We are experiencing the biggest scandal in America's political history right now.

But the strange thing is Putin is more honest to us than Biden.

What does it say about your president when a murderous thug dictator is more trustworthy than he is?
What's it say about you when you like Putin more than you do Democrats?

You're triggered.
A prominent financial reporter, Mr. Kudlow, presents a case that claims the biggest scandal in American history is a current President of the United States who is trying to eliminate his strong political opponent in the 2024 election by jailing his chief opponent. Here is his imaculately-researched case that can only be fixed by impeachment of the current president, his weaponized DOJ supporters, and his sell-out of America to China co-scandal to the demise of the Constitution of the United States of America. Regardless of your party, you need to reconcile in favor of the Constitution or become the weakest member due to the continuation of a Communist pursuit of powerful ownership by the Feds over every aspect of human life in America, where people can be thrown into jail or executed by whim of the Party in charge, and by design President Biden's Democrat Party that can incarcerate political opponents by whim. We're in dangerous territory, but I'll let one of the best fiscal reporters in America explain the upside down world of today's White House. I hope it sinks in to both sides of the aisle, as hearing this will be the best hour you ever spent understanding how to survive this crisis without destroying the Constitution intelligent men of the eighteenth century, our Founders, delivered a plan, which if respected, will restore the nation to some semblance of reality of dealing with prices of cars being $48,000, gas prices high, to be lowered for a short time before the election, then restored to its double or triple price before Joe Biden sold out America to the Communist Chinese for $5 million dollars for himself, and $5 million dollars for his son, Hunter Biden. Do you want to become a subservant of the person in power's demands? Please take an hour of your precious time to hear out Mr. Kudlow's research and commentary.

Biden, as usual, blames other people for his actions of pay to play,
in an unprecedented scandal to jail his formidable political opponent of our 247 year American History.
It's never been done before, and I hope it never happens again.

Gaslight - Fail!
Because they were charged with the individual crimes committed DURING the Insurrection.

The Insurrection was the event; the crimes charged were the individual actions within the event.

Not complicated at all.
Charged with crimes until a video proves they did nothing wrong.
The Jan 6th Shaman was being charged with crimes that would have put him in prison for over a decade, but then the charges were magically dropped when videos surfaced of him conducting prayers in the Senate chambers and being escorted around by police.
They couldn't lie to us about what he did (or didn't do) anymore.
If they're too old to serve they should have retired.
These people aren't the same age.
It's highly suspicious that so many of the leaders in Washington are all becoming Dementia patients all at the same exact time.
Apophenia, or patternicity, is characterized by seeing patterns in unrelated things. Anyone can experience this, but if you live with schizophrenia, it may be part of a delusion. Apophenia, or seeing a pattern where one doesn't actually exist, isn't uncommon.
Lying about an election
Extorting Ukraine and the Governor of Georgia
Trump Foundation closed because of money laundering
Everything you know about the laptop is it. Trust me. That's why most of what "you know" is made up bullshit. We are talking to a maniac.
1. Not lying. There was election interference by the FBI and the hi-tech oligarchs, like "Zuckerbucks", and "Twitter Files", and crazy total number of votes, 81m my ass.
2. There was no extortion of Z, Trump asked for an investigation into corruption. Perfectly legitimate when the corruption is obvious.
3. Trump foundation closed. Not because of money laundering, but misuse of funds.
4. The "Laptop from Hell" has lots of crimes documented and covered up by the FBI.
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Apophenia, or patternicity, is characterized by seeing patterns in unrelated things. Anyone can experience this, but if you live with schizophrenia, it may be part of a delusion. Apophenia, or seeing a pattern where one doesn't actually exist, isn't uncommon.
That's funny. What's the psychological term for a person who refuses to see the obvious?

Apophenia, or patternicity, is characterized by seeing patterns in unrelated things. Anyone can experience this, but if you live with schizophrenia, it may be part of a delusion. Apophenia, or seeing a pattern where one doesn't actually exist, isn't uncommon.

Like the pattern of charging President Trump with crimes he didn't commit.
Federal Mugshots don’t have to be released. Trump didn’t even get one. Remember?
I don’t get you guys. Trump is charged with crimes and the Indictments lay out which crimes and how they were broken. You guys declare it to be fake before you read it. The arguments you guys use are just laughable.
Ok. So Trump is in the process and has the same rights as any other defendant. Although usually people charged under the espionage act are held without bail. Trump is out on his own recognizance.
Somehow that is a crime. Somehow the idea that he might be guilty is a political crime. He should never be charged for any crime. Because. Um. He’s Trump.
However when Hunter is charged how dare they let him out on Bail. You want Biden charged while he is the sitting president. Which is hilarious.
You want Trump to have immunity while he is a former President but don’t want to talk about Biden having Immunity while he is a sitting President.
I’m starting to wonder what scares you all more. Is it that Trump might actually be a criminal? Or is it that you backed a guy who is a criminal?
Trump is charged with 91 indictments. Most of which as "prosecutorial misconduct".
I leave it to you to google Jonathan Turley's take on the various indictments. But here is a quick thumbnail:
1. Bragg's charges about the hush money payments to Stormy. Perfectly legal since he used his own money, which Cohen didn't do. The FEC already cleared Trump after their investigation.
2. Fani's GA charges (asking for a recount)
3. Smith's classified docs case (Presidential Records Act)
4. Smith's J6 case. (Free speech)

Trump isn't the president, Joe Biden is, and Congress is closing in on Joe's various crimes.
Mitch didn't start going downhill till the 2020 election.
Now he has to be led around by a nurse like Biden.
Dianne Feinstein has to be wheeled around and told when to vote yay or nay.
What happened after the 2020 to cause so many people to turn into vegetables?
In my experience, my aunt in her 70s and my husband, also in his 70s, were both having map confusion 10 years before they passed away from her, Alzheimer's, and his, dementia that as the doctor explained it appeared because of a childhood blow to the head, and sure enough, my husband had been attacked in high school by a gang who were taunting his right-arm deformity caused by a childhood case of polio. Their taunts turned into a gang beating he took where they hit him in the head. He did nothing that deserved that except that he made straight A's and was very handsome.

I saw Congressman McConnell with that deer-fear look that silenced him momentarily last week, and I know that when that happens, the person experience the kind of brain lock-up that goes with senior brain failure issues likely has to be driven to work for months or even years before that kind of occurence is observed. Biden, McConnell, and Feinstein need to retire from politics in the near future if they haven't already done that. In my humble opinion, Biden has been separated from reality since the investigators of his wife, Neillia Hunter Biden's death runover by a semi monster truck in which the investigators thought required inquiries of a suspicious nature which was eternally finished with Biden excusing himself to go to the daily U.S. Senate session.
Like the pattern of charging President Trump with crimes he didn't commit.
That's called fraud.
Most of the crimes they claim Trump committed was that he talked about them but never actually did them.
In order for it to be a crime you have to carry that plan to the next stage....which never happened.
They're simply assuming that Trump made plans but never actually did them.
Their primary hope was to get him taken off of the ballot with their false accusations.
Charged with crimes until a video proves they did nothing wrong.
The Jan 6th Shaman was being charged with crimes that would have put him in prison for over a decade, but then the charges were magically dropped when videos surfaced of him conducting prayers in the Senate chambers and being escorted around by police.
They couldn't lie to us about what he did (or didn't do) anymore.
Yes, I believe that you believe that. All of it.

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