We are an Occupied nation

No he's actually stating truth. You're so deceived that it's not surprising that you can't discern or see even the smallest truth. Sad.
The only media in the world that agrees with you is Fox and Internet nut jobs who defend themselves in court by saying no reasonable person would listen to them or they are simply entertainment. And it works because only ignoramuses Believe. Change the damn channel anywhere, read anything not put out by Scumbag Murdoch who should be thrown out of the country just as he was from his home country of Australia and the UK. Total Hateful bigoted anti-american garbage all of it, ignoramus...
Perhaps this forum could make a "sore-loser butthurt" folder

And of course, you are not sore that we are spending the budget of running the Pentagon now just in managing the INTEREST on our debt, nations are leaving the US dollar out of fear for its growing instability, and had McCarthy let us default on our obligations, that interest would have gone even higher weakening the dollar farther, and pointing that out is "butthurt?"

Want to know what real butt hurt is? How much you ass will be hurting when the economy flat out crashes. Will you be high-fiving your friends when that happens too, celebrating how Joe Biden the vegetable got his way yet again?

No, somehow then, you'll say the collapse is all the GOP's fault.
And of course, you are not sore that we are spending the budget of running the Pentagon now just in managing the INTEREST on our debt, nations are leaving the US dollar out of fear for its growing instability, and had McCarthy let us default on our obligations, that interest would have gone even higher weakening the dollar farther, and pointing that out is "butthurt?"

Want to know what real butt hurt is? How much you ass will be hurting when the economy flat out crashes. Will you be high-fiving your friends when that happens too, celebrating how Joe Biden the venerable got his way yet again?

No, somehow then, you'll say the collapse is all the GOP's fault.
Do you want to go through the numbers?
Without the Bush and Trump tax cuts for the rich, the USA would be running a balanced budget.

Thus, anyone who supports those tax cuts, by their own logic, supports US debt slavery to China.

It's not a spending problem. It's a revenue problem.
Without the Bush and Trump tax cuts for the rich, the USA would be running a balanced budget.

Thus, anyone who supports those tax cuts, by their own logic, supports US debt slavery to China.

It's not a spending problem. It's a revenue problem.
Now you've done it...
The only media in the world that agrees with you is Fox and Internet nut jobs who defend themselves in court by saying no reasonable person would listen to them or they are simply entertainment. And it works because only ignoramuses Believe. Change the damn channel anywhere, read anything not put out by Scumbag Murdoch who should be thrown out of the country just as he was from his home country of Australia and the UK. Total Hateful bigoted anti-american garbage all of it, ignoramus...

Fox, msnbc, cnn, networks are all propaganda. Next.
Without the Bush and Trump tax cuts for the rich, the USA would be running a balanced budget.

Thus, anyone who supports those tax cuts, by their own logic, supports US debt slavery to China.

It's not a spending problem. It's a revenue problem.

No, it is a spending problem. No matter how much our revenue goes up, we just keep spending more.
Without the Bush and Trump tax cuts for the rich, the USA would be running a balanced budget.

Thus, anyone who supports those tax cuts, by their own logic, supports US debt slavery to China.

It's not a spending problem. It's a revenue problem.

No, it ain't a revenue problem. They're collecting record taxes. No, govt needs to stop spending and lower its budget.

View attachment 790394

$1.35 to make.

.69 for two brown, free rage, organic eggs
.09 for a splash of oat milk
.23 for breakfast sausage
.32 for cheddar cheese

1.35 to make.

If someone is charging you 16 bucks you are getting hugely ripped off
Try the Alexis Diner. No omelette over $12.25 and way better.

What a dope he is. Looks for the crappiest most expensive shithole just so he can bitch
View attachment 790394

$1.35 to make.

.69 for two brown, free rage, organic eggs
.09 for a splash of oat milk
.23 for breakfast sausage
.32 for cheddar cheese

1.35 to make.

If someone is charging you 16 bucks you are getting hugely ripped off
I don't get people who spend 8 bucks or more per day on coffee..

A decent espresso machine and a conical burr grinder...you have to flip a lot of rocks to buy better coffee than you can make at home.
We have not had one as POTUS since 1929.

THEN HOW AM I GOING TO PICK ONE, JACKASS?! When people run and say they intend to tackle the debt, you can only take them at their word and hope they don't get in office and start a war with Russia instead giving away hundreds of billions to criminal governments on the other side of the world we have no interest nor treaty with while Americans live in the streets for lack of jobs and homes.

Is Zelensky going to pay the interest on the money we gifted him? Will he ever refund us?

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