Watching the Philly press conference.


Gold Member
Dec 15, 2012
the moron mayor gets up and says the shooting had nothing to do with Islam...just as his police commissioner and captain testify the suspect said he did it in allegiance with Isis.

The mayor must be a democrat.

Fox News
Instructive that the press never questioned the comments of the mayor.
I'm just reading about this at DM. Gee this Mayor must be like the Police Chief who was forced to resign in Cologne after making the initial statement that "the police didn't know who the perpetrators of sexual assault" despite the fact of eyewitness testimony including his officers that the men were Muslim migrants and even found with their papers on them.

What's up with this shit? As soon as the shooter was identified in the Church massacre the media and politicians were doing freaking cartwheels exclaiming to the world the the kid was a white Christian with a Confederate flag.

I'm really starting to get pissed at this.
ISIS is a cult. One should no sooner call ISIS a Muslim group any more than one would call Charles Manson's club a Christian group, even though Manson's theology revolved around the Christian bible and its prophecies.

In fact, most of ISIS's members are in the same age group as Manson's were, and as most people in cults are. Gullible losers. That's all they are. And these dipshits who are committing violence in ISIS's name aren't even members of ISIS. They are mental cases who want to die and go out with a splash. That's all THEY are. They want their name in the news, and so they scribble a little note pledging their love of ISIS because they know it will make headlines.
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The leaders of cults don't want money, they want something even better. They want power over gullible losers who will do whatever they are told to do, and believe what they are told to believe.

These freaks get off on manipulating these losers into laying down their lives for them. And that push toward death is all that distinguishes them from propaganda leaders like Fox News or MSNBC with their hordes of manipulated rubes who believe whatever they are told to believe.
ISIS is a cult. One should no sooner call ISIS a Muslim group any more than one would call Charles Manson's club a Christian group, even though Manson's theology revolved around the Christian bible and its prophecies.

In fact, most of ISIS's members are in the same age group as Manson's were, and as most people in cults are. Gullible losers. That's all they are. And these dipshits who are committing violence in ISIS's name aren't even members of ISIS. They are mental cases who want to die and go out with a splash. That's all THEY are.
Nobody takes their religion word for word. Especially muslims. If they did, we would have a lot of good hearted jihadists
IS practices their share of islam just like AQ, Lashkar-e-Taiba and al-nusra.
The leaders of cults don't want money, they want something even better. They want power over gullible losers who will do whatever they are told to do, and believe what they are told to believe.

These freaks get off on manipulating these losers into laying down their lives for them. And that push toward death is all that distinguishes them from propaganda leaders like Fox News or MSNBC with their hordes of manipulated rubes who believe whatever they are told to believe.
G0000 has taken Allahs dick full throated.
the moron mayor gets up and says the shooting had nothing to do with Islam...

Just as a KKK rally has nothing to do with Christianity, dumbass. That's what he meant.

Rots your brain. Debilitates a rube's ability to punctuate, use proper grammar, or post complete thoughts.

Gee I can't remember what New Testament verse says

"Thou shalt dress up in stupid white robes and pointy hats and burn crosses"

As compared to being commanded to commit Greater or Lesser jihad.
I've been saying this for a while. The ones we have to worry about are the losers who watch too many ISIS videos, not refugees.

The past few weeks have proven me correct.

Some loser asshole fuckhead decides its time to die. But he doesn't want to die in anonymity, so he scribbles a love note to ISIS.

That's what is going on.
the moron mayor gets up and says the shooting had nothing to do with Islam...

Just as a KKK rally has nothing to do with Christianity, dumbass. That's what he meant.

Rots your brain. Debilitates a rube's ability to punctuate, use proper grammar, or post complete thoughts.

Gee I can't remember what New Testament verse says

"Thou shalt dress up in stupid white robes and pointy hats and burn crosses"

As compared to being commanded to commit Greater or Lesser jihad.
I would just like to say I knew you were this stupid already. You didn't have to prove it.
The leaders of cults don't want money, they want something even better. They want power over gullible losers who will do whatever they are told to do, and believe what they are told to believe.

These freaks get off on manipulating these losers into laying down their lives for them. And that push toward death is all that distinguishes them from propaganda leaders like Fox News or MSNBC with their hordes of manipulated rubes who believe whatever they are told to believe.
G0000 has taken Allahs dick full throated.
10 to 1 a swallower too.
What is is with people that they can't just admit that a certain percentage of Muslims are going to be homicidal maniacs? Just like there is a certain percentage of Roman Catholics who are asshole <fill in the blank>.

Sheesh. Most Mohammed and Aanisah six pack are peaceful and hate the radicals as much as we do.
I've been saying this for a while. The ones we have to worry about are the losers who watch too many ISIS videos, not refugees.

The past few weeks have proven me correct.

Some loser asshole fuckhead decides its time to die. But he doesn't want to die in anonymity, so he scribbles a love note to ISIS.

That's what is going on.
didn't they just bust 2 refugees with terrorism charges?
Didn't a bunch of refugees rape a bunch of chicks in Germany?
All it takes is one.
That's why sane people call your position "stupid".
We have enough problems. No need to import more.
The leaders of cults don't want money, they want something even better. They want power over gullible losers who will do whatever they are told to do, and believe what they are told to believe.

These freaks get off on manipulating these losers into laying down their lives for them. And that push toward death is all that distinguishes them from propaganda leaders like Fox News or MSNBC with their hordes of manipulated rubes who believe whatever they are told to believe.
G0000 has taken Allahs dick full throated.
Nope. I am just living out here in Reality. I am not walking in fear and publicly shitting my pants every day like you Fox News rubes.

And you still need to work on your punctuation.
the moron mayor gets up and says the shooting had nothing to do with Islam...

Just as a KKK rally has nothing to do with Christianity, dumbass. That's what he meant.

Rots your brain. Debilitates a rube's ability to punctuate, use proper grammar, or post complete thoughts.

Gee I can't remember what New Testament verse says

"Thou shalt dress up in stupid white robes and pointy hats and burn crosses"

As compared to being commanded to commit Greater or Lesser jihad.
I would just like to say I knew you were this stupid already. You didn't have to prove it.
G000s head is as far up her ass as the mayors...
ISIS is a cult. One should no sooner call ISIS a Muslim group any more than one would call Charles Manson's club a Christian group, even though Manson's theology revolved around the Christian bible and its prophecies.

In fact, most of ISIS's members are in the same age group as Manson's were, and as most people in cults are. Gullible losers. That's all they are. And these dipshits who are committing violence in ISIS's name aren't even members of ISIS. They are mental cases who want to die and go out with a splash. That's all THEY are. They want their name in the news, and so they scribble a little note pledging their love of ISIS because they know it will make headlines.

Islamists say they are the true believers of Islam. Sunnis say they are. Shi'a say they are. And so on.

It matters not which may be the most authentic, but which faction is winning the hearts and minds. Support for Islamism is rapidly growing throughout Islam. Whether it be Daesh or Wahabi based, there is no place for it in America. It is diametrically opposed to the US Constitution.
The leaders of cults don't want money, they want something even better. They want power over gullible losers who will do whatever they are told to do, and believe what they are told to believe.

These freaks get off on manipulating these losers into laying down their lives for them. And that push toward death is all that distinguishes them from propaganda leaders like Fox News or MSNBC with their hordes of manipulated rubes who believe whatever they are told to believe.
G0000 has taken Allahs dick full throated.
Nope. I am just living out here in Reality. I am not walking in fear and publicly shitting my pants every day like you Fox News rubes.

And you still need to work on your punctuation.
I do...when I have respect for the person I am addressing. GFY.
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