We are experiencing the biggest scandal in America's political history right now.

Actually, Texas bad

The Justice Department has charged 72 Texans for their roles in the Jan. 6 insurrection, according to a USA TODAY database.
I think they should send them back to Texas. Let our justices review the videos of their alleged crimes. If you don't, something is rotten in Delaware, and we will find out what it is that caused you to incarcerate Texas citizens. And while we're on the subject, and speaking of Delaware, did Biden pay back the treasury the $50,000,000. he took from a foreign country's foreign aid package before it arrived so he would look less guilty than he is for stealing taxpayer money by laundering it through the Congress-given money to foreign countries who are either starving or are the missile targets of Communists who want their natural gas, uranium, and precious stones resources, not to mention the breadbasket aspect of the Ukraine. :cranky:

Edit: typo
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Insurrection? God you are dense. You don’t overthrow the US government by breaking into the Capital and walking around with no substantial weapontry. They rioted and went too far. It is as simple as that, but I don’t expect you to get that. It is FAR to complicated for you, and most importantly, doesn’t give you the warm fuzzies that each Trump indictment provides.
Well they tried that shit in 2000 and it cost Gore the recount. Republicans started a riot and it stopped the recount. That's stealing an election. That was easy stealing just one state. Trump tried to steal the election even though he lost badly in 5 states. Claimed all 5 swing states were rigged. It was laughable.

Stewart Rhodes, the founder of the far-right militia group Oath Keepers, is serving one the longest sentences thus far with an 18-year prison term.

Alberts, who told jurors that he “felt like it was a fraudulent election," was one of just a handful of rioters who was actually arrested on Jan. 6, 2021. Had he not been taken into custody that day, federal investigators might never have realized he had a gun during the Capitol attack. The total number of guns in the mob that day will never be known, but other defendants have admitted they were armed, including Mark Mazza, who was carrying two firearms and received five years in federal prison when he was sentenced last year. Guy Reffitt, a Jan. 6 rioter who charged up the stairs alongside Alberts and was the first Capitol rioter to go to trial, also had a gun. He was sentenced to more than seven years in federal prison.
A prominent financial reporter, Mr. Kudlow, presents a case that claims the biggest scandal in American history is a current President of the United States who is trying to eliminate his strong political opponent in the 2024 election by jailing his chief opponent. Here is his imaculately-researched case that can only be fixed by impeachment of the current president, his weaponized DOJ supporters, and his sell-out of America to China co-scandal to the demise of the Constitution of the United States of America. Regardless of your party, you need to reconcile in favor of the Constitution or become the weakest member due to the continuation of a Communist pursuit of powerful ownership by the Feds over every aspect of human life in America, where people can be thrown into jail or executed by whim of the Party in charge, and by design President Biden's Democrat Party that can incarcerate political opponents by whim. We're in dangerous territory, but I'll let one of the best fiscal reporters in America explain the upside down world of today's White House. I hope it sinks in to both sides of the aisle, as hearing this will be the best hour you ever spent understanding how to survive this crisis without destroying the Constitution intelligent men of the eighteenth century, our Founders, delivered a plan, which if respected, will restore the nation to some semblance of reality of dealing with prices of cars being $48,000, gas prices high, to be lowered for a short time before the election, then restored to its double or triple price before Joe Biden sold out America to the Communist Chinese for $5 million dollars for himself, and $5 million dollars for his son, Hunter Biden. Do you want to become a subservant of the person in power's demands? Please take an hour of your precious time to hear out Mr. Kudlow's research and commentary.

Biden, as usual, blames other people for his actions of pay to play,
in an unprecedented scandal to jail his formidable political opponent of our 247 year American History.
It's never been done before, and I hope it never happens again.

It is because every DA and every Lawyer and not an insignificant number of Judges are the ideological product of the Universities.

They favor the ideology over the conceptual and originalist views of the Constitution and our laws.
I think they should send them back to Texas. Let our justices review the videos of their alleged crimes. If you don't, something is rotten in Delaware, and we will find out what it is that caused you to incarcerate Texas citizens. And while we're on the subject, and speaking of Delaware, did Biden pay back the treasury the $50,000,000. he took from a foreign country's foreign aid package before it arrived so he would look less guilty than he is for stealing taxpayer money by laundering it through the Congress-given money to foreign countries who are either starving or are the missile targets of Communists who wanta their natural gas, uranium, and precious stones resources, not to mention the breadbasket aspect of the Ukraine. :cranky:
I heard a guy on Howard Stern. Former military. Got into trouble as a young man in Utah and they didn't lock him up but he had to leave Utah and never come back. I'd be okay with sending them back to Texas after they serve half their sentences. But they can never go back to DC. Banned!
You look up the 4 cases.

Majority Of Americans Say Trump Should Be Prosecuted On Federal Criminal Charges Linked To 2020 Election, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; DeSantis Slips, Trump Widens Lead In GOP Primary​

1. The weakest. Stormy Daniels Case. Have the statue of limitations run out on this? Then Trump should be charged. We told you back when he was POTUS but you can't prosecute a sitting president. And since Trump is a criminal, you need to charge him with all his crimes. This is one of them.

2. The call to Georgia

3. The insurrection.

4. What is the 4th one? I forget. He's broken so many laws. You got me. What's the 4th case about?
Why isn't Trump being charged with insurrection?
"MOSTLY PEACEFUL" as cities burn an people actually die...

You leftie loons have ZERO credibility
Two different events. Entirely different historical significance. I know you're programmed to deflect, but they're different.

Start a thread on those riots, and I'll be happy to comment.

Or, don't.
I think they should send them back to Texas. Let our justices review the videos of their alleged crimes. If you don't, something is rotten in Delaware, and we will find out what it is that caused you to incarcerate Texas citizens. And while we're on the subject, and speaking of Delaware, did Biden pay back the treasury the $50,000,000. he took from a foreign country's foreign aid package before it arrived so he would look less guilty than he is for stealing taxpayer money by laundering it through the Congress-given money to foreign countries who are either starving or are the missile targets of Communists who wanta their natural gas, uranium, and precious stones resources, not to mention the breadbasket aspect of the Ukraine. :cranky:
According to the Washington Post , instead of alleging “widespread fraud or election-changing conspiracy” the lawsuits pushed by Trump’s team and allies focused on smaller complaints, which were largely dismissed by judges due to a lack of evidence. “The Republicans did not provide evidence to back up their assertions — just speculation, rumors or hearsay.”

On Nov 27, 2020 a federal appeals court rejected a Trump campaign proposal to block Biden from being declared the winner of Pennsylvania. At the time, Stephanos Bibas, on behalf of the three-judge panel wrote: “Free, fair elections are the lifeblood of our democracy. Charges of unfairness are serious. But calling an election unfair does not make it so." It added: “Charges require specific allegations and then proof. We have neither here."

Similarly, on Dec. 12, the U.S. Supreme Court rejected a long-shot lawsuit by the state of Texas and backed by Trump, which sought to throw out voting results in four states. In a brief order, the justices said Texas did not have legal standing to bring the case.

Oh, my the armed weaponized against Trump Washington Post think a tampered-with voting scandal in swing stakes is heresay. Did they miss the hidden boxes and bags of 100% fake Biden vote sheets counted as valid votes even though the thousands of votes were written in the handwriting of only three or four individuals? Let's ignore what the hidden cameras caught!!! Nobody would know the difference unless they knew the modus operandi was organized to put Bill n Hill in the WH. I'm just gonna faint. :rolleyes-41:
You look up the 4 cases.

Majority Of Americans Say Trump Should Be Prosecuted On Federal Criminal Charges Linked To 2020 Election, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; DeSantis Slips, Trump Widens Lead In GOP Primary​

1. The weakest. Stormy Daniels Case. Have the statue of limitations run out on this? Then Trump should be charged. We told you back when he was POTUS but you can't prosecute a sitting president. And since Trump is a criminal, you need to charge him with all his crimes. This is one of them.

2. The call to Georgia

3. The insurrection.

4. What is the 4th one? I forget. He's broken so many laws. You got me. What's the 4th case about?
You still can't do anything other than claim that a majority of Americans(Democrats) (as if that matters in any criminal case) say Trump should be prosecuted on federal criminal charges.

This is debatable.

The truth is a majority of both Republicans AND DEMOCRATS feel that the charges are politically motivated.
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You don’t overthrow the US government by breaking into the Capital and walking around with no substantial weapontry.

True enough. You have to have a plot like pressuring the VP as President of the Senate into trying an unconstitutional and illegal act by denying the certified votes from states that the President directed him too, based on no legal case but because of the months of unproven allegations coming from the Benedict Donald and his Company of budding fascist.
How about lets just go back to the pre-pandemic rules? What if we really secured it by allowing only in person voting with ID with only a few exceptions(military, handicapped, etc.)? Democrats don’t want any part of that because that would mean a more secure election by any standard.

Sorry but pre pandemic, all you had to do was ask and you were sent an absentee ballot. And I believe they have gone back to that again in MI. But guess what? A lot more people are now voting by mail. They don't want to wait in line. That's old school and unnnessary. Completely unnecessary in this day and age.

And this solves a problem. How you understaff black parts of the country and make black people wait 5 hours in line to vote. Meanwhile it's 20 minutes where you live. Nice trick to make black people not vote. Racist fuckers.

So boo hoo on mail in voting. This solves a lot of problems. Check the signature. Let us know if 2 people try to vote for the same person. Or when a dead person tries to vote. And it's not a Republican trying to cheat.

I was joking that rich people who have places in 2 different states vote twice but it turns out that shit happens. They get caught. Sometimes. I don't know about in Red states probably not where Republicans are in charge.

Almost ever case is a republican cheating. And a slap on the wrist. The one liberal who tried to vote got prison time.
You still can't do anything other than claim that a majority of Americans (as if that matters in any criminal case)(living in blue cities) say Trump should be prosecuted on federal criminal charges.

This is debatable.

The truth is a majority of both Republicans AND DEMOCRATS feel that the charges are politically motivated.
And he's guilty. As long as the man loses in 2024. Hell Biden will even pardon him after that.
Did they miss the hidden boxes and bags of 100% fake Biden vote sheets counted as valid votes even though the thousands of votes were written in the handwriting of only three or four individuals?
Did that alleged evidence make it to court in whatever state you've been told it happened in?

Didn't think so......

The only cheating exposed has been Republicans trying to cheat. Prosecuted. You guys probably rig ever election in every red state and you're paranoid we're doing it to you in swing states. Paranoid. We should audit Nebraska and Texas. I don't believe Texans vote Republicans.
Forget voter fraud...you'd have to a complete moron to get caught at that and have it be provable in a court of law...the main "cheating" that went on in that election was the conspiracy to cover up the Hunter Biden lap top so that the American people wouldn't know just how corrupt Joe Biden is! That isn't even at question at this point. Joe Biden lied through his teeth. The FBI knew he was lying and didn't call him out on it. Those 51 former intelligence officials knew he was lying and signed onto that letter saying the lap top was Russian interference in our election. The Main Stream Media hated Trump so much they just went along with the lies. So did the liberal owners of multiple Social Media outlets. That was the biggest example of election "cheating" in the history of our elections...it literally got Joe Biden elected by hiding the truth from the American people!
Why isn't Trump being charged with insurrection?
I don't know I disagree with your reason which is

Most participants were not violent people. They weren’t acting as part of a coordinated rebellion. There was no intent to topple the government. They were impassioned citizens at a rally that turned into a riot. It was shameful, but not an insurrection.
I don't know I disagree with your reason which is

Most participants were not violent people. They weren’t acting as part of a coordinated rebellion. There was no intent to topple the government. They were impassioned citizens at a rally that turned into a riot. It was shameful, but not an insurrection.
So why do they get away with claiming it's an insurrection?

I'll tell you why.

Because they wanted to remove Trump from the ballot.

End of story.
I don't know I disagree with your reason which is

Most participants were not violent people. They weren’t acting as part of a coordinated rebellion. There was no intent to topple the government. They were impassioned citizens at a rally that turned into a riot. It was shameful, but not an insurrection.
And yet it's been called that by both Democratic politicians and the Main Stream Media for two plus years, Sealy!
It was never an insurrection...it was a protest that was allowed to turn violent because the Capitol was so poorly protected that day!

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