We Are All Cherokees Now

A friend of mine from New York City says that the word is in the political circles down there that Schumer would like to behead her for not waiting until after the November elections.
I'm a democrat here in the NYC area...while no one is "feed her to the lions" mad they are saying some pretty outrageous things [do you think she was bribed?] ["is she in this for herself"] and the most heard complaint ["why on earth now"?]...most [not all] democrats are pretty upset with her here.
I don't think she's the sharpest tool in the shed.

Democrats feel that if they pick a fight with Trump they will get some sort of reward for it. So she's taken a ridiculous position just to get a reaction from the president.....and she thinks she's gonna end up at the Oscars presenting an award for most important foreign film directed by a Hispanic transexual.
A friend of mine from New York City says that the word is in the political circles down there that Schumer would like to behead her for not waiting until after the November elections.
I'm a democrat here in the NYC area...while no one is "feed her to the lions" mad they are saying some pretty outrageous things [do you think she was bribed?] ["is she in this for herself"] and the most heard complaint ["why on earth now"?]...most [not all] democrats are pretty upset with her here.
I don't think she's the sharpest tool in the shed.

Democrats feel that if they pick a fight with Trump they will get some sort of reward for it. So she's taken a ridiculous position just to get a reaction from the president.....and she thinks she's gonna end up at the Oscars presenting an award for most important foreign film directed by a Hispanic transexual.

She may have earned herself ostracism from her own party leadership at this point.
Following in on the heels of the Kavanaugh Fiasco this latest addition to left-wing lunacy seems to be having a powerful impact on people's opinion of the left-wing candidates.

Chuck Schumer to Liz Warren:

" Shaddup already bitch!"

Apache, not Cherokee for me. I have vitiligo which is especially apparent on my arms.

You are hereby granted the status of full-blooded Apache Warrior emeritus!

Would you care to step up to the podium and say some words to your adoring crowds?

Now that the standard for being an Indian is so low now, do we all get our part of casino payments

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It’s funny, but it’s such a tactical fuck up by Warren.

Holy shit, her sensibilities are fucked up.
It was not a "fuck up" at all. It proved her story. Only Republicans and Trumptards trying to help the Pres sleaze out of paying one mil to her charity are calling it a "fuck up." You people are disgusting.
Now that the standard for being an Indian is so low now, do we all get our part of casino payments

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It’s funny, but it’s such a tactical fuck up by Warren.

Holy shit, her sensibilities are fucked up.
It was not a "fuck up" at all. It proved her story. Only Republicans and Trumptards trying to help the Pres sleaze out of paying one mil to her charity are calling it a "fuck up." You people are disgusting.

She fucked up.

She lied.

She told on herself.

She will not be POTUS.
Right wingers celebrated their traditional JUMPING OF THE SHARK ceremony when they rejected scientific DNA evidence. While the ceremony was rarely celebrated in the past, it has recently become a weekly event


LMAO!!!!!! She has as much native American blood in her as Barrypuppet did. She lied, Bulldog, she embellished and she lied for political ambition's sake.
White people and .0000000001% on a DNA test don't get to dictate to Native Americans / the Cherokee Nation who is or is not a Native American or a member of the Cherokee Nation.

Trump owes Warren no money.

Warren owes Native Americans and the Cherokee Nation an apology.

I read where she took a Native American spot in the college she went to...if that is the case, she also owes 1 deserving native American a college scholarship.

No she doesn't. ND does though.
Right wingers celebrated their traditional JUMPING OF THE SHARK ceremony when they rejected scientific DNA evidence. While the ceremony was rarely celebrated in the past, it has recently become a weekly event


LMAO!!!!!! She has as much native American blood in her as Barrypuppet did. She lied, Bulldog, she embellished and she lied for political ambition's sake.

Trump owes a million bucks to her favorite charity, she has Indian heritage.
Right wingers celebrated their traditional JUMPING OF THE SHARK ceremony when they rejected scientific DNA evidence. While the ceremony was rarely celebrated in the past, it has recently become a weekly event


LMAO!!!!!! She has as much native American blood in her as Barrypuppet did. She lied, Bulldog, she embellished and she lied for political ambition's sake.
The majority of white Americans have no Native American blood. The AVERAGE is an average based on the few who do, divided out over the entire population. You do know how to find an average, right?
How gone deaf do you have to be?

I bet she cheered when she saw the 1/1024 NA.


So pathetic.
Not so bad. I have traced my lines back to the gr-gr-gr grandparents and they aren't so terribly long ago. That's the 1/64. I am an 8th degree descendant from the famous giant Barnabus Beal who is an early settler of local fame but I did not inherit his legs at all.

You are funny.

Well, I have not done the DNA test, but I know I am half Latvian (dads side) and my mother is a full on European mutt.
Right wingers celebrated their traditional JUMPING OF THE SHARK ceremony when they rejected scientific DNA evidence. While the ceremony was rarely celebrated in the past, it has recently become a weekly event


LMAO!!!!!! She has as much native American blood in her as Barrypuppet did. She lied, Bulldog, she embellished and she lied for political ambition's sake.

Trump owes a million bucks to her favorite charity, she has Indian heritage.

Six to ten generations ago IF that??????? Are you fucking KIDDING me? My great grandfather was a pure blooded native American and you don't see me running around in a buckskin and war-paint and claiming "THE WHITE MAN done stole my land" bullshit. You leftards really love to grasp at straws.....IT is to laugh LOUD and long!!!!
Trump owes a million bucks to her favorite charity, she has Indian heritage.
She has no 'Indian Heritage'.

She knows nothing about 'Indian Hetirage', knows nothing of Native American Culture, knows nothing of Cherokee culture, has never tried to learn anything about 'Indian Heritage' or Cherokee culture - she has only CLAIMED to be 'Native American'.

Her CLAIM to be 'Native American' was not substantiated by some DNA testing company declaring her DNA test showed a high PROBABILITY that 6 - 10 GENERATIONS AGO there was a 'black sheep' (Native American) in her European Origin Family Tree.

That's like me trying to claim I am royalty because 200 years ago I had a women in my family who was married to some Duke or Earl.

Better yet, here's a true story for ypu:

My Great Grandmother used to tell my daughter (when she was 5-6 years old) how her - my daughter's - Great Great Great Grandfather married a Cherokee 'Princess' (2nd or 3rd daughter of a Cherokee Chief - I don't know how true that is because I never really bothered to research it...).

My daughter, though, went around telling people that SHE was a 'Cherokee Princess' because her Great Great Great Grandfather had married a Cherokee Princess. Even if true, did that make MY DAUGHTER a 'Cherokee Princess'? No.

(Then again, she has always been MY Cherokee Princess!)

My point is, just because you CLAIM it don't make it so.

The Cherokee Nation has now officially told Warren, "You are no Native American, and you sure aren't Cherokee."

(And please don't try to spin this as the Cherokee Nation just did this because they / we all 'love' Trump. You 'palefaces' all look the same to us, and ALL of you have lied to us since you got off the boat on 'Day 1!'

You think YOU don't like 'Illegal Immigration?! Welcome to our world! :p. Bwuhahaha!)
Now that the standard for being an Indian is so low now, do we all get our part of casino payments

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It’s funny, but it’s such a tactical fuck up by Warren.

Holy shit, her sensibilities are fucked up.
It was not a "fuck up" at all. It proved her story. Only Republicans and Trumptards trying to help the Pres sleaze out of paying one mil to her charity are calling it a "fuck up." You people are disgusting.

It proved that she had ancestors and nothing more. I mean... We all have those .
As for the rest of her childhood folklore it appears to be a cleverly contrived fiction
Of convenient origin.

Now that the standard for being an Indian is so low now, do we all get our part of casino payments

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

It’s funny, but it’s such a tactical fuck up by Warren.

Holy shit, her sensibilities are fucked up.
It was not a "fuck up" at all. It proved her story. Only Republicans and Trumptards trying to help the Pres sleaze out of paying one mil to her charity are calling it a "fuck up." You people are disgusting.

It proved that she had ancestors and nothing more. I mean... We all have those .
As for the rest of her childhood folklore it appears to be a cleverly contrived fiction
Of convenient origin.


Pocahontas was able to monetize her childhood folklore better than most- converting the stories into "minority" status and coveted positions at elite Ivy League schools. Very crafty broad- although President Trump isn't as impressed as the media is.
I just wonder how this raving loon got elected to the US Senate. Can't even Massachusetts do better than that?

True, that is a state that is filled with loons, but there ought to be more intelligent, more rational, more honest loons, even there, than this Pocahontas/SnowWhite Fraud.

You know away back when before politics corrupted her Liz Warren was a genuine social Warrior. She did a pretty good job pointing out the disparities between the Upper Crust of our society and culture and the beleaguered lower classes. It is unfortunate that Washington DC corrupts everything that it touches because there was a time when I would have told you "listen to this woman .. She knows what she's talking about"! Alas it would seem she has lost her way and surrendered to personal ambition.

I no longer recognize her as the woman I first saw fighting for the little guy and for a better future for all.


Hmmm...didn't Lizzy start the lies long before she became a politician?

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