Watch your back folks

So many violent and unstable psychopath Trump cultists here, all working themselves into a pants-shitting frenzy because it's what their masters command. There's not a functioning neuron or gonad to be found in the whole lot of 'em combined.

Trump cultists, were you attracted to the Trump cult because they approved of your innate stupidity and cowardice, or did the cult train you to be mewling pajama bois? I'm guessing it's a combination of both.
Do you even ride, troll?

If you don't have anything to say about the topic, shut your dickhole and fuck off out of the thread.
All I can say is to buy more ammo.

I picked up more JHP'S from my local Big 5 yesterday. I got an inside man there that tells me when they get more delivered.
The crazies are everywhere, not just in a mob downtown.


You're such a good little authoritarian follower. No independent thought ever spoils the purity of your cult mind, nosirree.
the attacker said more of this needs to happen it's a reality that will cost you leftists your life.
The crazies are everywhere, not just in a mob downtown.


You're such a good little authoritarian follower. No independent thought ever spoils the purity of your cult mind, nosirree.

Its amazing how the party that is out of power is responsible for all of society's woes.

View attachment 366241
The problem is leftists control mainstream media and control the lie they push
So many violent and unstable psychopath Trump cultists here, all working themselves into a pants-shitting frenzy because it's what their masters command. There's not a functioning neuron or gonad to be found in the whole lot of 'em combined.

Trump cultists, were you attracted to the Trump cult because they approved of your innate stupidity and cowardice, or did the cult train you to be mewling pajama bois? I'm guessing it's a combination of both.
You're a retarded scum idiot.
The crazies are everywhere, not just in a mob downtown.


You're such a good little authoritarian follower. No independent thought ever spoils the purity of your cult mind, nosirree.
the attacker said more of this needs to happen it's a reality that will cost you leftists your life.
Bikers are vulnerable; that's all there is to it. We are out there on our sleds cruising along and anyone, even the wimpiest little bitch in the universe driving a Prius or one of those fruity little Smart cars, can run us into a guard rail or even just drive over us. We can be killed by any cager around us, anytime, and we know it...... and we still ride. Because it might be easy to kill us but it's a lot harder to scare us.

Our only protection is our capacity for retaliation; if you deliberately attack one of us, the rest of us will come for you.
You know, if we were able to own black people again, it would be much easier to "watch our black folks"
Pathetic troll.
So many violent and unstable psychopath Trump cultists here, all working themselves into a pants-shitting frenzy because it's what their masters command. There's not a functioning neuron or gonad to be found in the whole lot of 'em combined.

Trump cultists, were you attracted to the Trump cult because they approved of your innate stupidity and cowardice, or did the cult train you to be mewling pajama bois? I'm guessing it's a combination of both.
You are a disgusting POS.
What is becoming blatantly obvious every day is that the Democratic Party is itself behind all of this, with funding, media campaign, their politicians ordering police to stand down, i.e. complete management and coordination with violent street hoodlums. These aren't 'protestors' they're commie scum overthrowing the government. Time to pick a side. The OP is 100% correct.
You know, if we were able to own black people again, it would be much easier to "watch our black folks"

Vermin like you need to be deported ASAP. You wouldn't last two minutes being a 'revolutionary' in Africa, which is why you scum would never leave here, hiding under your bed.
So many violent and unstable psychopath Trump cultists here, all working themselves into a pants-shitting frenzy because it's what their masters command. There's not a functioning neuron or gonad to be found in the whole lot of 'em combined.

Trump cultists, were you attracted to the Trump cult because they approved of your innate stupidity and cowardice, or did the cult train you to be mewling pajama bois? I'm guessing it's a combination of both.

It wasn’t a Trumper that deliberately ran over a biker. Dumbass.
It wasn’t a Trumper that deliberately ran over a biker. Dumbass.

So? You're all still mewling betas for having a group screaming bitch meltdown over it.

If you spend your lives searching for reasons to be screaming bitches, you'll find them. That's no way for a human with a spine to live, but it's how the Trump cult has chosen to live.

There's life outside of hating. You could experience it, but you all no longer want to. Hating is the only thing that gives you a thrill now, and you've gotten addicted to it.
It wasn’t a Trumper that deliberately ran over a biker. Dumbass.

So? You're all still mewling betas for having a group screaming bitch meltdown over it.

If you spend your lives searching for reasons to be screaming bitches, you'll find them. That's no way for a human with a spine to live, but it's how the Trump cult has chosen to live.

There's life outside of hating. You could experience it, but you all no longer want to. Hating is the only thing that gives you a thrill now, and you've gotten addicted to it.

Again, it was not a Trumper who deliberately ran over and killed a biker. That being the case, you should be giving this vapid anti-hate speech to the person who actually committed murder out of hate, not to the people upset by it.

So many violent and unstable psychopath Trump cultists here, all working themselves into a pants-shitting frenzy because it's what their masters command. There's not a functioning neuron or gonad to be found in the whole lot of 'em combined.

Trump cultists, were you attracted to the Trump cult because they approved of your innate stupidity and cowardice, or did the cult train you to be mewling pajama bois? I'm guessing it's a combination of both.
If we were'd know it.
There's life outside of hating. You could experience it, but you all no longer want to. Hating is the only thing that gives you a thrill now, and you've gotten addicted to it.
People hated hitler........we see people killing police.......a young mother for saying all lives matter........and old lady beaten with a 2 x 4.......and we HATE THE FUCKERS who do it.

They are your animals...........put them on a leash.......don't like my words......I don't really care.
This is what the DNC have created in this country..............Kill him because he THINKS HE'S WHITE.....just to kill a whiter person.......

Pathetic and the DNC is PATHETIC.

You're pathetic to think of something that stupid.

But you're a Trumper, and you people are all pathetic, just like the man you worship.

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