We are experiencing the biggest scandal in America's political history right now.

I’m just pointing out your deep state globalist rino arguments are bullshit. Every time a Republican speaks out against trump you use it. Lindsay is the king of rinos. But we see they go along with trump too.

Heres one of them going along with the attempted coup. Lindsay’s calls, texts and emails implicate him in the plot
Gong!!! Yer wrong!!! Even this baby knows that. Do not touch the white on red triangle, and hava nice day. Don't worry, everyone else will. :muahaha:
Gong!!! Yer wrong!!! Even this baby knows that. Do not touch the white on red triangle, and hava nice day. Don't worry, everyone else will. :muahaha:

We need a list now of who is and isn’t a rino. Or maybe you will root them out after the revolution.

If you give me a list I’ll show you ho much they cross over. Bob Barr for example. Or John Bolton. Rex tillerson. They arent rinos they’re patrioto. Romney, Chaney, Nikki, Christie.

Ted cruz and Ron DeSantis. One minute they’re great next they’re rinos
We need a list now of who is and isn’t a rino. Or maybe you will root them out after the revolution.

If you give me a list I’ll show you ho much they cross over. Bob Barr for example. Or John Bolton. Rex tillerson. They arent rinos they’re patrioto. Romney, Chaney, Nikki, Christie.

Ted cruz and Ron DeSantis. One minute they’re great next they’re rinos
I think we should stop talking about RINOs and talk about the gravest threat in America today.

I think the New Mexico Gov has proved that Democrats are a threat to America.
Give a Democrat power and they will abuse it.
Imagine if a Republican Gov said that all abortion rights are suspended for 30 days.
The screaming would be deafening.

It's Sunday, time to suspend abortion until further notice.

This kind of fascism should never be tolerated. Just because a Democrat is in the White House or the Govenor's Mansion, I get to say and do whatever the hell I want. I think Climate-Change is an emergency, so you have no more rights until the climate stops changing.
I was worried a few years ago Michigan had a Republican governor and both state houses were controlled by Republicans. I remember reading how Republicans realized they can do more damage at the state level. And I felt like Democrats would disappear in Michigan. Gerrymandering and all that.

Then we elected a Democrat Governor. We passed laws to break up gerrymandering because while Michigan is a pretty blue state, it's ridiculous that Republicans control both houses. They no longer control either house. Back to normal.
Dude, I grew up in Michigan, Lansing to be specific...And, have been inside the Governors mansion...Back then it was never as divided as it is now. Michigan goes the way of the UAW. They have always been corrosive in MI politic...They used the state, then said screw you, pulled up stakes and moved to Mexico...
You claim to know what I really am, yet you can't back up your accusations with actual, real evidence. Just feelings.

Funny, just like your rigged election accusations and your Biden bribe-taking accusations.

This is how you folks go through life. Paranoia and conspiracy theories.
the evidence of Biden soliciting and taking bribes is substantial and solid. The evidence of 2020 vote fraud is also substantial and solid. But your post confirms what we all knew---------that you are a brainwashed useful idiot of the left. The paranoia in the country is the left's fear of a second Trump term because they know that he will expose and prosecute their corruption and treason. The DC deep state, and that includes both parties and much of the media, are scared shitless of Trump being president again and if you took the time to actually research what is really going on in our country, you would know that.
the evidence of Biden soliciting and taking bribes is substantial and solid. The evidence of 2020 vote fraud is also substantial and solid. But your post confirms what we all knew---------that you are a brainwashed useful idiot of the left. The paranoia in the country is the left's fear of a second Trump term because they know that he will expose and prosecute their corruption and treason. The DC deep state, and that includes both parties and much of the media, are scared shitless of Trump being president again and if you took the time to actually research what is really going on in our country, you would know that.
As with another poster here who is trying the same thing, it's clear your definition of "leftist" is not based on actual policy positions. It's clear that you're avoiding that in this "conversation" because you know better. This is all about Trump for you people, not issues and policy. That's why we call this a "cult".

Call me what you like. We exist in different realities, and you bore me.
As with another poster here who is trying the same thing, it's clear your definition of "leftist" is not based on actual policy positions. It's clear that you're avoiding that in this "conversation" because you know better. This is all about Trump for you people, not issues and policy. That's why we call this a "cult".

Call me what you like. We exist in different realities, and you bore me.
No, you lying bastard. This isn't about Trump.
This is about right & wrong.
Clearly you can't tell the difference.
As with another poster here who is trying the same thing, it's clear your definition of "leftist" is not based on actual policy positions. It's clear that you're avoiding that in this "conversation" because you know better. This is all about Trump for you people, not issues and policy. That's why we call this a "cult".

Call me what you like. We exist in different realities, and you bore me.
We've all seen your supposed stances, that when pressed on you refuse to answer. So, in that case we must turn to your body of posts here in USMB, and let me tell ya Mac, your posting history does not match what you say your issues are....So, in the end the conclusion is that you're just another dishonest liberal, nothing new for message boards....It is what it is...
I realize that you people think that having a different opinion is the same as lying.

That's just not true, in Normal World.

The behaviors surrounding Trump make it clear how you people adore him.
Or maybe we think it's unfair how the man has been treated by the likes of people like you.
We've all seen your supposed stances, that when pressed on you refuse to answer. So, in that case we must turn to your body of posts here in USMB, and let me tell ya Mac, your posting history does not match what you say your issues are....So, in the end the conclusion is that you're just another dishonest liberal, nothing new for message boards....It is what it is...
I'll answer any questions on issues, and you know it. I disagree with the Dems on many issues, and you know it.

All you people care about is my view of Trumpism. That's it. Nothing else. Period.

That's up to you and your fellow cult members.
I realize that you people think that having a different opinion is the same as lying.

That's just not true, in Normal World.

The behaviors surrounding Trump make it clear how you people adore him.
You can't seem to grasp the concept of a grassroots movement.
When everyone else is in on the scam, can you blame anyone for not wanting to go along with it?
Has individuality become passe'?
Are you one of those fascists that believe that anyone who thinks for themselves is a cult member?
Are you one of those Nazis that wants to label anyone who doesn't conform a Jew?
When will you be handing us our Star of David patches to wear on our clothes?
You can't seem to grasp the concept of a grassroots movement.
When everyone else is in on the scam, can you blame anyone for not wanting to go along with it?
Has individuality become passe'?
Are you one of those fascists that believe that anyone who thinks for themselves is a cult member?
Are you one of those Nazis that wants to label anyone who doesn't conform a Jew?
When will you be handing us our Star of David patches to wear on our clothes?
Wait -- you're telling me you "think for yourself"?

Is that what you're saying?
Wait -- you're telling me you "think for yourself"?

Is that what you're saying?
Isn't that what you seem to find issue with?
We're all supposed to think like you and your leftist friends, right?
If we don't, we're infatuated with Trump and we're members of a cult, right?
I don't think Trump is so much the issue as the idea of conformity is.
Be a good little Hitler Youth and run along.
Do as your told.
You will be taken care of by the State, just like they took care of Lahaina.
Clearly you don't actually read my posts.

Or, your perceptions are truly distorted. Or both.

Never mind.
Clearly you like repeating the same thing over and over again.
You always say nobody understands you, even though we can all go back and re-read everything you post.
You're just misunderstood.
We're crazy and delusional because we don't agree with you.
You're essentially a time-waster.
Any objectivity has been thrown out years ago.
You purpose on USMB is simply to ridicule anyone who's not falling in line with the communist propaganda we see in the media.

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