We are experiencing the biggest scandal in America's political history right now.

I understand Putin recently sent out new history books to all the schools in Russia. You should see his spin on why he invaded Ukraine. I imagine if Trump were to win a second term he'd try to rewrite history so that the insurrectionists in jail will be patriots

Texan who prosecutors say “lit the match” of Jan. 6 riot sentenced to more than 7 years in prison​

Guy Reffitt, a 49-year-old Wylie resident, never entered the Capitol but helped ignite the crowd “into an unstoppable force,” a prosecutor at his trial said. His sentence is the longest given out so far from the Jan. 6 riot.

He was equipped with a handgun, body armor, a helmet, radio and flex cuffs.

Friedrich, a judge appointed by former President Donald Trump, also rebuked Broden’s push for a lighter sentence and criticized Reffitt over a letter he wrote that did not show remorse for all of his actions on Jan. 6.

“All of these illegal actions, not his words, justify the sentence,” Friedrich said when announcing the sentencing on Monday.

“His actions weren’t acts of patriotism. They were acts of domestic terrorism.”

After the riot, Reffitt told his daughter and son that “if you turn me in, you’re a traitor, and traitors get shot,” his son testified during the trial.

The same day of the threat, Jackson Reffitt met with an FBI agent and turned over images and recordings of his father.

“I could really see how my father[’]s ego and personality fell to his knees when President Trump spoke, you could tell he listened to Trump’s words as if he was really truly speaking to him,” his daughter said in a letter to the court.

The Justice Department has charged 72 Texans for their roles in the Jan. 6 insurrection

The antigovernment movement started in 2008 and gets its name from the unproven claim that only 3% of colonists fought back against the British in the American Revolution. They believe a small group of armed people can overthrow a tyrannical government.​

This reminds me of the Orwell novel, 1984:

In his dystopian novel, 1984, George Orwell portrays children as being programmed to turn against their families just as children in today’s society are brainwashed into falsely accusing a once-loved parent in Parental Alienation cases. Children in 1984 are taught the party’s ways when they are young and impressionable, enabling them to act as spies who will sever ties with family members for the betterment of the party.​
I can't stand what the deep state is doing to reward a kid for turning in his Dad, who warned him not to. So you're all for children betraying their parents for going against the state. Orwell had it right. Children hate their parents now. They learned this hate in the same schools we went to, except our generation was taught to love, respect and obey our parents. I'm for the book Ms. MacEnaney was touting with a title something like, "Hide Your Children."
This reminds me of the Orwell novel, 1984:

In his dystopian novel, 1984, George Orwell portrays children as being programmed to turn against their families just as children in today’s society are brainwashed into falsely accusing a once-loved parent in Parental Alienation cases. Children in 1984 are taught the party’s ways when they are young and impressionable, enabling them to act as spies who will sever ties with family members for the betterment of the party.​
I can't stand what the deep state is doing to reward a kid for turning in his Dad, who warned him not to. So you're all for children betraying their parents for going against the state. Orwell had it right. Children hate their parents now. They learned this hate in the same schools we went to, except our generation was taught to love, respect and obey our parents. I'm for the book Ms. MacEnaney was touting with a title something like, "Hide Your Children."
My nephews love their parents. You’re doing something wrong.

If what you say is true why ban abortion?
This reminds me of the Orwell novel, 1984:

In his dystopian novel, 1984, George Orwell portrays children as being programmed to turn against their families just as children in today’s society are brainwashed into falsely accusing a once-loved parent in Parental Alienation cases. Children in 1984 are taught the party’s ways when they are young and impressionable, enabling them to act as spies who will sever ties with family members for the betterment of the party.​
I can't stand what the deep state is doing to reward a kid for turning in his Dad, who warned him not to. So you're all for children betraying their parents for going against the state. Orwell had it right. Children hate their parents now. They learned this hate in the same schools we went to, except our generation was taught to love, respect and obey our parents. I'm for the book Ms. MacEnaney was touting with a title something like, "Hide Your Children."
You hit the nails right on the head. Grooming is real..............Thanks
the real question is why haven't they already done that? Are they all part of the crooked DC cabal? It may be time for a revolution or secession. This country seems to be on its last legs.
I don’t believe we are quite at the point where we need a revolution or a secession. The support is not there yet for such extreme measures and the results might not be as much of an improvement as you imagine.

However I will agree that we are getting closer and closer to the point where we are living under a tyrannical government. Another 8 to 16 years of Democrats like Joe Biden or Hillary Clinton in the Oval Office will likely create the conditions for revolution or secession. Hopefully we can vote the Democrats who want to destroy our nation out of office soon.

Of course another four to six years of a wide open Mexican border might do the trick. We would have every poor person from Central American and just about everybody from socialist Venezuela by that time.

I prefer to implement change through voting. Of course the vote has to be fair and honest, not rigged.
I don’t believe we are quite at the point where we need a revolution or a secession. The support is not there yet for such extreme measures and the results might not be as much of an improvement as you imagine.

However I will agree that we are getting closer and closer to the point where we are living under a tyrannical government. Another 8 to 16 years of Democrats like Joe Biden or Hillary Clinton in the Oval Office will likely create the conditions for revolution or secession. Hopefully we can vote the Democrats who want to destroy our nation out of office soon.

Of course another four to six years of a wide open Mexican border might do the trick. We would have every poor person from Central American and just about everybody from socialist Venezuela by that time.

I prefer to implement change through voting. Of course the vote has to be fair and honest, not rigged.
The Demoncrat's nefariorsness is going to destroy this country and it's constitution without a doubt. Just read the signs, and it's as plain as day as to what's going on
The Demoncrat's nefariorsness is going to destroy this country and it's constitution without a doubt. Just read the signs, and it's as plain as day as to what's going on
I agree. That’s why you have to convince everybody you can to vote the Dems out in 2024. If we could win the Oval Office and control of both Houses of Congress with sizable majorities, the Dems would wake up and change their ways.
The narrative that neoliberal democrats are a counter to fascism is a dangerous fiction that mystifies real driving force of fascism - right-wing neoliberals who actually control the state & are consolidating merging of state & corporate power & imposing ideological conformity.
The Democrats are leading the charge in war and censorship, and co-leading the assault on working people and democracy. That's not a counter to fascism. That is fascism.
The narrative that neoliberal democrats are a counter to fascism is a dangerous fiction that mystifies real driving force of fascism - right-wing neoliberals who actually control the state & are consolidating merging of state & corporate power & imposing ideological conformity.
The Democrats are leading the charge in war and censorship, and co-leading the assault on working people and democracy. That's not a counter to fascism. That is fascism.
I think the extreme right uses the fringe left to divide us. When’s the last time you saw a tranny in the bathroom?
I agree. That’s why you have to convince everybody you can to vote the Dems out in 2024. If we could win the Oval Office and control of both Houses of Congress with sizable majorities, the Dems would wake up and change their ways.
I'm doing my part, and it's hopefully with productive outcomes, but that's all anyone can do
I think the extreme right uses the fringe left to divide us. When’s the last time you saw a tranny in the bathroom?
One tranny male in a girls bathroom is enough to stop and say "now wait a damned minute", so what has caused this to become somehow ok ?? Frequency is something that grows, and many trends or craziness begins to grow but grow slowly. Letting something become normal when it's not (males competing in female sports for yet another example), is wrong.

Stop defending or trying to defend the indefensible because it's making you look like a nut job.
I don’t believe we are quite at the point where we need a revolution or a secession. The support is not there yet for such extreme measures and the results might not be as much of an improvement as you imagine.

However I will agree that we are getting closer and closer to the point where we are living under a tyrannical government. Another 8 to 16 years of Democrats like Joe Biden or Hillary Clinton in the Oval Office will likely create the conditions for revolution or secession. Hopefully we can vote the Democrats who want to destroy our nation out of office soon.

Of course another four to six years of a wide open Mexican border might do the trick. We would have every poor person from Central American and just about everybody from socialist Venezuela by that time.

I prefer to implement change through voting. Of course the vote has to be fair and honest, not rigged.
I agree, but 2020 proved that voting is rigged. The USA is on its last legs, those on the side of the constitution need to be ready to fight.
I agree. That’s why you have to convince everybody you can to vote the Dems out in 2024. If we could win the Oval Office and control of both Houses of Congress with sizable majorities, the Dems would wake up and change their ways.
They haven't in the past 100 plus years, what makes you think that one election would do the trick?
provide a verified quote where he ever said that----------or anything even close to that.
He might be talking about when Trump was referring to the tax codes as they were set up back in the day concerning the allowances of doing business with the loop holes provided, but like Trump said "hey change the rules" if you want things done differently. He was in compliance with the rules that everyone else was using.
They haven't in the past 100 plus years, what makes you think that one election would do the trick?
Because it's basically come to that now Time for some dramatic change, because the shite has gone to far.
One tranny male in a girls bathroom is enough to stop and say "now wait a damned minute", so what has caused this to become somehow ok ?? Frequency is something that grows, and many trends or craziness begins to grow but grow slowly. Letting something become normal when it's not (males competing in female sports for yet another example), is wrong.

Stop defending or trying to defend the indefensible because it's making you look like a nut job.
Stop trying to make me defend shit I don’t agree with. The klan belongs to your party do I make you defend them?
Look at post 198. He thinks Jan 6 was a movie produced by Hollywood. And I've seen others say it at orange rallies.

This isn't funny. What do you do with this?
You can't take it seriously, of course, because CULT. Magaturds know they have absolutely nothing to lose personally by thinking/saying the things they do. They're bought in 100% by a previous administration that was propped up by lies, zero filters and zero accountability. Crowd size not big enough? Lie. Classified documents found in your bathroom? Lie. Caught on audio/video saying something real? Lie anyway. When credibility is established based upon the size and breadth of lies, who's gonna hold them accountable? Not themselves, and certainly not the media. CULT.

Politics has simply become a football game to many magaturds. When you remove decorum and empathy from it, what real value does it have? Red vs. blue, good vs. evil are the only goal, and the goal posts are on wheels. Prove them wrong beyond any reasonable doubt? Back them in a corner with facts? They will throw their principles right out the window and try to gaslight that they never had them to begin with. Nothing to lose. Nothing to hold them accountable.

Perhaps you're overthinking it.
Stop trying to make me defend shit I don’t agree with. The klan belongs to your party do I make you defend them?
Stop your damned lying already. No one believes your bull shite. The klan is a Democrat thing because they love exploiting black and brown people... FACT.
You can't take it seriously, of course, because CULT. Magaturds know they have absolutely nothing to lose personally by thinking/saying the things they do. They're bought in 100% by a previous administration that was propped up by lies, zero filters and zero accountability. Crowd size not big enough? Lie. Classified documents found in your bathroom? Lie. Caught on audio/video saying something real? Lie anyway. When credibility is established based upon the size and breadth of lies, who's gonna hold them accountable? Not themselves, and certainly not the media. CULT.

Politics has simply become a football game to many magaturds. When you remove decorum and empathy from it, what real value does it have? Red vs. blue, good vs. evil are the only goal, and the goal posts are on wheels. Prove them wrong beyond any reasonable doubt? Back them in a corner with facts? They will throw their principles right out the window and try to gaslight that they never had them to begin with. Nothing to lose. Nothing to hold them accountable.

Perhaps you're overthinking it.
It just fascinates me. I don't even look at stuff from a political perspective. I don't really get politics. To me, the sociology of this, the anthropology of it, is more important. This is speaking volumes about who we have become as a society, and it sure ain't good.

I've been trying to understand this for seven years. This blatant con man has found a way to fill a hole that's so deep in these people that they've just stopped caring about anything else. He's turned them into literal nihilists, and I don't know how that gets fixed.

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