We are experiencing the biggest scandal in America's political history right now.

You can't take it seriously, of course, because CULT. Magaturds know they have absolutely nothing to lose personally by thinking/saying the things they do. They're bought in 100% by a previous administration that was propped up by lies, zero filters and zero accountability. Crowd size not big enough? Lie. Classified documents found in your bathroom? Lie. Caught on audio/video saying something real? Lie anyway. When credibility is established based upon the size and breadth of lies, who's gonna hold them accountable? Not themselves, and certainly not the media. CULT.

Politics has simply become a football game to many magaturds. When you remove decorum and empathy from it, what real value does it have? Red vs. blue, good vs. evil are the only goal, and the goal posts are on wheels. Prove them wrong beyond any reasonable doubt? Back them in a corner with facts? They will throw their principles right out the window and try to gaslight that they never had them to begin with. Nothing to lose. Nothing to hold them accountable.

Perhaps you're overthinking it.
Change you MAGA's to Democrat's and you will be spot on.
It just fascinates me. I don't even look at stuff from a political perspective. I don't really get politics. To me, the sociology of this, the anthropology of it, is more important. This is speaking volumes about who we have become as a society, and it sure ain't good.

I've been trying to understand this for seven years. This blatant con man has found a way to fill a hole that's so deep in these people that they've just stopped caring about anything else. He's turned them into literal nihilists, and I don't know how that gets fixed.
You write about your confusion because you are confused, otherwise you ignore the terrible things that you and the Democrat's support and engage in while the rest of the country has had enough, and well are now leaving your confused aces behind.
Stop your damned lying already. No one believes your bull shite. The klan is a Democrat thing because they love exploiting black and brown people... FACT.
So anyone who believes Joe Biden won is a liar, globalist, deep state rino? Is that your position?

And all the best and brightest trump surrounded himself with, are all liars when they say he’s not fit to serve?

And all ten cases against trump are or were all witch hunts?

You do see you’ve swallowed the cool aid right?
They haven't in the past 100 plus years, what makes you think that one election would do the trick?
We currently control the House and the Dens will face a hard time keeping control of the Senate this time. Admittedly the Dems could easily regain control of the House but If the Republican candidate can pull off a landslide victory we could control all three after the 2024 election.

I don't really get politics. To me, the sociology of this, the anthropology of it, is more important.
I believe politics encompasses all of that, especially from a sociological perspective. We went from politics still being fairly boring and passe to in your face dramatic and populist in around 7 years. The vote is popular with a wider demographic than I've ever seen before. I see the way our politics influences our society happening in cycles, or pendulum swings. We are back to a Populist America, and we are better than they are again. Protesting is in fashion again, and we are going to fucking protest pretty much anything and everything we don't approve of. The cruel trick is that the right is now involved in much of it.

This is speaking volumes about who we have become as a society, and it sure ain't good.
I believe we both rail on this issue in our own ways. To me, that's Trump. We let a crooked con man take over one of our major political parties. He is an ugly, small minded rich, entitled old narcissist who rattled cages, gave fuck all about running the government properly and generally pissed everyone off. He gives his magaturd base hope in that any deeply inadequate and incompetent human being can do the job of running the most powerful country on the planet. What else could we think would happen? :dunno: I'm convinced Charles Manson would have been a marginally better choice, but hands down most divisive *pResident of my lifetime, at least, IMHO.

But that's on us.

We know this, and what's worse, they know it. But the gaslighting continues. With a little help from social media, trying to legitimately create implausible covers for blatant failure, shortcomings and corruption from a revered politician/otherwise famous person is now America's favorite full contact sport.
I've been trying to understand this for seven years. This blatant con man has found a way to fill a hole that's so deep in these people that they've just stopped caring about anything else. He's turned them into literal nihilists, and I don't know how that gets fixed.
It doesn't. No takey backseys. People ruined their lives on purpose simply because they lost an election and got their, as you say, 'authoritarian strongman' taken from them. Not my problem. People made to believe they are so aggrieved, so entitled that their whole identities revolve around some weird orange dude who could not give one fuck on a cellular level about them. Surreal.

The fix is that many of these individuals will die soon.
I believe politics encompasses all of that, especially from a sociological perspective. We went from politics still being fairly boring and passe to in your face dramatic and populist in around 7 years. The vote is popular with a wider demographic than I've ever seen before. I see the way our politics influences our society happening in cycles, or pendulum swings. We are back to a Populist America, and we are better than they are again. Protesting is in fashion again, and we are going to fucking protest pretty much anything and everything we don't approve of. The cruel trick is that the right is now involved in much of it.

I believe we both rail on this issue in our own ways. To me, that's Trump. We let a crooked con man take over one of our major political parties. He is an ugly, small minded rich, entitled old narcissist who rattled cages, gave fuck all about running the government properly and generally pissed everyone off. He gives his magaturd base hope in that any deeply inadequate and incompetent human being can do the job of running the most powerful country on the planet. What else could we think would happen? :dunno: I'm convinced Charles Manson would have been a marginally better choice, but hands down most divisive *pResident of my lifetime, at least, IMHO.

But that's on us.

We know this, and what's worse, they know it. But the gaslighting continues. With a little help from social media, trying to legitimately create implausible covers for blatant failure, shortcomings and corruption from a revered politician/otherwise famous person is now America's favorite full contact sport.

It doesn't. No takey backseys. People ruined their lives on purpose simply because they lost an election and got their, as you say, 'authoritarian strongman' taken from them. Not my problem. People made to believe they are so aggrieved, so entitled that their whole identities revolve around some weird orange dude who could not give one fuck on a cellular level about them. Surreal.

The fix is that many of these individuals will die soon.
Good stuff. "That's on us", indeed, and that's what I want to understand better.

So take it back to Escalator Day. What was the condition that existed in all these millions of people, that this awful, damaged person was an answer so profound that they would wrap their very lives around it? And in doing so, eschewing family and friends, selling out their religion, attacking our fundamental institutions, and literally turning this from politics to a lifestyle?

What was/is the nature of that hole in them?
I agree, but 2020 proved that voting is rigged. The USA is on its last legs, those on the side of the constitution need to be ready to fight.
I also suspect the last election was rigged.

I have to admit I really have lost trust in our government and our liberal news media.

Here are just two examples for why my trust is weakened and it is harder to be proud of this nation I live in today. it seems everyday we are becoming more and more like the long gone USSR.

So take it back to Escalator Day. What was the condition that existed in all these millions of people, that this awful, damaged person was an answer so profound that they would wrap their very lives around it?
I believe there are a few conditions. Here's my take:

1. Charisma. Republicans generally struggle to find it in their candidates, so they took the gamble and went full retard. The Apprentice was popular, so-built in base. At our core, we are a superficial society that is still fairly vulnerable to confidence men.
2. The phrase 'You're Fired!' dovetailed into a proper way to design a movement for people already frustrated/disillusioned by our government. The guy on the show said it, so it must be true.
3. MAGA, a slogan stolen from Reagan, the populist's populist (also from Hollywood). Trump to me is like an unlikeable, dumber and more self involved Walmart Great Value Brand version of Reagan.
4. Cult of Personality+Fear. They are doing this to you. I am the only one that can stop them, so you have no other choice but to vote for me.
And in doing so, eschewing family and friends, selling out their religion, attacking our fundamental institutions, and literally turning this from politics to a lifestyle?
Yeah. CULTS do the exact same things to people. Members become isolated from families and society in general. Group psychosis teamed with tainted propaganda catering to a certain set of confirmation biases is a powerful thing. Loyalty to a pastor is understandable as is the nature of faith. Heck, even loyalty to a sports team is understandable as is the spirit of competition. But a president? That's loyalty to power, and that's getting into dangerous territory we've seen before. Look at this place at times. You better think just like Trump, or you're scum. Yes, we've seen this kind of creeping fascism before.

But not here. And it's a big concern.
What was/is the nature of that hole in them?
Off the top of my head, I'd say a giant inferiority complex. But who can definitively say? :dunno: I can't fully concern myself about the motivations of a minority of politically tribalist people bent on revenge against the rest of the country for some manufactured slight.
You write about your confusion because you are confused
Yeah, that's kind of how writing works, genius. :rolleyes:
otherwise you ignore the terrible things that you and the Democrat's support and engage in while the rest of the country has had enough, and well are now leaving your confused aces behind.
First, I don't think you have the first idea what Mac supports. He's just a placeholder for your partisan outrage. :dunno: Republicans are completely overrun by democrats (majority in Congress) peeing in their Wheaties 24/7 right about now. Your perspective Orange Lard and Savior has 4 criminal indictments. Why do you believe you are in any position to gloat about your position as a magaturd? Uncurious? Is it ego?
He might be talking about when Trump was referring to the tax codes as they were set up back in the day concerning the allowances of doing business with the loop holes provided, but like Trump said "hey change the rules" if you want things done differently. He was in compliance with the rules that everyone else was using.
and that is the point, the dems passed tax rules to benefit their rich donors but those rules also applied to Trump and other conservative rich guys. Dems are their own worst enemies.


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A prominent financial reporter, Mr. Kudlow, presents a case that claims the biggest scandal in American history is a current President of the United States who is trying to eliminate his strong political opponent in the 2024 election by jailing his chief opponent. Here is his imaculately-researched case that can only be fixed by impeachment of the current president, his weaponized DOJ supporters, and his sell-out of America to China co-scandal to the demise of the Constitution of the United States of America. Regardless of your party, you need to reconcile in favor of the Constitution or become the weakest member due to the continuation of a Communist pursuit of powerful ownership by the Feds over every aspect of human life in America, where people can be thrown into jail or executed by whim of the Party in charge, and by design President Biden's Democrat Party that can incarcerate political opponents by whim. We're in dangerous territory, but I'll let one of the best fiscal reporters in America explain the upside down world of today's White House. I hope it sinks in to both sides of the aisle, as hearing this will be the best hour you ever spent understanding how to survive this crisis without destroying the Constitution intelligent men of the eighteenth century, our Founders, delivered a plan, which if respected, will restore the nation to some semblance of reality of dealing with prices of cars being $48,000, gas prices high, to be lowered for a short time before the election, then restored to its double or triple price before Joe Biden sold out America to the Communist Chinese for $5 million dollars for himself, and $5 million dollars for his son, Hunter Biden. Do you want to become a subservant of the person in power's demands? Please take an hour of your precious time to hear out Mr. Kudlow's research and commentary.

Biden, as usual, blames other people for his actions of pay to play,
in an unprecedented scandal to jail his formidable political opponent of our 247 year American History.
It's never been done before, and I hope it never happens again.

trump did all this to himself. He has no one to blame but himself. His mouth is his own worse enemy.

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