Watching 60 Minutes And it’s scary!!

This is why the border is a serious problem.....and nothing is getting done about it....

Democrats refuse to face up to the truth. Not one Democrats showed up to hear testimony from border officials........not one.


Doesn't surprise me at all. If you don't see it or hear about it doesn't exist. Useless fucks.

Of course if one of their loved ones was the victim of rape, robbery or murder by an illegal alien then you'd see them get off their useless asses and do something.

Give them a meal, bed, and then send them back across the border with an application for statehood.

Once their sovereign nation decides to become a sovereign state they can go anywhere in the United States they desire.

We'll just add a blue star to the end of each stipe as we enter new states into the Union.



No fucking thank you, why on earth do you want people who turn their own countries into 3rd world shitholes to come here and turn ours into a 3rd world shithole. It is bad enough we have those on the left who tried like hell and almost succeeded in making the US such a miserable and impoverished nation, but thank God that the people of the US woke up and voted the sick bitch out.


That picture is of a landfill in Manila, Philippines. Try again.

You just dotn get it do you? Doesnt matter where you go, when there are people of 3rd world nations, they live in poverty. They end up coming here and turn the area that the squat in just live home. How do I know this, because used to live in Manassas, that is now in the sanctuary state of Virginia, and Manassas has turned into a shithole. So fuck off ****...


So that explains why you lied by posting a picture of a Philippines landfill and tried to pass it off as Honduras/El Salvador/Guatemala?

There was no lie, Show me where I said it was from Latin America, you bitch, only proof that anywhere you look if it isnt Christian Conservative White people in charge, then the place is shit as shown anywhere you find people of color or liberals. Fuck off, you kuunt.

Give them a meal, bed, and then send them back across the border with an application for statehood.

Once their sovereign nation decides to become a sovereign state they can go anywhere in the United States they desire.

We'll just add a blue star to the end of each stipe as we enter new states into the Union.



No fucking thank you, why on earth do you want people who turn their own countries into 3rd world shitholes to come here and turn ours into a 3rd world shithole. It is bad enough we have those on the left who tried like hell and almost succeeded in making the US such a miserable and impoverished nation, but thank God that the people of the US woke up and voted the sick bitch out.


That picture is of a landfill in Manila, Philippines. Try again.

He was making a point. Unless you think 60 Minutes, a Left Leaning show lied. Address the issue.

Give them a meal, bed, and then send them back across the border with an application for statehood.

Once their sovereign nation decides to become a sovereign state they can go anywhere in the United States they desire.

We'll just add a blue star to the end of each stipe as we enter new states into the Union.



No fucking thank you, why on earth do you want people who turn their own countries into 3rd world shitholes to come here and turn ours into a 3rd world shithole. It is bad enough we have those on the left who tried like hell and almost succeeded in making the US such a miserable and impoverished nation, but thank God that the people of the US woke up and voted the sick bitch out.


That picture is of a landfill in Manila, Philippines. Try again.

You just dotn get it do you? Doesnt matter where you go, when there are people of 3rd world nations, they live in poverty. They end up coming here and turn the area that the squat in just live home. How do I know this, because used to live in Manassas, that is now in the sanctuary state of Virginia, and Manassas has turned into a shithole. So fuck off ****...


So that explains why you lied by posting a picture of a Philippines landfill and tried to pass it off as Honduras/El Salvador/Guatemala?

There was no lie, Show me where I said it was from Latin America, you bitch, only proof that anywhere you look if it isnt Christian Conservative White people in charge, then the place is shit as shown anywhere you find people of color or liberals. Fuck off, you kuunt.

You are off topic. This is not a thread about the alleged virtues of white supremacy. It's about the ongoing refugee crisis.
No fucking thank you, why on earth do you want people who turn their own countries into 3rd world shitholes to come here and turn ours into a 3rd world shithole. It is bad enough we have those on the left who tried like hell and almost succeeded in making the US such a miserable and impoverished nation, but thank God that the people of the US woke up and voted the sick bitch out.


That picture is of a landfill in Manila, Philippines. Try again.
You just dotn get it do you? Doesnt matter where you go, when there are people of 3rd world nations, they live in poverty. They end up coming here and turn the area that the squat in just live home. How do I know this, because used to live in Manassas, that is now in the sanctuary state of Virginia, and Manassas has turned into a shithole. So fuck off ****...


So that explains why you lied by posting a picture of a Philippines landfill and tried to pass it off as Honduras/El Salvador/Guatemala?
There was no lie, Show me where I said it was from Latin America, you bitch, only proof that anywhere you look if it isnt Christian Conservative White people in charge, then the place is shit as shown anywhere you find people of color or liberals. Fuck off, you kuunt.

You are off topic. This is not a thread about the alleged virtues of white supremacy. It's about the ongoing refugee crisis.
Bwaaaaahhhhaaaaaaa…..just gave you a bitch slap and as usual, you wont agree that I never said the picture was of Latin America, just try to divert the issue. Too fucking funny, how you a 70 IQ tries to match me, you witless turd...
First segment was about people traveling from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala and asking for asylum in the US. It’s nuts. Agents overwhelmed, not enough food or medicine or way to deal with the people. Courts are five years behind in terms of hearings. Unfortunately I cannot post a link as this is happening real time. But what a disaster. Why aren’t our politicians concerned?

Edit: They stated the migrants pay ~$3k per person to the cartels in Mexico.
The president is busy. Stop bothering him. He’s doing more important things like organizing his people who’ve been going out and shooting up synagogues and burning black churches.
That’s not easy. It takes work. Trump refers to it as a second amendment solution.
First segment was about people traveling from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala and asking for asylum in the US. It’s nuts. Agents overwhelmed, not enough food or medicine or way to deal with the people. Courts are five years behind in terms of hearings. Unfortunately I cannot post a link as this is happening real time. But what a disaster. Why aren’t our politicians concerned?

Why aren’t our politicians concerned?

Because they're busy.

one side is busy slinging accusations of racism and treason while the other is busy defending against accusations of racism and treason.

"one side is busy slinging accusations of racism and treason"

one side (republican/conservatives) is busy slinging accusations of racism and treason

while the other side is busy slinging accusations of racism

Give them a meal, bed, and then send them back across the border with an application for statehood.

Once their sovereign nation decides to become a sovereign state they can go anywhere in the United States they desire.

We'll just add a blue star to the end of each stipe as we enter new states into the Union.



No fucking thank you, why on earth do you want people who turn their own countries into 3rd world shitholes to come here and turn ours into a 3rd world shithole. It is bad enough we have those on the left who tried like hell and almost succeeded in making the US such a miserable and impoverished nation, but thank God that the people of the US woke up and voted the sick bitch out.


That picture is of a landfill in Manila, Philippines. Try again.

He was making a point. Unless you think 60 Minutes, a Left Leaning show lied. Address the issue.

if the point is valid, then they can cite the actual point, not an illustration of it.

i was adamant about it when i got mad at TIME mag for their photoshopping of a mother out of a pic and i'm adamant about it now. if the problem is as bad as you say, why do you NEED to show something NOT the problem in question?

how the issue at hand if it's real. shouldn't be too hard.
First segment was about people traveling from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala and asking for asylum in the US. It’s nuts. Agents overwhelmed, not enough food or medicine or way to deal with the people. Courts are five years behind in terms of hearings. Unfortunately I cannot post a link as this is happening real time. But what a disaster. Why aren’t our politicians concerned?

Edit: They stated the migrants pay ~$3k per person to the cartels in Mexico.
The president is busy. Stop bothering him. He’s doing more important things like organizing his people who’ve been going out and shooting up synagogues and burning black churches.
That’s not easy. It takes work. Trump refers to it as a second amendment solution.
you are such a fucktarded asswhipe.
That picture is of a landfill in Manila, Philippines. Try again.
You just dotn get it do you? Doesnt matter where you go, when there are people of 3rd world nations, they live in poverty. They end up coming here and turn the area that the squat in just live home. How do I know this, because used to live in Manassas, that is now in the sanctuary state of Virginia, and Manassas has turned into a shithole. So fuck off ****...


So that explains why you lied by posting a picture of a Philippines landfill and tried to pass it off as Honduras/El Salvador/Guatemala?
There was no lie, Show me where I said it was from Latin America, you bitch, only proof that anywhere you look if it isnt Christian Conservative White people in charge, then the place is shit as shown anywhere you find people of color or liberals. Fuck off, you kuunt.

You are off topic. This is not a thread about the alleged virtues of white supremacy. It's about the ongoing refugee crisis.
Bwaaaaahhhhaaaaaaa…..just gave you a bitch slap and as usual, you wont agree that I never said the picture was of Latin America, just try to divert the issue. Too fucking funny, how you a 70 IQ tries to match me, you witless turd...
hmmmm - to correct the grammar of such a high iq...
First segment was about people traveling from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala and asking for asylum in the US. It’s nuts. Agents overwhelmed, not enough food or medicine or way to deal with the people. Courts are five years behind in terms of hearings. Unfortunately I cannot post a link as this is happening real time. But what a disaster. Why aren’t our politicians concerned?

Edit: They stated the migrants pay ~$3k per person to the cartels in Mexico.
The president is busy. Stop bothering him. He’s doing more important things like organizing his people who’ve been going out and shooting up synagogues and burning black churches.
That’s not easy. It takes work. Trump refers to it as a second amendment solution.

Don't hijack the thread please.
First segment was about people traveling from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala and asking for asylum in the US. It’s nuts. Agents overwhelmed, not enough food or medicine or way to deal with the people. Courts are five years behind in terms of hearings. Unfortunately I cannot post a link as this is happening real time. But what a disaster. Why aren’t our politicians concerned?

Edit: They stated the migrants pay ~$3k per person to the cartels in Mexico.

Because Trump WANTS this to happen. He's encouraged it by threatening to close the border. The worse it gets there, the more justification he has to do what he wants to do - close the southern border.

This is a tried and true conservative tactic: create a crisis where none existed before, and then solve the crisis.
First segment was about people traveling from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala and asking for asylum in the US. It’s nuts. Agents overwhelmed, not enough food or medicine or way to deal with the people. Courts are five years behind in terms of hearings. Unfortunately I cannot post a link as this is happening real time. But what a disaster. Why aren’t our politicians concerned?

Edit: They stated the migrants pay ~$3k per person to the cartels in Mexico.
Here's a question for anyone paying attention. How is it that they can afford to pay many thousands of dollars to get here yet once they're here they have nothing but a sad story to tell.
And as for that so called Catholic charity, why doesn't that nun operate her charity down there? Obviously there's more suffering going on down there rather than here.
First segment was about people traveling from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala and asking for asylum in the US. It’s nuts. Agents overwhelmed, not enough food or medicine or way to deal with the people. Courts are five years behind in terms of hearings. Unfortunately I cannot post a link as this is happening real time. But what a disaster. Why aren’t our politicians concerned?

Edit: They stated the migrants pay ~$3k per person to the cartels in Mexico.

Because Trump WANTS this to happen. He's encouraged it by threatening to close the border. The worse it gets there, the more justification he has to do what he wants to do - close the southern border.

This is a tried and true conservative tactic: create a crisis where none existed before, and then solve the crisis.
---------------------------------------- makes sense , my ony concern is the 'mop up' and cleansing that Should come after these illegal Aliens get into the USA DLady .

Give them a meal, bed, and then send them back across the border with an application for statehood.

Once their sovereign nation decides to become a sovereign state they can go anywhere in the United States they desire.

We'll just add a blue star to the end of each stipe as we enter new states into the Union.



No fucking thank you, why on earth do you want people who turn their own countries into 3rd world shitholes to come here and turn ours into a 3rd world shithole. It is bad enough we have those on the left who tried like hell and almost succeeded in making the US such a miserable and impoverished nation, but thank God that the people of the US woke up and voted the sick bitch out.


Sounds just like the Know Nothings about the Irish, the Italians, the Poles, the Jews in the 1800s.
First segment was about people traveling from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala and asking for asylum in the US. It’s nuts. Agents overwhelmed, not enough food or medicine or way to deal with the people. Courts are five years behind in terms of hearings. Unfortunately I cannot post a link as this is happening real time. But what a disaster. Why aren’t our politicians concerned?

Edit: They stated the migrants pay ~$3k per person to the cartels in Mexico.

Because Trump WANTS this to happen. He's encouraged it by threatening to close the border. The worse it gets there, the more justification he has to do what he wants to do - close the southern border.

This is a tried and true conservative tactic: create a crisis where none existed before, and then solve the crisis.
So you are saying that ex-Democrat President Trump is using Rahm Emanuel's "never let a crisis go to waste" motto? You guys sure did teach Donald J. Trump, President US, well about how to defeat a liberal using their own tactics.

First segment was about people traveling from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala and asking for asylum in the US. It’s nuts. Agents overwhelmed, not enough food or medicine or way to deal with the people. Courts are five years behind in terms of hearings. Unfortunately I cannot post a link as this is happening real time. But what a disaster. Why aren’t our politicians concerned?

Edit: They stated the migrants pay ~$3k per person to the cartels in Mexico.
Here's a question for anyone paying attention. How is it that they can afford to pay many thousands of dollars to get here yet once they're here they have nothing but a sad story to tell.
And as for that so called Catholic charity, why doesn't that nun operate her charity down there? Obviously there's more suffering going on down there rather than here.

lately the catholic church in St Johns az looks like a homeless shelter.
First segment was about people traveling from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala and asking for asylum in the US. It’s nuts. Agents overwhelmed, not enough food or medicine or way to deal with the people. Courts are five years behind in terms of hearings. Unfortunately I cannot post a link as this is happening real time. But what a disaster. Why aren’t our politicians concerned?

Edit: They stated the migrants pay ~$3k per person to the cartels in Mexico.

Because Trump WANTS this to happen. He's encouraged it by threatening to close the border. The worse it gets there, the more justification he has to do what he wants to do - close the southern border.

This is a tried and true conservative tactic: create a crisis where none existed before, and then solve the crisis.

Why are you making this all about Trump? Should not every politician and US Citizen be concerned? This should be a bi-partisan issue.

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