Watching Howard Dean being asked if he thought was Trump was doing Coke.

He said he raised the question. He said he doesn't do diagnosis on TV. The sniffing, the grandiosity, the manic behavior. Something is going on. Trump should have a medical examination.

He said he won't remove the Tweet.


Should Trump release a medical examination? Take a drug test?

You'd be better off not trotting out that screaming fool when trying to make a point. If your that desperate go with Dukakis.
Maybe one of his sons gave him a little "bump" just before the debate, you give him that edge. They look like they know how to score some cocaine...
A lot of people are saying it. I dont want to believe it but very smart people are raising the question. I dont know, I'm just saying
HE HAS ALWAYS breathed in through his nose. Watch his interviews or speeches. You just don't hear it. It has always been noticeable. He's not stuffed up. It just is his way.
Maybe one of his sons gave him a little "bump" just before the debate, you give him that edge. They look like they know how to score some cocaine...

Yes, and Chelsea shot Hillary up with heroin..

Coke was my first thought too. But then again, why would a 70 year old do coke? Hell, I guess you never know....
It is his energy boost. If you notice, by the end of the debate, after the coke wore off, Trump was slouched over holding on to the podium for dear life with his little hands while Hillary stood tall, straight and erect.

He said he raised the question. He said he doesn't do diagnosis on TV. The sniffing, the grandiosity, the manic behavior. Something is going on. Trump should have a medical examination.

He said he won't remove the Tweet.


Should Trump release a medical examination? Take a drug test?
This is ridiculous, but keep it up. The Trumpsters deserve a taste of their own medicine.

Harry Reid will say it next on the floor of congress and the leftie loons will start spouting it like gospel.

No, that would be Republicans spouting Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi!!! for 5 years.

Harry Reid will say it next on the floor of congress and the leftie loons will start spouting it like gospel.

No, that would be Republicans spouting Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi!!! for 5 years.

normally your partisan bursts at least make some sense on at least a facile level, but that's a pretty weak effort.

care to try again? LOL
You would think Howard would know the difference between coke and breathing picked up by the microphone.

Seems to me arguing stupid stuff like this is a concession that Hillary lost
Next he'll be using Coumadin and anti-seizure drugs. No, wait...
Coke was my first thought too. But then again, why would a 70 year old do coke? Hell, I guess you never know....
It is his energy boost. If you notice, by the end of the debate, after the coke wore off, Trump was slouched over holding on to the podium for dear life with his little hands while Hillary stood tall, straight and erect.

deective mic.jpg
this is as stupid as the shit being said about hillarys health.....

Turnabout is fair play.
Sure is. They can just do as the Donald and preface any crazy remark with "Many people are saying". Many people are saying that Trump did a line of coke off of Melania's tits. Many people are saying that Trump won't release his taxes because of all the charitable donations to NAMBLA.

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