We are afraid to die and we are afraid to kill

Your grasp of the use of language has not improved. I have no idea what you tried to say.

The fact is that you do not know my reasons. Any claims or insinuations that you do are simply lies.

rooooskie trolls are known to do that.
I was merely pointing out somebody intentionally misquoted the meaning of the phrase, as if using the latin would add gravity, though they HE changed the definition to make their HIS point. I never trust foreign phrases, used in argument, without seeing independent definition, as it is an old trick, depending on the audience to not know and not check. It is undoubtably one of the reasons this board requires English to be used. I never trust what I do not understand from personal knowledge without verification somebody is not trying to fk me.
Imprimatur Ut Imperemus

Our transnationalist ruling class only publishes self-serving propaganda. For example, 1984's NewSpeak totalitarian language-change is so ridiculous ("doubleplus ungood) it deceives us into thinking our own Newspeak will be easy to recognize and we will refuse to imitate it. Yet using a plural pronoun with a singular antecedent, as you did, is the required NewSpeak non-grammar on the Netrix and not even recognized for its obvious contradiction. It is literally brain-damaging, because, though the mind can handle a few contradictions, it cannot handle an absurdity used so often.

Second, BIG BROTHER WATCHING YOU is impossible to enforce. Our reality is that Big Brother is watching you watch him on TV ("Tell a Vision").
Imprimatur Ut Imperemus

Our transnationalist ruling class only publishes self-serving propaganda. For example, 1984's NewSpeak totalitarian language-change is so ridiculous ("doubleplus ungood) it deceives us into thinking our own Newspeak will be easy to recognize and we will refuse to imitate it. Yet using a plural pronoun with a singular antecedent, as you did, is the required NewSpeak non-grammar on the Netrix and not even recognized for its obvious contradiction. It is literally brain-damaging, because, though the mind can handle a few contradictions, it cannot handle an absurdity used so often.

Second, BIG BROTHER WATCHING YOU is impossible to enforce. Our reality is that Big Brother is watching you watch him on TV ("Tell a Vision").
transnationalist ruling class.........NewSpeak totalitarian language-change......... doupleplus ungood.......plural pronoun with singular antecedent.........NewSpeak non-grammar on the Netrix!!! WTF?
Dude. Quit. I have not sat a university classroom since graduation, a long time ago. I keep OneLook on the sidebar and look up multiple definitions on the quick when I feel the need while reading here, and then I accept the most common definitions found. You need to have this conversation with Admiral Rockwell Torrey. You two could have a blast.
transnationalist ruling class.........NewSpeak totalitarian language-change......... doupleplus ungood.......plural pronoun with singular antecedent.........NewSpeak non-grammar on the Netrix!!! WTF?
Dude. Quit. I have not sat a university classroom since graduation, a long time ago. I keep OneLook on the sidebar and look up multiple definitions on the quick when I feel the need while reading here, and then I accept the most common definitions found. You need to have this conversation with Admiral Rockwell Torrey. You two could have a blast.
Little Mamas' Boys Sucking Their Thumbs in College Because They're Afraid to Grow Up

You're lying. You can easily figure out exactly what I mean. You think you can get away with, "I've never heard that term before, so it must be stupid! How about it, gang?"

Becoming a narrow-minded conformist is a drain on the brain. Originality gets silenced on the Netrix.
I'm not afraid to kill villains. Give me the right and I will kill them with my bare hands.
The reason I don't kill them is not because I'm afraid to kill, but because I don't want to go to jail because of those stinky dogs.

Slave agricultural cultures suffered from this, it was reflected in their religions, where God is the master, and they are slaves who decide nothing. Decide there those who claim to be the viceroy of God on earth - the priests
Real Americans are cowboys. They were not afraid to kill, the gun was always at hand.
It is British preachers who lead America astray by telling them about their alleged "cowardice"
A real American is not afraid of anything. This is the most courageous people in the world. In America stands the Bull and the Statue of Liberty with the Aryan torch. They drove the British out and dealt with Hussein in a few days.
It was Obama who brought in a batch of British swindlers who introduced faggots and women into the army and now preach fucking "humility". This is so that Biden sells American children and no one is outraged.

I am not afraid to die. I would prefer to put it off as long as I can, but I am not afraid of death.

And, as playtime put it, under the right circumstances I have no problem killing. I just don't do it for no reason.
Your words are not like the words of the left. The left is holding on to his miserable life because he wants to prolong his miserable pleasure from faceless sex and a sip of alcohol. The Right Hero dies without hesitation because a fire burns in his chest and he goes for a Right cause. The left can't do it. The left soldiers were usually accompanied by barrage detachments, they died because they had nowhere to run.

Right knights and hussars valued valor above all else. Between shame and death, they chose death.

So you're just a leftist talker.
The great spirit of romance, love for a Real woman and the beauty of Greatness, hate for the villain - this is the motive of the fearlessness of the right.

The Left is anti-romantic, he does not appreciate femininity in a woman, he recognizes "equivalence", he is tolerant of the villain, the fire of Heroism cannot flare up in him. And if there no the fire of Heroism, then you will be attached to earthly petty passions and be afraid of death. For life you will sell honor and truth. The left is not interested in the truth, they want hippipeace. They are conformists.
What else is familiar to you, besides war?
What is sweeter for a brave man than the desire to pay the enemy with his own hand?
To saturate the spirit with vengeance is a great gift of nature!

From Attila's speech before the Battle of the Nations
Left pacifists and cowards are the support of swindlers and villains.
The Knight will not allow outrage of the Truth either by his own King or by someone else from outside.
Rightness Above All
They lie that the concept of "right" comes from the French parliament. Indra, the Great Aryan Hero was Right - the Aryans had the right path Rta 4 thousand years ago. This is where the word came from.
The European Knights are the Reiters, the Heroes of the Right path, the path of the noble warrior.
Little Mamas' Boys Sucking Their Thumbs in College Because They're Afraid to Grow Up

You're lying. You can easily figure out exactly what I mean. You think you can get away with, "I've never heard that term before, so it must be stupid! How about it, gang?"

Becoming a narrow-minded conformist is a drain on the brain. Originality gets silenced on the Netrix.
You just need somebody else to exchange high tone word salad with. You use way too much dressing.
We should cherish the time we have here; however physical life is not " holy ".

But life is also for atheists matchless. Physical life is the most seldom and most valuable form of organized matter within a gigantic universe.
But life is also for atheists matchless. Physical life is the most seldom and most valuable form of organized matter within a gigantic universe.
The word "matter" comes from the concept of the progenitor of chaos and snakes Tiamat, who was defeated by the Aryan hero Indra/Bel/Marduk.

Etymologically, the statement that matter = order sounds absurd, given that Tiamat = Mother of chaos.

And the ancient Germans worshiped just the matrons, who wore swastikas in the form of snakes and symbols of the black sun, symbols of chaos and evil.
Cosmos = antipode of matter (chaos)

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Nixon's army is a volunteer army. This is an army of right-wing Heroes and not left-wing slaves who are driven to war with whips.
College Was for Unpatriotic Cowards Hiding From the Draft

The Left and the Right are two wings of the same hereditary ruling class and its slavish flunkies. They dodged the draft when we had one. Real Americans, who are the mortal enemies of the entire Right and the entire Left, were beginning to wise up about birth privileges becoming a matter of life and death, so the pro-war deserters and decadent pacifists got their Daddies to institute a volunteer army.

That hasn't worked. It is so hard up for volunteers that it had to lower its requirements and accept weak, cowardly, childish, incompetent, and sexually confused losers.
College Was for Unpatriotic Cowards Hiding From the Draft

The Left and the Right are two wings of the same hereditary ruling class and its slavish flunkies. They dodged the draft when we had one. Real Americans, who are the mortal enemies of the entire Right and the entire Left, were beginning to wise up about birth privileges becoming a matter of life and death, so the pro-war deserters and decadent pacifists got their Daddies to institute a volunteer army.

That hasn't worked. It is so hard up for volunteers that it had to lower its requirements and accept weak, cowardly, childish, incompetent, and sexually confused losers.
The right army is always volunteer. These are warriors by vocation, not by force.

Leftist armies have never had true professionalism and individual skill, they are not warriors in the true sense. They differ from women only in that they do not know how to give birth, so leftists keep women outside the army, and even then not always.

The Sage of Main Street
It is impossible to learn military science in a year or two years. This is a lifelong learning. Even in sports, it is impossible to achieve mastery in such a time.

All that is required of them is to hold rifles, run and follow orders, sew, wash and make the bed in the barracks.

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