Watch: triggered teacher evacuates class over student's MAGA hat

Then why didn't he send him to the principal office?

The obvious answer is he wasn't breaking a rule, or the principal is a conservative..

That's what should have happened. And if the kid refused to leave, then call the principal to come get him.

How long would that have taken? All the kid had to do was take off the hat!
Perhaps 5 minutes for the principal to get there.
The thing is, the teacher isn't allow to use force on the student to make him leave. That could explain why the teacher evacuated the rest of the class. I haven't watched the video yet, so I don't know all the details of that incident.

A a former assistant principal in a school with 3200 students, let me ask these people a few questions about getting the principal to come get the student.

What if the principal is doing one of those teacher observations that education bashers claim do not ever happen?

What if their is another student involved in a fight?

What is another student got caught with drugs?

What if another student was suspected of having a gun in his backpack?

There are so many reasons why the teacher is expected to handle these minor disciplinary issues. The kid was being an asshole, but the teacher should not have called him one.
Assistant principals will do. I should of said a principle which includes assistants. There is usually at least one available. That being said, if the student's only infraction is refusing to remove a hat (and refusing to report to the principals office), and he is not otherwise disrupting the class, the teacher could simply teach class and deal with the infraction later. The student should get OSS for refusing to obey a teacher.

Thank you for your reply. I taught in schools with about a 1000-1500 students the last few years of my career. Usually one of the assistants may be available, but sometimes often not. In my last middle school, there was one principal and one assistant principal. If one is out of the building for whatever reason, that leaves one to handle the load. At least one child out of 800 is having a meltdown at any given moment because of the generations of snowflakes we are producing.

As I said, the teacher made the mistake of taking a teachable moment and screwed up royally. There is no excuse for that except that it would not have been required if the student had simply followed the rules.
An unidentified teacher evacuated his classroom after a student wearing President Donald Trump’s trademark Make America Great Again baseball cap refused to remove the hat.

Watch: Triggered Teacher Evacuates Class Over Student’s MAGA Hat

LMFAO, leave it to a retard teacher who of course is a Trump hater these are your assholes teaching your kids to . HATE TRUMP, THEY AREN'T BOYS THEY ARE GIRLS. they aren't girls they are boys.....

You morons haven't a clue what those schools teach your kids thats why you are an idiot and your kids are going to be the bigger of idiots. Each generation your assholes get beyond dumber and dumber....

Can you blame the teacher? This is who you let in when you let in MAGA hat wearing freaks into a school.


photo shop proven later dumb ass....... they proved this was a photoshop job. of course you fell for it.

Did anyone listen to the video??? The teacher states hats are not allowed to be worn in school. My county does not allow hats in their dress code either so this is believable. This student was just trying to cause trouble. The teacher did what he felt he had to do to deal with an unruly student. I have no issue with it.
If refusing to get rid of a hat calls for an evacuation, what gets done when a gun is discovered?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. To me, that teacher should be suspended if not fired. There was no reason to make the remainder of the class pay in such a way for what just one child was up to. Back when I was in school, kids were sent to the principal's office when they refused to listen to their teachers.
The room was not evacuated. Please try to maintain a little bit of honesty.

I was only going on what the write up had to say. One way or another the teacher had no reason to go dragging the rest of the class into what was going on with just one child.

God bless you and the class always!!!


The write up conflicts with what was actually seen and heard in the video. They cannot be honest about what actually happened because it defeats their reason for outrage. Had the entire video been about the teacher calling the student an asshole, I would have no problem with it.
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He was apparently breaking school rules. And rather than abide by those rules when requested by the teacher, he chose to be confrontational instead of cooperative. The result was disruptive to the rest of the class. He should be suspended as a reminder that MAGA hat wearers don’t get to break the rules.

So you're just going to ignore the teacher said he was discriminating against the hat and student, while the video also shows another student wearing a hat...
The teacher actually said he was not discriminating agsinst the student and you’re hallucinating if you think you saw someone else in that video wearing a hat.
He did not call out the girl that implied it was racist when he said something about if it was pink, she then said pink isn’t racist. He allowed her comment to stand.
Unbelievable for a teacher to act negatively because someone decides to wear a hat in honor of their President of the United States.

The teacher plainly stated that hats were not allowed. I don't think he mentions what was on the hat except for the student to say that other students were upset about it.

The student was being disrespectful and not following school rules. The teacher lost it and called him an "asshole" and I would have been all over the teacher for doing that, not about the hat.
Turns out if you go to YouTube, the kid wearing the hat was not the one filming or talking to the teacher. So, he must have found how the teacher was treating the kid with the hat bad enough to film and take the teacher on.
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Well if there is a SCHOOL rule that says no hats in the classroom then the student is at fault.

It's kind of cute how you hear him make his case, with irrelevant points. The constitution doesn't apply to children, doesn't apply to private locations like at a school or the like. But the teacher overstepped his bounds calling him an asshole, he should be fired for that.

He made the point of being discriminated against. It's not discrimination for a rule to apply to everyone.
1 second in

He was apparently breaking school rules. And rather than abide by those rules when requested by the teacher, he chose to be confrontational instead of cooperative. The result was disruptive to the rest of the class. He should be suspended as a reminder that MAGA hat wearers don’t get to break the rules.

So you're just going to ignore the teacher said he was discriminating against the hat and student, while the video also shows another student wearing a hat...
The teacher actually said he was not discriminating agsinst the student and you’re hallucinating if you think you saw someone else in that video wearing a hat.

You talking about the person where the red arrow is pointing?? There’s no way you can discern that person is wearing a hat.

That guy in the front is not the guy filming and talking. I stated such in my next post.
1 second in

He was apparently breaking school rules. And rather than abide by those rules when requested by the teacher, he chose to be confrontational instead of cooperative. The result was disruptive to the rest of the class. He should be suspended as a reminder that MAGA hat wearers don’t get to break the rules.

So you're just going to ignore the teacher said he was discriminating against the hat and student, while the video also shows another student wearing a hat...
The teacher actually said he was not discriminating agsinst the student and you’re hallucinating if you think you saw someone else in that video wearing a hat.

You talking about the person where the red arrow is pointing?? There’s no way you can discern that person is wearing a hat.

That guy in the front is not the guy filming and talking. I stated such in my next post.
1 second in

He was apparently breaking school rules. And rather than abide by those rules when requested by the teacher, he chose to be confrontational instead of cooperative. The result was disruptive to the rest of the class. He should be suspended as a reminder that MAGA hat wearers don’t get to break the rules.

So you're just going to ignore the teacher said he was discriminating against the hat and student, while the video also shows another student wearing a hat...
The teacher actually said he was not discriminating agsinst the student and you’re hallucinating if you think you saw someone else in that video wearing a hat.

You talking about the person where the red arrow is pointing?? There’s no way you can discern that person is wearing a hat.


There’s no one other than the guy wearing a MAGA hat who can be seen wearing a hat.
That’s what I said.
That guy in the front is not the guy filming and talking. I stated such in my next post.
1 second in

So you're just going to ignore the teacher said he was discriminating against the hat and student, while the video also shows another student wearing a hat...
The teacher actually said he was not discriminating agsinst the student and you’re hallucinating if you think you saw someone else in that video wearing a hat.

You talking about the person where the red arrow is pointing?? There’s no way you can discern that person is wearing a hat.


There’s no one other than the guy wearing a MAGA hat who can be seen wearing a hat.
1 second in

He was apparently breaking school rules. And rather than abide by those rules when requested by the teacher, he chose to be confrontational instead of cooperative. The result was disruptive to the rest of the class. He should be suspended as a reminder that MAGA hat wearers don’t get to break the rules.

So you're just going to ignore the teacher said he was discriminating against the hat and student, while the video also shows another student wearing a hat...
The teacher actually said he was not discriminating agsinst the student and you’re hallucinating if you think you saw someone else in that video wearing a hat.

That was the person the teacher was talking to!
He did not call out the girl that implied it was racist when he said something about if it was pink, she then said pink isn’t racist. He allowed her comment to stand.
Unbelievable for a teacher to act negatively because someone decides to wear a hat in honor of their President of the United States.

The teacher plainly stated that hats were not allowed. I don't think he mentions what was on the hat except for the student to say that other students were upset about it.

The student was being disrespectful and not following school rules. The teacher lost it and called him an "asshole" and I would have been all over the teacher for doing that, not about the hat.

What does that have to do with the hat?
An unidentified teacher evacuated his classroom after a student wearing President Donald Trump’s trademark Make America Great Again baseball cap refused to remove the hat.

Watch: Triggered Teacher Evacuates Class Over Student’s MAGA Hat

LMFAO, leave it to a retard teacher who of course is a Trump hater these are your assholes teaching your kids to . HATE TRUMP, THEY AREN'T BOYS THEY ARE GIRLS. they aren't girls they are boys.....

You morons haven't a clue what those schools teach your kids thats why you are an idiot and your kids are going to be the bigger of idiots. Each generation your assholes get beyond dumber and dumber....

That teacher is a Real American.
I finally watched the video. It seems the school has a rule against wearing hats inside the building. Most schools do. The boy could have complied with the rule by simply taking the hat off and putting the hat on his desk. He could hold the hat in his hand if he wanted. The point is that the message on the hat was not the reason the teacher was telling him to take the hat off.

The teacher did not handle the situation well. Of course that is easy to say in hindsight. He should not of had the extended conversation with the student in front of the class. The teacher should have told the student that he would be written up if he didn't remove the hat and the consequences of that write-up. If he still refused to remove the hat, then write him up, The teacher could have taught class. Hopefully the consequences of the write-up would be a few days out-of-school for insubordination.

The teacher did not actually call the student an "asshole" but it was a mistake to say "like an asshole". That was not professional. That being said, the way the teacher said "asshole" was not mean spirited. Saying "asshole" in this case should not get the teacher fired.
That's what should have happened. And if the kid refused to leave, then call the principal to come get him.
The student should be suspended for breaking school rules and for being disruptive.

He was minding his own business ..

You just mad because he handed his libtards teacher his own ass

He was apparently breaking school rules. And rather than abide by those rules when requested by the teacher, he chose to be confrontational instead of cooperative. The result was disruptive to the rest of the class. He should be suspended as a reminder that MAGA hat wearers don’t get to break the rules.

Once again if he was breaking the rules why didn't the teacher send him to the principal office?

Instead the teacher called him an asshole and moved the entire class..

So it appears he wasn't breaking any rules .

God I can't remember how many times I got sent to the principal office or in detention .

The teacher’s discretion on how to handle the situation. He chose to move the class to another location where the MAGA hat student wouldn’t be disruptive. And according to the teacher, he was violating school policy by wearing the hat.
The teacher overreacted, bigly. When you are in charge, there are ways of handling insubordinate people. That wasn't the way to do it.
The student should be suspended for breaking school rules and for being disruptive.

He was minding his own business ..

You just mad because he handed his libtards teacher his own ass

He was apparently breaking school rules. And rather than abide by those rules when requested by the teacher, he chose to be confrontational instead of cooperative. The result was disruptive to the rest of the class. He should be suspended as a reminder that MAGA hat wearers don’t get to break the rules.

Once again if he was breaking the rules why didn't the teacher send him to the principal office?

Instead the teacher called him an asshole and moved the entire class..

So it appears he wasn't breaking any rules .

God I can't remember how many times I got sent to the principal office or in detention .

The teacher’s discretion on how to handle the situation. He chose to move the class to another location where the MAGA hat student wouldn’t be disruptive. And according to the teacher, he was violating school policy by wearing the hat.
The teacher overreacted, bigly. When you are in charge, there are ways of handling insubordinate people. That wasn't the way to do it.

That child will be pissed the rest of his life .

He was in an honest discussion..and his teacher abandoned him.


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