Watched Rubio on Fox Business with Bartiromo, he is the sharpest knife in the drawer when it comes to geopolitics


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
The guy clearly.reads his briefing and does his homework. He and Pompeo are always worth my time whenever they talk about the Middle East and China. If the rest of the West paid closer attention we might win once in awhile like America did in the good old days.
The guy clearly.reads his briefing and does his homework. He and Pompeo are always worth my time whenever they talk about the Middle East and China. If the rest of the West paid closer attention we might win once in awhile like America did in the good old days.
When was the last time we won? WWII, the Russians did the heavy lifting
The guy clearly.reads his briefing and does his homework. He and Pompeo are always worth my time whenever they talk about the Middle East and China. If the rest of the West paid closer attention we might win once in awhile like America did in the good old days.
One thing I will say about little Marco is that he does do his homework. He knew what the strategic triad was. Trump still doesn't.
When was the last time we won? WWII, the Russians did the heavy lifting
Yeah the Manhattan Project was insignificant as was D Day. Russia protected their homeland with the blood of the poor and if not for their neutrality pact with Germany and the shipping of oil, Germany wouldn't have grown so fast. Meanwhile if not for U.S nukes, Japan today might still be fighting the West.
Yeah the Manhattan Project was insignificant as was D Day. Russia protected their homeland with the blood of the poor and if not for their neutrality pact with Germany and the shipping of oil, Germany wouldn't have grown so fast. Meanwhile if not for U.S nukes, Japan today might still be fighting the West.
The military blow against Nazi Germany was delivered by the Russians. Nazi Germany died in the mud on Russian roads

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