Watching 60 Minutes And it’s scary!!


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA
First segment was about people traveling from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala and asking for asylum in the US. It’s nuts. Agents overwhelmed, not enough food or medicine or way to deal with the people. Courts are five years behind in terms of hearings. Unfortunately I cannot post a link as this is happening real time. But what a disaster. Why aren’t our politicians concerned?

Edit: They stated the migrants pay ~$3k per person to the cartels in Mexico.
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First segment was about people traveling from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala and asking for asylum in the US. It’s nuts. Agents overwhelmed, not enough food or medicine or way to deal with the people. Courts are five years behind in terms of hearings. Unfortunately I cannot post a link as this is happening real time. But what a disaster. Why aren’t our politicians concerned?

Why aren’t our politicians concerned?

Because they're busy.

one side is busy slinging accusations of racism and treason while the other is busy defending against accusations of racism and treason.

Give them a meal, bed, and then send them back across the border with an application for statehood.

Once their sovereign nation decides to become a sovereign state they can go anywhere in the United States they desire.

We'll just add a blue star to the end of each stipe as we enter new states into the Union.


First segment was about people traveling from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala and asking for asylum in the US. It’s nuts. Agents overwhelmed, not enough food or medicine or way to deal with the people. Courts are five years behind in terms of hearings. Unfortunately I cannot post a link as this is happening real time. But what a disaster. Why aren’t our politicians concerned?
But I thought the liberals said there wasn't a crisis at the border? Ruh Roh, 2020 isnt looking good for the Dimwitocraps when even the Lame Stream Media of 60 minutes calls the libtards "LIARS".


Give them a meal, bed, and then send them back across the border with an application for statehood.

Once their sovereign nation decides to become a sovereign state they can go anywhere in the United States they desire.

We'll just add a blue star to the end of each stipe as we enter new states into the Union.



No fucking thank you, why on earth do you want people who turn their own countries into 3rd world shitholes to come here and turn ours into a 3rd world shithole. It is bad enough we have those on the left who tried like hell and almost succeeded in making the US such a miserable and impoverished nation, but thank God that the people of the US woke up and voted the sick bitch out.


Give them a meal, bed, and then send them back across the border with an application for statehood.

Once their sovereign nation decides to become a sovereign state they can go anywhere in the United States they desire.

We'll just add a blue star to the end of each stipe as we enter new states into the Union.



No fucking thank you, why on earth do you want people who turn their own countries into 3rd world shitholes to come here and turn ours into a 3rd world shithole. It is bad enough we have those on the left who tried like hell and almost succeeded in making the US such a miserable and impoverished nation, but thank God that the people of the US woke up and voted the sick bitch out.



The government and companies that operate in those third world shitholes will have to abide by US law. Including enforcement, living standards, and minimum wage. All of which will encourage the residents of those countries to be content with where they currently reside.

I think it's a good idea.


I wonder how many of these Squatemalans are headed to Brewster, NY?

Enough is enough, Trump's unqualified.
Says the foreigner lol

I was born in the USA, but tend to see things more in the Eastern European view point.
So you see things the same way as the Zarnia brothers?

The Outsize Role of Brothers in Terrorist Plots

Chechens are Caucasus people (Islamics)
NOT Slavic, or Finno-Ugric, like the rest of true Eastern Europe.

But, that's besides the point, why do you have faith in Trump, who just appeases more, and more Third-World riff-raffs?
First segment was about people traveling from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala and asking for asylum in the US. It’s nuts. Agents overwhelmed, not enough food or medicine or way to deal with the people. Courts are five years behind in terms of hearings. Unfortunately I cannot post a link as this is happening real time. But what a disaster. Why aren’t our politicians concerned?
I am surprised 60 Minutes took the time to inform the boomers. LOL!!
First segment was about people traveling from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala and asking for asylum in the US. It’s nuts. Agents overwhelmed, not enough food or medicine or way to deal with the people. Courts are five years behind in terms of hearings. Unfortunately I cannot post a link as this is happening real time. But what a disaster. Why aren’t our politicians concerned?
---------------------------- I'D say that they have things going just the way they want it to go Azog .
I am mad. I posted (and bumped) about Maria Bartefromo covering on the border this AM. Shocking is too kind a word. But none of you took note but CandyPorn. I wont watch CBS news or 60 min as they lie.
I wonder how many of these Squatemalans are headed to Brewster, NY?

Enough is enough, Trump's unqualified.
Says the foreigner lol

I was born in the USA, but tend to see things more in the Eastern European view point.
So you see things the same way as the Zarnia brothers?

The Outsize Role of Brothers in Terrorist Plots

Chechens are Caucasus people (Islamics)
NOT Slavic, or Finno-Ugric, like the rest of true Eastern Europe.

But, that's besides the point, why do you have faith in Trump, who just appeases more, and more Third-World riff-raffs?
---------------------------- partly agree but what can be done , USA is allow,ng itself to be invaded , but what can be done eh ?? Too bad its not 1890s or 1910 or similar where Americans could go to work Sob .
I wonder how many of these Squatemalans are headed to Brewster, NY?

Enough is enough, Trump's unqualified.
Says the foreigner lol

I was born in the USA, but tend to see things more in the Eastern European view point.
So you see things the same way as the Zarnia brothers?

The Outsize Role of Brothers in Terrorist Plots

Chechens are Caucasus people (Islamics)
NOT Slavic, or Finno-Ugric, like the rest of true Eastern Europe.

But, that's besides the point, why do you have faith in Trump, who just appeases more, and more Third-World riff-raffs?
---------------------------- partly agree but what can be done , USA is allow,ng itself to be invaded , but what can be done eh ?? Too bad its not 1890s or 1910 or similar where Americans could go to work Sob .

Stalin certainly didn't have quips about mass deportations for Nationalism.

Why does the Capitalist USA have quips over mass deportations for Nationalism?

Maybe because the elite, all profit off of the cheap labor Illegal immigrants provide to this Capitalist, greed driven economy?

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