Watters: the FBI is Leaking and Lying.. we're shocked, utterly shocked

If you ever get around to reading Mollie Hemingway's book Rigged, which I have and am reading over again... then we can talk. Until then, you may as well save yourself some time writing dumbass posts because those of us who know what happened are not interested in sophomoric bs... dimrat talking points... political hackery same as the old political hackery
I wish Mollie Ivins was still around to write about the fuckups in TX and the former 1-term president.
I just paid $3.25 for E88. Thank you President Biden!

You want a blotted mofo back so you can feel better about your white privilege.
geeze... what a dummy..

he saw which way the wind was blowing so he did (whatever) to get gas prices down...MAYBE. But maybe he didn't do a damn thing. Maybe it was just that people are not driving half as much as they used to.. u know, like they did when we had a REAL president in the WH (when we had energy independence). And so the lack of demand made gas stations lower their prices.. which btw is the way a free market is supposed to work.. no welfare from the taxpayers by way of the Swamp

But let's just say biden did get prices lower (I'm not buying that and neither is most of America but let's just say...)

He knew there was an election coming up and htings didn't look good for his crazy party...
geeze... what a dummy..

he saw which way the wind was blowing so he did (whatever) to get gas prices down...MAYBE. But maybe he didn't do a damn thing. Maybe it was just that people are not driving half as much as they used to.. u know, like they did when we had a REAL president in the WH (when we had energy independence). And so the lack of demand made gas stations lower their prices.. which btw is the way a free market is supposed to work.. no welfare from the taxpayers by way of the Swamp

But let's just say biden did get prices lower (I'm not buying that and neither is most of America but let's just say...)

He knew there was an election coming up and htings didn't look good for his crazy party...
Dude, can you be more concise with your thoughts.

If you believed that President Biden caused them to go up, then he caused them to go down.

If not, please explain how a president sets the price of gas.
Post#3, same question posed to you?
Trump could declassify anything he wanted to as president. (Like operations Razor &B Crossfire-Hurricane)
So the debate is more about what documents he declassified and what ones he did not declassify.
Its not like he stole classified documents, Trump was president, he owned the fucking documents, and now some librarian wants some of them. So what?
The FBI and the Trump team should negotiate what documents are valuable and which are not.
If you ever get around to reading Mollie Hemingway's book Rigged, which I have and am reading over again... then we can talk. Until then, you may as well save yourself some time writing dumbass posts because those of us who know what happened are not interested in sophomoric bs... dimrat talking points... political hackery same as the old political hackery
Just because you read a conspiracy book that you were gullible enough to believe doesn't mean you are in the know. The things you are so convinced happened are unsupported and completely unrealistic within our system of government. Way to may independent systems and people involved for the election to be stolen without evidence. It is absolutely absurd. Want to see my proof of that? Go ahead and show your proof. You can't so you won't. You will dodge my question or provide some unsubstantiated claims which I'll happily debunk for you.

Lets see which route you take...
Trump could declassify anything he wanted to as president. (Like operations Razor &B Crossfire-Hurricane)
So the debate is more about what documents he declassified and what ones he did not declassify.
Its not like he stole classified documents, Trump was president, he owned the fucking documents, and now some librarian wants some of them. So what?
The FBI and the Trump team should negotiate what documents are valuable and which are not.
And on January 21, 2021 the new president can reclassify them as he deems.

Trump could declassify anything he wanted to as president. (Like operations Razor &B Crossfire-Hurricane)
So the debate is more about what documents he declassified and what ones he did not declassify.
Its not like he stole classified documents, Trump was president, he owned the fucking documents, and now some librarian wants some of them. So what?
The FBI and the Trump team should negotiate what documents are valuable and which are not.
He could declassify but did he? There is a process to go by. If he didn't take the process then they were not declassified. If he held onto classified documents after he was president then that would not be appropriate. Again, we have no clue what the FBI raid was about. They have not disclosed that so what we are talking about is media speculation.
He could declassify but did he? There is a process to go by. If he didn't take the process then they were not declassified. If he held onto classified documents after he was president then that would not be appropriate. Again, we have no clue what the FBI raid was about. They have not disclosed that so what we are talking about is media speculation.
President Biden could review the declassified documents and reclassify them as he deemed.
Dude, can you be more concise with your thoughts.

If you believed that President Biden caused them to go up, then he caused them to go down.

If not, please explain how a president sets the price of gas.
geeze... dumbass alert!

We were energy INDEPENDENT, meaning we didn't have to depend for gas on countries who hate our freaking guts!

That moron in the WH shut up the US pipelines

Then I heard he actually sent some of our gas (after prices on it rose to ridiculous heights) to some foreign country. Was it Russia? I don't recall but just the fact that he shut down US pipelines makes him Moron President Of the Century-- no, looks like he gets TOP Moron President Award
He could declassify but did he? There is a process to go by. If he didn't take the process then they were not declassified. If he held onto classified documents after he was president then that would not be appropriate. Again, we have no clue what the FBI raid was about. They have not disclosed that so what we are talking about is media speculation.
True. But the probability of the raid being about finding J6 evidence is higher than about documents.

Nancy's "J6 Commission" wants the DOJ to indict Trump. But the DOJ has no case!! What to do???
geeze... dumbass alert!

We were energy INDEPENDENT, meaning we didn't have to depend for gas on countries who hate our freaking guts!

That moron in the WH shut up the US pipelines

Then I heard he actually sent some of our gas (after prices on it rose to ridiculous heights) to some foreign country. Was it Russia? I don't recall but just the fact that he shut down US pipelines makes him Moron President Of the Century
No, we were not energy independent under the former 1-term president.

Currently, we produce about the same amount and would you consider our country energy independent?

Also, the Canadian tar sands oil is being transported and sold at world market prices.

We sold oil out of our national reserves and an American subsidiary of a Chinese company bought some and had it refined in America and sold in the world market.
True. But the probability of the raid being about finding J6 evidence is higher than about documents.

Nancy's "J6 Commission" wants the DOJ to indict Trump. But the DOJ has no case!! What to do???
Probabilities aside the raid doesn’t happen without intense legal scrutiny and probable cause. A judge and the department heads would need to be confident enough in the evidence and legal standing to make this move.

I don’t see how they do this on a baseless fishing expedition. Garland just petitioned to declassify and release the warrant details so we will see. What would you say if the trump team blocks them?

BTW. The trump team can legally release the details right now if they wanted to.
Patriots know what's really going on here. You democrat bolshevichs are evil nasty vermin.

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