance, we have to also consider whether she is putting her faith and responsibility as a government official above the US Constitution AND I she is, is she correct

What is different from what she did with a Muslim that says Sharia law is above the US Constitution? FOX never went there, as long as I watched the video. What do you think?

To answer the first question if a Muslim believes that sharia law supercedes the Constitution and intends to hold to sharia and not the Constitution he committed perjury when he took the oath to be naturalized as a US Citizen and vowed to uphold the Constitution of the United States. This nation was not founded on Islam nor was it dedicated to Allah. This nation was founded by Puritans who worshiped Jesus Christ and believed on the Word of God as it is written in the King James Bible - our founding fathers - many were graduates of Seminaries - were God fearing men, George Washington dedicated America to God - the God of the Bible - not the Baal god of Islam. Were our founding fathers here to witness what is going on they would be appalled to say the very least.

As to Kim Davis. She is upholding the law of the land which in times past complimented the Commandments of God and there was no conflict until a majority of perverse Judges ruled the legalize same sex marriage (same with the murder of the unborn - it is still illegal in the eyes of God - an utterly wicked) - which they had no right to do - it was unconstitutional. She is upholding the law as it has always been and she is holding fast to her faith in God and Honoring His Word which comes first and I do not believe any of our founding fathers would have disagreed with her on that point.
Why the first amendment then? Why start out the very first amendment with a protection against kim davis?

Kim Davis was elected to uphold the law and she did uphold the Law. Kentucky Law is marriage is between a man and a woman. Even if it were the laws were changed that was not the law of the land when she was elected into office. Her job cannot force her to deny her own faith.
You made an interesting point about the founders. If the founders would support kim davis' position in your view, how do you explain that the very first restriction they wrote for people like her, is that they have to operate government free from any faith.

Your interpretation is what is faulty. The purpose was to keep government out of the church. Not the other way around.
These are the same, buddy. Take 10 seconds to think that out. Think about what Ben Carson said about distrusting people who may be tempted to crusade their faith from office. Think about how that can challenge the first amendment. This is the same frame which the Constitution was drafted in.
Why the first amendment then? Why start out the very first amendment with a protection against kim davis?

Kim Davis was elected to uphold the law and she did uphold the Law. Kentucky Law is marriage is between a man and a woman. Even if it were the laws were changed that was not the law of the land when she was elected into office. Her job cannot force her to deny her own faith.
She imposed her narrow faith on others who she was elected to serve.

The wide road leads to hell, Nosmo King. Where would you go if you died in your sleep tonight? Heaven or hell? The answer depends upon whether or not you have received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior according to Romans 10:9,10 and whether you are on the narrow path obeying Him as it is written in Matthew 7:12,13,14. Is Jesus Christ Lord over your life or are you on your way to hell today?

It is written:

Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.

Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:

Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
Matthew 7:12,13,14
I do not fear Hell, nor do I embrace the notion of heaven. My conscious is clear and pure and not manipulated by dogma.

Your conscience is clear and pure? Have you ever told a lie? Ever taken a pencil or a pen from work and failed to return it? Ever looked at a woman with lust in your heart? Ever taken God's name in vain? If you have? The Word of God says you are a liar, a thief, an adulterer and a blasphemer of God and without repentance and receiving the pardon of Christ according to Romans 10:9,10 you'll be in hell the moment you die. Something to think about.
And here all along I thought Christianity was all about forgiveness, love and brotherhood. I was under the impression that the basic tenets were love your neighbor as you would be loved, cast not the first stone and judge not lest ye be judged.

But, reading you and listening to that rumpled little witch in Kentucky, to be a "good" Christian, I first must be a homophobe. then, I must be piously judgmental of my fellow humans. And finally, I should disregard the rule of law and follow a narrow interpretation of God's law, but certainly not all of God's laws. Just the ones that might justify my own bigotry.

If this is Christianity, include me out.

I follow the teachings of Jesus that say love is supreme and hatred has no place.
This is why I can respect the Amish. They dress the part and live apart and completely within their radical views. They don't meddle in lining up court battles. They don't impose evangelical law on the rest of us.

No one imposed evangelical law on anyone. One person stood up against their persecutors and said, No. You are not going to force me to sin against God. That is what this thing has come down to and it is wrong. Which is why Kim Davis is out of jail. It was wrong from the beginning and they know it.
I think conscientious objection is only used in military matters and because of the draft and mass-murder job description.

Your problem is that you do not understand the Constitution as it was written.
I'm pointing out that Kim Davis' objection to her work is not supported by the constitution on these grounds of conscience/faith. The only exception to this is in the case of a draftee being forced to kill against an established and deep belief otherwise.
What is different from what she did with a Muslim that says Sharia law is above the US Constitution?
To answer the first question if a Muslim believes that sharia law supercedes the Constitution and intends to hold to sharia and not the Constitution he committed perjury when he took the oath to be naturalized as a US Citizen and vowed to uphold the Constitution of the United States.

Why do you assume that because someone's religion is Muslim, that they are a naturalized citizen?

The could have been born here.

They could have adopted Islam later in life. Take Ms. Davis, she didn't become an evangelical Christian until about 4 years ago. Which is good for her seeing as how she's on her 4th husband and now defends the sanctity of marriage.

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Player Page : Do Muslims believe sharia law supersedes the Constitution? : CenturyLink

I am a Christian and, while I understand her faith and her stance, we have to also consider whether she is putting her faith and responsibility as a government official above the US Constitution AND I she is, is she correct

What is different from what she did with a Muslim that says Sharia law is above the US Constitution? FOX never went there, as long as I watched the video. What do you think?

I am reminded of what Jesus said....Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's.

so far-----having read the NT------I am not convinced that Jesus actually said that.
It is out of character -------it suggests that he advocated submission to roman
authority. If Jesus actually advocated submission to Roman authority---he would not have chased the money changers from the temple courtyard. Which is it-----
"pay your unjust tax tribute to rome" ----or "resist roman corruption in Jerusalem"??????
Player Page : Do Muslims believe sharia law supersedes the Constitution? : CenturyLink

I am a Christian and, while I understand her faith and her stance, we have to also consider whether she is putting her faith and responsibility as a government official above the US Constitution AND I she is, is she correct

What is different from what she did with a Muslim that says Sharia law is above the US Constitution? FOX never went there, as long as I watched the video. What do you think?

Oh boy, Hannity barely let Harris Zafar talk. How ironic they are talking about the Constitution on a program that wants to push Christian values on everyone, and I consider myself a Christian, but I believe in freedom of religion, but also in separation of religion and government. That is what this country was built on. We have to obey the laws of the land we live in, and that goes for Muslims. Unfortunately most people do not realize man wrote the bible and Quran which is almost a duplicate of each other. Sharia law came later and if the Muslims want to come here they need to live by the US constitution, and by our crime and punishment laws, which by the way some Mormons and some ultra jews are not doing in NY.

did Muhammad forbid the women to ride the camels.
Some people think mentioning Jesus in a conversation is offensive and represents pushing religion down ones throat.

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