Watergate Break Ins Conducted By Murdering Mueller


Somebody get a rope.
Yeah, Comey in his book and interviews has made Trump look very, very bad.

He has? Everyone I have seen talking about comeys book is saying he should have shut up because he certainly isn't helping himself, and he is also hurting the mueller "investigation".
Mueller helped Whitey Bulger murder his way to the top of the Organized Food Chain
:lol: Aren’t you desperate?

The FBI agent that Bulger worked with was convicted and sent to prison where he died

Oh dear. You need to keep up. You're way out of the loop. Thanks to your hero, we the people, have had to pay the victims of his crime 101 million dollars.

Carr: Robert Mueller mum on FBI scandal in Boston

What did Bob Mueller know about the FBI’s framing of four innocent men for a murder they didn’t commit, and when did he know it?

This is an important question for the “special counsel,” and for two days I’ve been emailing his press office, asking for answers about his tenure in the U.S. attorney’s office here. No response. Zip, zero, nada.

Carr: Robert Mueller mum on FBI scandal in Boston
Mueller helped Whitey Bulger murder his way to the top of the Organized Food Chain
:lol: Aren’t you desperate?

The FBI agent that Bulger worked with was convicted and sent to prison where he died

Oh dear. You need to keep up. You're way out of the loop. Thanks to your hero, we the people, have had to pay the victims of his crime 101 million dollars.

Carr: Robert Mueller mum on FBI scandal in Boston

What did Bob Mueller know about the FBI’s framing of four innocent men for a murder they didn’t commit, and when did he know it?

This is an important question for the “special counsel,” and for two days I’ve been emailing his press office, asking for answers about his tenure in the U.S. attorney’s office here. No response. Zip, zero, nada.

Carr: Robert Mueller mum on FBI scandal in Boston
Mueller helped Whitey Bulger murder his way to the top of the Organized Food Chain
:lol: Aren’t you desperate?

The FBI agent that Bulger worked with was convicted and sent to prison where he died

Oh dear. You need to keep up. You're way out of the loop. Thanks to your hero, we the people, have had to pay the victims of his crime 101 million dollars.

Carr: Robert Mueller mum on FBI scandal in Boston

What did Bob Mueller know about the FBI’s framing of four innocent men for a murder they didn’t commit, and when did he know it?

This is an important question for the “special counsel,” and for two days I’ve been emailing his press office, asking for answers about his tenure in the U.S. attorney’s office here. No response. Zip, zero, nada.

Carr: Robert Mueller mum on FBI scandal in Boston

Don't play the violin for me silly girl. You support an asshole who at the best allowed, and at the worst helped railroad innocent men to prison. Fine piece of shit you've yoked yourself too.
I just surfed fake news MSNBC and fake news CNN and the drive-by clowns are all giggling and apparently the failed Russa Collusion investigation has morphed into an investigation of Sean Hannity's real estate deals! :p

Imagine if the fake news MSM finds out Hannity invested in a Trump property! Conflict of interest! :p

Next up for Mueller's Crooked FBI and democrat Soros loving judges, why did Rush Limbaugh move to Florida? :p
Last edited:
Mueller helped Whitey Bulger murder his way to the top of the Organized Food Chain
:lol: Aren’t you desperate?

The FBI agent that Bulger worked with was convicted and sent to prison where he died

Oh dear. You need to keep up. You're way out of the loop. Thanks to your hero, we the people, have had to pay the victims of his crime 101 million dollars.

Carr: Robert Mueller mum on FBI scandal in Boston

What did Bob Mueller know about the FBI’s framing of four innocent men for a murder they didn’t commit, and when did he know it?

This is an important question for the “special counsel,” and for two days I’ve been emailing his press office, asking for answers about his tenure in the U.S. attorney’s office here. No response. Zip, zero, nada.

Carr: Robert Mueller mum on FBI scandal in Boston

Don't play the violin for me silly girl. You support an asshole who at the best allowed, and at the worst helped railroad innocent men to prison. Fine piece of shit you've yoked yourself too.
Awe aren’t you cute when you’re triggered.
Mueller helped Whitey Bulger murder his way to the top of the Organized Food Chain
:lol: Aren’t you desperate?

The FBI agent that Bulger worked with was convicted and sent to prison where he died

Oh dear. You need to keep up. You're way out of the loop. Thanks to your hero, we the people, have had to pay the victims of his crime 101 million dollars.

Carr: Robert Mueller mum on FBI scandal in Boston

What did Bob Mueller know about the FBI’s framing of four innocent men for a murder they didn’t commit, and when did he know it?

This is an important question for the “special counsel,” and for two days I’ve been emailing his press office, asking for answers about his tenure in the U.S. attorney’s office here. No response. Zip, zero, nada.

Carr: Robert Mueller mum on FBI scandal in Boston

Don't play the violin for me silly girl. You support an asshole who at the best allowed, and at the worst helped railroad innocent men to prison. Fine piece of shit you've yoked yourself too.
Awe aren’t you cute when you’re triggered.

Caring that people are criminally convicted is "triggered" to you is it? You must have just loved stalins gulags. Were you a camp guard?
I find it interesting that the progressives here, who claim to care about "law and order" laugh about a person who clearly violated his ethics, and the laws of this country to convict innocent men. And you wonder why no one pays attention to silly people like you. You are all stalinists through and through. That much is very clear because only in his country was that sort of activity supported.

Thanks for exposing what sort of slimey people you all are.
I find it interesting that the progressives here, who claim to care about "law and order" laugh about a person who clearly violated his ethics, and the laws of this country to convict innocent men. And you wonder why no one pays attention to silly people like you. You are all stalinists through and through. That much is very clear because only in his country was that sort of activity supported.

Thanks for exposing what sort of slimey people you all are.
I find it interesting that the progressives here, who claim to care about "law and order" laugh about a person who clearly violated his ethics, and the laws of this country to convict innocent men. And you wonder why no one pays attention to silly people like you. You are all stalinists through and through. That much is very clear because only in his country was that sort of activity supported.

Thanks for exposing what sort of slimey people you all are.

only a true fuckwit would quote howie carr with a straight face.
:lol: Aren’t you desperate?

The FBI agent that Bulger worked with was convicted and sent to prison where he died

Oh dear. You need to keep up. You're way out of the loop. Thanks to your hero, we the people, have had to pay the victims of his crime 101 million dollars.

Carr: Robert Mueller mum on FBI scandal in Boston

What did Bob Mueller know about the FBI’s framing of four innocent men for a murder they didn’t commit, and when did he know it?

This is an important question for the “special counsel,” and for two days I’ve been emailing his press office, asking for answers about his tenure in the U.S. attorney’s office here. No response. Zip, zero, nada.

Carr: Robert Mueller mum on FBI scandal in Boston

Don't play the violin for me silly girl. You support an asshole who at the best allowed, and at the worst helped railroad innocent men to prison. Fine piece of shit you've yoked yourself too.
Awe aren’t you cute when you’re triggered.

Caring that people are criminally convicted is "triggered" to you is it? You must have just loved stalins gulags. Were you a camp guard?
Do you support Donald? Yes? Then you have no leg to stand on. Any “principles” you have are cancelled out by your support of a potus who thinks he’s above the law
Sure you do. That’s why most people on here have you on IGNORE and can barely comprehend what The Hell you are talking about?

Tell me Einstein, why does such a “genius” need to hide what University he went to?

No one knows your name.

Answer: You are still working on your GED 15 years after dropping out of High School.

Finally, why does such a genius happen to be one of the worst rated posters on this board with an “F” Grade?

First off, why Mueller isn't in Jail for his involvement in Organized Crime with Whitey Bulger is beyond me. Bulger btw had numerous contacts in The Russian Mob, so let that and Mueller and Comey's zipped lips about the Uranium One Rosatom Bribery scandal sink in for a minute. But I digress.

It just dawned on me why The FBI and DOJ, Mueller and his team are engaging in Outrageous & Unconstitutional Behavior we keep witnessing. That was a trend in The Obama White House as it was with The Clintons.

The Obama Administration and his Holdovers of which there are MANY, are doing so under the "Cover of an Investigation" with Corrupt Judges, and corrupt officials still in The DOJ and FBI, and even our FISA court.

This is also why there are CONSTANT LEAKS during The Investigation.

They are Conducting Water Gate type Break Ins out in the open and under the protection of Tormented Interpretations of our Constitution.

It's already been concluded by 6 previous investigations that there was No Russian Collusion. In Fact there isn't even any proof Russia actually did anything at all to influence our elections.

What The Democrat Party is doing is attempting to disrupt the peaceful transition of power. Delay the ouster of political criminals appointed by Obama. And then use the never ending investigation and unconstitutional raids for political propaganda with the goal being to influence the 2018 midterms, keep the charade going until the 2020 election, and like Obama weaponized the IRS, he as the head of the resistance is using his loyalists within government to attack The President, his staff and family and do as much damage as can be done, so as to Obstruct and Interfere with the current administration.

What you are witnessing is a scheme 100 times worse than Watergate. You are witnessing attacks not on just The Presidency, but against our Constitution and Democracy itself.

To date The Democrat Party has gotten away with Election Fraud, Campaign Finance Fraud, Bribery Racketeering and Influence selling, Collusion with Russia, Acting as an Agent of The Kremlin by promoting Russian Propaganda, committing perjury, manufacturing evidence, filing false affidavits in a FISA Court, engaging in espionage, leaking classified information, violating protection of privacy, violations of due process, violation of attorney client privilege, illegal unmasking of the targets of illegal wire tapping, concealing exculpatory evidence, and violations of numerous ethical and legal standards as well as being guilty of showing extreme prejudice and bias in investigations, destruction of evidence, concealment of testimony, and obstruction of justice etc, etc, etc,

This is an attack on America itself, and our Justice System which is supposed to protect our rights not trample on them and wipe their ass with them whenever they feel like it.

BTW, thought you might enjoy these Comey Family Photos.


Mueller murdered someone and is responsible for the watergate break-ins. ok.

You aren't very educated are you? Mueller helped Whitey Bulger murder his way to the top of the Organized Food Chain. Whitey Bulger was a Mobster who had direct contacts with The Russian Mafia. Mueller is responsible for 100s of murders Bulger Committed, and Mueller knew about each one.

2ndly DimWit, Mueller and his Gestapo Unit are conducting Watergate type break ins. Reading Comprehension just isn't a skill The Left has, I guess.
i freely admit that i did not get a suma cum nada.
Pretty Sure you never got your citizenship papers, or a diploma from High School Either.
I have citizenship papers, and an engineering degree from an elite university, and a magna cum laude doctoral degree from another elite university.
Oh dear. You need to keep up. You're way out of the loop. Thanks to your hero, we the people, have had to pay the victims of his crime 101 million dollars.

Carr: Robert Mueller mum on FBI scandal in Boston

What did Bob Mueller know about the FBI’s framing of four innocent men for a murder they didn’t commit, and when did he know it?

This is an important question for the “special counsel,” and for two days I’ve been emailing his press office, asking for answers about his tenure in the U.S. attorney’s office here. No response. Zip, zero, nada.

Carr: Robert Mueller mum on FBI scandal in Boston

Don't play the violin for me silly girl. You support an asshole who at the best allowed, and at the worst helped railroad innocent men to prison. Fine piece of shit you've yoked yourself too.
Awe aren’t you cute when you’re triggered.

Caring that people are criminally convicted is "triggered" to you is it? You must have just loved stalins gulags. Were you a camp guard?
Do you support Donald? Yes? Then you have no leg to stand on. Any “principles” you have are cancelled out by your support of a potus who thinks he’s above the law

I don't know of a single case where donald has violated the civil rights of anyone. Your hero's, mueller and comey BOTH have. So fuck you and your bullshit false equivalents. You are a stalinist through and through. That is now very clear. You don't care about civil rights or the protections afforded to the PEOPLE of this country. You WANT a totalitarian dictatorship. No doubt that is the only way you can feel good about yourself is the infliction of misery on others. There have been scumbags, like you, throughout history.
I find it interesting that the progressives here, who claim to care about "law and order" laugh about a person who clearly violated his ethics, and the laws of this country to convict innocent men. And you wonder why no one pays attention to silly people like you. You are all stalinists through and through. That much is very clear because only in his country was that sort of activity supported.

Thanks for exposing what sort of slimey people you all are.

only a true fuckwit would quote howie carr with a straight face.

Only a true fuckwit, like you, would ignore the factual evidence and try and smear the messenger instead of facing the hard fact that your hero's are fucking scumbags. Who commit crimes against innocent people to further their careers and you simply don't care. You're an asshole del.
C'mon l.l. You claim to be a "thinker" How about presenting some evidence that donald has violated anyones Rights. You laugh a lot, but it's the silly maniacal laugh of a retard trying marijuana for the first time.
I find it interesting that the progressives here, who claim to care about "law and order" laugh about a person who clearly violated his ethics, and the laws of this country to convict innocent men. And you wonder why no one pays attention to silly people like you. You are all stalinists through and through. That much is very clear because only in his country was that sort of activity supported.

Thanks for exposing what sort of slimey people you all are.

only a true fuckwit would quote howie carr with a straight face.

Only a true fuckwit, like you, would ignore the factual evidence and try and smear the messenger instead of facing the hard fact that your hero's are fucking scumbags. Who commit crimes against innocent people to further their careers and you simply don't care. You're an asshole del.

*heroes*, fuckwit, not hero's

the rest of your blathering is dismissed; the next factual column howie writes will be his first

keep shining trump's duodenum

it's a very difficult and important job
Sure you do. That’s why most people on here have you on IGNORE and can barely comprehend what The Hell you are talking about?

Tell me Einstein, why does such a “genius” need to hide what University he went to?

No one knows your name.

Answer: You are still working on your GED 15 years after dropping out of High School.

Finally, why does such a genius happen to be one of the worst rated posters on this board with an “F” Grade?


Mueller murdered someone and is responsible for the watergate break-ins. ok.

You aren't very educated are you? Mueller helped Whitey Bulger murder his way to the top of the Organized Food Chain. Whitey Bulger was a Mobster who had direct contacts with The Russian Mafia. Mueller is responsible for 100s of murders Bulger Committed, and Mueller knew about each one.

2ndly DimWit, Mueller and his Gestapo Unit are conducting Watergate type break ins. Reading Comprehension just isn't a skill The Left has, I guess.
i freely admit that i did not get a suma cum nada.
Pretty Sure you never got your citizenship papers, or a diploma from High School Either.
I have citizenship papers, and an engineering degree from an elite university, and a magna cum laude doctoral degree from another elite university.
Sure you do. That’s why most people on here have you on IGNORE and can barely comprehend what The Hell you are talking about?

Tell me Einstein, why does such a “genius” need to hide what University he went to?

No one knows your name.

Answer: You are still working on your GED 15 years after dropping out of High School.

Finally, why does such a genius happen to be one of the worst rated posters on this board with an “F” Grade?


Mueller murdered someone and is responsible for the watergate break-ins. ok.

You aren't very educated are you? Mueller helped Whitey Bulger murder his way to the top of the Organized Food Chain. Whitey Bulger was a Mobster who had direct contacts with The Russian Mafia. Mueller is responsible for 100s of murders Bulger Committed, and Mueller knew about each one.

2ndly DimWit, Mueller and his Gestapo Unit are conducting Watergate type break ins. Reading Comprehension just isn't a skill The Left has, I guess.
i freely admit that i did not get a suma cum nada.
Pretty Sure you never got your citizenship papers, or a diploma from High School Either.
I have citizenship papers, and an engineering degree from an elite university, and a magna cum laude doctoral degree from another elite university.
You are a great American and a good representation of the political brain trust to be found and nurtured on USMB.
Sure you do. That’s why most people on here have you on IGNORE and can barely comprehend what The Hell you are talking about?

Tell me Einstein, why does such a “genius” need to hide what University he went to?

No one knows your name.

Answer: You are still working on your GED 15 years after dropping out of High School.

Finally, why does such a genius happen to be one of the worst rated posters on this board with an “F” Grade?

You aren't very educated are you? Mueller helped Whitey Bulger murder his way to the top of the Organized Food Chain. Whitey Bulger was a Mobster who had direct contacts with The Russian Mafia. Mueller is responsible for 100s of murders Bulger Committed, and Mueller knew about each one.

2ndly DimWit, Mueller and his Gestapo Unit are conducting Watergate type break ins. Reading Comprehension just isn't a skill The Left has, I guess.
i freely admit that i did not get a suma cum nada.
Pretty Sure you never got your citizenship papers, or a diploma from High School Either.
I have citizenship papers, and an engineering degree from an elite university, and a magna cum laude doctoral degree from another elite university.
Sure you do. That’s why most people on here have you on IGNORE and can barely comprehend what The Hell you are talking about?

Tell me Einstein, why does such a “genius” need to hide what University he went to?

No one knows your name.

Answer: You are still working on your GED 15 years after dropping out of High School.

Finally, why does such a genius happen to be one of the worst rated posters on this board with an “F” Grade?

You aren't very educated are you? Mueller helped Whitey Bulger murder his way to the top of the Organized Food Chain. Whitey Bulger was a Mobster who had direct contacts with The Russian Mafia. Mueller is responsible for 100s of murders Bulger Committed, and Mueller knew about each one.

2ndly DimWit, Mueller and his Gestapo Unit are conducting Watergate type break ins. Reading Comprehension just isn't a skill The Left has, I guess.
i freely admit that i did not get a suma cum nada.
Pretty Sure you never got your citizenship papers, or a diploma from High School Either.
I have citizenship papers, and an engineering degree from an elite university, and a magna cum laude doctoral degree from another elite university.
You are a great American and a good representation of the political brain trust to be found and nurtured on USMB.

Please learn how to use the software.

You quoted me twice, “Genius”.
First off, why Mueller isn't in Jail for his involvement in Organized Crime with Whitey Bulger is beyond me. Bulger btw had numerous contacts in The Russian Mob, so let that and Mueller and Comey's zipped lips about the Uranium One Rosatom Bribery scandal sink in for a minute. But I digress.

It just dawned on me why The FBI and DOJ, Mueller and his team are engaging in Outrageous & Unconstitutional Behavior we keep witnessing. That was a trend in The Obama White House as it was with The Clintons.

The Obama Administration and his Holdovers of which there are MANY, are doing so under the "Cover of an Investigation" with Corrupt Judges, and corrupt officials still in The DOJ and FBI, and even our FISA court.

This is also why there are CONSTANT LEAKS during The Investigation.

They are Conducting Water Gate type Break Ins out in the open and under the protection of Tormented Interpretations of our Constitution.

It's already been concluded by 6 previous investigations that there was No Russian Collusion. In Fact there isn't even any proof Russia actually did anything at all to influence our elections.

What The Democrat Party is doing is attempting to disrupt the peaceful transition of power. Delay the ouster of political criminals appointed by Obama. And then use the never ending investigation and unconstitutional raids for political propaganda with the goal being to influence the 2018 midterms, keep the charade going until the 2020 election, and like Obama weaponized the IRS, he as the head of the resistance is using his loyalists within government to attack The President, his staff and family and do as much damage as can be done, so as to Obstruct and Interfere with the current administration.

What you are witnessing is a scheme 100 times worse than Watergate. You are witnessing attacks not on just The Presidency, but against our Constitution and Democracy itself.

To date The Democrat Party has gotten away with Election Fraud, Campaign Finance Fraud, Bribery Racketeering and Influence selling, Collusion with Russia, Acting as an Agent of The Kremlin by promoting Russian Propaganda, committing perjury, manufacturing evidence, filing false affidavits in a FISA Court, engaging in espionage, leaking classified information, violating protection of privacy, violations of due process, violation of attorney client privilege, illegal unmasking of the targets of illegal wire tapping, concealing exculpatory evidence, and violations of numerous ethical and legal standards as well as being guilty of showing extreme prejudice and bias in investigations, destruction of evidence, concealment of testimony, and obstruction of justice etc, etc, etc,

This is an attack on America itself, and our Justice System which is supposed to protect our rights not trample on them and wipe their ass with them whenever they feel like it.

BTW, thought you might enjoy these Comey Family Photos.


Mueller murdered someone and is responsible for the watergate break-ins. ok.

You aren't very educated are you? Mueller helped Whitey Bulger murder his way to the top of the Organized Food Chain. Whitey Bulger was a Mobster who had direct contacts with The Russian Mafia. Mueller is responsible for 100s of murders Bulger Committed, and Mueller knew about each one.

2ndly DimWit, Mueller and his Gestapo Unit are conducting Watergate type break ins. Reading Comprehension just isn't a skill The Left has, I guess.

You stupid Rusdian. You have no idea what the Watergate break-in was. It was former spies sneaking into the DNC offices in the dead of night to get dirt on the DNC.

Mueller isn’t some thief in the night sneaking around under cloak of darkness. He is a duly authorized officer officer of the Federal government, with the full authority of the Courts and the Department of Justice.

Mueller is a decorated veteran of the Viet Nan war who, like Donald Trump, was born into great wealth but unlike Trump, devoted his life to service to his country.

Trump used his wealth to chase women and bully small contractors. He avoided military service by claiming bone spurs.

Trump consorts with mafia bosses, Russian criminals and people he can bribe.

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