Waters, one of the founders of the Pink Floyd rock group, said..


Active Member
Aug 22, 2018
Waters in an interview with Izvestia explained why he considers the White Helmets organization faked. He recalled that many of their materials were recognized as obvious lies, including a video with alleged consequences of a chemical attack in the Syrian city of the Duma on April 7. However, despite the lack of evidence of what happened, "on the basis of this video, Donald Trump, with his inherent infantile stupidity, and Teresa May and Macron decided to strike a joint bombing strike against Syria."
"It was obvious that this fake, that there was no chemical attack, we now know for sure," Waters noted.
He referred to the reports of two American journalists - Robert Fisk of the Independent and Pearson Sharp of the Texas television company, who, following a visit to the Duma, declared that there was no chemical attack.
"They both went to the hospital, both talked with the doctors, with the local residents, they were not associated with Assad and the government of Syria. But they both reported the same thing. According to them, all the doctors said that there was no chemical attack. No one died in the Duma on the day when it was supposed to happen, not a single person. ... Doctors said that there were people with breathing problems in the hospital, but these problems arose because of the dust - simply because the city is at war, "Waters noted.
He called the reports about the supposedly conducted hematoca an episode of a propaganda war, "which is trying to demonize Putin, Assad, Iran, and so on."
Waters noted that representatives of White Helmets tried to attract him to their activities in London a few years ago. "But I said no. Because it is clear that there are people who sit on oil, and they would like to throw away Assad, so that you can divide and appropriate everything yourself. But I do not care about such people! "- said the artist.
The musician also recalled the case of the Violinists, whose poisoning London accuses Russia, and said that he did not believe in Moscow's involvement in the incident. "That the attack on the Violins is nonsense, is understandable even to a person with one hemisphere. But many do not even have one hemisphere, and therefore they believe in this absurdity! "- he stressed.
He also said that, in his opinion, Russia was not involved in the situation in Ukraine, and before the civil war the country was brought to the United States.
"The same can be said about Ukraine. Victoria Nuland (the official representative of the US State Department in 2011-2013) is to blame for everything, she organized all this, and now the country is divided into two parts. I do not know how Ukraine will get out of this whole situation, but blaming Russia for this is ridiculous. However, the Americans do it well, and people believe them, because they control the press and can twist the situation in the way they are profitable, "Waters said.
He called for an end to the confrontation with Russia, stressing that only crazy people can fight against Moscow. "I would like to tell the whole world:" Do you want to start a war with the Russians? Are you crazy? Do you even know who you're dealing with? The Russians have freed you from the fascists at the cost of the lives of 20 million of their citizens! And you want to fight them? What wrong have they done to you? What are you talking about? ... I myself believe that we will not fight against Russia. The Russians are so brave, steadfast and adamant. You have a really big and very strong country, "the artist said.

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