Watching "Banana Republic" Don on Thanksgiving Call.


Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2012
The idiot is talking to a commander in Afghanistan and making political statements about the border. You can't make up his stupidity.
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Now the dumbass is talking to a commander in Qatar about trade deals. Dotard Don. The commander sounded confused about the question which is normal considering the idiocy of Trump's question.
Talking to a navy commander about naval technology in the open. Is this classified info? The commander probably is thinking who is this moron.
Everybody knows thanksgiving is a day to give thanks to Lord Trump. Only republicans need volunteer to fellate him, though. If he squirts in your eye, you get extra thoughts and prayer power.
I normally would not have started a thread on this, but his questions were so bizarre and his motivations so blatantly political when there should be no political statements today. The dope is still doing it.
The idiot is talking to a commander in Afghaniatan and making political statements about the border. You can't make up his stupidity.

Yeah, that Dotard is a real number but the question everyone is asking: HOW MANY Big Macs will Dotard consume on Thanksgiving? 5? 10? 15? 20? More?
Why the hell is this moron still droning on about the 9th circuit on Thanksgiving? Can't wait till tomorrow. Trump I think is intentionally trying to ruin Thanksgiving for everyone all over the country...:04:
Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is a mental condition in which a person has been driven effectively insane due to their love of Donald Trump, to the point they will abandon all logic and reason.

Symptoms for this condition can be very diverse, ranging from racist or xenophobic outbursts to a complete disconnection from reality. TDS can also often result in the sufferer exhibiting violent, homicidal, or even genocidal desires, particularly against residents from foreign countries.

Sufferers have also been known to wish direct self-harm on themselves (such as increased tariffs, a desire for tax cuts heavily favoring corporations and the 1%, infringement of first amendment rights, and even the destruction of NATO for comrade Putin), provided that action was initiated by Donald Trump.

Paranoia is also a common symptom of TDS. Sufferers have been known to believe that they are in some way being persecuted when their Trump related beliefs are questioned, and in some cases believe they are about to be a victim of an immigrant related crime. The paranoia does however not seem to be bad enough to make TDS sufferers attempt to actually becoming informed and think for themselves.

If properly treated, suffers of TDS can make a full recovery. Many suffers have been known to grow out of TDS, yet many can only be treated by having their condition directly treated through the application of logical reasoning. It is also known that products containing mole can exacerbate the condition.
Trump is giving what sounds like an anti-Thanksgiving message. Nothing to be thankful for. What a buffoon.
Oh, the one thing we can be grateful for according to the halfwit is Saudi Arabia.
Trump is totally incapable of giving a unified message to the nation even on Thanksgiving. What a disgrace.
The idiot is talking to a commander in Afghaniatan and making political statements about the border. You can't make up his stupidity.
Did you hear his entire steam versus electromagnetic catapults with a senior officer from the Ronald Reagan?

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