We are experiencing the biggest scandal in America's political history right now.

The problem with Hunter is who his father is and what he and his father did, and are still doing.

If you think that doesn't matter then you're fucking crazy.

If we have a president who's compromised, that is a big problem to this country.

He's allowing our enemies to do whatever they want.

Eventually it will come back to bite us in the ass.

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Okay, I agree.

I was just kinda saying "first things first".

Hunter is a distraction. We have a bigger problem. Yes?
The FEC already cleared Trump after their investigation.
They didn’t. The FEC voted to ignore it because the Republican commissioners are hacks.
Fani's GA charges (asking for a recount)
He did more than “ask for a recount”. Much more.
Smith's classified docs case (Presidential Records Act)
Doesn’t excuse obstruction of Justice.
Smith's J6 case. (Free speech)
Not all speech is protected.
These people showed up ready to fight. He could have recited pasta recipes from the stage that day and it didn't matter. He had been lying to them and getting them angrier and angrier for months prior to that day.

I know you won't admit this, because you're not allowed to. I don't care.
Of course you don't care. Liars never care. That's why they're liars. Liars always have justification for lying.
Of course you don't care. Liars never care. That's why they're liars. Liars always have justification for lying.
I'm not sure what you think I'm lying about. But I do know that you Trumpsters think someone is lying if they dare to have a different opinion from you.

Whatever you'd like. We exist in different universes. I can live with that.
It's true, Trump cult traitors. If you just make up enough craycray stories, reality itself will shift, and all your corrupt traitor leaders will beat the rap!

Not really. But it's cute how Trump cult traitors actually think that's the case. They're going to be ranting lunatic conspiracies until the day they die, and then past that. When they're down in Hell, they'll be screaming how God was corrupted by the DeepState.
The only crybaby in the WH is Joe Biden. He's only finally realizing that his own lies have done him in. And nobody here is laughing due to the sickening aspect of the Deep State push toward a communist society in which Democrat leaders do not have to account for their deleterious deeds against the United States Constitution and the American people who like the truth for an answer, not a passel of lies they're getting out of Biden and his minions.
We all know by now the reason why Americans must bear arms to protect their Constitution against foreign and domestic enemies. (government)

Where are the patriots with their guns when the president is perpetrating the greatest scandal in American history?
I bought my six-shooter replica when Biden had been in office for a year. I needed to clear out the snakes from the chicken houses anyway, but I hope the Deep State dissolves itself with resignations and refusal to go to their communist meetings on the sly.
Trump requested a recount to see if it supported the truth,
Each of the 50 states has recount provisions and other provision for contesting elections. The Trump team was like 1 for 60 in it's legal challenges in the various states.

Trumpybear and his Neo GOP are the biggest losers in American history.
1. Not lying. There was election interference by the FBI and the hi-tech oligarchs, like "Zuckerbucks", and "Twitter Files", and crazy total number of votes, 81m my ass.
2. There was no extortion of Z, Trump asked for an investigation into corruption. Perfectly legitimate when the corruption is obvious.
3. Trump foundation closed. Not because of money laundering, but misuse of funds.
4. The "Laptop from Hell" has lots of crimes documented and covered up by the FBI.
Money laundering. Misuse of funds. Same thing.
Okay, I agree.

I was just kinda saying "first things first".

Hunter is a distraction. We have a bigger problem. Yes?
Hunter isn't a distraction.
This issue has been out there since Biden was VP.

Most of the statute of limitations has expired on some of the crimes he's accused of.
Now they have everything permanently tied up by David Weiss who is the special (not independent) prosecutor.
Congress is not allowed to provide oversight because it's classified and sealed because of his investigation.
Each of the 50 states has recount provisions and other provision for contesting elections. The Trump team was like 1 for 60 in it's legal challenges in the various states.

Trumpybear and his Neo GOP are the biggest losers in American history.
Most of the lawsuits were dismissed because of legal standing or because the election had already been certified.
Trump tried to delay certification until the legal challenges were addressed, but the Supreme Court refused to grant a stay or even hear the case.
I'm willing to bet you can't name "all the laws he broke".
You look up the 4 cases.

Majority Of Americans Say Trump Should Be Prosecuted On Federal Criminal Charges Linked To 2020 Election, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; DeSantis Slips, Trump Widens Lead In GOP Primary​

1. The weakest. Stormy Daniels Case. Have the statue of limitations run out on this? Then Trump should be charged. We told you back when he was POTUS but you can't prosecute a sitting president. And since Trump is a criminal, you need to charge him with all his crimes. This is one of them.

2. The call to Georgia

3. The insurrection.

4. What is the 4th one? I forget. He's broken so many laws. You got me. What's the 4th case about?
Kudlow is a hardcore right wing partisan ideologue.

A former President trying to overthrow a free and fair election, using his own manipulated rubes to attack our nation's Capitol during the constitutional peaceful transfer of presidential power on a lie, dwarfs this to an absurd degree. And the history books will certainly reflect that.
what fair election....get real
Most of the lawsuits were dismissed because of legal standing or because the election had already been certified.
Trump tried to delay certification until the legal challenges were addressed, but the Supreme Court refused to grant a stay or even hear the case.
If the Supreme Court was against it, that should tell you something.
They've been desperately trying to downplay and trivialize the Insurrection since before the violence was even over that day.

It won't work.

Insurrection? God you are dense. You don’t overthrow the US government by breaking into the Capital and walking around with no substantial weapontry. They rioted and went too far. It is as simple as that, but I don’t expect you to get that. It is FAR to complicated for you, and most importantly, doesn’t give you the warm fuzzies that each Trump indictment provides.
what fair election....get real
The only cheating exposed has been Republicans trying to cheat. Prosecuted. You guys probably rig ever election in every red state and you're paranoid we're doing it to you in swing states. Paranoid. We should audit Nebraska and Texas. I don't believe Texans vote Republicans.
Trump is charged with 91 indictments. Most of which as "prosecutorial misconduct".
I leave it to you to google Jonathan Turley's take on the various indictments. But here is a quick thumbnail:
1. Bragg's charges about the hush money payments to Stormy. Perfectly legal since he used his own money, which Cohen didn't do. The FEC already cleared Trump after their investigation.
2. Fani's GA charges (asking for a recount)
3. Smith's classified docs case (Presidential Records Act)
4. Smith's J6 case. (Free speech)

Trump isn't the president, Joe Biden is, and Congress is closing in on Joe's various crimes.

Nonsense. Absolutely Garbage.

Let’s start with the records. Nothing allows Trump to obstruct Justice. He can’t ignore a subpoena. If you think the subpoenas are in error you argue it before a judge. You don’t hide the stuff and claim you don’t have it. That is lying. It is not protected.

What is sad is you know all of this and keep beating the drum. Pretending for us because I doubt you are really so partisan that you believe it.

And honestly judging from Trump in the Records case, he is a pathological liar.

Trump wasn’t asking for a recount in Georgia. He had two of those. You would know this if you read anything but RW propaganda.

No Mafia Don ever got prosecuted for free speech. He got prosecuted for issuing instructions that were criminal. The same as Trump. You can’t tell someone to murder a guy and claim free speech.

That is the problem with your list. It is all a lie. And as I said above. You know it is.
Insurrection? God you are dense. You don’t overthrow the US government by breaking into the Capital and walking around with no substantial weapontry. They rioted and went too far. It is as simple as that, but I don’t expect you to get that. It is FAR to complicated for you, and most importantly, doesn’t give you the warm fuzzies that each Trump indictment provides.
The only cheating exposed has been Republicans trying to cheat. Prosecuted. You guys probably rig ever election in every red state and you're paranoid we're doing it to you in swing states. Paranoid. We should audit Nebraska and Texas. I don't believe Texans vote Republicans.

How about lets just go back to the pre-pandemic rules? What if we really secured it by allowing only in person voting with ID with only a few exceptions(military, handicapped, etc.)? Democrats don’t want any part of that because that would mean a more secure election by any standard.
This is a lie. Charges weren’t dropped, he had already been convicted.

The Shaman filed an appeal based on Tucker Carlson’s show, which was swiftly rejected.

“Mr. Chansley possessed the facts in the videos well in advance of his plea agreement, yet still determined, quite sensibly, to accept responsibility for his role in the criminal events of January 6, 2021,” Lamberth wrote. “What is more, the record shows that the government disclosed virtually all of the videos at issue weeks before Mr. Chansley’ s sentencing. These facts and the underlying law conclusively demonstrate that Mr. Chansley is not entitled to relief.”

It’s all lies all the time with you guys.
Who's this f**king judge?

Is he even the final say on it?

Hell no!!

So he claims this guy wrote a scary note to Pence.


My understanding is they were holding him but released him soon after the videos surfaced.

I'm sure some Obama appointed judge is going to insert his two-bits into this legal issue, but he's not the final say on anything.

The POLITICO story says he ignored police and "strode into the Senate" to pray.


Most of the lawsuits were dismissed because of legal standing or because the election had already been certified.
Trump tried to delay certification until the legal challenges were addressed, but the Supreme Court refused to grant a stay or even hear the case.
According to the Washington Post , instead of alleging “widespread fraud or election-changing conspiracy” the lawsuits pushed by Trump’s team and allies focused on smaller complaints, which were largely dismissed by judges due to a lack of evidence. “The Republicans did not provide evidence to back up their assertions — just speculation, rumors or hearsay.”

On Nov 27, 2020 a federal appeals court rejected a Trump campaign proposal to block Biden from being declared the winner of Pennsylvania. At the time, Stephanos Bibas, on behalf of the three-judge panel wrote: “Free, fair elections are the lifeblood of our democracy. Charges of unfairness are serious. But calling an election unfair does not make it so." It added: “Charges require specific allegations and then proof. We have neither here."

Similarly, on Dec. 12, the U.S. Supreme Court rejected a long-shot lawsuit by the state of Texas and backed by Trump, which sought to throw out voting results in four states. In a brief order, the justices said Texas did not have legal standing to bring the case.


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