We are experiencing the biggest scandal in America's political history right now.

You mean all the things he's done don't disqualify him from being president? Yes, if 51% of Republicans are Nazis, we need to nip that shit in the butt. Criminals.

The insurrection. OMG how many people are serving long sentences for violence and the coordination between Trump and Proud Boys and Sidney Powell breaking into right polling stations in the middle of the night in Georgia let in by local republicans so she could hack into a voting machine in a place where 70% of the voters voted for Trump?

You guys. We have so much dirt on Trump. Go after Hunter Biden you idiots! We're charging Trump in Federal court and there is no denying what comes out in those trials. I love it Georgia is going to be on TV. You think OJ was big?

I am far left of anyone here, but clearly as bad as Trump is, he has done NOTHING remotely illegal.

The claim of republicans hacking voting machines in Georgia is a lie.
The only times observers were not there, we have video showing it was democrats doing the hacking.

And we have proof of the Burisma Holdings crimes, starting with Biden's own video, Shokin's illegal firing, the huge sums of money transferred, the treaty violations, US citizens put into the cabinet positions in Kyiv, the illegal economic sanctions, the illegal weapons stockpiling, etc.
You really have gone down the orange rabbit hole, Gramps. Street riots are worse than Jan 6 to you.

I know you're smarter than that, so either you're lying or you're literally delusional.

Street riots can be worse the Jan 6 because Jan 6 harmed no one and only delayed confirmation 1 day.
The street riots killed many and cost much more.
Not that I am against the street riots though.
They were warranted as well as Jan 6.
If they have evidence of him doing business, including monkey business, where is it? Were they using secret codes too?

The evidence is obvious that Joe used others as the bagman, like Hunter.
The proof of monkey business is obvious.
And the criminal acts by Joe are also obvious.
It was illegal to threaten the Ukraine.
It was illegal to threaten to withhold congressional aid.
It was illegal to demand a civil servant like Shokin be fired.
It was illegal to not investigate Burisma Holdings,
It was illegal to support the Maidan coup.
It was illegal to impose economic sanctions on Russia.
It was illegal to violate treaties by arming the Ukraine.
It was illegal to try to prevent Russia from use of Sevastopol.
Mr. Kudlow seems to forget that it was Republican officials in Arizona and Georgia who went public in defense of acquisitions of improprieties made by Trump and his cronies.

Did you mean "accusations" instead of "acquisitions"?
But even then I can't figure out what you meant?
I explained it to you clearly. You're going to deny it, and that's fine with me.
Imagine there's a murder. The murderer is caught. He's charged with trespassing, brandishing a firearm, illegal discharge of a firearm, illegal possession of a firearm, and vandalism, but he's not charged with murder. Such a situation would be ridiculous, and yet here we are.
A prominent financial reporter, Mr. Kudlow, presents a case that claims the biggest scandal in American history is a current President of the United States who is trying to eliminate his strong political opponent in the 2024 election by jailing his chief opponent. Here is his imaculately-researched case that can only be fixed by impeachment of the current president, his weaponized DOJ supporters, and his sell-out of America to China co-scandal to the demise of the Constitution of the United States of America. Regardless of your party, you need to reconcile in favor of the Constitution or become the weakest member due to the continuation of a Communist pursuit of powerful ownership by the Feds over every aspect of human life in America, where people can be thrown into jail or executed by whim of the Party in charge, and by design President Biden's Democrat Party that can incarcerate political opponents by whim. We're in dangerous territory, but I'll let one of the best fiscal reporters in America explain the upside down world of today's White House. I hope it sinks in to both sides of the aisle, as hearing this will be the best hour you ever spent understanding how to survive this crisis without destroying the Constitution intelligent men of the eighteenth century, our Founders, delivered a plan, which if respected, will restore the nation to some semblance of reality of dealing with prices of cars being $48,000, gas prices high, to be lowered for a short time before the election, then restored to its double or triple price before Joe Biden sold out America to the Communist Chinese for $5 million dollars for himself, and $5 million dollars for his son, Hunter Biden. Do you want to become a subservant of the person in power's demands? Please take an hour of your precious time to hear out Mr. Kudlow's research and commentary.

Biden, as usual, blames other people for his actions of pay to play,
in an unprecedented scandal to jail his formidable political opponent of our 247 year American History.
It's never been done before, and I hope it never happens again.

Larry Kudlow - one of the slimiest swamp creatures in the Trump Administration. The man is a criminal Beautress. Why are you allowing yourself to be taken in by these crooks and liars?
I didn't give it much attention, but I saw headline or two about Trump paying off some chick. Which bribes are you talking about, to who and from who?

Trump paying off some chick is not a bribe.
Biden giving trillions to the Ukraine while they pay Burisma Holding hundreds of millions for doing nothing, obviously is an illegal kickback.
In fact, everything Obama, Hillary, and Biden did in the Ukraine was totally illegal.
The Constant Washington Administrative Class can not allow President Trump back in to the White House.
It is literary a matter of life and death for some of them.
None of the charges would withstand an appellate court challenge.
In the end Democrats and their supporters are just trying to save their own asses.
I don't think that Democrats even expect Trump to be convicted. The plan was to smear him with indictments, but it's backfired so far.
Larry Kudlow - one of the slimiest swamp creatures in the Trump Administration. The man is a criminal Beautress. Why are you allowing yourself to be taken in by these crooks and liars?

It is far more appropriate to address the points of an argument than to instead attack a person, even if they are not board members.
Trump paying off some chick is not a bribe.
Biden giving trillions to the Ukraine while they pay Burisma Holding hundreds of millions for doing nothing, obviously is an illegal kickback.
In fact, everything Obama, Hillary, and Biden did in the Ukraine was totally illegal.

Screw Obama, Hillary and Biden. What does Ukraine have to do with Republican officials going public in saying Trump was full of crap about the election?
Larry Kudlow - one of the slimiest swamp creatures in the Trump Administration. The man is a criminal Beautress. Why are you allowing yourself to be taken in by these crooks and liars?
Look at post 198. He thinks Jan 6 was a movie produced by Hollywood. And I've seen others say it at orange rallies.

This isn't funny. What do you do with this?
The evidence is obvious that Joe used others as the bagman, like Hunter.
The proof of monkey business is obvious.
And the criminal acts by Joe are also obvious.
It was illegal to threaten the Ukraine.
It was illegal to threaten to withhold congressional aid.
It was illegal to demand a civil servant like Shokin be fired.
It was illegal to not investigate Burisma Holdings,
It was illegal to support the Maidan coup.
It was illegal to impose economic sanctions on Russia.
It was illegal to violate treaties by arming the Ukraine.
It was illegal to try to prevent Russia from use of Sevastopol.
Seriously, as I've told you many times before, the loan guarantee program is not congressional aid, and the president has great discretion with regard to who gets them. You may not like the carrot on a stick approach to US foreign policy but it is SOP and hardly illegal.
How many years have they had this alleged "laptop" and can't find any evidence to tie Good Old Joe to this alleged corruption?

Did they give it to the same guys AZ hired to audit their election?
Let's be honest here, Boo. The FBI sat on the Hunter Biden lap top. They didn't conduct an investigation into the contents of that computer. The conduct of high ranking FBI officials was disgusting. They actively worked to cover up a political scandal for political reasons which in turn has turned this whole sordid mess into the biggest political scandal in the history of American politics.
Joe Biden is a lying piece of shit. He took millions of dollars in bribes from countries like Russia, Ukraine, China and Romania. If you paid the Bidens enough money you could keep yourself off the list of oligarchs who had sanctions leveled against them. If you put Joe Biden's son on your board you could get the investigators looking into corruption by your company fired. Good Old Joe? You've got to be kidding...Biden is the worst President we've ever had.
If they have evidence of him doing business, including monkey business, where is it? Were they using secret codes too?
An estimated 50 million dollars paid to the Bidens, Boo? For what? What has any member of the Biden family done to EARN that kind of money? I'd love to hear your explanation. I really would.
The evidence is obvious that Joe used others as the bagman, like Hunter.
The proof of monkey business is obvious.
And the criminal acts by Joe are also obvious.
It was illegal to threaten the Ukraine.
It was illegal to threaten to withhold congressional aid.
It was illegal to demand a civil servant like Shokin be fired.
It was illegal to not investigate Burisma Holdings,
It was illegal to support the Maidan coup.
It was illegal to impose economic sanctions on Russia.
It was illegal to violate treaties by arming the Ukraine.
It was illegal to try to prevent Russia from use of Sevastopol.

Since Joe did none of those illegal things that Putin told you he did, why are you still posting Russian propaganda here Rigby. Do you want everyone to know you're a Russian plant????
Let's be honest here, Boo. The FBI sat on the Hunter Biden lap top. They didn't conduct an investigation into the contents of that computer. The conduct of high ranking FBI officials was disgusting. They actively worked to cover up a political scandal for political reasons which in turn has turned this whole sordid mess into the biggest political scandal in the history of American politics.
Joe Biden is a lying piece of shit. He took millions of dollars in bribes from countries like Russia, Ukraine, China and Romania. If you paid the Bidens enough money you could keep yourself off the list of oligarchs who had sanctions leveled against them. If you put Joe Biden's son on your board you could get the investigators looking into corruption by your company fired. Good Old Joe? You've got to be kidding...Biden is the worst President we've ever had.
You think it's funny that the FBI looked the other way while the Biden's cashed in on Joe's office? That the Vice President's office was for sale to some of the scummiest people on the planet?

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