We Are Canada


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
OK, a man goes up to a lady who offends him by wearing a Puerto Rican flag tee shirt and tells her to get with it, she ought to be wearing the US flag. He tries to debate the issue with her but she becomes abusive and threatening. Does anyone stand up for his rights of free speech or to not be offended? Is the woman charged with a hate crime? No.

Crazy woman blocks Fed Ex truck in middle of road, gets out and berates him for her driving too slow, blocks traffic, threatens him, causes a mess, does anyone come to his aid or prosecute her? No.

Another crazy woman gets out in parking lot and insults and berates a guy for driving a "gas-guzzler" pick up truck instead of a tiny electric car (there are no electric trucks and the guy probably needs it for work, and it ain't none of her business anyway). Is the woman removed, arrested or charged with anything? No.

First guy in video has now been charged with TWO counts of "felony hate crime" for being offended at a woman wearing a foreign flag and telling her about it. Anyone see a pattern here?

IN ALL CASES, a different standard is being applied to women and men, and you can get away with most any hate crime against a man or this country if it is a conservative issue, but prosecutors look the other way every time if the person involved is a liberal issue!

Free speech is dead in the USA unless you are a liberal---- then you can say or do anything.

Hate crime charges filed against man caught on video confronting woman over Puerto Rico shirt
OK, a man goes up to a lady who offends him by wearing a Puerto Rican flag tee shirt and tells her to get with it, she ought to be wearing the US flag. He tries to debate the issue with her but she becomes abusive and threatening. Does anyone stand up for his rights of free speech or to not be offended? Is the woman charged with a hate crime? No.

Crazy woman blocks Fed Ex truck in middle of road, gets out and berates him for her driving too slow, blocks traffic, threatens him, causes a mess, does anyone come to his aid or prosecute her? No.

Another crazy woman gets out in parking lot and insults and berates a guy for driving a "gas-guzzler" pick up truck instead of a tiny electric car (there are no electric trucks and the guy probably needs it for work, and it ain't none of her business anyway). Is the woman removed, arrested or charged with anything? No.

First guy in video has now been charged with TWO counts of "felony hate crime" for being offended at a woman wearing a foreign flag and telling her about it. Anyone see a pattern here?

IN ALL CASES, a different standard is being applied to women and men, and you can get away with most any hate crime against a man or this country if it is a conservative issue, but prosecutors look the other way every time if the person involved is a liberal issue!

Free speech is dead in the USA unless you are a liberal---- then you can say or do anything.

Hate crime charges filed against man caught on video confronting woman over Puerto Rico shirt
^ retard thinks it’s a foreign flag
OK, a man goes up to a lady who offends him by wearing a Puerto Rican flag tee shirt and tells her to get with it, she ought to be wearing the US flag. He tries to debate the issue with her but she becomes abusive and threatening. Does anyone stand up for his rights of free speech or to not be offended? Is the woman charged with a hate crime? No.

Crazy woman blocks Fed Ex truck in middle of road, gets out and berates him for her driving too slow, blocks traffic, threatens him, causes a mess, does anyone come to his aid or prosecute her? No.

Another crazy woman gets out in parking lot and insults and berates a guy for driving a "gas-guzzler" pick up truck instead of a tiny electric car (there are no electric trucks and the guy probably needs it for work, and it ain't none of her business anyway). Is the woman removed, arrested or charged with anything? No.

First guy in video has now been charged with TWO counts of "felony hate crime" for being offended at a woman wearing a foreign flag and telling her about it. Anyone see a pattern here?

IN ALL CASES, a different standard is being applied to women and men, and you can get away with most any hate crime against a man or this country if it is a conservative issue, but prosecutors look the other way every time if the person involved is a liberal issue!

Free speech is dead in the USA unless you are a liberal---- then you can say or do anything.

Hate crime charges filed against man caught on video confronting woman over Puerto Rico shirt
^ retard thinks it’s a foreign flag

No, I think YOU are a foreign flag. PR is nothing but a pathetic territory, it is NOT the flag of the United States asshole!
Interesting liberals want consequences for free speech, yet think there should be no consequences for illegally crossing the border.
OK, a man goes up to a lady who offends him by wearing a Puerto Rican flag tee shirt and tells her to get with it, she ought to be wearing the US flag. He tries to debate the issue with her but she becomes abusive and threatening. Does anyone stand up for his rights of free speech or to not be offended? Is the woman charged with a hate crime? No.

Crazy woman blocks Fed Ex truck in middle of road, gets out and berates him for her driving too slow, blocks traffic, threatens him, causes a mess, does anyone come to his aid or prosecute her? No.

Another crazy woman gets out in parking lot and insults and berates a guy for driving a "gas-guzzler" pick up truck instead of a tiny electric car (there are no electric trucks and the guy probably needs it for work, and it ain't none of her business anyway). Is the woman removed, arrested or charged with anything? No.

First guy in video has now been charged with TWO counts of "felony hate crime" for being offended at a woman wearing a foreign flag and telling her about it. Anyone see a pattern here?

IN ALL CASES, a different standard is being applied to women and men, and you can get away with most any hate crime against a man or this country if it is a conservative issue, but prosecutors look the other way every time if the person involved is a liberal issue!

Free speech is dead in the USA unless you are a liberal---- then you can say or do anything.

Hate crime charges filed against man caught on video confronting woman over Puerto Rico shirt
^ retard thinks it’s a foreign flag

If it's NOT a foreign flag, jerkoff, then why does PR have its own flag and not fly the flag of the United States?
OK, a man goes up to a lady who offends him by wearing a Puerto Rican flag tee shirt and tells her to get with it, she ought to be wearing the US flag. He tries to debate the issue with her but she becomes abusive and threatening. Does anyone stand up for his rights of free speech or to not be offended? Is the woman charged with a hate crime? No.

Crazy woman blocks Fed Ex truck in middle of road, gets out and berates him for her driving too slow, blocks traffic, threatens him, causes a mess, does anyone come to his aid or prosecute her? No.

Another crazy woman gets out in parking lot and insults and berates a guy for driving a "gas-guzzler" pick up truck instead of a tiny electric car (there are no electric trucks and the guy probably needs it for work, and it ain't none of her business anyway). Is the woman removed, arrested or charged with anything? No.

First guy in video has now been charged with TWO counts of "felony hate crime" for being offended at a woman wearing a foreign flag and telling her about it. Anyone see a pattern here?

IN ALL CASES, a different standard is being applied to women and men, and you can get away with most any hate crime against a man or this country if it is a conservative issue, but prosecutors look the other way every time if the person involved is a liberal issue!

Free speech is dead in the USA unless you are a liberal---- then you can say or do anything.

Hate crime charges filed against man caught on video confronting woman over Puerto Rico shirt
^ retard thinks it’s a foreign flag

If it's NOT a foreign flag, jerkoff, then why does PR have its own flag and not fly the flag of the United States?

States and territories have their own flags, retard. Do the world a favor and consider jumping off a cliff.
Last edited:
Interesting liberals want consequences for free speech, yet think there should be no consequences for illegally crossing the border.
Threatening people at a birthday party in a public park is a felony. Sorry, feckless ****.

Show me the THREAT. When did he ever threaten her? Lemmee guess, she FELT threatened? How do you know that, because she SAYS SO? Then what about the man, pinhead? He felt threatened, and deeply offended. What about his feeling threatened?

And Birthday party? Where was the birthday party? Show me a cake or a party or a bunch of kids in the original video? All I saw was one woman. What an ass.
Interesting liberals want consequences for free speech, yet think there should be no consequences for illegally crossing the border.
Threatening people at a birthday party in a public park is a felony. Sorry, feckless ****.

Show me the THREAT. When did he ever threaten her? Lemmee guess, she FELT threatened? How do you know that, because she SAYS SO? Then what about the man, pinhead? He felt threatened, and deeply offended. What about his feeling threatened?

And Birthday party? Where was the birthday party? Show me a cake or a party or a bunch of kids in the original video? All I saw was one woman. What an ass.
Watch the video, dumbass.
OK, a man goes up to a lady who offends him by wearing a Puerto Rican flag tee shirt and tells her to get with it, she ought to be wearing the US flag. He tries to debate the issue with her but she becomes abusive and threatening. Does anyone stand up for his rights of free speech or to not be offended? Is the woman charged with a hate crime? No.

Crazy woman blocks Fed Ex truck in middle of road, gets out and berates him for her driving too slow, blocks traffic, threatens him, causes a mess, does anyone come to his aid or prosecute her? No.

Another crazy woman gets out in parking lot and insults and berates a guy for driving a "gas-guzzler" pick up truck instead of a tiny electric car (there are no electric trucks and the guy probably needs it for work, and it ain't none of her business anyway). Is the woman removed, arrested or charged with anything? No.

First guy in video has now been charged with TWO counts of "felony hate crime" for being offended at a woman wearing a foreign flag and telling her about it. Anyone see a pattern here?

IN ALL CASES, a different standard is being applied to women and men, and you can get away with most any hate crime against a man or this country if it is a conservative issue, but prosecutors look the other way every time if the person involved is a liberal issue!

Free speech is dead in the USA unless you are a liberal---- then you can say or do anything.

Hate crime charges filed against man caught on video confronting woman over Puerto Rico shirt
^ retard thinks it’s a foreign flag

If it's NOT a foreign flag, jerkoff, then why does PR have its own flag and not fly the flag of the United States?

States and territories have their own flags, retard. Do the world a favor and consider jump ing off a cliff.

So it was a foreign flag. Thanks for confirming you are a confused idiot. Obviously, the point here is that it was NOT a US flag. Show me another country where people walk around wearing and celebrating OTHER people's flags, nations and heritages and are protected by pinheads like you to be a "citizen" with an obvious allegiance to another country or territory?
Interesting liberals want consequences for free speech, yet think there should be no consequences for illegally crossing the border.
Threatening people at a birthday party in a public park is a felony. Sorry, feckless ****.

Show me the THREAT. When did he ever threaten her? Lemmee guess, she FELT threatened? How do you know that, because she SAYS SO? Then what about the man, pinhead? He felt threatened, and deeply offended. What about his feeling threatened?

And Birthday party? Where was the birthday party? Show me a cake or a party or a bunch of kids in the original video? All I saw was one woman. What an ass.
Watch the video, dumbass.

Saw it many times. Once again, why the Left is LOSING. Find me a Leftie and I'll show you a person who EVERY TIME is on the side against their own country.
OK, a man goes up to a lady who offends him by wearing a Puerto Rican flag tee shirt and tells her to get with it, she ought to be wearing the US flag. He tries to debate the issue with her but she becomes abusive and threatening. Does anyone stand up for his rights of free speech or to not be offended? Is the woman charged with a hate crime? No.

Crazy woman blocks Fed Ex truck in middle of road, gets out and berates him for her driving too slow, blocks traffic, threatens him, causes a mess, does anyone come to his aid or prosecute her? No.

Another crazy woman gets out in parking lot and insults and berates a guy for driving a "gas-guzzler" pick up truck instead of a tiny electric car (there are no electric trucks and the guy probably needs it for work, and it ain't none of her business anyway). Is the woman removed, arrested or charged with anything? No.

First guy in video has now been charged with TWO counts of "felony hate crime" for being offended at a woman wearing a foreign flag and telling her about it. Anyone see a pattern here?

IN ALL CASES, a different standard is being applied to women and men, and you can get away with most any hate crime against a man or this country if it is a conservative issue, but prosecutors look the other way every time if the person involved is a liberal issue!

Free speech is dead in the USA unless you are a liberal---- then you can say or do anything.

Hate crime charges filed against man caught on video confronting woman over Puerto Rico shirt
^ retard thinks it’s a foreign flag

If it's NOT a foreign flag, jerkoff, then why does PR have its own flag and not fly the flag of the United States?

States and territories have their own flags, retard. Do the world a favor and consider jump ing off a cliff.

So it was a foreign flag. Thanks for confirming you are a confused idiot. Obviously, the point here is that it was NOT a US flag. Show me another country where people walk around wearing and celebrating OTHER people's flags, nations and heritages and are protected by pinheads like you to be a "citizen" with an obvious allegiance to another country or territory?
It is a U.S. flag. Just like my Virginia state flag is. Check it out, it’s almost like the creators wanted to send a message to Trump and his sheep from the past:

Interesting liberals want consequences for free speech, yet think there should be no consequences for illegally crossing the border.
Threatening people at a birthday party in a public park is a felony. Sorry, feckless ****.

Show me the THREAT. When did he ever threaten her? Lemmee guess, she FELT threatened? How do you know that, because she SAYS SO? Then what about the man, pinhead? He felt threatened, and deeply offended. What about his feeling threatened?

And Birthday party? Where was the birthday party? Show me a cake or a party or a bunch of kids in the original video? All I saw was one woman. What an ass.
Watch the video, dumbass.

Saw it many times. Once again, why the Left is LOSING. Find me a Leftie and I'll show you a person who EVERY TIME is on the side against their own country.
The scared white guy from the video is the only one attacking America.
Interesting liberals want consequences for free speech, yet think there should be no consequences for illegally crossing the border.
Threatening people at a birthday party in a public park is a felony. Sorry, feckless ****.

So when is Maxine Waters going to be charged, or how about all those who have followed her orders to publicly threaten intimidate and harass Republicans?
OK, a man goes up to a lady who offends him by wearing a Puerto Rican flag tee shirt and tells her to get with it, she ought to be wearing the US flag. He tries to debate the issue with her but she becomes abusive and threatening. Does anyone stand up for his rights of free speech or to not be offended? Is the woman charged with a hate crime? No.

Crazy woman blocks Fed Ex truck in middle of road, gets out and berates him for her driving too slow, blocks traffic, threatens him, causes a mess, does anyone come to his aid or prosecute her? No.

Another crazy woman gets out in parking lot and insults and berates a guy for driving a "gas-guzzler" pick up truck instead of a tiny electric car (there are no electric trucks and the guy probably needs it for work, and it ain't none of her business anyway). Is the woman removed, arrested or charged with anything? No.

First guy in video has now been charged with TWO counts of "felony hate crime" for being offended at a woman wearing a foreign flag and telling her about it. Anyone see a pattern here?

IN ALL CASES, a different standard is being applied to women and men, and you can get away with most any hate crime against a man or this country if it is a conservative issue, but prosecutors look the other way every time if the person involved is a liberal issue!

Free speech is dead in the USA unless you are a liberal---- then you can say or do anything.

Hate crime charges filed against man caught on video confronting woman over Puerto Rico shirt
^ retard thinks it’s a foreign flag

No, I think YOU are a foreign flag. PR is nothing but a pathetic territory, it is NOT the flag of the United States asshole!
So people shouldnt wear shirts with state flags? Dont tread on me flags?
OK, a man goes up to a lady who offends him by wearing a Puerto Rican flag tee shirt and tells her to get with it, she ought to be wearing the US flag. He tries to debate the issue with her but she becomes abusive and threatening. Does anyone stand up for his rights of free speech or to not be offended? Is the woman charged with a hate crime? No.

Crazy woman blocks Fed Ex truck in middle of road, gets out and berates him for her driving too slow, blocks traffic, threatens him, causes a mess, does anyone come to his aid or prosecute her? No.

Another crazy woman gets out in parking lot and insults and berates a guy for driving a "gas-guzzler" pick up truck instead of a tiny electric car (there are no electric trucks and the guy probably needs it for work, and it ain't none of her business anyway). Is the woman removed, arrested or charged with anything? No.

First guy in video has now been charged with TWO counts of "felony hate crime" for being offended at a woman wearing a foreign flag and telling her about it. Anyone see a pattern here?

IN ALL CASES, a different standard is being applied to women and men, and you can get away with most any hate crime against a man or this country if it is a conservative issue, but prosecutors look the other way every time if the person involved is a liberal issue!

Free speech is dead in the USA unless you are a liberal---- then you can say or do anything.

Hate crime charges filed against man caught on video confronting woman over Puerto Rico shirt
^ retard thinks it’s a foreign flag

If it's NOT a foreign flag, jerkoff, then why does PR have its own flag and not fly the flag of the United States?
Why do states have their own flags?
Interesting liberals want consequences for free speech, yet think there should be no consequences for illegally crossing the border.
Threatening people at a birthday party in a public park is a felony. Sorry, feckless ****.

So when is Maxine Waters going to be charged, or how about all those who have followed her orders to publicly threaten intimidate and harass Republicans?
Talk about a total nonsequitor...
Interesting liberals want consequences for free speech, yet think there should be no consequences for illegally crossing the border.
Threatening people at a birthday party in a public park is a felony. Sorry, feckless ****.

So when is Maxine Waters going to be charged, or how about all those who have followed her orders to publicly threaten intimidate and harass Republicans?
Hopefully never. May their every suckerpunch land successfully on the treasonous Trump sheep they’re aimed at.
OK, a man goes up to a lady who offends him by wearing a Puerto Rican flag tee shirt and tells her to get with it, she ought to be wearing the US flag. He tries to debate the issue with her but she becomes abusive and threatening. Does anyone stand up for his rights of free speech or to not be offended? Is the woman charged with a hate crime? No.

Crazy woman blocks Fed Ex truck in middle of road, gets out and berates him for her driving too slow, blocks traffic, threatens him, causes a mess, does anyone come to his aid or prosecute her? No.

Another crazy woman gets out in parking lot and insults and berates a guy for driving a "gas-guzzler" pick up truck instead of a tiny electric car (there are no electric trucks and the guy probably needs it for work, and it ain't none of her business anyway). Is the woman removed, arrested or charged with anything? No.

First guy in video has now been charged with TWO counts of "felony hate crime" for being offended at a woman wearing a foreign flag and telling her about it. Anyone see a pattern here?

IN ALL CASES, a different standard is being applied to women and men, and you can get away with most any hate crime against a man or this country if it is a conservative issue, but prosecutors look the other way every time if the person involved is a liberal issue!

Free speech is dead in the USA unless you are a liberal---- then you can say or do anything.

Hate crime charges filed against man caught on video confronting woman over Puerto Rico shirt
^ retard thinks it’s a foreign flag

No, I think YOU are a foreign flag. PR is nothing but a pathetic territory, it is NOT the flag of the United States asshole!
So people shouldnt wear shirts with state flags? Dont tread on me flags?

As always------ right over your head. I could have worn that PR flag and had that guy come up to me, it was in the way that lady handled it that caused the incident. I would have agreed with the man, but told him that I was from PR and was merely celebrating my homeland as part of the party we were about to give. The trick with such people is to disarm their argument with tact and let them see you're really on their side. But the lady was just such a total irritating, antagonistic, belligerent ass, never actually talking to the guy, acknowledging his point, showing him some respect, much like the other two mentioned berating a guy just for driving a truck or the FedEx driver merely wanting to get to his deliveries before the Sun set.

So now I expect you'll tell me it wasn't the job of the women to be reasonable or diplomatic, but it is. You have to get along with people in this world. How you handle yourself in a confrontation is often the difference between making a friend and diffusing a situation and maybe getting shot, stabbed or worse.
OK, a man goes up to a lady who offends him by wearing a Puerto Rican flag tee shirt and tells her to get with it, she ought to be wearing the US flag. He tries to debate the issue with her but she becomes abusive and threatening. Does anyone stand up for his rights of free speech or to not be offended? Is the woman charged with a hate crime? No.

Crazy woman blocks Fed Ex truck in middle of road, gets out and berates him for her driving too slow, blocks traffic, threatens him, causes a mess, does anyone come to his aid or prosecute her? No.

Another crazy woman gets out in parking lot and insults and berates a guy for driving a "gas-guzzler" pick up truck instead of a tiny electric car (there are no electric trucks and the guy probably needs it for work, and it ain't none of her business anyway). Is the woman removed, arrested or charged with anything? No.

First guy in video has now been charged with TWO counts of "felony hate crime" for being offended at a woman wearing a foreign flag and telling her about it. Anyone see a pattern here?

IN ALL CASES, a different standard is being applied to women and men, and you can get away with most any hate crime against a man or this country if it is a conservative issue, but prosecutors look the other way every time if the person involved is a liberal issue!

Free speech is dead in the USA unless you are a liberal---- then you can say or do anything.

Hate crime charges filed against man caught on video confronting woman over Puerto Rico shirt
^ retard thinks it’s a foreign flag

No, I think YOU are a foreign flag. PR is nothing but a pathetic territory, it is NOT the flag of the United States asshole!
So people shouldnt wear shirts with state flags? Dont tread on me flags?

As always------ right over your head. I could have worn that PR flag and had that guy come up to me, it was in the way that lady handled it that caused the incident. I would have agreed with the man, but told him that I was from PR and was merely celebrating my homeland as part of the party we were about to give. The trick with such people is to disarm their argument with tact and let them see you're really on their side. But the lady was just such a total belligerent ass, much like the other two mentioned berating a guy just for driving a truck or the FedEx driver merely wanting to get to his deliveries before the Sun set.

So now I expect you'll tell me it wasn't the job of the women to be reasonable or diplomatic, but it is. How you handle yourself in a confrontation is often the difference between making a friend and diffusing a situation and maybe getting shot, stabbed or worse.
May that lady was sick and tired of being treated like a foreigner in her own country.

Look at your own posts for example.

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