We Are At War

The National Security Advisor didn't know we listen in on the Russian Ambassador's telephone calls to outside this country.

Of course he knew. And Flynn knows damn well he didn't do anything criminal.

On the other hand the leakers are in big big trouble. Criminal trouble.
Treason is worse than criminal.
The National Security Advisor didn't know we listen in on the Russian Ambassador's telephone calls to outside this country.

Of course he knew. And Flynn knows damn well he didn't do anything criminal.

On the other hand the leakers are in big big trouble. Criminal trouble.
Treason is worse than criminal.

Even thou
The National Security Advisor didn't know we listen in on the Russian Ambassador's telephone calls to outside this country.

Of course he knew. And Flynn knows damn well he didn't do anything criminal.

On the other hand the leakers are in big big trouble. Criminal trouble.
Treason is worse than criminal.

Despite Flynn being a Democrat, there is no evidence whatsoever that he did anything wrong, let alone criminal.

Treason. Pffffffffffft. Grow up. He was doing his job contacting world leaders and their representatives.
We all must defend the constitution as written. Trump must fire anyone in DC that feels different.
Treason is worse than criminal.
I I IIII have a a a aph phone and a pen we must pass it to see whats in it ...................................................................screw you!
The National Security Advisor didn't know we listen in on the Russian Ambassador's telephone calls to outside this country.

Of course he knew. And Flynn knows damn well he didn't do anything criminal.

On the other hand the leakers are in big big trouble. Criminal trouble.
Treason is worse than criminal.
The National Security Advisor didn't know we listen in on the Russian Ambassador's telephone calls to outside this country.

Of course he knew. And Flynn knows damn well he didn't do anything criminal.

On the other hand the leakers are in big big trouble. Criminal trouble.
Treason is worse than criminal.

Even thou
The National Security Advisor didn't know we listen in on the Russian Ambassador's telephone calls to outside this country.

Of course he knew. And Flynn knows damn well he didn't do anything criminal.

On the other hand the leakers are in big big trouble. Criminal trouble.
Treason is worse than criminal.

Despite Flynn being a Democrat, there is no evidence whatsoever that he did anything wrong, let alone criminal.

Treason. Pffffffffffft. Grow up. He was doing his job contacting world leaders and their representatives.
Oh please. He was a keynote speaker during the first night of the 2016 Republican National Convention. What ever he registered for years ago because his Dad was a Democrat, doesn't make him a Democrat now.
This is the beginning of civil war. The sooner it gets bloody the better.

Republican militia stocking up on supplies at WalMart.




P-Rations. 14" circular and easy to stack.


There is a Red Neck Militiaman in this picture. So well camouflaged. If they don't move, you can't even see them.


Weapon - check
1,000 rounds - check
Protective mask - check
3 legged stool - check

The problem with a civil war is if you disrupt the GOP's supply train, you will have them begging for Burger King within a week. And the winners will go bankrupt trying to feed those beefy losers with, well, beef.

Where did you get that picture of my ex-wife in walmart?
Just do a Google search of right wing militia.

Here we have Berkley, home of all things Progressive. Diverse ideas, free speech, acceptance,

Well, that's free speech so long as it is approved by the far left.

Then we have the behavior of the far left Progressives.

Trump took my advice. He is holding a rally in Florida this Saturday! Great deal! He will be able to get his message out directly to the people and the media will have to cover it.

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