WATCH: Trump Attorney Turns the Tables and Obliterates Sniveling Clinton Crony George Stephanopoulos During Interview on Sham Trump Indictment

Barney Frank to Newsmax: 'Mistake' to Indict Trump
It was a "mistake" to indict former President Donald Trump on charges connected with documents in his possession, as the move was "politically unwise," former Rep. Barney Frank said on Newsmax Saturday.​

"I think people said, 'Oh, this is a political indictment,'" the Massachusetts Democrat told Newsmax's "Saturday Report." "I think it's the absence of politics. First of all, let's be clear — and others have said this: There's no sign that what Trump did endangered national security.
Harvard law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz says Trump's indictment doesn't pass the Nixon test.
"There's not enough to justify this," Dershowitz said Friday during an appearance on Newsmax's "The Record With Greta Van Susteren."
"It doesn't meet what I call the Richard Nixon standard, which was very clear obstruction of justice, destroying evidence, paying bribes. This is too close a case to bring against the man running for president, against the incumbent president.
Harvard law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz says Trump's indictment doesn't pass the Nixon test.
"There's not enough to justify this," Dershowitz said Friday during an appearance on Newsmax's "The Record With Greta Van Susteren."
"It doesn't meet what I call the Richard Nixon standard, which was very clear obstruction of justice, destroying evidence, paying bribes. This is too close a case to bring against the man running for president, against the incumbent president.
election interference in other words.

Barney Frank to Newsmax: 'Mistake' to Indict Trump​

It was a "mistake" to indict former President Donald Trump on charges connected with documents in his possession, as the move was "politically unwise," former Rep. Barney Frank said on Newsmax Saturday.​

"I think people said, 'Oh, this is a political indictment,'" the Massachusetts Democrat told Newsmax's "Saturday Report." "I think it's the absence of politics. First of all, let's be clear — and others have said this: There's no sign that what Trump did endangered national security.
nor was wrong.
Harvard law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz says Trump's indictment doesn't pass the Nixon test.
"There's not enough to justify this," Dershowitz said Friday during an appearance on Newsmax's "The Record With Greta Van Susteren."
"It doesn't meet what I call the Richard Nixon standard, which was very clear obstruction of justice, destroying evidence, paying bribes. This is too close a case to bring against the man running for president, against the incumbent president.
Harvard law professor emeritus

This is what dipshits always do when trying to puff up their shitty propagandists.

Alan Dershowitz hasn't mattered in 20 years...he matters so little now that he's performing on Newsmax.
This is what dipshits always do when trying to puff up their shitty propagandists.

Alan Dershowitz hasn't mattered in 20 years...he matters so little now that he's performing on Newsmax.
except he is over you by megatons. So go lap up your daily joe somewhere else.
I'm looking forward to your spin when the evidence is provided.

"Fake news". "Those texts are rigged". "That sworn testimony is a lie". "That's not Trump's voice on that recording".

you've seen the supposed evidence? Show us. I remember congressman Adam Shits claimed to have evidence yet we're zero for seven years of any being produced. So fly jamma jamma let's see what you got.

My money is you'll say we'll have to wait!!!!! ready!!!! Pssssst zero for seven years!!!!!!!! LOL teehee.
Same as your 'blockbuster' declarations about Trump's supposed guilt.....Speculation, but I also have logic on my side. 'Tape' is not used for voice recordings much today. There is no 'tape.' It will most likely be an edited digital MP3 or WAV file.
Wow... What an argument for the defence... Fucksake get on to Trump's lawyers..

This is how weak the Trump defence has got...

The OP here is trying to use the whataboutism defence and Trumpers are singing his praises..
The whataboutism defence is a media creation and can't be used in a court of law...

Ted Bundy could have got off if he just said he wasn't as bad as Hitler and nobody arrested him..
And if you actually read the article, it says:

Federal prosecutors have obtained an audio recording of a summer 2021 meeting in which former President Donald Trump acknowledges he held onto a classified Pentagon document about a potential attack on Iran, multiple sources told CNN, undercutting his argument that he declassified everything.

So you're ignoring the CNN article AND the indictment.

So much for your 'logic', eh buddy.
These guys are so stupid they expect Trump defence lawyer to stand up and say that evidence can't be accepted because it is not a Tape and CNN said it was a tape...
That is the defence's case...

They don't even know that notes from the meeting are also admissible, even from his own lawyers in this particular case.

Trump screwed up so badly and hired incompetent lawyers (because the real ones quit or weren't desperate enough).

Barney Frank to Newsmax: 'Mistake' to Indict Trump​

It was a "mistake" to indict former President Donald Trump on charges connected with documents in his possession, as the move was "politically unwise," former Rep. Barney Frank said on Newsmax Saturday.​

"I think people said, 'Oh, this is a political indictment,'" the Massachusetts Democrat told Newsmax's "Saturday Report." "I think it's the absence of politics. First of all, let's be clear — and others have said this: There's no sign that what Trump did endangered national security.
Barney Frank has no role in the DOJ...

This is the point I was trying to make... Then DOJ is not political, it is pretty independent and is sworn to uphold the law...

Trump was the one that used pardons as personal favours to allies... Trumpers think that is normal, IT IS NOT.

We have asked for proof of Biden directing any of the Trump investigations... Please provide that proof...

Again, there is a reason charges are not brought against Hillary and the simple answer is, there is no crime.
It looks like Trump committed multiple crimes and even his supporters know that now..
Barney Frank has no role in the DOJ...

This is the point I was trying to make... Then DOJ is not political, it is pretty independent and is sworn to uphold the law...

Trump was the one that used pardons as personal favours to allies... Trumpers think that is normal, IT IS NOT.

We have asked for proof of Biden directing any of the Trump investigations... Please provide that proof...

Again, there is a reason charges are not brought against Hillary and the simple answer is, there is no crime.
It looks like Trump committed multiple crimes and even his supporters know that now..

You are an idiot.
The end.

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