We are experiencing the biggest scandal in America's political history right now.

I'll answer any questions on issues, and you know it. I disagree with the Dems on many issues, and you know it.

All you people care about is my view of Trumpism. That's it. Nothing else. Period.

That's up to you and your fellow cult members.
Aw, does someone feel exposed? Well, not my problem...Like I said it is what it is....

But in the end, you're boring, just like your fellow travelers, the liberal progressives....

You're a joke in here....Whenever you post you can almost see the eyes rolling as responses are typed...How does it feel to know your a laughing stock in here?
Okie dokie.

Everyone that is not in the hate Trump cult has figured you out. It is time to come to the realization that you have been duped, just like hard-core Democrats and every heavily pierced teenager regarding everything Trump.

Last chance to show you have at least a scintilla of pragmatism…personality aside, and I know that is really, really hard for you, what Biden policies are better than Trump ones and vice-versa? Try weighing both sides and forgoing the “orange man bad” elementary stuff.
Everyone that is not in the hate Trump cult has figured you out. It is time to come to the realization that you have been duped, just like hard-core Democrats and every heavily pierced teenager regarding everything Trump.

Last chance to show you have at least a scintilla of pragmatism…personality aside, and I know that is really, really hard for you, what Biden policies are better than Trump ones and vice-versa? Try weighing both sides and forgoing the “orange man bad” elementary stuff.
I'm not going to list them off. If you want to ask about individual issues, go ahead. You'll find that I have disagreements and agreements with both parties on almost every issue, because I don't care about the parties.
The biggest scandal in America's political history was Donald Trump's attempted coup. No ifs, ands, or buts about it.

And that is exactly how the history books will treat it.

Larry Kudlow is a Trump lickspittle. His opinions mean jack shit.

He must be back on the cocaine that got him fired from Bear Stearns.

You know just how bad your coke addiction had to be to get fired from Bear Stearns!?!
There was no attempted coup, moron.
I'm not going to list them off. If you want to ask about individual issues, go ahead. You'll find that I have disagreements and agreements with both parties on almost every issue, because I don't care about the parties.
Oh no....You must really think people are stupid...Why won't you list them? Are you afraid that you'll contradict something you've said in the past? Or, is it that you're so weak a debater that you can't come up with an original thought, so you have to wait until someone posts something so you can contradict it....Come on Mac, show us you have more than that, there's got to be more.....
Oh no....You must really think people are stupid...Why won't you list them? Are you afraid that you'll contradict something you've said in the past? Or, is it that you're so weak a debater that you can't come up with an original thought, so you have to wait until someone posts something so you can contradict it....Come on Mac, show us you have more than that, there's got to be more.....
Here you go, Trumpster. From my sig.

You're welcome.

Where does Mac1958 actually stand on the issues?
Yep I figured you'd post that bs...

:auiqs.jpg: :eusa_doh::cuckoo:

You are such a fucking kook....why not just don a sandwich board, and go find a busy street corner....That's about what your opinion matters...
And yet you hump my leg constantly.

I gave you what you wanted and you still bitch, because that's how you are.

And you people whine when I don't bother to engage. Tough shit.
And yet you hump my leg constantly.

I gave you what you wanted and you still bitch, because that's how you are.

And you people whine when I don't bother to engage. Tough shit.
Lol, because you’re a self absorbed narcissist…And the very term “humping your leg” is proof of that. It is interesting, sociologically speaking, that you view your opponents as sub human. As in comparing them to a dog.

Believe me when I say, you’d never have the balls to say that to anyone in a real life encounter.

So engage, or don’t, it doesn’t matter. You’re not here to do anything but troll anyway…what a flawed individual you are…

that’s all.

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