Wayne LaPierre: Whistleblowers say US Gov arming drug lords in false flag operation

Big Fitz

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Nov 23, 2009
Breaking news on Glenn Beck's radio show today (3rd hour about 10 minutes in).

A quick radio interview with Wayne LaPierre of the NRA has raised new allegations of the BATFE, Justice Department and other federal agencies being involved in a plot to subvert the second amendment by arming Mexican Drug Cartels.

LaPierre claimed that an operation designed to purchase and smuggle illegal guns into Mexico in order to arm drug lords who will then use these weapons in the US is underway. The purpose of this operation is to give reason to infringe the 2nd amendment and give legal bite to disarm the populace.

This information is supposedly coming from a few whistleblowers who are upset that the federal government is actively arming the enemies of this nation in order to oppress the citizenry.

The story is currently unfolding, and more information is yet to come.

If the allegations prove true, we may have a Watergate/Iran-Contra level scandal.
Well cool. If a mod wants to merge this thread, I'm happy with that, although I don't agree with the need for it to be in "Conspiracy Theories"... oh well who knows yet.
How impotent is the anti-gun side, forced to use crime in Mexico to argue for further restrictions on the law-abiding in the US...?
For all you Liberals that thought cheating on your wife and lying about it in court is not an impeachable offense I ask you;

Would THIS be an impeachable offense?

This needs to be investigated because Obama said he had no idea it was going on. (Remember Reagan said at first he didn't know about Iran/Contra either) So let's investigate and hang the persons responsible.

Sound good?

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