Watching Patrick Byrne (Overstock CEO) interview. I have a headache.

I found him very believable...
He seemed sincere enough, but he bounced around so much it was hard to pin down anything. Although I did laugh out loud when he said "You want to see James Comey crap his pants, just say the name 'Patrick Byrne'. :auiqs.jpg:
I think the bouncing may be from the hesitation of not spilling to many beans... A.G. Barr gets to spill the beans...

Like I said before, if what he said is true there could be a lot of powerful people who want him dead.
I was impressed how he emphasized that it was the upper echelon at the FBI several times and admitted that there was 3 (shall we call them Larry, Moe and Curley Joe) unnamed top dogs...
Holy Mackerel, if half of what this guy is saying is true, HE should be the new James Bond. Seriously, if what he is saying is true he may end up being Epsteined.
Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne resigns after his 'deep state' comments sparked stock selloff - CNN

It's an odd story. Knowing what I know about the covert Canadian police in Canada who work overtime to keep me from telling Americans about what they are doing in their corporations, he is right about one thing if his story is true, "they will grind him down". If they are really smart, they will leave him alone. I suppose it depends who he angered.

I'm not judge and jury. I believe if you can help honest, ethical government, you do so. I cant make heads or tails about his story, but, I know I would respect a Canadian with some integrity to stand up for what is right if they were advised about hurting me (as many of them have, without any reason other than to protect themselves from their sick abuses). I don't hold my breath because I know my system. Police work hard to cover their asses. I know of details of a girl committing suicide because of their cowardice. That's just a fraction of it. I digress...

Bottom line, I hope all goes well for everyone involved. The M.I.B as he calls them aren't in the business of wasting peoples time. I would feel far better helping to protect my system from foreign abusers like China, Iran and the like, so one has to think there was purpose for them recruiting his help.

Regardless, if something was nefarious and wrong, it's important he come out. You do NOT want to become like Canada. Sometimes (and I know this, because I've been there myself when I was in the dark), you get glimpses and tidbits of information and you view yourself as more important, or, slightly confused about the facts. This might be where he is at. He seems slightly excitable.
Byrne is an unapologetic advocate for education reform and he puts his money where his mouth is. His advocacy for the trendy global currency "bitcoms" is suspect though.
I found him very believable...
Well then that makes you a sucker. He's a liar and now being sued for it

Dominion Voting Systems on Tuesday filed separate $1.6 billion lawsuits against One America News Network, Newsmax Media Inc. and former CEO Patrick Byrne, accusing them of deliberately lying about the 2020 presidential election and defaming the voting machine company.

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